MARY'S Played at New Bromptoa yesterday in wet weather before a moderate gate. The home team had the beat of the exchangee, and at half time led by two to one In the second half Southampton played finely, scoring six to Brompton three, the visitors winning by seven to five. ATHLETICS. DEATH OF WALTER KELREY, OF YORK. The death occurred on Sunday evening, at Market Weigh ton, at the residence of his father, of Walter Kelsey, late nf York, at the comparatively early age of 43.
Fifteen to twenty years ago deceased peiformed some remarkable athletic feats, making what were in those days some astoundibg records. At Lillie Bridge, London, in 1873, he won the Championship of the World for pole leaping, easily clearing 10ft. 11 beating the Scotch champion, Donald Dinnie, wbo was taken to Londou by the Duke of Argyll. In 1877, for a wager, Kelsey walked, rode, and ran a mile in twenty minutes, easily winning hia wager. During his athletic career he won over sixty valuable prizes.
Deceased, who had been unwell for some little time, had a fit on Sunday, from which he never rallied. YORKSHIRE SENIOR COMPETITION. RESULTS UP TO JATE. For. Afot.
Name of Cluv. 3 Mm 3 fi 111 4 a a eg Liver edge 14 10 3 1 18 21 9 11 Manninjfham 14 9 2 3 11 18 6 6 ...21 Bradford 15 9 4 2 20 2 9 9 Brighouse 14 7 3 4 11 11 7 8 ...18 Hunslet 14 5 1 19 13 10 9 ...17 Leeds 16 7 6 3 10 20 7 10 -17 Uuddersfield 15 8 7 0 12 8 13 14 ...16 Halifax 13 7 5 1 14 15 a 10 ...15 Batley. 15 6 8 1 7 8 14 IS ...13 Dewsbury 13 4 7 2 5 9 13 14 ...10 Hull 16 2 13 1 5 6 ...15 24 ..5 Waiefleld Trinity 15 0 14 1 2 7 23 23 1 CRICKET. ENGLAND v. AUSTRALIA.
HEAVY SCORING BY THE AUSTRALIANS. Adklaios, Monday. The match between Mr Stoddart's Team and All Australia was resumed this morning. So keen is public interest in the play that a half holiday was generally given to-day, the consequence being a very large attendance. The weather was cool, the sky being overcast, and at times threatening.
Iredale (not out 31) and Gregory opened the hatting. The wicket, despite the wear of two day s' hard play, was in perfectly good condition. The score rose steadily, Gregory being in capital form. After Iredale had added nine to his score he gave a hard return to Peel, who dropped the catch, and again a little later, when he had made 49, he snicked a very fast one from Richardson, which passed through Philipson's hands. Gregory was very unfortunate.
A ball planted on to his foot had jnst enough momentum left to remove the bail. Five for 197. to which lredale's contribution was 63. Harry, who came next, was bowled with a fast yorker. Six for 207.
Worrall followed and played carefully while Iredale punished the bowling. First Peel went off, and then Richardson, their places bsing taken by Lock wood and Ford. Briggs also took his turn of bowling, and when the score was 234 got rid ot Worrall Jar vis was next associated with Iredale, and after playing excellent cricket was caught at point jnst before luncheon time, after 50 had been added to the total, Iredale having just completed bis century After lunch Trott and Iredale came together and played havoc with the bowling. A sepaiation at length came when the scoring board snowed 347, Iredale being caught and bowled by Peel for 140 He was rapturously cheered by tbe enthusiastic Colonists. Callaway was the last man as on Saturday, and again made a bold stand with Albert Trott, who had already made 25 duriug his partnership with Iredale.
Trott was in nne hitting form, and scored at a rapid pace. 400 went up amidst vociferous and prolonged cheering. Shortly afterwards Callaway succumbed to a ball from Richardson, and the innings closed for 411. Trott, who carried out his bat, received an immense ovation. His innings had been a splendid one, bis hitting having been clean, hard, and tine, while he had FOOTBALL NOTES.
(WBITMN ExPRBM81.Y FOB TO YoBSSM I f.M Hbbalo. County football is sure to provide an interesting game in the meeting of Yorkshire and the Midlands. The latter certainly deserved their victory by two tries to one over Kent at Coventry on the 9th, and the energy of the committee of the Mid. land Counties organisation in protecting tbe ground from frost by laying down mats of plaited nru most commendable. The hint may nnt, profitably be taken by the Yorkshire eneencivei The Midland forwards are very npeedy, and of tha backs Byrne, Baker, and Cattail are mem ben the English team, while Tuke is an Insn International.
That the White Rose men will hav easy task is being pretty generally admiued. Lancashire and Cumberland should hav (J: off their undecided match on tbe 12th, arrangement has yet been made for their nwetfc, Should Lancashire prove victorious, York hire would be left winners of tbe north-western green without a contest, the annnal fixture bei Yorkshire and Lancashire ranking as a enaaM ne ship match. Everything points to the conclusion that shire will again be the champion county, Un4 according to a custom observed op to the 1, he champion team should meet the K.ig, land. The Rawby Union, however, ippess to prefer that the match should not ulaeedt though the reason they assign is hardly Ukery be regarded as the true one. Apart me feelings of jubilation 00 one side or jealousy ii ins other, it would be extremely unfortunate if match is not played, because the proceeds, nick are large, are ievoted to the charitable inititiitioM of the county.
The frost again spoiled football on Saturday, and most clubs had another enforced rest. Skatm took the place of football as a general rale, tboueh in several instances matches wre pU vd. I4s and Bradford was the only fixture in the or Competition, and all the Second L'ompeuuon matches wete abandoned. A hard fought game SJ Heiuling'ey resulted in favour of the horn im hy two tties to a penalty gial. The snow bail matters somewhat risky, hut tht play wm possible at all was naiuiaJly a sourre ol YORKSHIRE SECOND COMPETITION.
RESULTS UP TO DATE For. agst. Name of Clu 3 I A 4 4 Illl II III Leeds Parish L'hurcn 16 13 3 07 i724 7.7 10 5 U6 Morley 15 12 2 1 17 41 4 3 25 Castleford 15 11 3 1 38 21 8 I ..2 Brantley 14 9 3 2 19 9 ..7 7 20 Vork 18 8 8 2 14 9 12 15 ll Bowling. 8 5 1 ...15 15 ...13 8 17 Hcckmnndwike 14 6 6 2 8 8 5 10 14 Holbeck 16 6 9 1 15 12 13 30 ".13 Otley 16 5 8 3 7 13 12 17 .11 Wortley 17 5 11 1 9 8 19 14 .11 Elland 14 9 1 4 10 21 15 9 Cleckheaton 14 3 10 1 3 6 15 30 7 tKirkatall 15 1 14 0 4 6 31 37 0 Two points deducted for playing ineligible men. YORKSHIRE COMPETITION (NO.
KEM'LTN UP TO DAVE. Played. Won. Lost Drawn. Poim Pailwy 18 13 0 31 HullKingsronKvs 17 11 4 2 24 West Ritling 17 11 6 1 "23 Arml 17 9 4 4 2A Ossett.
16 9 i 1 19 17 7 6 i 18 Normanton 13 8 8 18 iy Bri 16 7 5 4 .7... 18 Outwund 16 7 7 4 13 6 6 5 17 ShiD.Vy 13 iq 5 ii Mirneld 16 4 12 0 8 Alvei Lii.n-pe 18 5 13 2 V. old Line 17 1 13 3 5 YORKSHIRE rOMPK'ttTIOX (No. 4). Ui' A.
Pb If t. 16 12 8 7 7 4 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 Uhoi i' t. il 9 8 9 7 6 6 6 4 1 Lest. 0 3 3 6 6 7 7 3 3 3 10 i2 Drawn. 0 3 4 4 3 Points.
