My Happy Marriage - Obanai x Mitsuri version. - KeepMeUp - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter 1: Home is Far Away

Chapter Text

In a cozy little village not too far away from Meiji-era Tokyo, Mitsuri Kanroji was raised in a bustling household with her four stepsisters. Despite being surrounded by family, Mitsuri always felt like an outsider among her siblings. Her mother had passed away when she was just 2 years old; nobody knew exactly why. Her father refuse to share any details with her and shut down any form of rumours that she heard of. All she had left of her birth mom were a comb and a recipe book, the two cherished treasures that reminded Mitsuri of her.

It’s easy to tell Mitsuri apart from her step sisters as she is the only one with two moles beneath each of her green eyes. She also has unusual hair color, long and thick; with pink and a mix of green at the ends. To make her more distinctive, she has a much taller built compared to the other girls, as well as an unusual appetite akin of a sumo wrestler.

Instead of being treated with respect as the eldest sister in the Kanroji family, Mitsuri was relegated to the role of the family’s maid, forced to tend chores. She suffered with constant hunger. Even she needed food for energy to work, she was denied proper meals.

Day by day, her voice turned faint.

A direct reflection of her broken spirit.

Hoping for a more positive change in her life, Mitsuri learned to alter her appearance and perhaps improve her circ*mstances. She would dye her hair black with caligraphy ink, regardless how it smells. She attempt to cover the moles under her eyes with makeup and reduce her appetite to fit in. Anything that she can do to be accepted and treated like her sisters, or even spare a glance from her father.

Everyday, she can hear them attending classes, and their mother teaching them how to be more lady-like or elegant. There are always talks and praises of how her sisters would become of a pride for Kanroji family once they grow up and become successful wives of people from affluent families.

However this is not the case for Mitsuri.

Mitsuri was only casted aside, she was sparred from these lessons and praises. Her daily routine is to cook and clean for the Kanroji household. Throughout her years serving her family, Mitsuri finds solace with talking with the other maids or befriending the stray cats around the compound.

Later in her teenage years, she found a new hobby. She learned how to sneak up some extra ingredients in the kitchen and try making small batches of her mother’s recipe. Her favourite is Sakura Mochi as the dessert resembles her natural hair colour. It also gives her a sense of comfort as she treats this hobby as a special connection to her mother.

These were Mitsuri’s attempt to survive in this harsh environment. She had accepted that her life will never turned for the better, and she just would just live as a shadow and endure everything in silence.

Even when her sisters would pull her hair, or make her act as a demon to chase them around. She never gets to switch roles, always being treated as the predator. Where in fact, it’s quite the opposite in real life.

Once Mitsuri approached her 18th birthday, her father grew increasingly impatient to marry her off, but no suitors came forward. Then, her stepmother heard rumors about a mysterious, single man living across town in the Iguro residence. This man was known for his odd habits, such as walking around with a snake and wearing a mask. Despite his high-ranking position in the Special Defense Corps, he was rumored to be cold-hearted and ruthless. The women who were sent to his home as suitress, hoping to be an officer’s wife, never last more than a week.

“Have you heard, the eldest Kanroji, Mitsuri will be sent off to the Iguro residence today. Our poor Mitsuri.”

“I heard none of the girls stayed longer than a week in that residence. They said it was empty, eerie and unbearable.”

“He doesn’t talk and does not eat with his suitress. How do you marry with someone like that. And the snakes, ugh!”

“I heard most of the high ranking officers are handsome, well-built and rich! He doesn’t seem to be the case.”

“I never heard of anyone affluent from the name of Iguro, nobody knows anything about this family. He might just be an imposter.”

The maids were chatting with one another, not knowing that Mitsuri heard of the whole conversation. She leaned on the wall and let out a deep sigh. All these while, Mitsuri knew that her stepmother and sisters loathes her. But she would never thought that one day she would see marrying her into a snakes’ den would be an opportunity to rid themselves of Mitsuri.

This morning, she was called in to her father’s study. Only to be informed about the arrangement with this so-called said mysterious man. She tried to object, however she was denied her thoughts as he threw a bag to her face. A clear order to pack and leave.

“There is no room for objections, the corps agent will come pick you up this afternoon. Be grateful that someone will accept your ugly looks at this stage.” Her father responded coldly.

Mitsuri bowed lowly and excused herself to her room. She started to gather her belongings, there was not much as she was never gifted with anything throughout the years. The last thing the maid handed her was her late mother's sakura-pattern kimono, stored in secrecy. As much as she doesn’t like it here, she didn’t want to go. If what those maids said were true, she will end up in the streets within a week.

I’m so sorry that I’m so ugly. I’m so sorry that I eat so much, I promise I will reduce my portions. I promise I will attend to the gardens even better. I promise I’ll clean the hallways more regularly. I promise I’ll warm the bath before you request for it. I promise I’ll work harder. I’ll wake up even earlier. I’ll warm your tea regularly. Please, I don’t want to die on the streets.

Before she could say those words out loud, the front door was shut at her face. Mitsuri finds herself standing on the other side of the Kanroji’s residence, a world of unknown.

Mitsuri, used to bowing her head, continued to stare at the ground. Tears forming on the side of her eyes as she did a final bow, all four on the ground to pay her respect to the Kanroji residence. She gathered herself once she realized she is not alone. There is a young servant in brown uniform, with a crow seated on his shoulder waiting for her. They started their journey once she was ready to travel to the Iguro residences.

She focused on putting one foot ahead the other. She had no choice but to walk towards the end of her life, or so she thought.

Chapter 2: Meeting my Future Husband.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mitsuri sobbed all the way, she was convinced long before that she had hit the lowest point of her life, numb to any sense of sadness. However, she couldn’t stop crying right now. She didn’t even bother to remember the path home, though it was only a half day’s walk away. Deep down, she knew that even if she ran home, they wouldn't accept her. At this point, it was clear they just wanted her dead.

Lost in her thoughts, Mitsuri only stopped when the young servant announced their arrival. Exhausted from walking with an empty stomach and crying, she felt a brief relief. The crow, which had led them the entire way, let out a cry once it landed on the servant's shoulder.

A woman named Yurie heard the cue and welcomed them. She wore the same uniform as the young boy but was much older, with a soothing voice.

“Good Afternoon! Is this Miss Kanroji Mitsuri? My, look at you! Let’s get you in. We are looking forward to welcoming you!” She ushered Mitsuri in while holding her bag and supporting her back gently, leading her to her new residence. Mitsuri expected a tall, burly guard to open the door and yank her inside, but unfamiliar with this level of hospitality, the gentleness in Yurie’s voice eased her from her tears.

The house was as described, empty and devoid of the warmth Mitsuri was accustomed to at the Kanroji residence. The shutter doors were not fully open to welcome the afternoon’s light. Nevertheless, she refrained from complaint, for there were no snakes in sight. Her room had a futon folded in the corner, a writing desk, mirror, and wooden antique cupboard. It felt like a good start, considering her previous room was half the size and lacked this much furniture.

Mitsuri approached the room with small steps, trained to walk quietly from living with her family. She had always been a disturbance to them, so being quiet became a habit. Gently placing her bag down, she composed herself.

“Miss Kanroji, we are so sorry. We thought we could have sent the house cart to pick you up, but your family insisted you were able to walk. It seems to have tired you a little. Let me bring you some food.”

Not wanting to be a burden, Mitsuri rejected the gesture immediately. Miss Yurie reminded her of the head maid in her residence, much older and caring. It had only been a few hours away from home, and Mitsuri was already thinking of them.


Her stomach growled, objecting loudly. It was obvious she was hungry; her last meal was supper the night before. Embarrassed but hungry, she reluctantly accepted the offer, thinking it better than fainting in front of her future husband.

“Miss Kanroji, you don’t have to feel bad to ask for anything at all. Your parents said you were quite the low maint— I mean, independent girl and that you don’t need much. However, I want you to know that I’m here in the daytime. I’ll make sure you are well taken care of under my watch!” Mitsuri almost choked on her food, not expecting this kindness at all. She wondered why there were rumors about this residence being eerie and unbearable.

“Thank you, Yurie-san.”

“Once you’re ready, let’s go meet the master, shall we?”

Realization hit Mitsuri hard. Her heart raced as she realized that the real challenge might begin when she met the master. They might just start torturing her after this sweet and brief introduction. Her survival instincts kicked in, her senses heightened. Taking small, gentle steps towards his room, Mitsuri made a promise to herself: no matter how difficult it would be, she would do her best to look good and serve the master, just so she wouldn’t have to live on the streets.

Mitsuri was ushered to sit by the door, bowing low next to Yurie.

"Iguro-sama, your fiancée, Kanroji, is here to greet you," Yurie's voice echoed softly through the hallway, announcing their arrival to his room.

In response, a low hum emanated from within.

Mitsuri's heart raced as she stood before the door, her eyes fixed on the floor, bracing herself for whatever awaited her. With a deep breath, she offered the most profound bow the moment Yurie pushed open the shutters.

"Great, they finally realized that I don’t like girls in fancy kimonos," came the muffled response from him.

"Iguro-sama, please. This is Kanroji Mitsuri from the town of Nasu. She traveled all day here to greet you," Yurie interjected, her voice carrying a gentle yet insistent tone.

Mitsuri seized the moment to speak, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with respect, "Iguro-sama. Nice to meet you, and thank you for your care."

The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the faint rustle of fabric.

“How long do you plan to stay like this? You may get up. I don’t like pretentious things," his words cut through the silence, leaving Mitsuri momentarily stunned. Yet, she quickly regained her composure, recalling the resolution she had made to herself. With a steadying breath, she lifted her gaze to meet his, determined to face whatever lay ahead.

Never as Mitsuri had imagined, she expected to encounter a beastly, burly man with snakes coiled around him. However, standing before her was a man of her own age, clad in a black kimono adorned with a black and white striped Haori. Despite the loose fit of his attire, the contours of his lean, strong physique were obvious.

As rumored, he wore a mask veiling his face from the nose down, with a white snake draped around his neck like a scarf. Unlike his own eyes, which boasted a duet of colors, his serpentine gaze burned crimson. His room, though tidy, spoke of a personality complex and layered, with numerous books adorning shelves, a writing table with various writing instruments, and a container housing his pet. At the corner stood a uniquely shaped sword, perched on its holder.

Mitsuri absorbed every detail, yet she found herself spellbound by his eyes.

His eyes are beautiful.

She was starstruck. Never before had she seen such mesmerizing eyes, not even on someone as striking as him. His right eye blazed like a fiery inferno, while his left exuded a chilling turquoise, both captivating in their intensity. Truly, they were a mystery she could lose herself in.

“Iguro-sama. Nice to meet you,” Mitsuri stammered, her starstruck state momentarily causing her to repeat herself. “And… the snake, how do I address it?”

Obanai was taken aback. Never before had a girl reacted in such a manner. Typically, they regarded him with disgust, flinching at the sight of his serpent companion. Their gazes would often dart around the room, as if searching for an escape or hidden treasures. Yet, Mitsuri was different. There was no fear in her eyes; instead, they brimmed with warmth and curiosity, fixed unwaveringly upon him.

Uncertain of how to respond, Obanai hesitated momentarily. He had a rehearsed speech, where he asserted his authority as the master of the house. "If I tell you to leave, you leave. If I tell you to die, you die," he would declare, hoping to dissuade any suitress as he had successfully done previously. This tactic had proven effective thus far, with none lasting longer than a week.

He didn’t need a partner, but his master, Master Ubuyashiki, insisted that he find someone to be with and start a family. With no way to decline his master’s request, Obanai unwillingly went along with it.

However, this girl was unlike the others. Her eyes were beautiful yet tinged with sadness, layers of emotion concealed beneath their depths. He recognized that feeling all too well. Despite her delicate appearance, she stood taller than most of the petite girls they had chosen for him.

Breaking the silence, Obanai decided to take a different approach.

“His name is Kaburamaru. Welcome to the Iguro Residence, Kanroji. Remember, while you’re here, you must absolutely follow my orders. I won’t listen to any complaints or objections.”

“Yes, sir. Is there anything else? I look forward to living here with you.”

“Not much from me, other than what Yurie will tell you. You may return to your room.”

Mitsuri went to her room with Yurie. Together with Yurie, she arranged her futon and meticulously organized her belongings, finding solace in the mundane tasks.

“Miss Kanroji, I’m aware of the bad rumors about Iguro-sama, but actually, he is a kind man. He actually saved my life…Anyway! I won’t take up too much of your time. It’s been a long day for you. See you tomorrow.”

Mitsuri changed into her sleepwear and lay on her futon. It was soft and comfortable, a marked contrast from what she had expected. She had prepared herself for sleeping with snakes curling around her or worse, even anticipating being thrown out of the house. Given that she had been told she was ugly, such outcomes seemed plausible. Yet, based on what Master Iguro had said today, it seemed he had dealt with numerous failed engagements.

“He probably thinks that I will run away on my own, but I will prove him otherwise. Tomorrow I will make myself useful and cook him a hearty breakfast.” With newfound determination, Mitsuri made up her mind and drifted into slumber.

The next morning, Mitsuri woke up even before the rooster crowed. She had mastered the art of tiptoeing and cooking in silence, a skill she had honed after an incident where she accidentally woke her stepmother while dropping a bowl, resulting in two days of denied meals. Food was crucial to Mitsuri, so she developed a secret skill she dubbed "silent cooking form," allowing her to prepare meals without making a sound.

Having spent most of her life at the Kanroji residence, Mitsuri quickly adjusted herself in the kitchen. Today, she resolved to impress her future husband with a traditional Japanese breakfast. Dancing around the kitchen, she lit the fire and began crafting thin omelets in a frying pan, folding them into a layered log before slicing them into pillows. Slowly, her breakfast set came together: tamagoyaki beside the miso soup, steamed rice, and grilled fish. To add a splash of color, she prepared a few simple side dishes and poured a cup of green tea.

As the warmth of the sun began to rise, Mitsuri knew time was running short. After a final check, she realized something was missing.

“Oh yes! Kaburamaru!”

Mitsuri found some quail eggs in the pantry and beat a few into a bowl, excited to prepare a separate feast for the master's pet snake.

With everything ready, Mitsuri carried the serving tray to the room where they had met the day before. But as she was about to enter, Obanai spotted her with the tray.

“What are you doing?” he questioned sharply.

“Iguro-sama.... I prepared breakfast for you and Kaburamaru,” Mitsuri replied, bowing low.

“Take this thing away from my sight,” Obanai commanded, his tone brimming with anger as he yanked open the shutters in an attempt to disperse the scent of the food.

Yurie appeared at that moment, quickly apologizing to the young master.

“Master, I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect her to cook. I’m extremely sorry! Mitsuri, take this and go.”

Confused by the sudden turn of events, Mitsuri rushed herself and followed Yurie's instructions, shocked to the core.

“Although my intentions were good, it turned out to be a failure,” Mitsuri lamented.

“I know, Miss Kanroji. I’m so sorry. This is entirely my fault. I didn’t expect you to cook for Master Iguro. None of the previous girls have ever entered the kitchen. He has a specific diet... uh... He does not eat food like this. I-”

Before Yurie could finish explaining, Mitsuri abruptly excused herself and retreated to her room, feeling like she had once again ruined everything.

Staring at herself in the mirror, Mitsuri's thoughts turned dark.

I’m not just ugly, I’m stupid too.


After that incident, Obanai abandoned his usual morning routine and opted to head to work early.

Today, he was tasked with training the new recruits in swordsmanship. Among the entire Special Defense Corps, internally known as the Demon Slayer Corps, Obanai was renowned as one of the most powerful and skilled swordsmen. He had been entrusted to instruct the recruits on wielding techniques before they proceeded to train with their respective trainers.

However, it was evident that he was not in a good mood. Upon his arrival, he subjected the new recruits to additional running, pushing them to exhaustion. Those who failed to meet his expectations were bound to the pillars, transforming them into makeshift obstacles for the others to navigate.

“Wow, Obanai, I never knew you were capable of this. What's gotten into you today?” Sanemi, his peer of the same rank, appeared at his class. Both known for their cooler temperaments, even Sanemi was taken aback by Obanai's harsh treatment of the recruits.

“I heard a girl finally signed up to be your fiancée. That’s rare. Is that why you're in a bad mood?”

“These trainees, they're utterly useless. Nothing more,” Obanai replied, furrowing his brows as he toyed with a wooden sword, its design resembling slithering waves akin to a serpent.

“Well, that's a given. But I've never seen you like this before. Did she tell you that you're ugly?”

Obanai nudged his friend and sighed, recounting the morning's events to Sanemi.

“You really shouldn't have treated her like that. She meant no harm by cooking for you. Food is the key to a man’s heart. It's natural for a normal girl like her to show kindness in that way. She even showed kindness to Kaburamaru. You're being unreasonable,” Sanemi chided.

“It's rare to hear you advocate for someone, Sanemi. You don't even do that for your only brother."

“Well, having lost most of my family, I can't help but feel pity for her. It sounds like she's been cast aside by her own family. Anyone who doesn't know you personally already knows the rumors surrounding you. Yet, they still sent her your way.”

Obanai pondered his friend's words. It was true; Mitsuri's background remained a mystery. She didn't adorn herself in the lavish attire typical of suitors. Her frail appearance and worn hands hinted at a life of hardship. Knowing that the Kanroji family engaged in business and trade, they could have easily married her off to a wealthier family if they desired.

“You're right. It seems they're doing this intentionally.”

“Obanai, whether you marry her or not, you owe her an apology when you return home. I would not hesitate to kill someone if they treated my sister this way.”

“I'll see what I can do."

With those words, Obanai continued with his day, surprised by how much the thought of Mitsuri occupied his mind.