...32 Wi 20 17 15 ..14 14 15 12 12 ii 24 23 18 19 15 15 11 10 7 imiingley Hkiplon sil doa Yttiulon 1 lr Bini ey K.irs'-y tiors; th UrlmtliilJ Har. 18 5 17 16 13 17 15 Ij lis 7 18 14 14 13 GnMeiey Tadeadter Paddock HebdeS Rrid ie Mytho nnoyd Vibtv Low Moor St. ownroyd Ladilemlenfoct 'Kirkhurtou Buiiilce Bridgi; Birstiil 14 14 IS '3 14 14 12 Priairost' Hill 13 Two poiuis jdtteted for lLyin ineligible men. THE FOOTBALL. LEAGUE.
First Dm- cos, UP TO DATE. Ooals. si 4 fa a. 0 2 63 1 32 3 53 3 32 3 a 57 29 ..30 7 6 49 37 26 7 3 39 29 ..35 7 3 35 26 ..25 9 3 36 ..24 8 4 35 41 .22 10 3 39 48 21 11 31 49 .18 10 4 40 9 18 12 6 44 48 18 12 7 36 54 17 13 3 37 51 .15 11 6 29 49 .14 12 3 26 48 ..11 and bull hides 2s 6d per stone. Calf ekins, according to weight, 4d to 4d per lb.
Sheep skins 4s to 4e 6d, hoggets 5e to 6s, Scotch skins Od to 3e each. Horse hides, according to size, 5d to lis od each, and rough mixed fat from lOd to 2s per stone. METAL MARKETS. Glasgow, Mod day. The market is steady business in Scotch done at 41s 6d, 41s Qas and 6 Jd cash 41s SAd one month buyers, 41s 6d cash sellers 41s 7d.
Cleveland buyers 34s Hd cash Cumberland hematite done at 42s 7d cash 9d, 42s one month buyers 42s cash. Middlesbrough hematite: buyers 41s 7 Jd; sellers Id more. Scotch shipment last week 3,684 tons against 3,198 last year London, Monday. Copper 40 12s 6d cash; 41 three months. Tin 58 17s 6d cash, 59 three months.
Iron 4ls RW. Lead English 9 15s Od to 9 17s fid, Spanish 9 12s 6d to 9 13s 9d. Spelter 14 5s to 14 7s fid. ihe of High Water at thk Following Posts in isDat 4.V. Vaburn Lockl2 45 Goole 10 24 Hull 9 25 Bridlington 7 27 P.M.
1 9 10 48 9 49 7 50 7 22 A.M. Whitby 6 33 6 43 Hartlepool 6 26 Sun. Shlds. 6 20 Newcastle 7 11 P.M. 6 56 7 6 6 51 6 45 7 34 6 55 MAIL AND SHIP NEWS.
(Lloyd 8 Telegrams.) Duneis reached Madras yesterday. Australian, Melbourne for London, passed Dover yesterday. City of Aranao, from Sydney, passed Gravesend yesterday. Glenshiel, from London, arrived at Yokohama yesterday. Norseman at Boston from Liverpool yesteiday.
Clan Alpine reached Suez yesterday outward bound. Australia, Bombay for Liverpool, left Port Said yesterday. Clan Stuart, Gulf of Siam, and the Staffordshire at Suez yesterday also the Britannia, from Bombay. France, New York for London, passed N. Foreland yesterday.
Hubbuck, from Sydney for London, passed Deal yesterday. British Empire at Boston from London. Colorado, from Hull, arrived at New York yesterday. Mikado reached Suez on Sunday. Francisco, from New York for Hull, passed Deal yesterday.
Aislaby, Odessa for Hull, passed Dover, yesterday. The following vessels arrived at Gravesend from the rth yesterday Vauxhall, Harberton, Meteor, Grange, Ac. The following vessels left Gravesend lcr the north yesterday Nautilus, Trevalgan, Manila, Merlin, Cassel, tic. MARITIME NOTES AND OAHIJAIm The Grimsby trawler Alice Isab-l has been formally given up by her owners as missing, with the crew of nine hand-. The schooner Maiia Elisabeth on entering Padstow missed stays, stru the rocks, anl foundered crew saved by rocket.
A three-masted schooner has sunk in the Mersey, having struck the anchored steamer Prado. Two crew were saved, but three went down with the vessel. Lord Londonderry s. has grounded in Chesapeake Bay assistance sent. HOME ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS.
Aruived. January 11 Georg Seagull s. Gozos. Draco. Winifred Alexander Pirie.Belmont s.Sylph, Blue Billy, Mono.
12tU: Specimen, Sappho s. Fernlands, Kovno, Sea Nymph, Flying and R. Hinde. Ariosto, Corso, La Liame, Yrsa. Frode, Nordcap, Milo, Oxford s.
Sea Horse Swan lard Tak, Swift s. Pluto, Fox, Polo, British Hero. Sailkd. Tanuary 11: Leoua St. Michaels; Dynamo Ghent Cameo Dn.ntheim Congo BIyth Norfolk Yarmouth Nantes, London.
12th Bravo, Stettin Montebello, Christiama Professor Buys, Rotterdam Albatross Bremen European. Amsterdam; Urania, Hango: Bur, Malmo; Romeo, Gothenburg Runa, Stromstad Carron, Lynn Hawk, and Merlin, Londou Hull s. Dundee; Geneva Leith Winifred Ipswich Alexander trie, Aueiuwu xeimoot, westoe, lvnt Goole. TWnvcroft HarWivs.1 -LlrlV luornycrott rine, tsennont, westoe, ly-ne Mona Goole; Tliornycroft Hartlepool. 13th Plato Dunkirk: Lsperanzas, Hamburg; Flamingo, Antweip; rviei txiinmgcii raiuuoo.
new one GRIMSBY A HUivrn laninruin Tofuciin nescer tr Nixon Ernestine s. Chester 11th Tento, Northenden Mary STI.i!m 1(1 llMhitn a T) London. 11th Matilda, Kirkcaldy. MIDDLESiiKOUGH. Arrived.
January 11 Metal, Sumus, Hed worth. Wm. Dawson. Spray, and Guillemot as. 12th Lotti Skin'iingrove Cobden, iSagitta, Holden, Pearl, Antwerpia, Goole No.
9 tug (towed Satritta), Ethel Cymbeline s. 13th Calliope, lUh Lemnos Sarah Tees 8. Sailed January 11 Lebanon Sunderland. 12th Mesacria, Rotterdam; olina, Decido via Tvne; Electra a. Santos via Ant.
warn fa.rhul 17; tt, lairwater; Esaxon unton, JUo ly Vaiden. Tv -rpi Rotterdam; Spray fairwater Saxon Briton, Dolly Varden, Tyne': Ant- outh; Braunfels, Honolulu th Metal, 14th Wm. awson, nayje. F.ST TT A RT1 Arrived. January 13 Mna.
14th Golfer. Sailed. January 12 Penedo Abana Loudon; Fancy, Trelleborg Broomsgrove, Southampton. 13th German Empire, Hamburg. ARRIVALS AT ND SAILINGS FROM FOREIGN PORTS.
HALIFAX. Jan. 12 Labrador, for Liverpool. CAPE TOWN. January 12 Lismore Castle.from London.
nUAIBlCll FREIGHT MARKET. Tiie freiidit maiket is in a verv rvindi. ion in all directions. Merchants have not as vet made any start in business for the new year, and, a nscquence, little demand exists for steamers sailers, and the rates which ar quoting are such to leave no margiu of profit whatever. There are no cargoes to be had from the Bultic, and the same rematk applies to outward coal cargoes from the Hum ber to the Baltic, At the present time there is not an order iu the market for Hull or Grimsby to load a steamer of auy size for any Baltic port, and thiaiefkots itself upon the coal trade round.
There has not been a time for many years wiien the ou'look for colliery owners was so bad as the present. The supply is abnormally large, and the export demand practically nil. Compel i-tiou between owners of collieries is very keen, and are informed as low as lOe. has been accepted the best South Yorkshire coal f.o b. Hnll or Grimsby.
Thii is a very low price indeed, and one which has not been reached for years. Even a figure of this sort it is next to impossible to compete with the keen opposition from the Tyne and Cardiff. Owners of collieries say if they are keep going they will have to have a redaction wages, and failing this, a large number of the thinner teams of steam coal Sonth Forks have to cease to be worked. The thick seams will than more than the nrnsnentive dmam1 Th outlook for the coal trade for the new year from the Humbcr is not good, and unless some alteration be got in railway rates it is to be feared that export of coal from Goole will show a marked decrease ia volume during the year. West Yorkshire coal is in very poor demand, and can be bought at from 8s.
6d. to 8s. lOd. per ton f.o.b Hull, in any quantities. Little business is doing from America in steam chartering.
The same remark applies to the River Plate. From Kurra-chee and Bombay one or two steamers have been taken at abont for picked ports, coupling this freight hom*o with the rates jr ouwul IO. uu. JCl LUU, lb ID paiu out ror coai, say about 78. od.
per ton, it is impossible mr even me most mouern Bteamere, kinC into acennnt the heavy Sncz Canal dues, to .7 ne course of business is being carefully watched by shipowners. Those of great expr-rieDce hco no prospect yet of any rift in the horizon indicating a better condition of things. Nothing seems to check the building of vessels, and unless some revolution in trade takes place it is impossible to say what the end will be, so far as a remedy is concerned tor the overproduction of shipping. No timber charters for the coming season have as yet taken place to Hull In fact very few of the merchants have any orders to cive knl it i 11 cucrijf expeccea tnat tne range ot "wood freights for the open navi eatinn wUl be abont r. WW uout iiea last year.
A movement foot, brought about by all tbe leading insurance protection associations in the country, to establish stendard forma of charter-ins for all wh 'Poy UD.f er her ditions, except tbe standard "ot nave we oeneQt of their protection luucoimty ror insurance purposes. This is a new departure in the steam shipping world and on. from the source from which it emanates, likely to become the law. We shall comment noon the progzts of the matter in later "trrn. CORN MARKETS.
Daklikston, Monday. The show of wheat was wu well taken up at fully previous Red wheat made for best 6s per boll of two boahok, secondary sorts 3d to 4fcd less. White 6s to fc 3d per bolL Fore gn wheats steady. Barley was ton, and malting was a good sale at about 7s per roll, and grinding ditto 6s 6d per boll. Long oats 6d to Se, abort oats 5s Od to 5s 3d, old short oats to 6s 6d per boll.
Beans and peas unchanged. Glasgow, Monday. heat and flour were steadv to day in Glasgow corn market. Maize rather scarce in spot, price 12s Ad to 12s 6d per 2801bs. Beans ateady, grinding 14s to Ms 3d per 2801be.
Foreign barley keeps firm at 10s 9d to lis per 3201bs. Oats quiet. London, Monday. Wheat and flour quiet at late rates. Other articles in slow demand on former terms Arrivals from 5th to 11th January inclusive English Wheat 6,701 qrs, flour 20,215 sacks.
Foreign Wheat 40,059 qrs, barlev 10,920, oats 77,246, maize 26,454 qrs flour 78,462 'sacks. 7 Monday. There was only a thin attendance, and few samples showing. In prices there is no alteration to note. Sklbt.
Monday. We have not had a large Suantity of grain offering, but there has been a lightly increased demand for all kinds. Wheats made from 21s to 23s tine barley made from 28s to 30s, common sorts 20s to 24s black oats 14s 6d to 15s, fine white ditto 17s to 18s per qr. fHlRBK, Monday. There was a thin show of all kinds of grain, and wheat made up to 24s per qr, malting barley from 26s to and grinding kinds np to 19s new oats lbs per qr, and old oats Is per tone.
CATTLE MARKETS Darlington, Monday. There was a good show fat stock at the Farmerf Mart, and fair of cows in the Tanfield Mart. Sheep were also in good supply at the former. Best beef 7s 3d to 7a 6d per tone, secondary sorts 6s 3d to 6s 6d per stone. Cows l5to Best mutton was SJd to 9d per lb.
and secondary sorts 7d per lb. Fork steady at late rates. Hill, Monday. Small show of beef. Best beef 7s 6d per stone, soooud quality inferior 6s 6d.
Small sheep 8d per lb, "large 8d, ewes od. Pigs from 4s to 5s 9d per stone. London, Monday. 2270 beasts, dull, 2s 8d to 4s 6d 10,680 sheep, flat, 4s Od to 6s 2d calves, 2s 4d io 5s Od per Pickering, Monday. Small offering, and prices about the ame as last market, except for the lest sheep, hich made up to 9d per lb, secondary od to fid.
Beef 6s 6 i to 7s per stone. Pork pips 6d to 6s per stone. TutRSK. Monaay. Owinu to the bad stat? of the road there was but a small show of cattle, and but little trade done.
PIG MARKET. TaiEsK, Monday. There was but a poor show, and no improvement in the rates of either small swine or little pork was observable. PKOY IKION MARKETS. Cork Bctikr, Monday.
Ordinary Seconds 92s; thirds, 71s: fourths 47s. Mild-cured ri Kins; Fine, 108s: mild. s. In the market 30 firkins, 2 kess. and 14 mild.
1IABUNGTOK. Monday. Butter 2d to Is 3d lb eggs 8 to 9 for Is pW 6s to 8s, chickens 2s to 2s yd ducks 2s 9d to 3s Cd. and rabbit? Is 3d to Is 6d Friday. remains firia Friesl.ind 102s to 110s Danish (finest) 1 -2s (extra mild) 123s.
Cheese: Edam 50s to 52s. Gouda 46 to 50s. Canadian 50s to 53s per cwt. Pickkrino. Monday.
Butter Is 2d to Is 3d per Ih egg- 11 to 12 for Is ducks 4s 6d to 5s 6d, chickens 3-6d to 6d, rabbits 2- Od to 2s 3d ier couple, hares 3s to 3 6d each, phea ants 5s 0d to 5s 6d, partridges 2s 6d to 2s 9d per brace. SELiir. Monday. Butter Is 2d to Is 4d per lb, etrgs 10 and 11 for fowls 3s 6d to 6s Od, ducks 6s Od to 7s Od rer couple, pigeons 7s K-r dozen. Celery 9d to lCd jier dozen heads.
Apples Is 0d to 2s Odf pet-stone. Thirsk. nday. Butter from Is 6d to Is ppr roll of 7 to 8 for Is, ducks 6s to 6s 61. chickens 5s 6d to 6s per couple, rabbits 2s 4d to 3s )vr couple, turkeys (co*cks) from 10s to 13s, hens from 7s to jfe 6d each, geese 6s 6d to 8s 6d, pigeons 7d to fid.
hares 4s Od, and leveret 3s each, pheasants 6s 6d, partridges 3s 6d, and woodco*cks 4 0d per brace wild ducks 5s 6d per couple. Yorkshire apples Is 6d to 2s jer stone POTATO MARKETS Lonpon. Mondav. Fair surmlvand rl 7 Magnum bouums lOs to 90s, main crops 9Ds to Hfihrons 80s ts on on Imperatoi? 80s to 90s, blacklands 70s to 80s per ton Selby, Monday Rather more potatoes offering but not such a brisk demand as last week. Sand: made no to 65s Od.
and ushk 3 iv.r Si i Monday. Wholesale are bringing from i like rti- tnn nvnM 1 I 1 I wu, ouu reiHii iium uu oiu per Btone. PRODUCE MARKETS. Glasgow Sugar, MonJay. The official report states The market opened with a good demand, at firm to stitfer prices supply limited and business moderate.