As the sun began its descent, Mitsuri's heart raced with anticipation. She had learned from Yurie the routines of the master, and as soon as Obanai's footsteps echoed through the halls, she stood poised, ready to offer her apology.

With a deep bow, she uttered, “I’m sorry I overstepped my position, Iguro-sama. I should have asked. If it pleases you, I’ve prepared the bath for you.”

“It wasn’t that I don’t like your food, Kanroji. I just don’t have a habit of eating, especially greasy food,” he explained, his tone softer than before. He contemplated how to apologize himself, only to find Mitsuri beat him to it.

“I’m very sorry,” she murmured, bowing once again.

Observing her repeated apologies, Obanai couldn't help but comment, “It seems you keep apologizing as if it’s natural.”

“So-rry,” her voice barely above a whisper.

“If you apologize too much, it loses its meaning,” Obanai advised, his words tinged with a hint of understanding. Their conversation shifted to her well-being, Obanai's concern palpable despite his usual stoicism. Mitsuri assured him she was fine, though the subtle hints of her bad mood were hard to miss.

“Um... Sorry for not eating your food today. I packed some food for you,” Obanai said, handing her a bag while averting his gaze. In an unexpected turn, Obanai offered her a bag of food, a gesture of kindness that caught Mitsuri off guard. Accepting it with gratitude, she couldn't help but feel the warmth of the food spreading against her palms.

Perhaps there was more to him than the rumors suggested.

Tears welled up in Mitsuri's eyes as she pondered this, overwhelmed by the unfamiliar sensation of being treated with such kindness.

“Why are you crying?” Obanai's voice broke through her thoughts as he knelt down to meet her gaze.

“No... nothing. I’m so- thank you, Iguro-sama,” Mitsuri managed to choke out amidst her emotions.

“It’s alright, Kanroji. You can eat. I’m going to take a bath. Thank you, and good night,” Obanai replied gently, his demeanor a stark contrast to earlier.

With a whispered, “Good night, Iguro-sama,” Mitsuri watched as Obanai disappeared down the hall, her heart fluttering with a newfound sense of hope.

Perhaps, amidst the darkness that surrounded them, there was still a glimmer of light to be found.


Hello ObaMitsu lovers, thank you for reading thus far! I didn't get a chance to share my thoughts on the previous chapter. I don't write often, but I absolutely adore this pairing. After watching the anime "My Future Husband," I was inspired to weave their story into my own narrative. I've drafted it all the way to the end, and I'm excited to share it with you. I tried to keep it as canon as possible. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it, and please leave a comment if you have the time to share your opinions and thoughts. Your feedback is always encouraging to read.

Chapter 3: I Care.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 3: I Care.

After that incident, Mitsuri became more cautious around the house. She realized that her future husband not only worked during the day but sometimes returned only as early as dawn. Giving her more time to herself. With fewer chores to occupy her time compared to the bustling Kanroji residence, she found herself with moments to relax and explore the corners of their new home.

Around the house, there was a compound with practice puppets, wooden swords shaped as the one he owns, and plenty of trees. One evening, as Mitsuri recalled, she was busy bringing in the dry clothes from the backyard when she spotted him, sitting on a tree with his snake.

Despite the ominous rumors surrounding him, Mitsuri found her future husband to be misunderstood by others as she finds him more mysterious than ruthless. He was quiet and reserved, often engrossed in practicing swordsmanship, reading poetry, or simply gazing at the sky for long periods. Mitsuri didn't mind his simplicity; she was grateful for the three meals a day and the little freedoms he allowed her, such as playing with the cats or sewing; luxuries she had not experienced in her previous home.

“I’m able to eat tomorrow. You can make a bowl of plain miso for me for lunch. Make something else for yourself too.”

Then, one day, out of the blue, Obanai informed her of his plans for the next day's lunch after finishing his bath. Mitsuri couldn't contain her joy; finally, after a week, the master had invited her to share a meal. Remembering his aversion to greasy food, she prepared Japanese rice porridge and the requested miso soup the following day. Nervous about the outcome, she had Yurie inspect it before bringing it to his room, ensuring it was made to his liking. She even prepared the same quail egg meal for Kaburamaru.

“This is perfect Miss Kanroji! It’s the first time the master is eating with his fiancee, I’m happy for you.”

Mitsuri's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as they have their meal together. Following his instructions, Mitsuri sat facing away from him. Instead of feeling odd, Mitsuri felt relieved that he wouldn’t witness her clumsy eating habits. Though he cannot see her, Mitsuri attempted to eat as politely as possible.

The room was filled with a tense silence as Mitsuri could barely discern the sound of him drinking the soup. Then, she heard her company placing the bowl down, the subtle rustle of fabric indicated that he was tying his mask back in place. "You may turn around if you like, Kanroji," Obanai's gentle voice surprised Mitsuri, making her cheeks flush with warmth.

Turning around, Mitsuri was greeted by the sight of Kaburamaru happily enjoying his quail eggs. A small smile crept onto her lips, a sense of relief washing over her as she felt a tiny victory in not messing up the meal. Fueled by her success, she summoned the courage to make a request of Obanai.

"If it’s not too much Iguro-sama, may I touch Kaburamaru-san?" Mitsuri's request came out tentatively, her tone respectful and polite.

Obanai found her formality in addressing his snake amusing. It was rare for anyone to ask to touch Kaburamaru, but the creature seemed to respond positively to Mitsuri's request, slithering off Obanai's sleeve and coiling itself around Mitsuri's lap. She chuckled softly, gently patting the snake's head.

"Actually, it’s my day off today. I'm thinking of going to town to get some stationery and books," Obanai mentioned softly, observing Mitsuri's delicate fingers as they ran through Kaburamaru's scales.

"Certainly! Is there something I can prepare for your travel today, Iguro-sama?" Mitsuri slipped back into her servant mode instinctively, eager to assist.

"You haven’t been to town these days, don’t you want to go?"

"I can’t go, I'll be a bother to you," Mitsuri replied, her insecurity about her appearance evident in her voice.

"You won’t be a bother," Obanai assured her firmly while he watched his snake peer up to ‘listen’ to the conversation.

"I won’t be in the way?" Mitsuri's insecurity fought back, her fear of being seen as unattractive weighed heavily in her mind.

"No. And you don’t have to dye your hair after your bath. In fact, from today onwards you don’t have to dye your hair. As I said before, I don’t like pretentious things. Just be yourself."

He knew.

Yurie must have told him about the mornings she spent dyeing her hair black. Flustered by his unexpected comment, Mitsuri hurried off to get ready for their first outing together, feeling a delightful mix of nerves and excitement dancing in her stomach.

Mitsuri wore her only kimono, the cherished one passed down from her mother, hoping it’s presence would bring her good luck. She meticulously braided her colourful hair three ways, two smaller braids framing her face and a fuller one cascading down her back.

If Iguro-sama can be unapologetically himself, then so can I!

With a final glance in the mirror, Mitsuri stepped out of her room.

Obanai was taken aback by her appearance the moment he laid eyes on her in the kimono. Her emerald eyes harmonized beautifully with her colourful hair and attire. It’s also noticeable that after a week under his roof, Mitsuri seemed to have gained a newfound strength. Obanai couldn't help but notice her hourglass figure, though he quickly dismissed any further thoughts.

He typically didn't pay much attention to girls, given his dark past, but he found himself growing more comfortable around Mitsuri with each passing day. Though they don’t speak much, she never made him feel anything less than accepted, creating a cozy bubble of comfort between them.

Compared to her usual attire, she looked specially cu-

"Sorry I took a little while, Iguro-sama," Mitsuri apologized, breaking Obanai's reverie.

Obanai quickly averted his gaze, grateful for the mask that hid his blush. Trying to shake off his embarrassment, he gestured for her to follow him as they exited the house. The afternoon was beautiful, with a gentle breeze cooling them as they walked. The golden hues of the paddy fields painted a beautiful scenery around them.

They didn’t speak much, although he found himself observing Mitsuri's every move. He noticed how her eyes drank in the scenery and how she greeted everyone they passed with a warm smile. Occasionally, she would pause to touch a blade of grass or admire a flower, apologizing for slowing their progress. But Obanai simply stood by patiently, allowing her to enjoy the simple pleasures along the way.

"Don’t worry about it. I’m the one who asked you to come with me. I have time.” He remarked, his tone softer than usual.

Feeling more at ease, Mitsuri smiled gratefully as they continued their leisurely stroll towards the town. As they approached the bustling streets, she couldn't help but touch her hair nervously, conscious of her appearance amidst the crowd.

“Do you need anything Kanroji?” Obanai noticed her discomfort as they approach the bustling town.

Although Mitsuri wished she could cover her brightly coloured hair with a scarf, she politely declined, stating that she didn’t need anything. As they made their way to the bookstore, she found herself standing outside, leaning against the wall in an attempt to blend into the background. Her eyes scanned the passersby, her mind drifting with thoughts.

Iguro-sama is so kind to me today. I'm glad I get to go out with him. If you asked me a week ago, I wouldn't believe I'd made it this far. I even get to eat with him, shop with him, and he even let me keep my natural hair. I must do better... Oh look, someone's cooking in front of that store!

Mitsuri's feet carried her involuntarily closer to the restaurant, where she watched intently as the chef expertly prepared noodles, each movement akin to a graceful dance. She was mesmerized by the sight.

Meanwhile, Obanai emerged from the bookstore and spotted Mitsuri across the street, captivated by the chef's skill. It was easy to spot her in her pink kimono with her vibrant hair. He walked over and got them a table for two. They settled at a table near the window, far from the busy kitchen. Obanai ordered tea for himself and some desserts for Mitsuri, who thanked him deeply and happily indulged in the treats.

Obanai witnessed her smiling so genuinely, and he felt a warmth spread across his cheeks, realizing he was once again, blushing beneath his mask.

Reflecting on his own past with his family's cult, Obanai recalled how he was forced to consume lavish meals, but since his escape, he had lost much of his appetite. However, Mitsuri's love for food was evident, and he found watching her eat truly amusing. She seemed to have a talent for it.

"I ordered more for you, Kanroji," he mentioned, his words catching her off guard.

"Iguro-sama... You are strange. Most people wouldn't allow a girl to eat this much," Mitsuri remarked, her voice tinged with surprise.

Obanai was momentarily speechless. How had he come this far, allowing himself to be so close to a girl? Raised in a cult where women worshipped him before his escape, he had struggled with interacting with females. It was only through his time in the Demon Slayer Corps that he began to acclimate to their presence.

Perhaps this is the master's way of helping him overcome his dark past, starting with accepting a female attendant and then a fiancée. It took him a year of rejections to finally feel comfortable being in the same room with this girl. Mitsuri Kanroji is unlike anyone he's encountered before; she seems to carry a dark past. Her parents abandoned her, though he's unsure of the reasons. He's uncertain if she'll share her story if he asks, but he's determined to ensure she's well taken care of regardless.

“I don’t mean to call you strange, I’m so sor-“ Mitsuri cut off his train of thought, her words interrupted him with a rush of emotions.

“I’m your fiance after all, It’s my job to feed you.”

As usual, Mitsuri found herself unable to control her tears. The tenderness of her fiancé’s gesture overwhelmed her. With a gentle touch, Obanai leaned across the table as he wiped away her tears with the corner of his Haori.

Their eyes met, and Obanai gave her a gentle smile with his eyes, to which she smiled back.

In that silent exchange, they secretly promised to take care of each other, grateful for the meaning they brought into each other's life.

"You're unusually, extremely, over-the-top nice today, Obanai. You were even nice to Giyuu when he mentioned his stupid ideas in the meeting. What’s gotten into you?" Sanemi teased as their meeting ended.

Obanai shrugged off his friend’s teasing. “Good grief Sanemi, calm your abs. You always have a problem with me whether I'm being bad or nice. You're impossible to please.”

“Well, is it because your fiancée treats you well? Everyone is surprised that she lasted longer than not one but two weeks!” Obanai found himself at a loss for words. Even he couldn't deny the change within himself. Initially, he had rejected the idea of being close to a woman, but now he found himself concerned and curious about Mitsuri. Admitting she was his fiancée the other day was a deviation from his usual guarded self.

Apart from discovering her unique hair colour, Obanai began noticing other details about Mitsuri, like her unusual appetite. He instructed Yurie to place extra food for her in the pantry. Suspecting she might be ill-treated at home, he observed her reacting with immense gratitude to minimal gestures.

As he pondered Mitsuri's upbringing, Obanai couldn't shake the feeling that she had faced similar hardships to his own. He recalled the darkness of his past and how every act of kindness had felt amplified in the face of his struggles.

“It seems like she grew up alone in her family. That is the worst.”

Sanemi nodded thoughtfully. “Speaking of which, I heard about her unique hair colour. It reminded me of one of the case studies I read years ago. There is a woman who died with the same hair color. Legal reports say that she threw herself out of a window, but our internal report shows that it could be demon activity.”


“We can never know if that’s true. It’s difficult when the government does not fully recognize us and allow us to carry out our own investigation…..”

As their conversation shifted back to their duties and the challenges they faced, Obanai's thoughts remained preoccupied with Mitsuri. Despite the progress he had observed in her physical appearance and her growing openness, he knew that this was just beginning. Obanai vowed to treasure Mitsuri, not just for her beauty, but also for the shared sadness he sensed within her, feeling compelled to protect her with all his heart.


Obanai here has a little more rizz than usual, but I love it!!!!! hahaha. A little fluffy chapter here, I had so much fun writing it. I hope you have as much fun reading it :) Also, do you watch the anime too? Let me know if you like my adaptation! See you in the next chapter.

Chapter 4: Gift


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After their first date, Mitsuri wanted to thank Obanai for his kind gesture. However, as she came to his home without much savings or belongings, she decided to ask Yurie for advice. Just as Yurie had advised on the first day, Mitsuri now felt a sense of trust towards her. They enjoyed each other’s company while being at home.

"Miss Kanroji, you can sew very well. Maybe make him something that he can use every day!" Yurie dropped the laundry she was holding upon hearing Mitsuri’s inquiry. They went into the study, and the elderly woman leafed through the books, her fingers grazing the pages. She pulled out a book titled "Handmade Wonders That You Can Make."

“Handmade items?” Mitsuri asked.

“Yes, Miss Kanroji. It wouldn’t cost much, but it will be valuable!” Yurie replied.

Mitsuri thought about something that might be useful for Obanai. It seemed like he was a very minimalist person with very few belongings, so she looked into the book. It mostly recommended items like pouches, winter wear…

“Ah! I know what to make!” Mitsuri exclaimed, as if a light bulb had lit up above her head. She decided that she would make him a face mask, one that would be much easier for him to wear than the one he had now.

They quickly ran to check her supplies and were happy to find some white cotton cloth that she could use. This material would be perfect for him to breathe through.

Excited, Mitsuri started immediately. She imagined the shape and size of his face, which made her blush. The image from days ago was still vivid. Though she couldn't see her future husband’s face, the way his duo-colored eyes smiled at her made her flush. She could see that he had sharp jawlines, and even with the mask over his face, she could imagine that he was good-looking.

Humming a little song, she immersed herself in her work, folding the cloth back and forth to create a pleated pattern. She sewed it together to secure the shape, but then realized she needed an elastic material to complete the part for the mask to hang on his ears.

Mitsuri was now in the mood to make this gift, determined to ensure it was comfortable and well-done for him. However, Yurie advised that the elastic was an imported material, so she had to travel to the city to get it.

This time, Mitsuri didn't have to walk. They had the house car transport her to the entrance of the city. The place was much bigger than the town they had visited a few days ago. However, she didn’t let the crowd deter her. She held on to the map Yurie gave her and embarked on her journey, looking for “Nippon Sewing Supplies.”

Just as she was crossing one of the junctions, Mitsuri could hear a mix of familiar voices ringing from nearby. Before she could turn to confirm her nightmare, her face turned pale upon seeing her younger sisters and stepmother.

“My, my, look who's here!”

“It’s our beloved elder sister, who we thought would be dead at this point.”

It was too late for her to run. Mitsuri hung her head low, the voices bringing back the dark past she experienced in the Kanroji residence. She thought she had grown stronger and hoped to speak up against them, but her throat felt stuck.

“Dumb as usual. You see, we won’t waste too much time with you running errands. People like us are not made to complete chores. We are actually headed to the Eternal Paradise Faith palace.”

“I don’t think she would be literate enough to know about this place and the great Doma,” her other sister continued to poke. Mitsuri was embarrassed, wishing she could run away.

“Well, the Great Doma showers us with his endless wisdom on being eternally beautiful women. Women who marry prestigious and rich men. Something that you can’t relate to, for sure.”

“She probably lasts that long because she’s a clown now. Look how they let her keep her natural hair color and wear a kimono now. Wait until she reveals those ugly moles. She could definitely work better as a clown with those.”

Mitsuri’s head was pounding. She hated this feeling, wishing she hadn’t seen them. She loathed that she didn’t have control over their words and allowed them to talk down to her. Just when she was paralyzed by her emotions, a sweet voice came to her rescue.

“Ah! What a lovely afternoon! Miss Kanroji Mitsuri, I’m so sorry that I am late and thank you for blessing us with your presence. I’m actually here to pick you up for your Afternoon Tea session at the Imperial Tea Garden.”

Mitsuri was shocked and didn’t know what to say, as she had never met this person. Yet she recognized the same uniform with the gold button as Obanai's, and the person had mentioned her name correcttly.

“What do you mean? Only the elites are allowed to enter the Imperial Tea Garden,” Mitsuri’s step mother finally spoke, seemingly shocked.

“As you can see, Miss Kanroji Mitsuri is the future wife of a high-ranking officer, Mr. Iguro Obanai. She certainly is invited to have tea there. We would love to invite friends, however, as it’s a very ELITE and PRIVATE space, only she is able to enter this time. Shall we, Miss Kanroji?”

The tiny figure ushered Mitsuri towards the direction of the tea house. Once she observed that they were in the clear, she quickly introduced herself.

“I’m so sorry about that! You must be Kanroji Mitsuri! I’m your fiancee’s colleague, Shinobu Kochou. I happened to be doing some work here and recognized you with your hair colour. Are you alright? I’ll take you home.”

As per Mitsuri’s suspicion, this purple-eyed woman was Obanai’s colleague. She was tiny, with a very soft voice yet beaming with confidence! And besides, she looked very young to be a high-ranking officer; she must be very smart and she walks proudly with her two-colored hair and large hair ornament. She is amazing.

Shinobu offered to bring her to the tea house, but instead, Mitsuri had her accompany her to the supplies store and back home. Mitsuri thanked her and secretly hoped that one day she could be as confident as Shinobu.

Obanai rushed home the moment he completed his evening mission. In a very rare occasion, his colleague’s crow sent him an urgent message. In the letter, Shinobu penned the details of a group of women suspected to be Mitsuri's past family, bullying her badly. Shinobu happened to be scouting that area and managed to send Mitsuri home safely. She also emphasized that Mitsuri was distressed. As usual, Shinobu didn’t miss her chance to tease Obanai about how beautiful his fiancée looked and how lucky he was.

He wasn’t in the mood for that. This incident enraged him so much that he didn’t realize he had arrived at the front of the sliding door of her bedroom.

“Kanroji. It’s me,” he said, calming his breathing from running, noticing a lit candle in her room indicating that she was awake.

“Shinobu told me what happened today. You can talk to me.” his voice gentle.

Mitsuri stifled her cry. She felt useless and wanted to dig a hole and hide inside it. She wanted to be more useful to her future husband instead of worrying him.

Obanai announced his entry into her room while apologizing. He found her curled into the corner of the room, her food untouched and tears streaming down her face.

Mitsuri attempted to hide her face.

“Kanroji, look at me,” he gently said, holding her chin to gaze up at him, his beautiful eyes piercing hers, beaming of concern.

“Shinobu told me about your moles; she's right. I didn’t know you had them. They're lovely.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing; she felt ugly, but he was telling her the opposite. Her heart was about to explode; all she could manage was to let out a soft answer.


Obanai decided to share his own story, hoping she would understand that he empathized with her feelings.

“Kanroji, I'm not ready to tell you the full story of my past yet, but I want you to understand that I grew up with different looks too. I was born with a disease that cursed me with two-colored eyes. To make it worse, I was the only boy in my family for more than 300 years. My family offered me to the head of the cult to please them, but they also had to hurt me to satisfy their demands. That's why I had to wear a mask to cover my scars. It’s been 10 years since this happened, and it took me a very long time to be able to look into a mirror and openly talk about it.”

“I’m not trying to downplay your experience; I want you to know that I understand. You can tell me what you're going through anytime.” He seemed to feel relief after sharing about him. He pulled her into a hug, her head resting on his warm chest. For a moment Mitsuri felt like she was in a dream as she sensed his lips pressing gently against the top of her head.

Mitsuri calmed down upon hearing his heartbeat; she was surprised by Obanai’s warmth.

“I'll tell you more once I explain my work to you. Would you like to come and see tomorrow?”

Mitsuri felt happy; she had been curious about him, and finally, he wanted to show her his world.

“I know what you're thinking; you're not a burden at all. My colleagues are excited to meet you.”

“Plus, there's a staff cafeteria with a free buffet that you can enjoy!” Mitsuri's heart swelled with joy upon his words.

Obanai was a gift from god.


A quick update for everyone before I head to the mechanic! We have Sanemi, Shinobu, and a mention of Giyuu.. Guess which Hashira will appear next!! :) Let me know what you think!

Chapter 5: The Unexpected Dance.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Obanai tossed and turned in his futon, the dim moonlight casting long shadows across his room. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts after he left her to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he was met with the sensation of her warm breath against his chest as he held her close. The weight of her body against his, the sound of her muffled sobs.

He couldn’t believe how out of character he had been recently. First, he entered a woman’s room, then, he hugged her. He even pressed a kiss on her head, all without her permission! It felt like he had lost control, like he was acting on some irrational impulse. And now, he had invited her to his workplace. And so, as the night stretched on and the hours slipped away, Obanai decided to take a cold shower, hoping it help him regain his composure.

Don’t think too much about it. She is your fiancé, you should make her happy.

On the other hand, the well slept Mitsuri wore a new, simple furisode that Yurie had gotten for her today. Its beige color brought out Mitsuri’s bright hair, and she loved the floral pattern adorning it. Today, she didn’t attempt to cover the moles under her eyes either. She thanked the gods as she felt fortunate to have met both Yurie and Obanai.

As they rode in a house cart to the Special Defense Headquarters, Mitsuri enjoyed the scenery passing by. However, at one point, the coachman had to pull down the blinds, which made her feel uneasy. Obanai placed his hands over hers as a reassurance, explaining that this place had high clearance, and the road they were on was considered secret.

Upon their arrival, a tall man with a very muscular build stood waiting for them. He had spiky long white hair and large almond-shaped eyes. He appeared to be Obanai’s colleague, as they wore the same uniform, though his was unbuttoned, exposing his chest down to his abs. He exuded a serious aura and made Mitsuri feeling shy upon meeting him.

However, the seriousness dissipated the moment Obanai stepped out of the coach and grabbed the gentleman’s extended hand. They knowingly bumped into each other’s shoulders, and Mitsuri panicked when the man extended his hand to her. She had never grown up around boys and was only familiar with bowing. Unfamiliar with this modern way of greeting, she hesitantly followed suit, mimicking Obanai's gesture and pulling him in for a shoulder bump. Sanemi, the taller guy, was dragged down to her height, his face reflecting shock at her unexpected strength.

Obanai laughed at the scene while tapping Sanemi on the shoulder. Mitsuri felt embarrassed, yet cheered up at the rare sight of Obanai laughing.

"Kanroji," Obanai began, trying to compose himself. "This is Sanemi, my good friend. He is a high-ranking officer as well. This is the main quarters for the Special Defence Corps; we protect the nation under special circ*mstances. We are called if the National Military Force needs additional help, here is where we work."

Sanemi left for his mission, leaving the couple to explore their workplace. Obanai walked her around the compound, passing by offices, labs, and classrooms, all designed in modern Japanese-style architecture. The atmosphere was professional, and everyone they encountered seemed well-groomed and disciplined.

Mitsuri found it amusing that anyone who walked past them seemed to bow to her future husband. Her heart swelled with pride; she was happy to see how well he was treated at work.

At the far end of the square, Mitsuri heard the clanking of swords in the distance. As they turned the corner, she saw a group of people, mostly young men of Obanai’s age, training with wooden swords and weights. She stood there in awe, watching their every move.

Obanai noticed that she was most interested in this area so far. Her eyes darted around, following their movements, and he slowly realized who she was looking at. It was another high-ranking officer of Obanai’s rank, Kyojuro Rengoku.

Rengoku was easy to spot, towering over the others with his tall stature and lean, muscular build. His long, bright yellow hair with red streaks resembled flames. His black, forked eyebrows and golden eyes, fading to red with white pupils added to his striking appearance. He trained his students with great optimism, his voice loud and clear, echoing across the training grounds.

“Iguro-sama.” Mitsuri spoke finally, her mouth agape.

“Apparently the teacher? The fiery gentleman is much faster and stronger than the student. The student kept trying to dodge his hits by moving his shoulders from side to side but he kept being hit. Why don’t he just bend backwards and hit him by his leg if he knew that he can’t dodge him this way?”

Obanai was taken aback by her dodge and attack strategy, not being able to visualize what is she trying to say, he invited her off her seat to show him.

“Do you want to show me what you meant Kanroji?”

Mitsuri was too excited to realize she is doing something out of the blue. They each grabbed a dummy sword and positioned herself infront of Obanai and motioned him to pretend as if he is waiving his sword like Rengoku. Obanai was hesitant, but he slowly waved the sword infront of her face, to the left and back. Quickly yet gracefully, Mitsuri arched her body backwards with both her hands, her legs kicked herself back while her right arm swing the sword to Obanai’s legs.

Obanai was totally taken aback, not just by what Mitsuri had just demonstrated, but also by the pain she had inflicted on his shin. As a Hashira, or as she knew him, a high-ranking officer, he should have been flexible and quick enough to dodge her attack. Despite wearing traditional attire that restricted her movement, she managed to hit his leg surprisingly.

Within a split second, Mitsuri recovered herself and stood up again.

A clap could be heard from afar.

“WOW! AMAZING! I HAVE NEVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THIS!” Rengoku exclaimed, clearly impressed by what he had just witnessed.

Mitsuri blushed deeply, feeling as though she had caused a scene by simply demonstrating one of her favorite dance moves to her fiancé.

“Rengoku, this is Mitsuri Kanroji, my fiancée,” Obanai introduced them.

“Kanroji-san! You look like you have lots of talent! I see you have a sword with you! Are you here to train with us today?” Rengoku's enthusiasm was palpable, his positivity seeming to run through his veins.

Mitsuri found herself amused by the way he spoke. He seemed to be fueled by enthusiasm and positivity. In fact, she was very interested in training and experiencing this, but considering she was here to visit the place with Obanai, she shot a hesitant look at her fiancé.

“Kanroji, you may try if you want to,” Obanai spoke calmly, though inside he was still trying to process what had just happened. However, he couldn't resist Mitsuri's pleading gaze, filled with excitement and curiosity, much like a child about to unwrap a present.

“If you'd like to, ma’am! We have uniforms you can switch to. We are training basic sword wielding today!” Rengoku offered enthusiastically.

Mitsuri accepted the offer, and Obanai instructed an attendant, dressed similarly to Yurie, to help her change. Unfortunately, they seemed to be a little short on women's sizes, as there were not many female trainees. Mitsuri's uniform ended up being a little ill-fitted. Due to its tight fit, the chest area of her jacket and her undershirt were left unbuttoned, and she wore a short, pleated mini skirt.

“Is… is this alright Iguro-sama?” Mitsuri came out of the dressing room, embarrassed. Rengoku noticed her embarrassment immediately and kindly handed her a plain white haori to cover herself.

“Alright ma’am! Problem solved! Let’s get into the formation and start practicing!” Rengoku ushered her into the center of the training area. Mitsuri fit in immediately and started to wield her sword.

Meanwhile, Obanai found himself blushing under his mask, unable to tear his eyes away from Mitsuri. This was the first time he had seen her from her exposed skin from the thighs down to her ankles, and he couldn't help but notice the curves of her chest before she donned the white haori.

“I can’t believe you never told her anything about breathing techniques or anything about us, Obanai!” Rengoku's booming voice snapped Obanai out of his reverie as he continued to watch from afar. He realized he should step up and help her.

“Kanroji, may I?” he asked, positioning himself behind her with his right hand extended.

Mitsuri nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with excitement as she allowed him to guide her with the practice sword. Obanai took her hand in his, gently guiding her into a proper stance for sword wielding.

“Watch closely,” he murmured, his voice soft yet commanding.

With precision and grace, Obanai demonstrated each movement, his hands moving fluidly as he executed each strike. Mitsuri observed with full attention, her gaze fixed on his hands as he moved with skill and strength.

“Now you try,” Obanai encouraged, stepping back to give her space.

“She has talent! And lots of strength!” Rengoku exclaimed as he observed Mitsuri practicing basic hitting strokes.

Obanai nodded, a soft smile reflecting in his eyes as they ended the session. “You did well, Kanroji.”

Mitsuri had a lot of fun and expressed her gratitude to Rengoku for his teaching. As she changed back into her furisode, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. It was as if her body was so light, and the atmosphere of this place radiates positivity.

“Iguro-sama, if it’s possible, I would love to come back!” Mitsuri expressed enthusiastically.

“Absolutely, lady. I would be happy to teach you if you're interested.” Rengoku responded with equal enthusiasm.

To thank Rengoku for his teaching today, Obanai invited him to join them for dinner at a nearby ramen shop. Throughout the night, Obanai mostly drank, amused by how much his friend and fiancée could eat. It seemed like the two people he knew who could eat the most were sitting together. However unlike Mitsuri, Rengoku would exclaim "umai!" loudly after every spoonful of food he savored.

Once Mitsuri excused herself to the ladies' room, Obanai spoke to Rengoku, his voice low. "I haven't told her about demons yet. She only knows that I work as a high-ranking officer for the special defense team."

Rengoku nodded thoughtfully. "It's understandable, but she's going to be your wife. She deserves to know the truth."

Obanai sighed, feeling conflicted. "I know, but I don't want to put her in danger."

Rengoku placed a reassuring hand on Obanai's shoulder. "You've seen her potential. She's strong. It reminds me of my father and mother. I think it’s better you tell her.”

Obanai nodded, Rengoku’s words are right, eventually he would have to tell her fully about his life. "I'll speak with her. Thank you, Rengoku, for everything today."

"Of course Obanai. And if she needs training, I'll gladly take her as my tsugoku.” Rengoku smiled warmly while the two Hashiras clink their sake cups.

“Iguro-sama, I have something I want to give you.” Obanai heard a voice of excitement coming from the bathroom where he had just finished bathing. Opening the sliding door, he was met with her pair of green eyes staring intently at him, both of her hands holding out a wooden box.

“Iguro-sama, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me so far.” Obanai was taken aback. Other than the times when the people he saved tried to gift him something, he couldn't remember the last time someone had ever personally given him a gift. Slowly, he opened the box to find a rectangular-shaped cloth, neatly pleated with two loops on the sides. He tried to discern what he was holding in his hand.

“Did you make this?” he asked.

“Yes! It’s a face mask! You can put this around your ears, so it will secure over your mouth. It only takes one second to wear it! Plus, you can pull it down from the bottom if you really need to eat or drink!” She happily advocated for her product.

“I see. Thank you Kanroji, I want you to wear this for me. Follow me.” Obanai said, taking her hand as they entered his bedroom. It was the first time Mitsuri had entered the master bedroom. Knowing the significance of it, she blushed, thankful that Obanai couldn't see her face as he blew out the candle in the room.

In the dark, Obanai guided her to the centre of the room, where they settled on the floor.

“Kanroji, I’m going to remove my mask now and you can put this on for me. Is that ok?”

Mitsuri responded with a soft hum as she listened to the rustling of his mask being removed. As his hands relaxed, she could feel her heartbeat quicken. With careful movements, she used her fingers to locate the contours of his face, methodically hooking the loops over each ear while gently brushing against his hair. Slowly, she expanded the pleated fabric, ensuring it covered his face properly.

Obanai's heart raced in his chest. Was it the effect of the alcohol, or was it her touch that made him feel this way? Despite the darkness, he sensed her proximity, catching a whiff of her scent. She smelled like blooming orchids and warm amber, sweet and inviting.

"Iguro-sama, do you like it? Are you able to breathe? It should cover your face from the nose down…” Mitsuri's voice turned concerned as she hadn't heard him say a word so far.

Upon Mitsuri’s touch, Obanai felt a surge of emotions washing over him, overwhelming his senses. In the darkness of the room, with only the faint scent of her lingering in the air, he found himself completely intoxicated by her presence. His heart pounded with an intensity he had never experienced before.

Obanai lost control of himself as his right arm pulled her face closer to him, his lips reaching out to hers, and he slowly pressed in a kiss. Though there was a piece of fabric between them, he could sense her sweetness more intimately now. She tasted so lovely; he felt like he could kiss her forever.

Mitsuri was shocked at Obanai’s sudden movement. Her hands froze momentarily as she anchored herself to the floor. She had never kissed anyone before, but she found herself enjoying the shared closeness with her fiancee. Slowly, a sense of longing and desire began to flow within her as her fingers slowly move towards his face, holding him dearly. She had felt this way for a while now, but she always held back. Now that he was acting upon it, Mitsuri wanted to get closer to him. She daringly removed the loop from Obanai's ear, one after the other. Obanai didn’t resist; instead, he continued to hold her close, allowing the mask to fall between them.

Finally, she felt her lips against his, and Mitsuri deepened the kiss as she leaned into his chest. Like a dance, their heads turned as they continued their kiss, their movements warm and slow, allowing them to breathe. Obanai's arm moved down her back, and just as he was about to lower his hand further, he abruptly broke off the kiss.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Kanroji.” Obanai exclaimed, pulling away and panting heavily as he apologized to Mitsuri.

"Iguro-sama, you don't have to apologize," Mitsuri said, her voice tinged with confusion.

"I do. I….I should leave now. You can stay here. I'll… I’ll be in the guest room.” Guilt overcame Obanai as he rushed towards the door, leaving Mitsuri alone in the dark, lying on the floor in his room.

Her beloved dissapeared before she could say anything.

In the darkness of the room, thoughts raced through her mind as she replayed the moment over and over, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and confusion off her.

Had I done something wrong? Was Iguro-sama upset with me? Why did he kiss me so dearly just to disappear so suddenly? I was supposed to thank him for taking care of me, why did it ended up like this?

Tears started to well up her eyes as uncertainty crept in, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed in the darkness. Mitsuri felt utterly alone, she curled into the futon next to her, feeling her heart sink. Hoping that she could find the answer until the morning arrives.


Hi everyone, thank you for following my story thus far. It's going to be different from the anime at this point. I'll be busy with my work soon, so I'm hoping to write as much as I can. As always, take care and see you at the next chapter!

Chapter 6: Our First Night.