A private report says The market continue firm, with a large business done. Hull, Monday Linseod The market is steady for spot and near po ition, but only very quiet distant. Bombay quotations remain unchanged Jan 37s 3d. Jan-Feb 36s Or! F.l,.Ms.-r.l, il, 11 1 wh ruL CalcuS. Xnri? JSTS BnZJZSS? ES tn Sr fct 'Z? loaning ais ad to K-iera, noti.inrr Cnr4ti.
practicable for the moment for want of steamer iHftiiwrjf otjs uu requiiv'l for prompt blading. PLt steady; steamer, Dec an, 32s 3d asked, buyers at 32s Jan-Feb quoted at31s6d, and March 31? sailers, 31s 6d order- Feb-March 31s 3d. Cotton-seed Spot scarce, and held at fuil rates 4 17s 6d afloat, and up to March 4 15s. Ravison unchanged ltjs lid spot, 16s 3d asked by Jan Feb March-April. Iiusines dom at 16s Lms oil Stf-ndy.
19s 3d spot 19s 11 firt four month-! 18s May-Aupust and 18s 3d Jatt four mrateM Cotton-oil unchanged Crude, 14s od refine lis lCUd. IJlLt. Oilcakks. Mondny. T.inf-eed cakes, rather more orders, but prices are unehanfed.
95 ji cent. 6 5s to 6 7i 6d Rui-iau- 6 Os to 6 5.s Od. Oilcake- 5 5. Cotton cakes in veiy fair demand. Best makes 3 7s od to 3 10-, seconds 3 5s a 5 7s od.
Rajjc cakes unchanged. Fx)NDON. Monday Sugar Moderate business hi refind at stendy rates foreign quiet cane steady beei quiet, January 8s 9d sellers, 8s 7d hoyera March Ss 9d selier 8s 9d buyers, also sold at Pe 9d pi is i cnt. Cuff, firm. Rio, January, 9d mthm 64s buyers March C5s sellers, (4 5d buy- r-.
Tea. Col nial kinds in pood demand, China eady! Rice and jute unclianped. Linseed oil 20- I'd to 20s6 i. FISH MARKETS, Billingsgate, short, demand qu'et. Turbot 10s to 12s, brill 7s Od to 9s, halibut fc, plaice 3s od per Use cod 2e 6d to 6s each, salmon 4s Od, soles Is Od to Is 3d, red mullet Is Od, dorms 4d per lb whiting 3s to 5s, ood lfis to 30s, hadd.
cks 15s pec liox, mackerel 6d eacb, live eels 20s, dead 12a Od per diaft lobsters Is Od 2s 6d each, crabs 40s Od per hamper, bloaters 2s 6d to 4 Od. kipjHW 2s 0 1 to 3s Od per box smoked haddocks a to 9s Od per dozen, shrimps 2s 0d to 3e Od per gallon. Grimsbv, Live coalfish 20s to 30s per core, hake 40s to 60s per score. Kit haddocks 10s to 12s jier x. Live lins: 2s 6d to 4s, live cod 4s 6d each.
Plaice 3s 6d to 3a 6d, lemon soles 5s to 6s Od, whitchee Se to bs, live halibut 4s to 7s per stone. Soles Is Cd to Is 2d, turbot lOd to Is Od, brills 8d to lOd per lb. HAY AND STRAW MARKETS. Thirsk, Monday. Old hay is bringing from 5 to 5 10s.
and ordinary hay from 4 to 4 5s per ton. Whe-it straw 50s to 55s, and oat and straw from 35s to 40s per ton. WOOL MARlihT. Bradford, Monday. Business is very slow to-day, and the whole tone of the market J.
kliDointine'. liota tons uwiUu. ,.1 7, r', Thl fi i However, are ralner m. 1 here is no uw feature of hoiH-fulness f2f hoiiefulneRs either in ri-trarrl tn varnu nr Spinners tind it difficult to theii quotation-, and the offers from the Continent are at sueii prices as canuot be entertained. Al 1SCH.LLANEOUS MARKE IS.
London Dkap Meat. Monday. Supply frreatly to excess of demand. Trade very bad. Beef Is 8d to Od Scotch short sides 3s lOd to 4s 4d Americn Sit 1 mXU 48 10d Dateh 3s 4d to 4s Za Dutch 3e to 4s 8d pork, 2-8d to OS oa per aloe.
fNiN' Ho, Monday. The steady demand i v. Bsaiy uemana noticed lately has son.ewhat increased. At the same time there is no nvat ii tt. I JSngli8b hops prices remain firm, with a slight advance on last quotations.
Pacific Coast hops sell a i-j. l7 3 'rl Jr parcels have te be sold tearrive. the Continent I markets are fairly active, and exceedinjriv firm in pnoe. Tondok uoals, Monday. At the coal market there was no change in prices.
Best 16s. seconds 15a per ten. Ihimk Hide, Skin, and Talpow, Monday. 1 Os and heifer hides above foot stones in weight 2s 5s Is 41s 42s i her J. anu and s.
as or as all at we for at to in can the but nnt on and YORK HOUSE REPOSITORY. SECOND JANUARY SALE. MESSRS. WALKER and SONS will SELL BY AUCTION, On THURSDAY.Januaby 24th. upwards of 80 VALUABLE HORSES Including 6 IRISH HUNTERS from Mr.
T. Morgan. Waterford. 4 HORSES from Messrs. H.
S. M. Havelock and A. O. Dalgety.
4 ditto C. B. Balfour, Esq. 5 ditto The Exors. of the late Wilson Whitine, Esq.
3 ditto win. Smith. Esq. And other Stnds. Further entries should be sent in at once.
MARK PEARSON, Dealer in Horses, REMOVED TO COUNTY MEWS, THE MOUNT, York (lately occupied by the late Col. Telford). Superior Stud of Ride and Drive Horse, also High Stepping Cobs. 140 HUNTERS, on Sale or Hire, in condition and fit to go, including many winners in the show yards and point-to-point races. Orenza Vasey, Scarborough.
IjlOR SALE, the HACKNEY STALLION "HASHOLME 4 yrs. 15 hands 14. ull particulars can be obtained of the Official Receiver, Trinity House Lane, Hull. MUST SELL (Changing Business) Powerful CART MARE, 7 years, 16-2. in foal to Askham Bar None, warranted sound, quiet and good worker in guarantee give-, trial allowed.
Price 20. Goooall. 59, Holdfo. th-st- eet, off Wellington-road, near Holbeck Station, Leeds. WOLVERHAMPTON (DUN STALL PARK) STEEPLE CHASES.
Clerk ol the Course and Stakeholder Sheldon. Judge, Handicapper, and Clerk of the Scales Mr Lawley. Starter-Mr Hill. A POSTPONEMENT. On visiting the coarse yesterday it was found covered with nearly a foot of snow, and in places the drifts were 3 feet deep, The Stewards, therefore, decided to postpone the first day to Monday, the 21st and abandon the second day's racing.
MONDAY, January 21. The COMPTON SELLING HUKULK RACE of 53 sovs the econd receivt-s 2 soys four year olds lOst 71b, five list 31b, six and aged 12st six year olds and upwards that have not won a hurdle race i'i 1694 or la95 allowed 41b winner to be sold for 50 soys. Two miles The WOLVERHAMPTON HURDLE HANDICAP 30 sovs second receives sovs the winner of auy ilk-race after Jan. 10, at 10 a.m 91b extra. Two miles.
12 7 Mr I Nelson's Facto um. ft yrs Private 12 2 Mr (Jo Gateshead, 5 yrs 12 2 Mr Polchanipton's Ouora 6 yrs Sydney 12 0 Mr Crai's Binnie 12 0 Mr A Miller's i nitmist. lialsey 11 11 Mr Ma -on's Cha er, 6 yrs 11 10 ol North's Royal Harry, 5 yrs Adams 11 10 Mr A Bryan's Lady Erne, 5 yrs Gregory 11 9 Mr Stevens's l.ady Cai. pbell, 5 yrs Stevens 11 7 Mr Hickman's MacRoozer, 4 yrs I. Wats 11 6 Mr Smith-Rylnnd's Favour Royal, 4 vrs 11 ft Mr A Miller Prince Dal.
4 yrs Haisey 11 5 Mr .1 Percy' Indian Chief. 6 yrs Raisin li 5 Mr Greswo'de-W Boa, 6 yrn 11 5 Mr I) Itohe tson-Aikman's HoJinwood, 6 rs Collins 11 5 Mr War.i's Bloat -r. 6 yrs Ad.ans 11 3 Mr NewU'U's St lgna ius, 1 yrs Vasey 11 2 Mr 1'u -tip 's As'rsea 4 vrs VVii.son 1 1 1 Mr Hobday's Glen war 5 yrs 11 1 Mr Uamil ori's ocsloug. 5 yrs i-albwi 11 i Mr Winter's Abdrte o. 4 yis Howard 11 OMrAE os ton's Lady Frances.
6 ys Private 10 IS Mr (' Tinsley's Sen bert. 5 yrs Bites 10 3 Mr Girside's Jovial Fellow, 5 yrs fcherwoad 10 12 Mr im n's Rh-a, yrs Solloway 10 10 Mr II Turner's F'owerinr Fein. 4 yrs Wil-on The SHREWSBURY HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE of 50 sovs second receives i wvs the winner of any steeple chase after January 10. at (seLing mxs excepted; Vih twice, or 150 soys extra. Two miles.
12 7 AlUin loppy, agtfd Parker 12 Mr Sav. ry's Lorr! Zetland, aged Private 11 11 Mr 'Heading! mi's Jasmi, aed Private 11 9M Tur Quack, aged Wilson 11 8 Mr Cr.iia's Noiseless, aged Binnie '1 7 Mr Purefi.y's Bouchal-na slieve, age I Fallon I 6 Mr Powell's Bank. r. aged Private II 3 Mr Jones Best Gold, aged Collins 11 3 Mr GoodalTs Careless, aged. Howard 11 2 Ryall's Kyna-ston, aged Swatton 11 2 Mr A Miller's Will o' the Wisp, 5 yrs Isey 11 2 Mr Simon's Coromanriel II.
aged. Solloway 11 0 Mr A Ralli's Witrh of Endor, 6 yrs Bur'iidge 10 13 Mr A ingeFs Tenby, aged (Tack 10 11 Mr Jameson's Three Pounder, aged Private 10 11 MrS Hill's Ina. aged Skeluin 10 10 Mr Percy's Bonny Colleen, 6 yrs Rairin 10 10 Mr Maddeustown, aged Williams 10 10 Lord Molyneux's Scotch Bride, 5 vrs Collins 10 Mr Croan's C.isaJecehio 5 yis. Lunn The INGESTRE STEEPLE CHASE of 40 sovs 12st each penalties and tillowances Three miles. 13 4 Mr Winters' Mount Armstrong, aged Howard 12 MrCS Newton's Cevlon, aged Private 12 0 Mr Dormer's Gr ig Olway, aged Private 12 0 Mr Goos n's Anan, aged Private 12 0 Mr McCalmont's Lemon Sqnash.
6 yrs Private 11 4 Mr Ar olo's Fin-ma-Con' II, 5 yrs Private 11 4 Mr Drury's Gol ien Gift. 5 yrs Private The MANOR HURDLE PLATE ol 50 sovs second to receives 2 sovs four year olds list, five list 101b, sis and aged 12si winner to be sold for 50 sovs, if entered to be sold for 100 to carry 71b extra si year olds and up-wa ds that have not won a hurdle race in 1894 or 1895 allowed 41b. Two miles. 12 0 Go e's Ballina, 6 yrs Williams 12 0 Mr New on's Romeo. 6 Vasey 12 0 Mr Kidnev's Golden Oriole, 6 yrs Private 12 0 Mr Wilson's Sav3gc.
5 is Wilson 11 10 Mr Arkoll's Peradventure, aged Stevens 11 10 Mr-F Greswolde-Williams's Lord Lytton. ft y.s 11 10 Mr Matthew's Belted Earl, 5 yrs LT'ton 11 10 Lord Shrewsbury's Jesuit, aged Greg, rv 11 4 Capt Oit Gray's Eventide, iged Private 11 4 Mr Greswolde- Williams's Baglan, 6 yrs Private 11 0 Mr Archibald's Miss Greta, 4 yrs Private 11 0 Mr Clarke's Lady Croye, 4 yrs Private 11 0 Mr son's General Sir Bevys, 4 yrs The BESCOTT NATIONAL HUNT SELLING FLAT PACE of 50 so four y. ar olds list Tib, five list 121b six and aged 12s six year lds upwards that hr ve not won a fl it race in 1894-5, allowed 41b winner to be sold lor 50 sovs. Two miles. 12 0 Lord Shrew bury's Surprise.
6 yrs Gregory Mr Binsliam' PWiaifo, aged Private 12 0 Mr It Gore Ballina. 6 vrs William 12 0 Mr Gresw-ldcWiliiams's o'yrs Private I'i 'Se Zr wJ Ri 11 1 Mr Mose'ev Ruionu. 5 vrs Uiu 11 Mr Waller Bow Lcs, 5 yrs 11 0 Mr Whitehouse's Kyber. twred V. Privit" SKeF 11 10 Mr I Polehanrptou's Snip, iSS Sv.Ite 11 0 Mr ildeu's Sir Hamilton, ag.
Prir" 11 10 Mr I) Draconic, 6 yrs Collli.s 11 10 Mr llatsall's The Stint, 6 yrs HassaU 11 10 Mr A Miller's Serenity, aged jjU-. Tlie PF.NN SELLING STEEPLK CHASE PLATE of FO sovs; second receives 2 sovs; four year olds list 61b five 12st, six and aged 12st 3Ui six vear olds and upl wards that have won a steeple t-has a allowed 41b winner to be sold for iO sovs if entered for KX) sovs 9 extra. Two les. 12 12 Mr IapMus's aged, 100 Private 12 3 Mr 8 Coleman' New Moa, ged I riv'ate 12 5: Mr Gale's The Ilovi-, aged Pr vate 12 3 Mr TR Irving' Venetia, ag Hassall 12 3 Mr Martin's Brown Tony, aged private 12 3 Mr Shiel's St Columba, aged Priv' te 12 3 Mr Sidney's Warren Hastings, aged Prf ate 11 3 Mr A Stiini'son's Spider, aged OFFICIAL SCRATCIUNGS. Manchester Handicap Steeple Chase, Jan 22 Fin ma Coul n.
Wolverhampton Hurdle Handicap Hippomenes All handicaps where the weights have appeared Instep. All engagements Cheenut filly by Chittabob cnt of Cinderella (2 vra). 1 ui ano ire uu ncu'sjivnu so iwiuj) vuvicb eBntn and neighbourhood, was married on Saturday at Little Strickland Church, near to Miss Jeukin-aon. Mb Clasfkb has received at Putney an order to build an eight-oared boat for the Cantabs' use in the forthcoming Inter-University Race. Clasper has also on band a large order for St.