Warning: Mature Content, you may skip the first part if that works for you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Obanai found himself in the empty guest room, pacing back and forth with his hands on his head. Eventually, with a sense of helplessness, he dropped himself to the ground. This time, even a cold shower wouldn’t do anything. Guilt weighed heavily on him for kissing her, yet he couldn't deny the enjoyment he felt in that moment. However, Obanai found out that he was enjoying it too much, the intensity of the pleasure kissing her gave him no choice but to flee. He realized he was losing control over himself, and afraid of the things that he imagined to do with her.

When he was kissing Mitsuri, his arms felt the shape of her body. They instinctively slithered down to her small waist, drawn by an irresistible force. He almost continued downwards to cup her bottom. He knew that she has a great figure, but the uniform today exposed so much of her porcelain-skin. The kiss they shared was inviting him to feel how soft she felt. He wanted to pull her closer to him. He wanted her to sit on him so he could better explore the rest of her body, all while they are kissing each other. That is when Obanai realized that blood is gushing through the lower part of his body, and if he continued, she would be able to feel his desire towards her. It felt wrong, and that would only embarrass him.

Obanai let out a sigh. That explained why he's not using his brain.

He had read enough literature to understand what was going on, yet experiencing it firsthand was different. He wished he could blame the alcohol, but he knew all too well that he could only blame himself more for giving into his intrusive thoughts.

As time passed, his heart rate began to slow down, so as the blood flowing down his lower body. He tried to lie down to get some rest; it had been a long day. However, something seemed off, aside from the fact that he wasn't in his own room. It was only then that he realized Kaburamaru was left in his room.

Obanai panicked. Mitsuri might be afraid if Kaburamaru tried to curl up and sleep with her. Or it may make noises that might scare her. Obanai also knew his snake friend too well; it may also move around the room, feeling weird without Obanai. It seemed like he didn’t have a choice but to go back. It had been a while since he departed from the room; at this point, she should be sleeping.

He found himself wrong, he heard her sobbing softly as he arrived at his room.

“Kanroji, it’s me. Has Kaburamaru done something?”

Mitsuri didn’t answer; she continued to cry.

Obanai entered the room, worrying that Kaburamaru may have frightened her, not knowing that his sudden departure caused her to cry. He thought that leaving her alone would be the best course of action and would make her feel better.

“Are you alright Kanroji?”

“Not really…” Her faint voice echoed in the room.

There were no signs of Kaburamaru. Obanai stepped towards the futon and lowered himself. As a Hashira who fights demons in the dark, it’s not hard for him to navigate in the dark. He wiped away her tears as he apologized to her. The guilt weighed even more heavily now, leaving her in the room alone or not, he knew he hurt her. He wasn’t ever expecting that Mitsuri was actually disappointed because he broke the kiss and that she actually wanted to continue with him.

“Iguro-sama, did you stop because I didn’t do well kissing you?”

“Kanroji, it’s not like that. I…”

It’s not, in fact, it’s the total opposite.

“Please be honest to me, I’m really hurt.”

“I….” He thought carefully about how to express himself, realizing the importance of being truthful to Mitsuri but also gentle to her. He can tell through her voice that she is heart broken. Taking a breath, he decided to speak from his heart.

“Kanroji, I actually left because I couldn’t control myself. I wanted more of you, and I don’t want to hurt you. As a man, I… I can’t trust myself past a certain point…”

“I don’t mind Iguro-sama, in fact I would love to… I love kissing you and I want you to hold me more.”Mitsuri's face brightened upon saying those words, It was a relief to know that he wasn't rejecting her, but instead, he desired more of her. She desired more of him as well.

“Are you sure Kanroji?” Obanai want’s sure if his heart had ever pounded so fast in his life. Mitsuri placed her hands above his, indicating that she was sure that she wanted him.

“You tasted so good Kanroji.” Obanai whispered as he allowed his desires overtook him. He brought her face towards his with both hands. Mitsuri leaned in and allowed their lips to meet again. A sense of relief overwhelmed her as she tasted Obanai's lips. Unlike earlier, his lips were now firm and demanding against hers. Fire spread throughout Mitsuri’s body, so hot she was sure he could feel it.

Heat rose further on to her cheek as she felt him tilting his head, his tongue licked her lower lip; asking for something more. Mitsuri widened her lips, a soft moan escaped as his tongue entered her and found hers. Her hands clenched against his chest, Obanai groaned as he kissed her harder.

Mitsuri found it difficult to breathe, yet she was reluctant to pull away from the kiss. She was savoring every moment of it. It was until Obanai mouth left her first and kissed his way to her ears while his hand caressed her breast through her yukata, softly massaging her.

“I’m going to touch you Kanroji.” He panted between words as he informed her, decided at this point that he would stop asking. “Hmmm.”Mitsuri let out a low hum as she felt him unravelled the opening of her yukata. The fabric fell from her shoulders down to her waist, leaving her skin exposed to him. It was her first time, yet her body gave in all signs of arousal; her breasts were swollen, aching for his touch. She felt herself wet between her thighs as he dragged a fingertip over her erected nipple, then the next before cupping both her breast in his palms.

“I..Iguro..sama…” A cry fell off Mitsuri’s lips involuntarily. She'd never been touched by a man before, the feeling of exhilaration multiplied.

“Obanai, call me Obanai..” He whispered into her ears as he continued touching her. He couldn’t see her, but he clearly felt her needs. Just as he felt every pulsations of blood with each beat of his heart. He was eager to enter her, but he knew it was too soon. Patiently, his lips took over the role to pleasure her nipples. He then trailed his fingers down her stomach, gently stroking over her skin all the way down to her inner thighs.

He found the opening of her yukata from below, pressed his thumb to her cl*t and rubbed slowly, his other finger entering her for the first time, sliding in and out. Mitsuri contained a gasp when he did it again, then again, over and over. She’d never been touched this way, yet it felt so good. She was unsure of what is to come, but she wanted more of him. Obanai understood her through her ragged breathing and moans. Slowly, he felt her back arched and started to clench his fingers tightly.

As Mitsuri felt she was about to explode from the pleasure he was giving her, his weight dissapeared from her for a moment. She heard a rustling sound as he removed his yukata. Obanai quickly returned to her, pressed a deep kiss into her lips as he positioned himself above her. Mitsuri’s delicate fingers trailed from his arms to his back, and then his torso as she admired the firmness of his muscles.

Mitsuri’s quivered as she felt him lean forward to push his hardened member against her entrance. She naturally parted herself while he began to enter her. The pleasure was good as he filled her opening. He stretched her carefully, only stopped as he felt his tip reached her limit.

“Mitsuri….Are you alright?” Obanai asked her with a quiet breath. Mitsuri melted in the futon as he called her by her name. It was so tender that she could only respond with a kiss. Her breath shallow as she felt every inch of him. The sense of discomfort was short and replaced by pleasure rather quickly. She held his toned arms, only started to rock her hips once she was ready to encourage him to move.

Obanai slid himself in and out of Mitsuri easily as she was so wet and inviting. Mitsuri’s chest heaved as she felt every movement sent waves through her body. The feeling was immense, and even Obanai could hardly contain himself.


He was about to come, she heard it in the gasping groans he emitted. Mitsuri gave herself over to her climax, to his, squeezed and shook and cried out as he filled her up deep.Obanai gathered Mitsuri in his arms, holding her tightly against him. In the darkness of the room, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I love you, Mitsuri. Thank you for coming in to my life.” he whispered into her ears, the warmth of his words casted a comforting sense over her.

As they lay entwined in each other's embrace, Mitsuri's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she tenderly cupped Obanai's face, drawing him closer. 'I love you too, Obanai,' she whispered back, her voice filled with warmth and affection. 'I'm so glad I met you too,' she continued breathlessly, her sincerity weighing heavily in every word. In the tranquil darkness of the room, they held each other closer and drifted off into a cozy slumber, savoring the sweetness of their first night together.

The next morning, Mitsuri awoke to find herself in Obanai's room, him seated beside her, holding a letter in his hand.

"Good morning," he greeted softly, his eyes smiling at her as he brushed a stray hair off her face. Mitsuri attempted to shift, but a soreness in her lower body reminded her of the lingering intimate moments they had shared the previous night. She blushed furiously, feeling a rush of warmth flood her cheeks as she recalled the intimate moments from the night before.

"How are you feeling, Mitsuri?" His tenderness almost overwhelmed her, his warmth akin to the morning sun. Mitsuri had initially believed it was all a dream. She had often imagined being intimate with her fiancé, but she never expected her fantasies to materialize before they even married.

From Obanai's perspective, Mitsuri looked beautiful than ever. Her skin glowed with an aftereffect from the night before. The sight of her lying naked in his futon urged his desires to make her his wife. Though he knew he had gotten the sequence of events a little wrong, he was certain he needed to tell her about his past before asking for her hand in marriage.

“Mitsuri… For what happened last night, it's better to see a doctor.” he suggested gently, his tone filled with concern. Despite his words, he secretly wished he could continue to keep her in this state.

"Shinobu will be available this afternoon. Let's get ready," Obanai continued, drawing nearer to her. Kneeling beside her, he pressed a tender kiss to her temple, then trailed down to her exposed collarbone before meeting her lips.

Iguro-sama.. hmm.. Obanai is so sweet and gentle.

As Mitsuri felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach from his affectionate gesture, wishing she could linger in his embrace a little while longer. However, amidst the fluttering emotions, a mix of nervousness and concern about her upcoming doctor's appointment crept in.

“Wow Obanai, I’m not sure of what to say! I’ll be happy to provide my SPECIAL treatment if you can come in this afternoon.”

Obanai dreaded writing to Shinobu earlier that morning to express his concern. He confessed to the doctor about their "special activity" from the previous night, he carefully penned his words to convey the situation without exposing himself too much.

From afar, he could already foresee the teasing he would receive from his colleague. Shinobu found joy in teasing anyone she could, and he knew he would be no exception. Despite wanting to avoid it, he was willing to endure the mischievous doctor's teasing if it meant ensuring Mitsuri's well-being. He knew they shouldn't take any chances of having children if Mitsuri wasn't ready yet.

Once they arrive at the Butterfly Mansion, Shinobu inspected Mitsuri's eyes, took a sample of her hair color, clipped a small piece of skin, and finally drew some blood, all while Mitsuri, felling exposed; lay on the medical bed, uncertain of what to expect.

"Samples are done! However, as of, ahem, last night!" Shinobu interjected with a fake cough for added dramatic effect. Obanai rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what she was trying to do.

"I'll have Aoi brew you a special medicine. It may affect your monthly cycle a little, Kanroji-san, but this is to ensure you won’t get pregnant this time. If that's okay with you?" Shinobu's high-pitched tone echoed through the room, her purple eyes smiling as she stared into Mitsuri's eyes.

While waiting for the medicine to brew, Shinobu proceeded with the body checkup. Her eyes widened as she checked Mitsuri's pulse, her movements getting fast, Shinobu flit around her where it almost resembling a dance around the table where Mitsuri lay. Mitsuri’s eyes followed the doctor as her small delicate hands darted over Mitsuri's body; pinching her arms, legs, and even her abdomen. The doctor's brows stitched closer each time she repeated this process several times, the silence in the room growing louder.

"Kanroji-san, do you... work out a lot?" Shinobu finally inquired.

"I usually do chores, and sometimes I dance, cook, or sew," Mitsuri replied softly.

"It seems like you have much stronger muscle density than the average girl. Could you hold this for me? With both hands straight.” Shinobu instructed Mitsuri to step toward a nearby shelf, pointing at a large, heavy-looking rock.

Mitsuri was doubtful that she could lift the rock, her uncertainty evident as she hesitantly balanced herself. With both arms, she reached out toward the rock, steeling herself for the it. Slowly but steadily, she exerted her strength and lifted the rock from its place, her muscles flexing as she held it aloft.

"This is something Rengoku could lift too!” Shinobu exclaimed, her excitement evident as she aggressively wrote down more notes to her little notebook. Mitsuri felt embarrassed, her cheeks flushing with color as she realized she could lift the rock of a man’s weight. Obanai, on the other hand, was both shocked and embarrassed himself, realizing he couldn't lift the same rock himself.

“Tell me more Kanroji-san! What do you usually eat?” The doctor's excitement only increased as she noted down every detail about Mitsuri, from her physical strength to her daily activities and even her diet. Obanai realized it might be helpful to mention Mitsuri's encounter with Sanemi, but he decided to leave out the part where she hit his leg painfully to save face.

As Shinobu neared the end of her examination, she wrote a prescription and some instructions for the couple.

“It’s great that Obanai ensured you had proper meals for your metabolism. However!” Shinobu held a long pause, as she continued to emphasize the importance of exercise for Mitsuri as well.

“Kanroji-san, with the amount of strength you have, you have to exercise and move your body! A lot! And, especially like this week, you are in your conceiving phase, so you might experience a higher sexual drive than usual!”

"Ehem!" This time, Obanai let out a fake cough, hoping he could escape and end this torturous session soon.

“You know, like horses! They have plenty of energy to run and be happy!” Shinobu chirped cheerfully.

Mitsuri began to worry about her health, shooting multiple questions toward the doctor. Shinobu laughed at her seriousness, realizing she might have gone a bit too far with her diagnosis.

“Nothing concerning, Kanroji-san, you just need MORE EXERCISE!” Shinobu gleamed while she shot a glance at Obanai.

”Ara, ara! Obanai is going to be very busy slaying demons while having a happy married life.”

Obanai blushed like a tomato under his mask, feeling embarrassed by Shinobu's teasing. He knew she liked to pull his leg as a colleague, but he never expected her to embarrass him this much. Although he wanted to return her teasing with his usual comebacks, he didn’t want to be rude, especially since Shinobu had saved Mitsuri the last time. So, he decided to let her have her way.

“De...demons?”Mitsuri's attention was caught by the mention of demons instead.

“You didn’t tell her?” Shinobu hesitated.

“Not yet, planned to.” Obanai admitted.

Shinobu understood the situation and seated herself on the medical table. She became a little more serious as she began to tell Mitsuri the tale of the Demon Slayers. She explained how they operated under the guise of the Special Defense Corps, a semi-secret organization recognized by the government. When the military was unable to handle a “threat”, the Demon Slayers were called in to investigate and eliminate demons.

“We aren’t able to discuss this openly, as the government prefers not to spread fear among citizens or disrupt ongoing demon activities. Within our organization, we are known as Hashiras, which is what you recognize as high-ranking officers. Currently, there are eight of us!” Shinobu explained.

Mitsuri was shocked by the unveiling of the Demon Slayer world. Thanks to Shinobu's willingness to share, she slowly learned that Shinobu, Sanemi, and Obanai were working together on a mission that was considered significant. She was so immersed in the story that she didn't even notice herself downing the bitter medicine.

“It’s rare to have three Hashiras assigned take down one demon. However this organization had been under the suspicion of the Demon Slayer Corps for years. Whenever we send a person or two, they don’t return. That’s how I found you the other day Kanroji-san, I happened to be scouting the city! We are working hard day and night as we are getting closer to our source.”

This flood of information was overwhelming for Mitsuri, triggering memories of her mother. She recalled snippets of conversations she had overheard as a child. A maid once mentioned that her mother had died because of demons, but her father angrily dismissed the rumor. He even forbade Mitsuri from mentioning her mother, claiming she was not worth remembering.

“Another maid had secretly told to me that my father believed my birth mother had run away with another man. But later, I also heard that her body was discovered with scars covering it, said she had been abused before tragically ending her life by jumping off a building.”

Shinobu shared a glance with Obanai before turning to Mitsuri with a gentle apology. She held Mitsuri’s hand in hers and told her the story of her sister Kanae.

“Kanroji-san, I’m not sure if this is the same. But I understand the loss of a close family member. My sister Kanae died as a Hashira, she was killed by a demon. I’m now working hard to find a way to avenge for her. I worked really hard for the past few years, and though I don’t have the physical strength to slice through a demon’s head. I managed to find a way to be the only female Hashira, with my knowledge on medicines…”

Mitsuri’s mind wandered, a spark ignited within her as Shinobu spoke. If what Shinobu said was real, then maybe she could join the corps and avenge for her mom's death. Even if she felt useless, perhaps there was a place for her in society after all.

And just maybe, she can embrace herself like Shinobu did.


My dear ObaMitsu readers!!! I tried to update a chapter a day, but I really had to take my time to learn how to write the steamy scenes. I tried it with my GiyuShino fic (my first fic), and as it didn't turn out the way I loved it, I spent a little more time writing this one. I hope you like it!! Let me know what you think.

Chapter 7: Fighting Demons.


Warning: Death mentioned/described.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Obanai, where are we going?" Mitsuri's voice echoed softly through the corridor, laced with curiosity and concern.

"Mitsuri, I have to show you something.” Obanai responded, his tone serious yet gentle.

After their visit to the doctor, Mitsuri couldn't let go of the feeling of unease. Obanai, usually composed and collected, now seemed troubled. He held her hands tightly, his steps quicker than usual, leading her with purpose. She followed his lead, recalling walking into the library the day before. She recognized the rows of books and the reading area.However, she couldn't recall reaching this corner of the library. An authoritative figure guarded the entrance to a separate room, but upon seeing Obanai, he stepped aside with a nod of recognition, acknowledging Mitsuri as Obanai's fiancée.

Mitsuri's heart raced with questions, but followed as Obanai's determination was visible. He walked toward a specific row of folders and pulled out a file, as if he had done this many times before.

"Mitsuri," Obanai finally stopped, clutching the folder tightly with one hand as he gazed into her eyes, his expression etched with concern. He let his other hand intertwined it with hers, hoping to provide her at least some comfort with his touch.

"I've actually been investigating your background," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "One day, Sanemi himself mentioned something he stumbled upon—demons targeting families, especially mothers and their children. He... he lost his mother to demon activity when he was just a child." Obanai's grip tightened but she could feel him trembling.