Petersburg, several Continental orders, and a new eight for Braaenose, OxfoH. Liddiard, the jockey, who will ever be remembered as tbe pilot of Surefoot in his sensational Derby race, but who is now riding in France, is recovering from the attack of paralysis which ueieu mm in ioveniDer. In spite ot the weather, a number of all-the-year round bathers have been reenlarly taking their morning dip at Hamp3tead Heath, the ice having to he broken each morning for the purpose. To the ordinary man it does not appear that such zeil is tempered bv discretion. Captain Machkll, who privately purchased I from her br.
edr (Mr Rose) the now two year old filly by St Simon out of Penitent (dam of Ravensbury), has just christened her Ravens- uuurue. it is siu ma i. was me price given for this juvenile. Fcneral of Mb Andbbws. The remains of this well-known pisciculturist were interred at Guildford on Saturday.
Mr Andrews wrote a good deal of the Badminton book on fi hing, in addition to several works on trout breeding He had gained a world-wide reputation as a trout breeder, and hia breeding farms in Surrey were probably the most extensive in existence. From them many famous trout streams in England, Scotland, Wales, and the colonies were stocked and regularly re-plenuhed. He was tbe originator of the system wlby young fish could in safety be sent on long VOVSI7M m.nA -2Li i meat out WOUt to took NewZeaUnd itreama. He wm SJ years of Name of Ci.iu. 3 Aston VilU Sunderland Kverton Blackburn Hovers 3 21 20 2J 21 21 23 Sherhelil Wednesday Murnley Preston North End Notts Forest 21 22 Sheffield CniUsd Wolverhampton Wanderers.
22 Small Beats Ifcdton Wanderers Liverpool We-st Broinwich Albion Derby County Stoke 24 24 22 21 19 Second Division. RESULTS UP TO DATE. THE NORTHERN CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP. G. CROSSLAND INELIGIBLE.
It appears that Croasland's absence from the Salford Harriers' fixture at Greenfield renders him ineligible to compete in the Northern Championship, as he is now unable to put in tbe necessary five runs. Crossland bas been in bed with quinsy for a week and bad to forego hia club engagement. BOXING. FUNFRAL OF THE LATE GEORGE FRi ER. The funeral of this well-known boxer took place at Nottingham General Cemetery yesterday afternoon, and despite the wretched weather was attended by over a thousand people.
The principal mourners were Master T. Fryer (son), Messrs. R. and P. Fryer (brothers), W.
Lamb (brother-in-law), S. Clack, W. Hulse (deceased's backer), Swan-wick, and S. Bestow. Numerous wreaths were sent by well-known boxers and others.
SKATING. RACING AT LITILEPORT. The Hayes ifisher 90gs Cup was to have been iced for at Littlepo. near Ely, yesterday. men enter but owing to the tiiaw the event was abandoned, and a half-mile time race with one turn, for money pnz s.
substituted. The result was James Smart, Welney (1 rnin -11 1-5 first Fred Ward, Tydd Fen (who skated a bye in 1 min 44 second Red-ditch 1 min 44 1-5 sees), third: Houiden, Upwure (I min 44 2 5 sees), fourth. FOOTBALL. WAI E.S v. SCOTLAND.
tt.i- cn, dc piayen at on uary 2fitb, the following t.ums have tint lay, b--en seiLcLea SCOTLAND. Cowans London lli ItKK A HACKS iRritftoy), Campbell (Lr.vTon jLu, Ne (T. SeaUiah), auJ Welsh VV i ii'iiaui). Iiai.F nvcxa Simpson (Royal High ikhocl) and LiiioL (Hawick). Forwards McEwan (Elinburch 11 Smith (Watsoniaus) Xeilcon (Wet of rXGibaonIvuyal High Aeaiiemicala) Di.ds (Edinburgh Academicals) McMillan (London Scottish) teoU A S.
Back Bancroft (Swansea). TURBE QPARTER B.ACKS Evan Uoy.l (Liiuelly), A Oould (N-Ap-irl), (Llaudly). uid Pearson (Cardiff). BACKS FC Patfitt (JNcwpnri) lwyn Bigg3 (Cardiff). roBWjRDs (Newport) Harinen (Newport) Frank Mills (Cardiff) Nich'.
(Llanelly) A l5ouchef iNewport) Wats (Newport) Packer (Newport) (eorge (Poutyprid). Reserves: Uavic.s (Neath). bck Thomas (Newport), Morgan (P narth), Bottcber (New port), and Bowen (Lluneily), ba ks I) Morgan (Llanellv). A ack f*ck (Newport), Elsey (Cardiff), and Evans forwards. The remaining International matches forthe season are appended Jan 26 Scotland Wales, at Edinburgh.
Feb. 2 Irelnnd England, at Dublin. Feb. 16 Scotland Ireland, at Edinburgh. Mar.
9 England Scotland, at Richmond, Mfi, 16 Wales Ireland, at Cardiff. YORK v. CLECKHhATON. In this match, at Cleckheaton on Saturday, the following team will represent York. iytirtis (capt bark; A Kttlcwell, Lccmiug, DIe, and ttobson, jbicks; Thorpe and A Farrington, 1 backs Dawson, Howdeu.
A Leonatd, Mark ham, Mason, Milner, Niholfon, and Robins-r, forwards. Kesf-r 9 A Harrison, Wright and forwards. Umpii-e Mr A D-ivkon. Train leaves York at 12-45 p.m. YORK 2nd v.
i MII.FORD. This match will le piaycd on the Clarence-street around, York, on Saturday, when the following tcrun will represent vork 2nd Shepherd. Richardson. Skilhtck, A Hdiriaoii, ant'. P.M lvin, .7 HepWOXlh and Juhiiann, b.i 'ks; Pvarnley (capt).
Fairley, il (i reen, Holdtcness A Mavnard, Neale, Prince, and Wilson, forwards. Rrrves Plows, back Shaw, -back A Wi'lsienholuu hack Cosains, iSjaife, A npii, aud .1 Hiyiiioa, forwards. Umpire Mr A Kick-ff at 3 p.m. YORK AND DISi RiCT RUGBY UNION AND SOCIETY OF REFKKEES.
The following is the draw for the Unp, the firs' round to be played on S-Uurdav, F.bruary 2nd (all niatciiea on th' first nam- touad) First Ropnd. A Clifton v. Sr. Lawrence's Aomb v. Groves Clarence.
Lawrence P.C. L-eman Wauderera. Melbourne v. York Athletic. Aunthorpe Athletic, Nuntborpe, St.
Maurice's, and St. Oiave's (byes). Second Round. E. Melbourne or Athletics St.
Olave'a. F. Nunthorpe AibJellc-v Nunthorpe. G. Lawrence Parish Church or Leeman Wanderers Acomb or Groves Clarence.
H. Clifton or St. Lawrence's St. Maurice's. Semi-Fin aia Winner of Winner of G.
J. Winner of Winner of F. Final. Winner of I Winner of J. The following are next Saturday's malches and fereea St Olave'a Vnrk At.hlH ixi t.
St Lawrence's St Maurice's (Mr Carter), Acomb viuw'i i-LMi xi-warus, urovea Nur-thorpe (Mr Mitchell). THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Fibst Division. STOKE WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS Tliis match, which was postponed from Dec 29 on aecount of a snowstorm, was fixed to be played at Stoke yesterday, but the giound was again unfit, and Mr THelme, the referee, decided that play was altogether impossible. The snow had oeeo removed, dm tne ater laid on some portions of the ground eight or ten inches deep.
BOLTON WANDERERS SHEFFIELD UNITED. This postponed match was decided at Bolton yesterday, before a poor attendance in wretched weather. Bolton started the game, and were very toon in the Sheffield half, but they were driven back, and Davies scored for United after five minutes play. On restarting Bolton were awareed a corner, Foulkea, the visitors' goalkeeper, fisting through bis own goal. Doeherty scored for Sheffield.
At half-time Sheffield led by two to one. Dochertv Ma.i.J the Wanderers at once set to work, and after about pu7 Pnce eyualiaed, and a minute Uter Paton placed them ahead. Restarting Bolton were again seen to advantage, and the United oacks making a blunder Spence added a fourth for Bolton. Sheffield viv .11 were scored. Basalt Bolton, six much gratification to the Leeds suppoi rn.
Hainutock got both tries for the winners in very clever fashion. Th Lee.l- fr ward- played a quick, rushing game, whi -h, 1,1 view of the state of the ground, wan th bt poo siMe policy. The Bra Itord passing was executed in first-clns" vie, and they were unlucky to lo York were have played Armiy at. the ma'ch being, of course, an extr-( but King Frost reigned snpi. ti Roothan nd the Committee er- reluctantly nini.
to declare the fixture "'iff. With a continual ce of the thaw, 11'iould be possible at Sfeeefe1 .1 on Saiturday, and the wearers of the smfi 1 ill blwek onght to give a satisfactory account of ibem selves. No score rtiif madt. up to hilf-time in muttn between Hull Higaton Rovers and Wei1; Hr l. ol, th' nyh the Monftti were stroa-' liie a' tack.
In ie secand half, West orai tht ir UMtttes and Mrtift ran in tW" r-worthy tries Souih Shields gave drl rf tf-inse a'' the northern seaport, and in the oolv lost by eight point to three. Tne keen and moping air and fr- Sen gn which made a rather it. MMpMNMK pas: ill 1 Si urrLty. censed never tl A ciation 111' Iih aband' nwl, but wme iniereting gnmer1 pluyed, par'icutarly amongst the best Li'njn clubs. Aston Villa and underland, 1 mining a close race for thn obanpi' were both aw iy from and both wn A Villa beating Preston North Knd by one goal none, and Sunderland be iting Wolverli.tii Wanderers bv four goals to nne.
They were the only First League clubs from home vh. r-tueeeeftula and the result was a surprise, as 'i Fnd, who have been doing better lately, pected to win, whilst Sunderland, who bav? bets going back a bit, were thonghfc to have only a moderate chance at Wolverhampton hi beat Bolton Wanderers by five goals to none, 1 1 Liverrxd, singular to soy, dinposed of K- -t by precisely thtj same score. Burol-y heat Nlbck burn Rovers by two goals to one, United beat Sheffield Wednesday by ona goal Ui oour, uiU Derby c*nty and Everton had of two goals each. At tbe finish ol trw Preston North End and Aston Villa mat Smith, the North End centre forward, who had played a very hard game, fell down io a fit, which lasted half an hour. ldd iesbrough joa rney ed to Brotton to play a up tie in the Cleveland Senior Cop competition, 'iot the hard and ice-bound state of the ground cooanl the referee, Mr T.
Priest, South Rank, to rale iu condition unfit for a cup tie. The field is a wrj uneven and moderate one for football, md this combined with its froaen staf- ld the visitors to play carefully, and their friends and supporters considered they lid very well under the circ*mstances in plavmg draw of one goal each. At Stockton a Dm Cup tie was played between Stockton aod St. Augustines, and a fairly contested game reaulird in a win for the home team by three goals to (ta The Saints, however, have protested against IM match as a cup tie, owing to the frost bonnd ground I'arliugtoo succeeded in defeating Tow the Durham Coffnttlioe), 4 ana anotner Uariington team, 'lie Kise Carr Rangers, di of the H-w 1 R-ingere in the sme compc.ition.alfio by tWd to one. A referees' association for the Cleveland md Tee-side districts is being pr- jected, Air bee.
Millar has nailed1 an earfy meaVitig to be held M'ddlesbrough to consider the proposal. Football was out of the tjueetion on Saturd the fields were covered ith frozen snow. I fore the return match between the fleet Thistles and Richmond Town, who are 11 tampions, i to be A fi fixture between Northallerton Be late on lalter's ground did not come i tl no sir' DATES OF PRINCIPAL KACES IN I UTicolaaliire HajHlkap1 mile Tue Mvertiooi Grand National 4. miles fa 1 MVerpool Mpnne Cp 1 mile 3 fin me pem'er's Plate-5 fur foe I "ri t.j 1 -Hiring HaiMtteap i mile fl ml I niwmrd Plate. Newiiirtrket furnifM 1 ..01 itrnm Plaie.
Newm irhet 1 mile 11 ydn .1 1 -1 ureal Meferapolltan intake tas)ia Tn yirv mil siiburiMiii tniles 1 TWO TtimmBinl (luinean 1 mile. yards One Tnousaml (iiiinens1 mile, var'ls K1.1. Chester Cup miles wl Keinot on Park Jubilee Stakt1 iniU HauM '1' Newmurktit StuXMM 11 mila. 1 Ore at Nortliern Hamlicao. Vork-li uiiie Tnes, 1 The IXeihy, Kpsom li miles w.1 Hit Bosom Oram! Prize 1 Thui- Is The Mk8, BDSOSa -li miles May Manchester Cud 1 mile rm 11' Dbath op Mk Sam North.
Many sportis readers, and members of Tatiersad' especially, will regret to learn that Mr Samuel 'i Northampton, died at his residsnoe, Ahmiiu. House, Northampton, on Sua day. On Thursday North, with several frieods, attended a prit pigeon-shooting party a short distance from town, and was in appxrantly good health. the shooting started to walk horns, and had a short distance to go when be was suddenly with illness. He was assisted to hie Msjenfi Mr Whitlock, of tbe Stage Head Hotel.
doctors were at once summoned. It was bsjsJ that he had broken a blood-vessel on the It ia but six weeks since Mr North lost hi which has troubled him very oonaidertti'lv For Hunting Appointments and La'- see Page 5. Goals. a sc 3 1 67 27 39 53 28 .29 6 0 62 37 26 5 4 46 27 26 9 3 54 60 23 6 2 39 19 ..22 8 2 49 46.. 20 8 2 36 40 13 1 6 4 43 35 16 2 44 55 16 13 0 .) .16 8 1 34 24 .15 11 0 3 50 14 14 0 2 65 ...10 12 2 13 49 6 12 2 16 55 4 Name of Clcb.
3 I Bur. Newton Ileuth Grimsby Town Nottx Countv Newcastle United Darwen 23 I 21 )2 19 13 20 11 22 10 18 10 Woolwuh Arr.ena.1 Burton Swifts 18 Leicester Fosse ii Manchester tity i3 Itotherh.ini Towu 21 Burton Wanderers 16 Lincoln t'ity 18 Walsall Town Swifts 19 Bur--'em Pore Vale 16 Crewe Alexandra 15 TBE MIDLAND LEAGUE RESULTS UP IO JA1 E. not given a single chance. In one over he scor-13 off Brockwell. The fielding of the Englishm was very um qual.
It was at times btilliant, but just as often uncertain and faolty. Pfel took four, wickets for 96, Kichardsoii four for 89, Lockwood I one for 70, lirockwell none for 50, Briggs one for i 58, and Ford none for 33. There were fully ten thousand people round the enclosure when the Englishmen went in for their second innings. Tliel wicket was in good order; McLaren aud Ward went in first, facin-r the bowiiug rf Callaway and Linen, jiic' aien sai scti'il freely, and out of the first 25 runs had 21 to his credit. When the score stood at 32, Albert Trott relieved Callawny, For a firm' runs continued locnsne stoadilv.
but when 20 had heen added McLaren sent a ball ft nm Trott into the lo field, where it was Ik Id by Iredale. One icket lor 52. Immediately afterwards Ward wis clean bowled by Trott, who delivered the such force as to brck the sruiup Two wicket-, for 52 Only tme more run hxd bsen added when he next wicket fell, thif time from the Obln-r en-1, Giffeo lowlii: Puilipson' In Dad. Studdart and llrowu p'ayed out time, the score ling at 56 for three wields, festflng ibe E. ansumeu still 4G9 to the bad.