"He mentioned coming across a file about a woman with the same hair color as yours, about sixteen years ago..." Mitsuri's breath caught in her throat as she pieced together the implications of Obanai's words. She would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t understand where this going.

"I'm sorry," Obanai continued softly, his gaze unwavering. "You don't have to look if you don't want to, but I overheard what you told Shinobu, and I believe you deserve to know the truth."

With trembling hands, Mitsuri accepted the folder, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. She took a deep breath before opening it, bracing herself for what she might uncover.

Inside, she found old newspaper clippings, their yellowed pages adorned with bold headlines: "Woman found dead after cheating and abused by the person she cheated with." Her hands shook as she turned to another paper, her mother's photo. The only photo she have seen of her mother circled in red, accompanied by gruesome details of her demise—suspected claw marks, punctured organs, and unusual bruises cruelly documented across the page.

Before Mitsuri could finish reading, her vision began to blur, tears of rage and confusion falling uncontrollably. She crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed by the weight of the truth she had uncovered. Obanai gently placed the folder aside and enveloped her in his embrace, holding her close to his chest as she cried into his uniform.

The news of her mother's death cut deeper than any wound she had ever known. Mitsuri realized that the years of not receiving a mother's love, enduring the cruelty of being hated her own father, and being bullied by her stepmother and sisters paled in comparison to the anguish she felt now.

To learn that her mother had suffered such a fate—humiliated and ultimately taken by demons—shattered Mitsuri's image of her mother.

She didn't have any memories of her mother, as she passed away when she was two years old. However, deep down, Mitsuri knew she was a sweet and caring person. She remembered the handwritten notes in her mother's recipe books, the meticulous adjustments made to please her family, especially her father, which showed how much she cared.

The lies smeared against her mother ignited a fierce fury within her.

Lies! All of these are lies!

All because of these demons that found an easy way to hide their doings!

Mitsuri’s fists clenched in anger. How could anyone tarnish the memory of her beloved mother in such a way? Furthermore let her die such a painful death. Obanai held her tighter, offering his silent support as Mitsuri struggle with her emotions, he knew the pain all too well.

“Mitsuri. I’m so sorry.”

Mitsuri looked up at him, the person that could understand her, who was willing to share her pain. She remembered how his own family had betrayed and hurt him, simply for his looks, but how?

"Obanai, the cult you mentioned before… were those demons too?" Mitsuri's hands gently traced his jawline, her touch delicate yet firm, reaching up to caress his cheeks, stopping just shy of his mask, right above his scars. She looked into his eyes.

"Yes, Mitsuri," he whispered gently, letting his hand rest atop hers, a silent gesture to let her know he understood how she felt.

Obanai, the most gentle person with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, deserved nothing but love and love only. Yet, demons cared not for such human qualities. They were cruel beings, lurking in the darkness, ready to trample over innocent lives—lives like her mother's, like Obanai's.

"Is that how you became a demon slayer?"


"Obanai… I want to fight demons too.” Mitsuri's voice turned serious, slicing through the thick silence that hung in the air.

Out of all the possibilities of telling Mitsuri the truth, Obanai never expected that his fiancée would resolve to taking matters into her own hands. If you had asked him a month ago, he would have imagined that this girl would react just like the other suitors - fleeing his residence in fear.

However, Mitsuri was different. Though she initially entered his life with fear, she managed to overcome his initial hostility. Her determination to face challenges drew them closer. Now, as he looked at Mitsuri, tears streaming down her face, he saw strength, not weakness. Yet, Obanai couldn't let go of the desire to protect her, to shield her from the demons that haunted their world.

His motivation to kill demons had always stemmed from his desire to restore himself from his past. But since he was engaged with Mitsuri, he fought not only to redeem himself but also to create a world free from demons, where they could marry and possibly live a normal life together.

Recalling Rengoku's words, Obanai acknowledged Mitsuri's strength and her right to choose her own path. Today, at Shinobu's clinic, her strength was evident, not just mentally but physically as well.

Obanai let out a sigh. Seeing Mitsuri's potential and determination to avenge her late mother laid visibly infront of him, he knew he couldn't stand in her way.

“Mitsuri, I’ll fight with you… I promise I will fight for you too..” With a tender gesture, Obanai brushed away her tears with his lips, a silent promise of his love and protection towards her.


Hi everyone! It's a shorter chapter this time around, but I felt it would be more suitable. On the bright side, I'm glad this chapter has given me more inspiration and ideas to expand upon. I hope you are excited for Mitsuri's training arc!!

Chapter 8: Finding Her Rhythm


Mitsuri Training Arc Part 1, Enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kanroji Mitsuri, the eldest of the Kanroji household, spent most of her years doing chores. She knew how to work a broom swiftly, the quickest route to run into town to get a bag of salt when she was halfway through cooking, or even carry a bag of rice home if needed.

Wielding a sword, facing ugly creatures in the night, navigating forests and unknown towns to save others? Sounds impossible!

Though she was surprised to find out the impossible chance of having eight times the muscle density of a normal person and extreme flexibility, yet she started to think if she was just indulging in wishful thinking.

How do you convert domestic household skills to slaying life-threatening demons?

She was not too sure.

Obanai sat across from her, his palm resting on his face while his snake friend clung onto his neck, both of them observing Mitsuri intently. She had been absentmindedly digging her spoon into her big bowl of shaved ice dessert, over and over again, without putting it in her mouth. Mitsuri was not herself; she wouldn’t leave any food untouched for more than a few seconds. Obanai didn’t say anything either, knowing she was lost in thought.

“Ah... Oba-Iguro-san, I’m so sorry!” Mitsuri suddenly noticed herself day dreaming and realized she had been ignoring her fiancé. She quickly straightened up and began to dig into the already melted dessert.

Obanai didn’t mind at all, only preferred that she called him by his name. However, they had to as they were currently seated in the cafeteria of the Demon Slayer Corps, waiting to send Mitsuri off for her first day of training.

After Mitsuri made her decision to join the Demon Slayer Corps, Obanai couldn't let go of the feeling of unease. He wanted to ensure that Mitsuri wasn't making a rash decision driven by emotions. Unsure of how to proceed, he requested to speak with Master Ubuyashiki, hoping for guidance.

“My child, I've been hoping to speak with you as well. From what I've heard, it seems like you have advanced really well with your fiancé,”the Master greeted Obanai warmly, his wise gaze piercing through the air.

Damn Shinobu! Obanai cursed silently under his breath, feeling a sense of embarrassment. Nonetheless, he remained respectful, bowing deeply before the Master.

“All because of your kind arrangement and care for my well-being, Master.” He managed to hide his irritation towards his colleague’s mischievous doing.

The master felt compassionate towards Obanai’s situation. He suggested for Mitsuri to participate in some basic courses and practice within the Corps's walls to determine if she would like to enter the real world and fight demons.

“Well, Obanai, as you already know, I’m proud of you. I understand you may feel the need to protect her. Reasonable as she is your fiancée. However, based on what I hear from her medical reports, it seems like she could be a great contribution, like you.“

Obanai vowed internally that he would burn down the Butterfly Mansion upon hearing about the reports.

“Yes, Master. I do feel that way.”

“It’s normal to feel what you are feeling. However, you may consider that the classes would be helpful even if she decided not to fight and be a wife of a Hashira instead.”

Obanai’s blushed at that statement. He had been thinking of bringing up the subject of finalizing their marriage, however decided that he should excuse himself as he felt like he had troubled the Master enough with his sudden request.

On her first day, Mitsuri found herself seated in a Demon Slayer 101 class, surrounded by about 20 other trainees, most of whom were young men of her age. Some looked nervous, like her, while others appeared excited or wore gloomy expressions.

As the instructor delved into technical details about demons and their weaknesses, Mitsuri struggled to stay awake. The information about decapitating demons with Nichirin bladed weapons and their composition seemed to blur together, threatening to lull her into a drowsy state. However, her interest was piqued when the organizational structure of the Demon Slayer Corps was introduced, with mentions of the renowned Pillars. The mention of her fiancé, the Serpent Hashira filled her with excitement, and she had to stifle a squeal of delight with both hands clasped over her mouth, earning amused glances from her classmates.

The atmosphere grew more serious as the instructor began to discuss demons in greater detail. Mitsuri listened intently as they covered topics such as demon arts, their solitary nature, and their hierarchical ranking. However, when the instructor broached the subject of a particularly infamous demon, known only as "the one that shouldn't be named," a chill ran down Mitsuri's spine, and she felt a sense of anxiety settle over the classroom.

As days passed, their classroom sessions transitioned to practical sword training. Mitsuri was even chosen to lead morning stretches, a role she embraced with enthusiasm. Her stretches often elicited groans and complaints from her classmates, but they begrudgingly complied with her demanding movements due to her popularity.

Even though they knew better, Mitsuri's classmates refrained from discussing about her as the Serpent Hashira would occasionally pass by their classes and threaten to gouge out their eyes if they stared at his fiancée.

One day, after class, Mitsuri waited for Obanai at the cafeteria while he was in a meeting with the other Hashiras. She didn't mind waiting; she was just happy they could have lunch together whenever he was on site.

Suddenly, an attendant, which Mitsuri known as a kakushi, approached her. Before she could react, the kakushi apologized and swiftly lifted her by the legs, carrying her in his arms. Mitsuri was taken aback by the sudden gesture, but before she could comprehend what was happening, she found herself placed on the ground in the presence of the Hashira meeting. All eight Hashiras, including her fiancé, were bowing to the floor with full respect toward the man standing before them. Quickly, Mitsuri imitated their gesture from the side.

“Mitsuri, thank you for joining us within short notice today.”

It was the first time Mitsuri had seen and heard the Master's voice. He appeared calm and exuded a soothing aura. Mitsuri wanted to steal a glance at Obanai, but she dared not move her head, fearing it would be seen as disrespectful towards the Master.

“My children, I would like you to meet Obanai's fiancée, Kanroji Mitsuri.”

Murmurs from the Hashiras turned into loud chatter the moment the Master announced the entrance of the pink- and green-haired lady.

“Very flashy from the unflashy Obanai!” remarked someone among the Hashiras.

“Good Afternoon, Kanroji-san!” Mitsuri recognized a familiar loud voice booming through the air.

“Such a cruel world, to have a couple fight, instead of living a normal life,” another voice murmured, his tone tinged with melancholy, accompanied by the sounds of beads crushing against each other.

“Kan-Ro-Ji-?… honeydew…?” A softer voice amidst the loud chatter caught her attention.

“Nice to meet you again, Kanroji-san! Welcome to the Demon Slayer Corps!” chirped the only female Hashira that Mitsuri was fond of.

Mitsuri felt overwhelmed by their warm greeting, yet she remained unsure why she had been called to such an important meeting. The Master seemed to read her mind, calling her to stand up front and face the Hashiras. He announced that Mitsuri had joined the Demon Slayer Corps under unique circ*mstances, allowing her to receive direct training under a Hashira. Furthermore, if she desired, she could proceed as a Tsugoku, bypassing the usual training process.

“If any of you are interested in assisting your fellow Hashira here, you may raise your hand,” the Master declared.

Mitsuri felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her as she observed all the Hashiras, except one, raising their hands. The Insect Hashira seemed to notice this too and quickly slapped the thighs of the man next to her, urging him to "Show some enthusiasm." Mitsuri watched as he reluctantly raised his hand, realizing that now all the Hashiras were eager to train her.

“Good, my children. I’m sure Obanai and Mitsuri appreciates your enthusiasm. We can start by having Mitsuri learn from all five main breathers,” the Master continued.

That explains why the Master had waited for him to raise his hand. Obanai realized this as he glanced at Mitsuri, hoping she wasn't too overwhelmed by the sudden meeting.

“Absolutely! As I said before, I will be willing to train you anytime Kanroji-san!” The Flame Hashira's enthusiasm contrasted sharply with the Water Hashira's reserved demeanor.

“What… are we doing again? Oh, I don’t need.. to teach.. sakura.. mochi.. lady..”

“Aww man! I thought I would get a chance to train her!”

“Well Tengen, since we do not have a thunder pillar, you can take up that spot.” the Master suggested as he concluded the meeting, seamlessly addressing the issue and ensuring that all aspects of Mitsuri's training were covered.

Ikuzo!!!!!” The muscular man with white hair yelled as he punched his fist into the air. His excitement died off quickly as he received a strong nudge into his stomach.

“Have you ever planned to get her a new uniform?” Sanemi whispered to Obanai once the meeting was adjourned.

Mitsuri heard and suddenly became aware that she was still wearing the same exposed uniform as before. Embarrassment crept over her, but thankfully, Shinobu noticed. To Mitsuri’s surprise, the petite Hashira with a gentle voice would suggest burning the uniform and have the Corps to tailor a new one. However, Mitsuri felt it was a waste to burn such a precious uniform, especially since she had learned in class that it was made with special fabric capable of protecting against minor demon marks. Feeling guilty, she turned down the offer.

Obanai wished she would said otherwise, however he wanted to respect her choice. He proceeded to introduce her to his fellow pillar colleagues. It felt surreal to see them in person, much different from how they were introduced in class. Mitsuri made a promise to herself that she would do her best to be like them.

After the meeting, Obanai realized that he hadn’t had much time to spend with Mitsuri since she started her classes. The Master noticed and kindly allowed him to take some time off.

He decided to bring her to a special place.

“Mitsuri, let me show you a place,” he gently called out her name and felt comfortable holding her hand once they left the barriers of the town.

Mitsuri's face turned pink at the slightest gentle gesture from Obanai, even though it had been a month since they had spent their first night together, the tenderness between them still sparked butterflies in her stomach. Since then, they had been sharing the same futon every night, although Obanai's duties as a Hashira often took him away from her. Despite now being her fiancé, he still had a duty to protect others and was frequently sent to different places. Plus, the rigorous training schedule tired her out, she often slept soundly like a baby even before she could wait for him to return.

Mitsuri knew their arrangement wasn't quite the norm, but they didn't have elders to supervise them.

She interlaced her fingers with his tighter, appreciating the rare moment they had alone together.

As they ascended the mountain, Mitsuri bubbled with excitement, eager to share her experiences and thoughts about the day's meeting with the other Hashiras. Since mastering the basic breathing technique, conversing while climbing felt easy. She didn't mind the effort, not when the autumn colors looked so much more vibrant from the mountain's peak.

"Mitsuri," Obanai's voice broke the serenity as he pulled her into a hug, his gaze fixed on the breathtaking view before them.

"You told me about your classes and everything, but how are you really doing?" he asked softly.

“Obanai... Can I… uhm…tell you the truth?" Her voice wavered slightly.

"You can tell me anything, Mitsuri. You should know that by now," Obanai reassured her as he watched Kaburamaru slithered down to the stone nearby to curl itself under the soft light, as if it understood not to interrupt their intimate moment.

"I... miss you," Mitsuri admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I missed you too, Mitsuri," Obanai whispered back, holding her tighter in his arms. Together, they stood there for a while, enveloped in the warmth of the golden hour, cherishing the beauty of the moment.

Obanai broke off the embrace first, turning his back to Mitsuri to draw something from his pocket. When he turned back to her, he handed her a pair of green socks, a color that matched her green hair and eyes.

Mitsuri squirmed with delight. This was the first gift she had ever received from Obanai, though she knew that receiving her in his residence was the greatest gift he could give her. She accepted the socks with both hands and gently toyed with the stretchy fabric.

“I’m sorry it took awhile, I had it custom made with our military fabric.” He explained.

“I will cherish it, thank you so much Obanai.”

"Don't worry," he reassured her, "I'll gift you a new pair even if you rip them."

Mitsuri realized that this wasn't just any gift; it was a symbol of his acceptance of her going into the field.

“Obanai, you sure you are alright if I choose to be a Demon Slayer?”

“I’m afraid because I don’t want you to hurt yourself, but I want you to be happy with your choice.”

“And I will protect you, of course.” he added softly.

With a gentle smile, Mitsuri leaned in to press a soft kiss on Obanai's cheek. “I love you Obanai, you bring out the best in me.”

“I love you too Mitsuri. You too, you healed a part of me, the deepest part of me.” Obanai's eyes softened as his hands reached out to her face, turning it towards him.

“Close your eyes," Obanai whispered softly to her. He removed the fabric from his face once she complied. Closing his eyes, he held her in his arms, gently tilting his head to curl their noses together before taking her lips into a gentle kiss. Mitsuri's heart felt tender as she realized how much she had missed this feeling. She slid her arms around his neck and pushed back into the kiss with desire and passion.

They kissed each other passionately, their breaths grew shorter as they began to lose themselves in the moment. Mitsuri leaned in eagerly, her growing desire evident. Obanai had to steady their movements by gripping both her haori and the back of her uniform. However he felt himself weak in his knees once he realized her bare chest and thighs were so close against him. Mitsuri showed that she understood by pulling his arm away from holding hold her head, down to her chest instead.

Obanai seemed to like it since he growled softly into the kiss. A sound that sent shivers through Mitsuri. Obanai immediately deepened the kiss by nibbling at her lower lip, pressing his tongue into her while his fingers felt her bare skin. It was odd having such a heated kiss out in the open, yet either one of them refused to pull away from the embrace.

In that moment, surrounded by the fading light of the setting sun, they knew it was time to head home. Which didn’t bother them as they know they have the whole night to continue expressing their love towards each other.


Hello! I went from being excited to laughing a little, to my heart swelling while writing this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it!

Also, since I'm a very new writer, I want to know if you are okay with having more conversations throughout the story? I felt like the last chapter had more dialogue than usual. Personally, I enjoy having not too much of it, but I want to know how you feel about it!