Score AUSTRALIA. ga, Bmre II Trott (V. i un out 48 Gi'ien (S.A 5. Lcckw 1 5S A Iredale (N.S. Richardson 7 Ilailing (S A Philipson Btigc 10 SEGiegoryfN S.W 1, Bi own Richardson 6 Harry (V Richardson 2 Worrall run out A Jarvis (S.
A and Li. kwood 13 A Trott not ufc 38 Callaway tN.S. V), RichaidsoQ 41 Extras 4 Total 23S Second Innings. Bruce, Brookwe'l Biigs 80 Trott, Peel iff en. Ford Pee) 21 A Iredale, as i Peel 110 Darling, Philips Lockwood 3 Gregory, Richardson 20 Harry, Richardson 6 Worrall.
Peel Brings 11 A Jarvis, Stoddart Peel 29 A Trott, not out 72 Callaway, Richardson 11 Extras 15 Total 411 ENGLAND. First Innings. A MacLareo. Callaway 25 Brings, Callaway 12 Brockwell, Harry Callaway 12 A Wurd, Bruce Gifllu 5 A Stoddart, Giffen 1 Peel, Callaway Brown, not out 39 Ford, Woriall (J I flVn 21 Lockwood. Won all Giift-n 0 Pitilipsott, G.eory Gili-n 7 Richaxdson, Worrall 0 E.xiri' 2 Tolil 24 Second Innings.
A ifacLiren, Iredale A Trott 35 A Ward, A Trott. Phiiipsnn, i A Stoddart, notour. i Bro wn, not out 2 Extras 4 Total (3 wkta) v. 55 ROWING. I'OW RACE AT MIDDLESBROUGH.
a maioh. which occasioned considerable interest amongst the riverside com-muuity at Middif-sbrouyh, took place on the 'lea, the mpetitors being Harry Williams and Thomas Arm-sirong. both of Aliddleshrouh. The race was in small open boats, or what, are called keel boats, and the course was from B.itannia Staiths to Connal'p wharf, a disiance of six hundred vards, for 10. In a handicap on I he river some months ago Williams rowed three dead heats, and showed form whiih led to the ratification of the preseut matcii, but Armstrong was favourite, and at the start odds of 7 to 4 were laid on him.
The water was in grand condition for the event, there beiu scarcely a ripple on the surface. Armstrong won the toss and took the inside berth. They were got evenly away after two attempts, and kept level for 100 yards, when Williams forged ahead, but he did not maintain bis advantage long, and Armstrong getting up they raced together until 50 yards from home, when the favourite spurted and ultimately won by thiee lengths. Mr Wardropper was starter and Mr Colvin referee. Saltbttbs Golf Club The monthly medal competition took place on Saturday at Saltburn.
The weather wan adverse ti lnnr i men; uciug keen fror. anrl anrnnpnt uctcoBiuiw; me use of red balls. Scores Mr Hikeley 121 24-97 Mr Hughes, 127-24-100 Mr A Muller, 123-18-105. Dick Da vies, a prominent member of the Cardiff Football Club, was drowned while skating on a disused brick pond off Penarth-road. Cardiff, about half-past five on Saturday afternoon.
About nine persons were immersed at the same time, but they were rescued with great difficulty. The deceased was chosen to accompany the Card.ff team on a tour to Shields, but was prevented from attending owing to an injury. Davies was a popular player and his loss is deplored in football circles THE "New ork Herald" of Jan. 5, commenting on the American horses which were shipped to England on Saturday, says: Mantauk isanun-known quantity, although he was tried satisfactorily last fall. He is a colt of good build and size and if he races up to his looks may be heard from' Stoneuell is one of the greatest sprinters that ever ran on the American tmf, and, sound and fit can give a good account of himself in England or 'anywhere else.
Harry Reed, next to Butterflies was probably the speediest two-year-old out last year He is by Himyar, sire of Domino. Dobbins was not at his best any time last season. After he had won the rich Realisation, and just as hewasgettinff into racing shape, ho wrenched the ankle of one of bis forelegs in a race with Roche at Sheepsbead Bav and was retired lor tha I in 1893 he divided the honours with Domino! Be de4 rwawicfc, now Goals, a ja '5 9 "5- 0 2 51 10 2 5 27 13 I- 3 2) 18 3 21 17 17 3 1 35 21 17 2 6 44 19 16 6 4 34 39 4 5 22 4 15 6 2 8 28 .11 5 1 22 17 ...13 l'J 3 13 7 8 2 25 6 9 4.. 8 52 6 9 3 14 36 5 i Name or Cluo. Loujlhlioriiuv'h Town Derby 0 unty Ueserves Ilkeston Heanor town Stoko Swifts Riwhlcn Kettering Town lon; Eaton Oainshonucli liinity Roni-ster Itovt-rs Craiitham Rovers M-uloi-k Newark 13 14 )3 13 16 14 15 12 15 12 14 13 THE R1CHMOXDSH1RK I.E GUE RESULTS UP TO DATE.
Goals. Name Club. 4 a 3 Northallerton Lriurn 4 Richmond 5 Thistles 5 2 2 0 23 1 13 1 12 0 15 Northallerton Central 6 0 6 0 I I THE ENGLISH CHALLENGE CUP a JSlTr1'110 -Futsr Rookd. Appended is th H. (Comnetition u.
I -r. aoove tun to hp appointed kick "oltS Cooper POrtCentr1 ETertou-Rree, Mr A yunderland Mr How-ScHggD VilU Derby Coanty-Rferee. Mr A W1WiCh Anen1- MillWaU -m Small Heath West Bromwich Albion. Keteree, Mr Lewis. St" Peter9 Liverpool.
Referee, Mr Roberts. Southampton St Mary's Notts Forest. Referee, Mr Stuart. Luton Town Preston North End. Referee, Mr A Hine.
Bury Leicester Fosse or Loughborough Town. Referee, Mr Tomlinson. Newton Heath Stoke. Referee, Mr A Hall. Sheffield Wednesday Notts County Referee, Mr Fitaroy Norris.
Blackburn Rovers Barton Wanderers. Referee. Mr Armitt. Middlesbrough Chesterfield. Referee.
Mr Sucey. Newcastle United Mr Price by Post, Dadv lasue 10. Caeh 10s. Weekly 2s. 9d.
Cah 1m. Credit, per Printefl at the MemUl MMce. CeiM.v-trer. Vwr. VorkMhire Hemlrt I'mimny tUssfts WILLIAM WALIACB HHOKOVK.
reKulin Peter's Ore. cl*ton, in theCily ef York, and byhiniatth regwtereu: Mhrea the ConSsan) Coney-street, York at 16. Xihert-toad, MWfilii 11 t29 Weatborouirh. Hcarherong ami at 10 Sii-Hull. Ailvertiaenwnt and Order itw Office.
glBIS trUor) by R. 9. White. 13. Plee.
aan and Co. OranUle House, Amn.lel st StesSK Mitehell 5 Red Fleet-street Charles Barker aed ees. 1 1 ae Street, Brothers, 5. srle-street ft Ina Orsen, 119, Chamwry- one 1 -Camhill Clarke. ms, and Phut, 1 church-street James Wm.
Vl kern, 9, Ni-Lerobard-street Walker ami T. B. Browne, 163, Uueen VUtorla nrei Jj Meij mil Hi, leman-street Bates, tl'" 37. Walbrook W. R.
Borncastle, SI, In BniNBURoH fy Rebertsoa ami Scott, street; nf Keith and 66a, ileorge-'treet LJfln In Dublin by Messrs. W. H. Ssaitk BnckviHo-etrsek UK AD OF KICK VnuH. 1TBBBAT.
iaaeanv 19, JR.