And yes, Obanai here has definitely more rizz and fewer restrictions than most ways he is being portrayed. I hope this dynamic works, since I also have to add a little bit of Kiyoka/My Happy Marriage's personality.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say! As Shinobu said, Show some enthusiasm 😉

Chapter 9: Training with the Hashiras


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mitsuri's morning began with a gentle breeze rustling through the open balcony doors, carrying the brisk scent of autumn into the room. As her eyes fluttered open, she watched her sweet fiancé slide open the door, inviting the soft glow of the morning sun into their room.

He walked towards her, still dressed in his sleepwear, and Mitsuri kept her eyes on him, glowing beautifully in the warm sunlight. Her gaze slowly drifted down to the opening of his clothing, inviting her to admire his toned chest, beautifully in display for her and her only. She took a deep breath, reminiscing about her hands ran through them during the love making session they shared the night before, all in the darkness. So she ensured she savoured this view whenever she could.

Her eyes then traced his strong arms, biceps, and toned forearms, which were now holding onto the futon she sat on. With a firm grip, he gently pulled her and the futon below her closer to the wall, eliciting a small yelp from Mitsuri. As she propped herself up, she wondered what he was onto, only to have her question answered as she gazed at the golden light rising in the east above the changing autumn colors.

Joining her on the futon, he grabbed the blanket, leaned against the wall, and wrapped it around them, creating their cozy sanctuary. He had her sit with her back against his chest, his strong arms encircling her waist, pulling her closer in a tender embrace. Mitsuri melted into his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart against her back.

"Good morning," he whispered into her hair, his warm breath tickling her neck, earning a sweet giggle from Mitsuri. She was slightly taller than Obanai, but she found perfection in how he fit snugly against her neck. They really didn’t know what they were thinking about. She can't help but mused about her step-sisters' fascination with tall guys.

With a soft touch, he brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and whispered, "Are you ready for your training today?"

"Hmm, kinda," she responded, slightly turning her head to meet his gaze, her legs curling into his warm, solid legs.

“Are you nervous? You can ask me anything, Mitsuri.” He brushed the inner part of her wrist with his thumb, and Mitsuri felt like she was going to melt like shaved ice dessert under a hot sun. He was so gentle with his gaze, his words, his touch, and everything about him.

He was half right; Mitsuri did feel nervous and confused. She had learned the basics, all by theory. And now it seemed like they were progressing to a new level. The mastery of being a Demon Slayer or even a Hashira seemed very vague, and she didn’t know how to get there. Could they have the government assist with exterminating demons? Not really. How do you meet a Twelve Kizuki? No solid answer. And like the one for today, how do you know which breathing technique suits you? You just have to try.

“I sometimes find this confusing. Why can’t everyone just learn one breathing style?” Mitsuri curled in his arms, hoping there was a simpler answer to all of this new world to her.

“Because everyone is unique in their own way, Mitsuri,” Obanai felt her frustration and stroked the hair from her face, giving her a kiss through his mask. She didn’t like that he had his mask on, but at least it was the one she made for him. Though she couldn’t see his full expression, she could see him being very patient towards her, her gentle and sweet fiancé.

"Like you," he affirmed, placing a light kiss on her nose.

"Like you," she responded, playfully booping his nose with a giggle.

“Yes, Princess Kanroji of Nasu. Are you ready?” He moved one hand to adjust the opening of her yukata, which was revealing her beauty to him. He could see the sun rising quickly, and if he didn't shield himself from this beautiful view, the sun wouldn't be the only thing rising at the moment. He couldn't afford them to be late with this distraction.

“One more question, Your Highness,” she chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Is there something I should know before I head for my special training?”

“You are beautiful,” he murmured.

“Eep! Obanai!” She playfully slapped his chest. “You should invent cheesy breathing. No, but seriously? They are your fellow Hashiras, I must be sure not to embarrass you.”

“You won’t,” he assured her, planting another kiss on her lips. “Well, in short, describing their fighting style as unique is one of the very few compliments I can give them, but how they act..” He let out an audible sigh. “Is something else. But don’t worry, you’ll be fine. I’ll be there.”

Mitsuri let out a laugh and got up. She faced away from him, dropped the yukata, letting it pool on the floor and head for her morning bath.

Obanai bit his lip and looked away, determined not to let his distraction make her late for her training.

“I’ll go first!!”

“No, I’ll go first.”

As Obanai and Mitsuri arrived, there was already unmistakable banter among the fellow Hashiras. Obanai knew that this was going to happen since it’s everyone’s first time doing a favor like this. Yet this was exactly why he would rather just teach Mitsuri on his own than go through this.

These fellow pillars were basically adolescents with premium fighting skills.

However, the Master advised that Mitsuri explore what was best for her. Master Ubuyashiki had always been true to his words, so Obanai had no choice but to comply.

“Finally, they are here, let’s get this done,” the Water Hashira spoke blankly. He was the first to notice them. He stood up and walked towards the couple. He flicked his dummy sword towards the ground, and the force of the air he swung stirred up the dust on the ground. With his other hand, he held a dummy sword close to Mitsuri’s face.

Does this guy ever blink?

A big bead of sweat formed on Mitsuri’s forehead. Not knowing what to do or say, she took a deep gulp. This didn't sound like a good start. An awkward silence lingered in the air. Before either Mitsuri or Obanai could react, a tiny figure flew towards them and stood between them. Mitsuri thanked the gods above; Shinobu was always there to save her.

“Ara, ara, Tomioka-san, I said show some enthusiasm, but not in this way,” the Insect Hashira snapped at him, then quickly shuffled next to Mitsuri, gently leading her into the practice compound. The other two male Hashiras followed from behind.

“And where are your manners? You should learn how to greet before saying anything,” Shinobu scolded him before Obanai could.

“Hmm,” was his only response. The Water Hashira looked away as they approached the other Hashiras.

As usual, Obanai knew he didn’t need to say much if the Insect Hashira was around the Water Hashira. He himself didn’t have a good standing with Giyuu. He wanted to say something in defense of his actions towards Mitsuri, but he realized that regardless of how this despicable brick wall behaves right now, he did take his time to come help his fiancée. Not wanting to cause a scene in front of Mitsuri, the Serpent Hashira decided to hold his tongue.

“Why don't we come up with a plan on how to train our beloved fiancée of Obanai?” Shinobu chirped as usual, the quick problem solver who gathered everyone in a circle and announced her idea.

Obanai shot her a death stare, knowing that she could have just said her name.

“Ah... Good morning! I-I appreciate everyone, especially the Hashiras with busy schedules, for being so willing to teach me. But please, let's not argue!” Mitsuri let out a nervous bow, her voice breaking as she waved her hands aimlessly in front of her, perhaps attempting to fan and calm herself down.

"What is your favorite color, Kanroji?" Tengen asked.

"It doesn't matter!!" Sanemi and Obanai yelled at him in unison.

"Haha! Chill, chill! I was just trying to help her relax. By the way, where is Tokito? Everyone is here except him. We could have a Hashira party or something!"

This time, no words were exchanged; Sanemi and Obanai rolled their eyes back at him in unison.

"How about we follow our traditions and go by age?" Gyomei finally spoke, breaking the dispute among them.

"That sounds reasonable!" As expected, Rengoku's loud voice boomed across and agreed on everyone's behalf.

"Alright! It's playtime for the boys then!" Tengen's smile turned into a grin as he grabbed both Giyuu and Obanai in a headlock, one under each arm. Sanemi and Rengoku knew what was going to happen, so they followed as Tengen led the guys to the other side of the building.

"Who's gonna get Tokito?" Mitsuri could hear their voices fading as she, Shinobu, and Gyomei stretched themselves in the training area.

"Thank you, Shinobu. As far as I know, you didn't have to be here today."

"It's alright! I'm excited for you and wanted to support you." Mitsuri first gazed at her smiley eyes and then gave her a hug.

Without wasting more time, Gyomei had Mitsuri settled on a piece of rock and started their training. He had them seated cross-legged and offered a prayer before they started their training.


After repeating the chant a few times, Mitsuri opened one of her eyes and peeked at Shinobu to her right, who had her eyes closed and was following the chants with ease. It seemed like it wasn't her first time. Mitsuri couldn't tell if this was normal or not, but she secretly hoped that Gyomei had more in store for her training than just these initial prayers. Soon enough, as if he could hear her thoughts, he rubbed the beads and ended the prayer by delicately wrapping his prayer beads around his wrist.

Standing up first, Gyomei loomed even taller over them, his imposing stature casting a shadow over Mitsuri and Shinobu. She couldn't recall ever meeting anyone as physically imposing as Gyomei, and the thought of training under his guidance both intimidated and excited her.

“I heard that you are very strong. Are you able to lift this?” Gyomei, the Stone Hashira, pointed towards the weapon. “Do not force yourself, Kanroji-san,” he added, his voice deep yet reassuring.

Mitsuri stared at the weapon, which bore little resemblance to a sword. It looked like a stone that is chained to a wooden axe. However, at this point, she had abandoned all her preconceived notions of what was normal. Tentatively, she reached out to grasp the wooden axe, its weight surprising her but not overwhelming her strength. Following Gyomei's instructions, she attempted to lift and toss the weapon, but she struggled with the stone attached to the axe, finding it difficult to control with her left hand.

"Kanroji-san, Stone Breathing strikes a balance between offense and defense. You have to work both arms in unison to achieve that," Gyomei explained.

She watched in awe as Gyomei demonstrated Stone Breathing moves with his actual Nichirin weapon, flaring it across with force. Left, right, left, right, in repeat. After a few attempts, Mitsuri was able to easily flare the wooden axe with the chain using her right hand, yet her progress with her left hand remained sluggish. It felt far clumsier with the movements, and she felt it would have been easier if she only used her right arm.

"I suppose Stone Breathing is not for you, Kanroji-san. It could be fate," Gyomei remarked, clasping his palms together. His tone didn't sound discouraging, but Mitsuri felt her heart sink a little as her first training ended so soon. She tightened her grip on the chain, trying to gather herself.

"Don't worry, Kanroji-san," Shinobu reassured her, approaching and placing her tiny hands on Mitsuri's. "When Himejima-san saved me, I was able to try different types of breathing techniques too! And, as you can guess, I wasn't even able to toss the axe like you did. We will keep finding the one that suits you!"

Mitsuri wiped the sweat from her temples and smiled. She felt lucky to have Shinobu by her side, as she had been an inspiration to her from the start.

As Mitsuri looked up, she saw two individuals, the strongest and the smartest pillars, standing before her. They were different in many ways, yet each exuded confidence and kindness in their own unique manner.

She became hopful that she will be able to find a place for herself here as well.

"Well, let’s go see what the boys are doing, shall we?"

Upon Shinobu’s suggestion, Gyomei mentioned that he had to leave and help out at a nearby temple. Mitsuri concluded their training by bowing deeply and followed Shinobu to the backyard.

Before they could turn the corner, they could hear a mix of grunting and laughter. Once they reached the corner, they could see her fiance and the Water Hashira sparring with their wooden swords, both sweaty. Of course, the girls didn’t miss the glass sake bottles and cups sitting on the side.

“Tengen!! It’s too early to drink, don’t you think?” Mitsuri chuckled, her gaze flickering between the sake bottles and the mischievous smile on Tengen's face. She found it amusing that Shinobu could immediately point out the culprit. She also appreciated the fact that despite being one of the eldest, Tengen acted the most childish.

“Well, my wives don’t allow me to drink at home. That’s why I helped myself to a little drink here,” he replied with a fake pout, taunting the Insect Hashira.

“No wonder you were so excited for training!” Shinobu laughed, joining Tengen's side and playfully slapping his arm. Suddenly, a small figure with black and faded turquoise hair appeared at the corner, capturing everyone’s attention.

“Tokito! You’re here!” Rengoku cheered, rushing forward to hug the boy.

“I’m not sure why I’m here, but a crow told me to come,” Tokito replied in his usual reserved manner.

Mitsuri was aware of the little boy’s age; it's the same as one of her sister’s. Her gaze quickly darted to the alcohol, but she found that Giyuu had already silently moved it further away.

"Maybe he's not as bad as I thought," was her first thought.

"Oh yeah, they finished sparring?" was her second thought.

Mitsuri immediately stole a glance in Obanai's direction, only to find that he was already looking at her. He was panting and covered in sweat. She smiled at him, knowing what his eyes were asking her, and signaled her fingers in an 'ok' sign.

“Well, Tokito, you didn’t miss much. Iguro sparred with Tomioka, and it’s been a draw non-stop.”

“Can we switch Tokito and Sanemi?” Rengoku suggested.

“Alright, you guys keep going. It’s my time to train with Kanroji!” Tengen stood up, slapping his face in an attempt to sober himself up.

“Are you ready for your flashy training now?” Just when Mitsuri thought he couldn’t be any funnier, Tengen comically used his finger to signal a V under his face, flashing a bright smile.

Just as Tengen was about to move, a wavy wooden sword flew behind the Sound Hashira’s head, piercing right through the tree close to him. Everyone stopped and looked back to its owner.

“Behave,” he spat.

"Aww, Iguro-san!! Are you jealous now?" Tengen teased as he approached him. "I still love you more," he added before planting forceful kisses all over Obanai’s face. Obanai grunted in protest but couldn't escape Tengen's arms.

Everyone roared with laughter, and Mitsuri felt a warm sensation spread through her chest. This was so much fun, compared to anything she had experienced with her siblings in years.

"Well, Kanroji! I'm familiar with the basics of Thunder Breathing since my Sound Breathing, which is more unique, derives from it," Tengen explained.

He wasted no time and swiftly wielded the two gigantic Nichirin cleavers around him as he spoke with Mitsuri. She wanted to pay attention, but it was challenging with such a deadly weapon being waved in front of her, especially now that he was tipsy. Despite the urge to step back, she took a deep breath and remained in place, hoping Shinobu would save her if needed.

"Thunder Breathing and Sound Breathing are similar! Our goal is to swiftly incapacitate opponents and move efficiently," he continued. "Now, try contracting the muscles in your legs."

Mitsuri adjusted herself into a lower squat, extending her right leg back as she attempted to utilize the Concentration Breathing Technique to focus on her leg muscles. With this method, she found herself able to sprint back and forth quicker than her usual pace. However, in comparison to the Sound Hashira, his running didn’t even disturb even the slightest pebble on the ground. It was impressively quick, yet remarkably quiet, as if he hadn’t even step passed over it.

Feeling encouraged by her progress within just one session, Mitsuri couldn't help but notice that while Thunder Breathing seemed powerful, it felt too stiff and rigid for her liking. She felt her legs should move more fluidly instead of being constantly contracted.

Noticing her struggle with her running, Tengen proceeded to pull something out from his pocket. It was a few round balls made with bamboo leaves. Without waiting for Shinobu and Mitsuri to ask, he explained simply that they were firecrackers, which popped when thrown on the ground. He had used them for his Shinobi training as a substitute for real explosives.

"Aha, I know you're supposed to learn Thunder Breathing, but let's have some fun, shall we?" Tengen exclaimed as he let out a mischievous smile this time.

Within seconds, Mitsuri surprisingly found herself, along with Shinobu and Tengen, on top of the roof. They peeked down at the boys sparring, each of them holding a few of Tengen's bamboo "pop-pops," as he called them. Mitsuri held hers lightly, hoping not to squish it.

Surprisingly, the Water Pillar was back to sparring, this time with the Wind Hashira. However, the atmosphere wasn't as merry as before.

"You cheated!" the Wind Hashira yelled at him.

"I did not," the Water Hashira responded, his voice much calmer. His face remained unexpressive as he continued to dodge the attacks. At this point, Mitsuri could tell that the Water Breathing Technique leaned more towards defense, while the Wind Breathing Technique was much more offensive. Sanemi landed consecutive blows and quick moves, one after the other, while Giyuu calmly and quietly dodged and redirected his attacks in different directions. Mitsuri felt sorry for Giyuu; he seemed like he didn't want to be there at all.

Their wooden swords clanked so loudly that anyone nearby might mistake it for a collapsing building. Mitsuri and the others hiding on the roof watched and listened to their argument. Mitsuri was about to say something, but Shinobu reassured her with a hand gesture that it was fine. At that moment, Mitsuri hoped that no one would get seriously hurt, as Sanemi looked like he was about to kill Giyuu.

“Why are you so hateable!?” Sanemi's voice pierced the tense air.

“What kind of grammar is that, Shinazugawa?” Giyuu retorted, his tone measured.

“Ahhh!! You’re so dumb, can you act like a proper Hashira?”

“What is proper?” Giyuu questioned, his voice calm but tinged with irritation.

“Like, talk! Like a normal person! Be polite! I don’t know! Unstupid!” Sanemi's frustration boiled over every word he spat.

“But I would die for you on the field, isn’t that enough?”

Everyone froze, including the Wind Hashira, his face flushed with embarrassment, and the Water Hashira, his expression impassive. They stared into each other's eyes, their swords forming an X between them.

Amidst the standoff, neither of them showing any intention of moving. Neither the crowd showed any intention to speak.

“Girls, now!” Tengen's voice broke the tense silence, and he started throwing the bamboo balls against the wall near them. Mitsuri and Shinobu followed suit, cheering as they watched little fireworks and smoke formed around them.

“Woohoo!!!” The rooftop team cheered.

“Yeah! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Rengoku joined in, laughing and clapping his hands.

In the midst of cheers and tiny fireworks, Obanai looked up towards Mitsuri, who was clapping and laughing from the roof.

He looked back down to the scene before him and smiled.

It seemed that the training day with the Hashiras wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.


Oh my god, I have so much to say honestly. This chapter was soooo fun to write!

The first part, hmm!!! Slow and Sweet and then it just went so wild. It's my first time writing all the Hashiras together, and I find out people often leave out Gyomei so I decided to leave a part for him!! Same for Mui. I love him so much, hopefully I have more chances to write about them!

I was planning to make them arm wrestle but I think it's commonly written, so I decided to do something else out of my imagination. Honestly I was just writing this in Thuderclap speed as I wanted to update and see how you guys like it. It may just be me, but it's so funny.

Also, in my other one-shot someone asked to make Sanemi and Giyuu friends so I decided to go with this here! haha.

*I like to call Tengen instead of Uzui for some reason. So please pardon me!!

So excited to see your comments.

Breathing Technique References:

Chapter 10: Embers & Breath / Despair & Hope


Warning: Mentions of Death

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The aroma of sizzling vegetables and the sound of bubbling oil filled the cozy kitchen as Mitsuri moved about with grace, expertly battering the tempura and frying the chicken. Yurie, as always, faithfully stood by her side, chopping ingredients with precision as Mitsuri hummed a cheerful tune. Gone were the days of silent cooking at the Kanroji residence; now, Mitsuri's happiness radiated from every corner of the Iguro Residence's kitchen.

“Yurie-san, thank you for your help. I’m so happy I have time to cook with you again!” Mitsuri chirped, unable to resist the temptation of her delicious creations as she reminded herself to stop tasting them.

“Me too, Kanroji-san. I’m glad you are able to share your cooking skills with your friends,” Yurie replied warmly.

They gazed at the boxes and boxes of bento lined up on the countertops, each one meticulously prepared with love and care and labeled with the names of each Hashira. Mitsuri couldn't wait to see their faces light up with delight at her culinary creations.

As she stirred the bubbling pots and flipped the sizzling tempura, Mitsuri's mind wandered back to her training over the past week. It had been quite an eventful journey for her.

After the situation between Sanemi and Giyuu the other day, their training sessions had been abruptly shortened. Meeting with the Water Hashira separately, Mitsuri felt a mix of fear and surprise as she found him to be curt with his words, though not outright rude. He struggled to explain the intricacies of the Water Breathing Technique to Mitsuri, his explanations limited and concise. This led her to conclude that he may simply be a bit antisocial, though Obanai's perception of him was far more negative.

Attempting to learn the Water Breathing Technique, Mitsuri encountered a stifling sensation in her lungs with each movement, as if her chest were being constricted. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't fully unleash her energy, feeling as though invisible restraints were holding her back.

In stark contrast, the Wind Breathing Technique, taught by Sanemi, embodied swiftness and aggression. Mitsuri grappled with this approach, finding it difficult to reconcile with her own compassionate nature. She questioned the necessity of relentless violence against demons, pondering if there was a more graceful way to exterminate them. Even though Sanemi was good friends with Obanai, he proved to be a less-than-ideal teacher, often prone to bouts of hot-headedness.

After much consideration, they concluded that Mitsuri would undergo training under Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira. Apart from Mitsuri's fondness for the "boom and softness of fire," the decision made sense due to their seamless alignment of personalities. Despite Rengoku's own sorrowful past, he consistently emanated positivity. Obanai believed that Rengoku could serve as an inspiration to Mitsuri during her training, and that his values were worth following.

“Who is this one with the biggest and most stack of food?”

“It’s for my new teacher Kyojuro-san!”

“Sounds like a wonderful person.”

“Yes, he is such a positive and great person!”

“Well, I can’t believe after months of meeting you, you are training to be a Demon Slayer! Saving other’s lives is a significant thing to do Kanroji-san. I am very proud of you.”

Mitsuri blushed upon hearing her words, “Ah.. thank you so much Yurie-san.”

“Absolutely Kanroji-san, you can let me know when you are going for your final selection. I can prepare your pouch for you.”

Mitsuri clapped off the flour and gazed at her hands, calloused from days of training, yet filled with determination. The Final Selection Process loomed ahead—a daunting yet thrilling thing to think of. It was her gateway to seek revenge for her mother and Obanai, and to protect the innocent. As she reflected on thoughts, Mitsuri's resolve only grew stronger.

“Yurie-san, if you don't mind me asking... How did Obanai save you?” Mitsuri's voice broke the silence of the kitchen.

Yurie paused in her dishwashing, her gaze drifting to the window. The distant look in her eyes spoke volumes, hinting at memories too painful to bear.

“I’m sorry! O-only if you are willing to share Yurie-san!”

"It's okay, Kanroji-san," Yurie began, her voice heavy with memories. "It happened about six years ago. My family—my husband, my two sons, and I—were at home when the fire broke out. It started in the middle of the night, and my first thought was that the kitchen had caught fire."

"We tried to run towards the fire, but then... there was something else. Some kind of... shadow, walking through the flames," Yurie continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "Before my husband could even react, it charged at him, and there was... blood."

As Yurie spoke, Mitsuri listened intently, only to feel the weight of her pain.

"My son—he dragged me away and pushed me out of the engawa,” Yurie went on, her voice faltering. "I remember feeling so confused, with all the chaos happening around me. There was screaming, fire, blood, smoke... but all I could think about was my family."

“Once I managed to get back into the house, Iguro-sama was there.. the demon was gone but…”

Tears welled up in Mitsuri's eyes as she listened, her heart breaking for Yurie's loss. Without hesitation, she walked over and enveloped Yurie in an embrace.

"Yurie-san, I'm so sorry," Mitsuri whispered, her voice filled with empathy and determination. "I can understand how you feel. I promise I will do my best to exterminate these evil demons."

Tears glistened in Yurie's eyes as she nodded, "T-thank you," she managed to say, her voice choked with emotion. "It gives me hope to live in a world free from demons."

“Kan!Ro!Ji!San! Hands straight!”


Mitsuri groaned, her muscles aching from hours of relentless training. She had hoped that a little bribe to her teacher would ease the intensity, but it seemed to only fuel him with more energy to push her further.

"Kanroji-san, two more sets and we can take a break," Rengoku announced, his voice firm but encouraging.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Mitsuri nodded and focused on perfecting her form, determined to meet her teacher's expectations.

"You're very strong and able to wield the Nichirin sword fairly well. We should get you a sword soon," Rengoku remarked, his tone filled with approval.

After their much-needed break, Rengoku sent a letter to Obanai to inform him that he would be taking Mitsuri to the Swordsmith Village.

Embarrassed, Mitsuri couldn't let go the feeling that she was receiving special treatment compared to her classmates. However, both Obanai and Rengoku had assured her that being a Demon Slayer was a matter of life and death. A little extra help to improve her chances of survival was deemed acceptable, especially if it could also benefit the Corps in the long run. Reluctantly, Mitsuri accepted their assistance.

When they finally removed her blindfold, Mitsuri was nearly brought to tears by the sight before her. The Swordsmith Village appeared straight out of a fairytale, with its quaint wooden houses dating back to the Taisho era and the villagers donning mysterious masks. As she wandered through the village, Mitsuri was greeted by the sights and sounds of bustling foundries and the rhythmic clanging of metal against metal emanating from the workshops. Peeking into one of the shops, she observed a skilled swordsmith meticulously repairing a Nichirin Sword, its unique shape resembling that of a sickle.

“Hmm.. Rengoku-san, how do we know if we should use normal swords or unique swords?”

“It's similar to breathing techniques, Kanroji-san. You have to try them out to see what suits you best. That's why we're here,” Rengoku explained, giving Mitsuri's shoulder a reassuring pat. His touch was strong, but Mitsuri appreciated his energy.

“Oh, I see,” Mitsuri nodded in understanding.

“Yes, let’s head to the arena. There, you can try out different types of swords,” Rengoku suggested.

As they entered the practice area, Mitsuri's eyes widened in amazement at the sight before her. The arena was a spacious, open-air enclosure surrounded by towering walls, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of battles and victories. Sunlight streamed through the gaps, casting dappled shadows across an array of weapons.

“Kanroji-san, we have a range of short-range, mid-range, and long-range weapons. Based on your strength, we can start from mid-range onwards,” Rengoku elaborated.

Unsure whether she felt flattered or scared, Mitsuri stood in front of the chains and blades. Do we really need these brutal weapons to exterminate demons? She pondered.

Just when Mitsuri was about to pick a random weapon, Rengoku’s laughter broke her train of thought.

“You look like a one year old going through Erabitori* all over again.”

“Eh! I’m curious! What did you get on yours?”

“They laid out a brush, a sword, a piece of gold, and a ruler. Guess which one I got?”

“A sword?”

“I don’t have a memory of it, Kanroji-san, but my dad told me that on that day, I actually pushed past everything and went straight to my dad.”

“Aww!! That’s very sweet!!!”

Rengoku continued, his tone tinged with a hint of melancholy. “My dad told me that was the only time he cried... but aside from that, I knew he cried when my mother passed, but that’s a different story.”

Mitsuri nodded, absorbing his words with a mixture of empathy and respect. She herself, who had also experienced the loss of her mother, regarded Rengoku with newfound understanding and admiration. Despite his seemingly upbeat demeanor, he had actually chosen not to succumb to despair.

What an inspiring human being! We should all be like Rengoku-san!

“Rengoku-san, from the sounds of it, you love your father very much,” Mitsuri broke the silence that had settled between them.

“I do, and my brother Senjuro too. My mother passed due to sickness, so they are all I have left. We don’t talk much now, but he is just coping with his sadness his way,” Rengoku replied solemnly.

“I’m sure he doesn’t say it, but he is proud of you. You are a very good sensei,” Mitsuri offered, hoping to provide some comfort.

Rengoku looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, and gave another heavy pat on Mitsuri’s back. Mitsuri can't help but chuckle, she is starting to like this brotherly pat thing.

With an assuring smile from Rengoku, they returned to examining the weapons in front of her. Knowing from her training with Himejima and Tengen that she wouldn’t be using dual weapons, so she pushed those aside.In the middle, there was a katana slightly longer than the one she had practiced with. She raised it and sliced through the dummy effortlessly.

“Not bad. Good control!” Rengoku praised, nodding approvingly.

Encouraged by his words, Mitsuri felt a surge of confidence as she continued to test the rest of the weapons.

“Ahaha! This looks like a western pirate sword!” She exclaimed, lifting a pirate-looking sword and laughing.

“It is, Kanroji-san,” Rengoku confirmed with a chuckle.

Not satisfied with what she had tried so far, Mitsuri stepped towards the longer-range swords and noticed one that actually bent and swirled like a ribbon.

Noticing Mitsuri's crunched face, Rengoku offered an explanation: “This is similar to a whip, inspired by South Asian Martial Arts. It can be deadly if used correctly. Step 15 paces away and try.” He moved her stance behind slowly and stable her arms, “Use your comfortable force and wield it like your katana.”


The steel ribbon unleashed the moment Rengoku stepped away, emitting a loud whipping noise as it struck the ground before rebounding. Both of them watched in awe as the ribbon sliced the doll twice, their mouths left agape in amazement.

"IMPRESSIVE! THIS IS IT, KANROJI-SAN!" Rengoku exclaimed, jumping and clapping like a 10-year-old boy who had just scored a goal in a Kemari game. "Do that thing you did with Iguro on your first day," he continued to encourage her.

Mitsuri proceeded to bend her body forward to whip the doll. With a powerful strike, the doll was cut twice again and fell.

"WOW!" At this point, Rengoku couldn't contain his happiness, giving Mitsuri a big bear hug.

After a few trials, during which they experimented with the length of the steel ribbon and made some adjustments accordingly, they called over a Kakushi to report Mitsuri’s measurements to the swordsmith. With everything set up to her liking, Rengoku took over the paper and brush infront of him.

“Okay, now, for the last and fun part. Let’s make the Hashiras vote for your style!” Rengoku announced with enthusiasm, his golden-red eyes shining with excitement.

“You sounded like Tengen-san,” Mitsuri chuckled, already looking forward to sharing her new discovery with Obanai when she got home.

“Yush! You are so smart, Kanroji-san. He was the one who came up with this idea,” Rengoku exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. Mitsuri watched as he excitedly scribbled stick figures and long, round shapes representing swirls of ribbons. Slowly, she began to piece together that he is illustrating her new weapon with her fighting style.

Below his comical drawing, Rengoku neatly jot down a few words:

 7_O_/ (/ /\/' 7  




“Ep! Why?”

“You are the first to branch out from the fire breathing, of course I would have to make it flashy!”

“Ah, I see.” Mitsuri squinted her eyes, her finger under her lips as she stared at the wordings below. “But why cat?”

“Because you moved fast and jumped like a cat. Also, since Iguro is a serpent, so I thought of choosing an animal too.”

“Ah, makes sense.” Mitsuri painted her thumb black with calligraphy ink and stamped it next to the first option, Rengoku explained that he will cast the last vote in honour of being her teacher.

“Umu! This is a Hashira group communication. Send this to them, one by one once they voted,” Rengoku instructed as he tied the paper neatly to his crow’s leg and sent it up into the sky.

Mitsuri and Rengoku watched in silence as they observed the crow's flight.

"Never know what happens tomorrow, but sure never a dull day in the Demon Slayer Corps," they both thought in unison, a smile playing on their lips.


*Erabitori takes place on a baby's first birthday. In this tradition, several items such as a pen, money, ruler, and chopsticks are placed in front of the baby. The item that the baby chooses is said to indicate their calling in life.

This story actually happened to someone before, where he chose his father over the items in front of him. I thought it would be suitable for Rengoku's story :')

**Random fun fact: there is a weapon named Urumi that is similar to Mitsuri's weapon. I had the chance to visit India to watch martial artists perform with it. It looks PAINFUL to be hit by it.

Last but not least, I also hope you like Rengoku's drawing and the group chat thing going on there haha! What do you think the Hashiras will vote for? Especially Obanai? haha!

You may cast your vote as well.

I hope you like this chapter, it's been awhile since my last update but I've been watching Mitsuri fighting scenes like on repeat for days before I decide to continue writing. Absolutely love her. See you in the next chapter!!

Chapter 11: Have Your Back


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Spring has arrived, signalling the eve of the final selection process. Mitsuri has dedicated six months to rigorous training, preparing herself for every possible circ*mstance.

It was a long winter for her. Together with Rengoku, she tagged on several missions to gain exposure to demons and their behaviour. Initially terrifying, these creatures were unlike anything Mitsuri had faced before. It’s quite nothing compared to confronting a co*ckroach with a broom in the kitchen, including a flying one; demons still proved far more unpredictable.

Just as some demons spoke, while others even praised her beauty. Some wept, their human lives flashing before their eyes. Yet, the haunting thought that a demon's face resembled her mother's last vision prevented Mitsuri from developing any fondness for them.

She remained in her resolution to exterminate demons, first by passing this test with unwavering determination.

Yet here she lay, restless and in the middle of her losing battle to sleep. Mitsuri tossed and turned in the almost-unfamiliar futon, contemplating how she ended up in the first room shown to her at the Iguro Residence instead of being with him as usual.

Wide-eyed, she realized the need for rest ahead of the pivotal day. Perhaps it was the strange smell of the futon that disturbed her sleep, she blamed her surroundings to herself. Rising, she flapped the futon a few times and adjusted it to face the window, its paper casting moonlight into the room. but it didn’t work, with determination, she continued to find comfort, tossing and turning in the futon until all directions were exhausted.

"Suri, it's me."

Mitsuri took a deep breath and held into a long pause.

"Are you still mad?"

Yes, I am! but Mitsuri remained silent. Despite feeling guilty, she stayed still until she heard his barely audible footsteps retreating, a sign only someone intimately familiar with him could detect. After all, he is a Hashira, but she, his fiancée, knows him better than most. She let out a sigh once she was certain he had returned to their room.

Mitsuri blew her bangs in frustration. Despite being together and engaged for months, they still had their share of little arguments. Whether it was Obanai being too rough on others, taking on too many missions and risking injury, or his tendency to become jealous when other guys stared at her, they always managed to work through it. Mitsuri was forgiving, understanding that their love for each other outweighed these minor disagreements.

But this is different! Mitsuri whimpered and lightly kicked her futon like a child. Obanai had been supportive, allowing her to join demon slaying classes and accompanying her on easier missions while being protective. Those were acceptable, but when he informed, not ask if he would be visiting her during the final selection process to ensure she was okay, something inside her snapped.

It reminded her of the time her father had informed her that she would be moving to the Iguro Residence, leaving her no room for discussion.

Not that it was a bad decision; logically, it was the best for her. Mitsuri's rational brain understood that Obanai wasn't controlling like her father, but her heart couldn't shake off the feeling of being upset. She had been receiving too much special care and exceptions, leaving her feeling a little suffocated and questioning whether Obanai truly trusted her capabilities.

Just as she wrestled between her turmoil and the need for sleep, a familiar figure appeared at the little opening of her shoji door.

"Kaburamaru!" She whispered softly, realizing she must have left the door slightly ajar when she needed some air. The room, feeling almost like a tight coffin, had made it difficult to breathe. But having Kaburamaru in the middle of the night, curling up against her leg, made everything a little better.

"You miss me, don't you?"

It let out a tongue to lick the air. Mitsuri interpreted that as a yes and let out a chuckle, the first time that night.

Kaburamaru slithered its way up to her futon. Mitsuri petted the snake, feeling its smooth scales. As she reached its belly, she felt a very slight bump resembling a thread and flipped Kaburamaru around, revealing a little piece of paper tied to its underside. Mitsuri carefully unraveled the thread and opened the paper, knowing well who the sender was.

"Ah, just when I thought you loved me, you're helping him after all, aren't you?" she booped its nose, a gesture she had only recently been allowed to do and was very proud of.

Mitsuri laid herself back down into the futon and opened the paper. Needing a little light, she shifted her body carefully, making sure not to squish Kaburamaru, facing towards the window where enough moonlight helped her read the freshly written haiku, the calligraphy ink still slightly dampened.

Moon light shines on us

Guiding us through rough waters

Safety in its wake

Good luck in the breeze

As seasons change, we embrace

Spring’s gentle touch

"Thank you, Obi, but I'm still mad," Mitsuri whispered softly, her words delicate against the silence of the night. With a sigh, she sat up once more, her eyes drawn to the neatly folded pair of green socks resting atop her uniform and haori. The sight only served to deepen her conflicted emotions.

Frustration knotted her brow as she lay down, gazing up at the ceiling. Her mind raced with thoughts and feelings, tangled like a web spun in the darkness of her own mind. Yet, despite her lingering anger, she clutched the paper to her chest, the inked characters acted as a connection to him.

Closing her eyes, Mitsuri breathed in deeply, the scent of the paper reminded of him enveloping her like a warm embrace. And with each inhale, her breath softened, the edges of her anger blurring until at last, she succumbed to sleep.

As promised months ago, Yurie had meticulously prepared Mitsuri’s pouch for the final selection. The breakfast spread before her was extravagant, enough to fill an entire room. Mitsuri couldn't help but acknowledge that she would miss Yurie’s cooking and the luxury of indulging to her heart’s content.

Despite having barely a few hours of sleep, Mitsuri rose early, determined to meticulously check her belongings. She didn’t have to, as she had done that the night before.

She was certainly more than ready.

Although Rengoku had mentioned he had nothing left to teach her, Mitsuri persisted in her training, seeking out other demon slayers for shadow training sessions. She sparred and arm-wrestled with countless boys, pushing herself to the very limit. They focused on every aspect of combat, from strength and agility to strategy and technique, ensuring Mitsuri was honed to perfection. She was determined to extend her capabilities beyond the walls of the Demon Slayer Corps, ready to fight and protect her fellow humans whom she held dear.

“Kanroji-san, how are you feeling?” came the inquiry.

Excited? Yes. Ready? Absolutely. A little sad too… But Mitsuri brushed aside the fleeting sadness, putting her best attempt to focus the test or even just the tempura ahead of her.

She looked down, finding comfort in Yurie's comforting presence. Yurie, her closest companion and almost-mother figure, could sense Mitsuri's unease. They had spent months together, yet this was the first time Mitsuri would be sleeping in a different bedroom. While there was a chance it was due to the final selection process, Mitsuri's expression revealed otherwise, and Yurie understood.

"Iguro-sama hasn't been here since I arrived before dawn, but he left me a note to double-check if I have prepared these for you," Yurie explained, showing Mitsuri a list of specific items to be arranged, the paper follow it’s noted instruction to crossed out the items not once, but twice.

"He is still so protective until the end" Mitsuri murmured, a mixture of fondness and frustration evident in her tone. Alas, the sourness quickly turned bitter in her heart. Stinging her to let out a huff and looked up. Without hesitation, she seized the largest bowl of rice and stuffed it into her mouth.

“I’ll show you I am capable of surviving this week!!” she thought fiercely, her sudden anger conveyed through how she swallowed the food down with a big gulp of miso soup.

A bead of sweat formed on Yurie’s brow as she watched the scene unfold before her. With a nervous gulp, she stepped forward to refill Mitsuri's miso soup, then quickly retreated, hoping to she would feel better with the comfort of food.

The moment Mitsuri arrived in the arena for the final selection, she wasted no time in introducing herself and sharing some candy with her fellow selection mates, wishing them luck including Kanao, Shinobu’s Tsugoku. Despite Kanao's reserved nature, their shared status as Tsugoku and their frequent cross-training sessions had prompted Mitsuri to stand by her side as they awaited further instructions.

As they both signed their names on the waiver—a grim acknowledgment of the potential dangers they faced—Mitsuri couldn't help but think of Obanai. Though she was confident in her abilities to pass the selection process, there remained a lingering fear of death. She knew all too well that despite her preparations, unforeseen circ*mstances could still arise, as they had for others around her.

Letting out a sigh, Mitsuri glanced up and around, a desperate attempt to seek a sight in the presence of something of him, or even his crow. But to her disappointment, there was nothing.

“Are you looking for him?” Kanao's voice, usually soft-spoken, cut through Mitsuri's thoughts as she calmly put down her brush, done signing her name at the bottom of the waiver. Mitsuri starred. For someone writing their an end of life letter, Kanao appeared remarkably composed.

“Y-yes, we argued last night, I didn’t get to say goodbye,” Mitsuri confessed softly while looking down at the row of wordings. She penned a few more words before signing her name.

With each passing moment, the atmosphere grew increasingly solemn as the sky magically turned dark. It was said that the final selection was timed to occur on specific days of the year—once in autumn and once in spring—when the night stretched longer than usual.

Guided by lanterns, the candidates were led towards the opening of the gate.

As soon as the doors parted, Mitsuri wasted no time in following Rengoku’s strategic plan. With her stamina at its peak, she sprinted towards the East as fast as her legs could carry her, mindful to keep her back protected, just as her sensei had instructed.

“Run fast! And make sure your back is not exposed, Kanroji!” echoed Rengoku's voice in her mind, its loudness matching that of his physical presence.

Mitsuri dashed forward, clutching her pouch tightly and checking her sword again before she lunged herself through the thick curtains of wisteria flowers.

Other than the pounding sound of the final selection participants running, Mitsuri could hear the slight rustling of the trees. Glancing up, she spotted Kanao gracefully leaping from tree to tree, her movements as silent and elegant as ever. It took awhile for Mitsuri realize that Kanao was following the same direction and made an effort to maintain her own pace and breathing technique in sync with hers. However, after about an hour of running, the distance between them began to widen.

Though Mitsuri knew that Kanao was not one for conversation, she couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment at the growing gap between them. Determined to express her gratitude and alleviate any sense of obligation, Mitsuri finally broke the silence.

“Don’t need to wait for me, Kanao. You go ahead,” she said. As she took a last glimpse of Kanao disappearing into the air, she couldn’t help but admire how Kanao had much better stamina than her.

Now is not the time for that, it’s a matter of survival. Mitsuri forcefully pushed aside any self-loathing doubts and kicked harder, channeling the technique Tengen had taught her. With her mind laser-focused on her thighs, she propelled herself forward with renewed speed.

Suddenly, the sound of crackling tree branches shattered the silence, causing Mitsuri to halt her movement. She swiftly pressed her back against a nearby tree to observe her surroundings, while her hands instinctively gripping the hilt of her sword. She scanned around her, ready to defend herself at a moment's notice.

And there it was, her first demon.

Unlike in her training, there was no Rengoku for Mitsuri to fall back on. Let’s do this Mitsuri! She whispered to herself as she gripped her ribbon-like sword tightly. She charged towards the demon, daringly facing it one-on-one. As it was her first attack of the event, she resolved to honor it with her first breathing form. Mitsuri’s First Form: Shivers of First Love!

Launching herself into the air with graceful agility, Mitsuri spun her body midair and swung her sword with precision.

Ka-kawaii…” the demon mumbled, its words trailing off as it meet it’s fatality to Mitsuri’s strike. In its final moments, it murmured something about it being an honor to die in her arms.

“No thank you! My heart would never flutter for those who needlessly hurt others!” Mitsuri declared boldly to the dissipating demon. As it vanished into thin air, she took a deep breath, swiftly cleaning the blood off her sword before sheathed it back. Glancing up at the moon, she estimated that it would be a few more hours until dawn.

"See, I can do it," she announced proudly to the sky, and continued running east.

The next four days had been smooth for Mitsuri; she had slain a couple of demons and even encountered a few fellow demon slayers on her descent down the mountain. At first, she didn’t feel anything off, but then she realized that, aside from facing demons, the most difficult challenges had yet to come.

That’s right, Mitsuri had not experienced hunger throughout the entire time—a surprising fact considering her sumo-like appetite. Rengoku, the perfect person for this, had shared with her his secret technique, a method of focusing part of her concentration on her stomach. While they had practiced this technique together for a few days, Mitsuri hadn't enjoyed it at all.

She was grateful that she didn’t need to rely on it during the final selection, as there were pouches of food supplies scattered around since day 3. Dry nuts, rice balls, and biscuits wrapped in white cloth were placed all over, and Mitsuri accepted them after she almost finished her supply. Happy that she was able to restock her pouch from time to time. It was a relief to discover that the Demon Slayer Corps wasn't as vile as she had initially feared.

"Or is this the so-called special treatment?" An intrusive voice spoke to her mind.

“Ah! No, no, no!”

Shock overcame her. She shook her head in an attempt to dispel the thought. Before confirming anything, she needed to ask Kanao if this was indeed special treatment—oh, how she despised that phrase. But instead of anger, Mitsuri felt a surge of concern. Only realizing she hadn't seen Kanao for nights.

"It's only two nights, and we will be out," Mitsuri prayed for Kanao’s safety as she continued to jog slowly towards East. The moon was setting behind the towering mountain, casting a serene glow over the landscape. Mitsuri noticed the vastness of the area, yet despite her descent, she hadn't come across a suitable rock to rest on. Finally succumbing to her exhaustion, she settled under a sakura tree that bloomed beautifully in the spring.

Just as she was about to take a short nap before nightfall descended…


A faint sound jolted her senses. Mitsuri sprang from her spot, gripping her sword tightly as she heard the rustling of leaves nearby. Turning her head to follow the sound to her right, she suddenly felt a body press up against her exposed back from the left. Mitsuri gasped, only to find a hand quickly covering her mouth, while another strongly grasped the hilt of her sword.

The warmth of the touch reassured her—it wasn't a demon; demons were cold. Then it struck her: it was a human! But not just any human. From the touch, rougher than usual yet unmistakable, she realized it was him.

Mitsuri’s heart raced the moment she felt the presence behind her. She sighed. Her shoulders drooped as he finally turned her around. She looked at him and dropped her arms and her head altogether, staring at him from the bottom up.

He wasn't wearing his usual haori; instead, he had a backpack and was dressed in the standard Corps uniform, with his hair tied up and his mask still on. She didn’t need to see his bare lips to know what is beneath it; he was either biting them or pursing them tightly.

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the silence punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the faint sounds of the forest. Mitsuri’s mind raced with questions, but before she could voice them, she found herself caught in his gaze. His eyes, usually filled with willpower, now reflected with vulnerability. The sight almost broke Mitsuri’s heart. He looked extremely tired and unmistakably scared.

Mitsuri clenched her fists, trying to control the emotions swirling within her. She wanted to express her concern, to demand answers, but the anger bubbled up inside her, fueling her words.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” she whispered angrily, her voice barely more than a hiss. Despite her typically gentle nature, the rare firmness in her tone spoke volumes. It was enough to wound him deeply. As she couldn’t bear to look at him anymore, she tried to pull her hand away.

He held on tighter instead, his grip a silent plea.

“Suri, I-”

“What’s in your bag?” Her brows furrowed as she interrupted him.

“Kaburamaru,” he replied, his turn to avoide her gaze.

“And?” Mitsuri struck her right arm to grab the bag while he wasn’t paying attention. It definitely felt heavier than just a snake.

Obanai's eyes widened as he quickly stopped her, his grip firm. His dual-colored gaze met her green ones; only his fully open. His body language resembling a snake poised to strike. Mitsuri could sense his plan to flee with the bag. In a swift moment, her anger made her strong enough to yank the Serpent Hashira along with the bag towards the tree.

She felt bad for a moment, but disappointment flowed through her spine as she watched the familiar clothed pouches fall to the ground, Kaburamaru nestled among them. In the midst of her anger, not forgetting to make a mental note to apologize to Kaburamaru later.

“What is this?” she demanded, her voice sharp.

He let out a sigh, not saying a word. Instead, he clenched his fist and looked away.

“I told you I don’t want this, you shouldn’t be doing this!” Mitsuri almost yelled at him, again. She couldn't help it as she couldn’t afford to be heard by other slayers and risk being disqualified.

Just as Obanai was about to respond, another familiar figure appeared. Two, actually. Kanao sat perched far behind on a tree, while Shinobu glided in with a graceful elegance reminiscent of a butterfly, her movements light and ethereal.

Mitsuri watches as her feet barely touched the ground as she landed, her flowing movements resembling the delicate flutter of wings. Shinobu lacked her signature hairpin and haori, and at that moment she only noticed that neither Shinobu nor Obanai carried their swords—just regular Slayer outfits and backpacks.

“The moon is lovely tonight, isn’t it, Iguro-sama?” Shinobu chirped as she elegantly landed between the couple.

"Hello, Mitsuri! It's been a while!" Shinobu said in a sing-song voice.

"Hello, Shinobu….” Mitsuri replied, trying to sound as polite as possible despite her turmoil.

Mitsuri could almost feel Shinobu smiling as the Insect Hashira leaned close to her ear. “I’m sure you wonder why we are here,” her gentle voice whispered into Mitsuri's ear.

Feeling exposed, Mitsuri blushed and nodded her head in acknowledgment.

Shinobu withdrew herself and continued announcing in the tone she used earlier.

“You see, as both of you are tsugokus, we are allowed to visit from afar, so we shouldn’t be talking at all. But it seems like Rengoku’s replacement,” Shinobu let out a dramatic pause, a tight smile and squinted eyes painted on her face, her gaze lingering pointedly on the only man among them, "ehem, is not doing a very good job with that. So I do apologize that I must interfere.”

It was fully dark, with no signs of demons to help relief the desperately awkward moment, only insects chirping and the faint rustling of the wind filling the silence.

“I’m sorry,” Obanai finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper as it trailed towards the ground. It wasn't clear if he was addressing Mitsuri or Shinobu. Sensing the tension in the air, Shinobu let out a deep sigh.

"Ah, isn't this just perfect?" Shinobu's tone dripped with sarcasm as she glanced at the items on the ground. “How we agreed about accidentally dropping stuff?" Everyone’s gaze now fixed on the items on the ground. Shinobu handed them to Obanai, and then acted as she brushed away imaginary dust from her hands. It wasn't that he couldn't pick them up on his own; she was simply signaling that it was time to go. Obanai nodded understandingly and glanced at Mitsuri for the last time.

As all Hashiras were capable of doing, they disappeared into thin air before Kanao and Mitsuri could even blink.

The next two nights, Mitsuri and Kanao spoke no words about the incident, as if it were a dream. Instead, they focused on working together to descend the mountain. Mitsuri was grateful they had been paired up, as her mind was consumed with thoughts.

During one encounter, unsure if she was acting out of spite or curiosity, Mitsuri purposefully stalled a demon to utilize more of her techniques against it. Despite the fact that the demon could have been efficiently slain with her first form, she opted to prolong the battle. She tossed, twisted, and toyed with it, much like someone playing with a kitten with a toy and making it twirl around.

Just as she was about to unleash her third form, Mitsuri’s Catlove Shower, an unexpected opening behind her nearly allowed a demon’s third arm to charge at her openly. Fortunately, Kanao swiftly intervened, cutting off the extra limb before it could reach Mitsuri.

“Thank you, Kanao-chan,” Mitsuri expressed her gratitude. They sat at a cliff to collect themselves from the fight, not forgetting to settle against a sturdy rock with their backs protected.

“You’re welcome Kanroji-san.” Kanao looked down to the view below them, a thick purple carpeted below them, the final line of their selection process. Just a few more hours and they will complete this long-week of test. Mitsuri let out a sigh, she couldn't shake off the feeling of dread at the thought of returning home and facing Obanai. She felt bad for lashing out at him, knowing it wasn't ideal to speak with him when she was mad.

Beneath her emotions, she understood his concern, but she also knew she needed to put her foot down before things escalated further. She feared that he might go to extreme lengths to protect her, even if it meant sacrificing the lives of others. It was a consequence that Mitsuri couldn't bear herself. Not realizing she is acting on her turmoil, she clenched her fist in frustration as she contemplated the situation.

"You seem upset, Kanroji-san," Kanao's voice broke through Mitsuri's train of thought.

"Yeah..." Was all that Mitsuri could muster, she watched as Kanao casually flipped a coin and spoke once it landed on the back of her palm.

"I'm sure if you need, you can stay with us. Shinobu-san would allow that."

“Are you sure?" Mitsuri asked, surprised by the offer. Yet the thought of staying in the Butterfly Mansion didn’t seem like a bad one; she may even be able to ask Shinobu for some advice, something like having a girl-to-girl talk. Plus, Shinobu was so smart and a Hashira herself; she could provide some insights Mitsuri wouldn’t know.

The young girl let out a rare, genuine smile. After all, she herself found refuge at the Butterfly Mansion. She nodded confidently and turned her attention back to the scenery ahead.

Mitsuri let out a sigh, feeling a sense of relief at the possibility of calming herself down with the help of Shinobu and Kanao.

"That may work for now," she muttered to herself, joining Kanao in admiring the scenery before them.


This story was supposed to only have 10 chapters, but here we are! Haha, my draft just keeps getting longer and longer.

The food pouch thing, yes, is inspired by a Hunger Games vibe. Waiver for selection process is out of imagination too. lol

"The moon is lovely tonight, isn’t it, Iguro-sama?" Just think of how she said it to the spider lady :D

And yes, I'm sorry, I don't want my babies to argue, but in my head, I do think Obanai can act out of his emotions for Mitsuri. (How can you beat tying people up and using them as a makeshift training ground?) Hence the overprotectiveness, but let's hope they learn how to navigate that together, okay!!!

For the next chapter, it can be funny like the Hashira training/romantic. Honestly, I'm debating... Maybe you guys can help me out.

As for Mitsuri's breathing poll, don't worry, it will be covered! There is a reason why I haven't used the canon breathing name yet. Hehe!

I miss updating this story, but it does take a little while to imagine this chapter in my head... to think of my Obamitsu arguing breaks my heart, but I did it anyway, didn't I? :)))

Chapter 12: God of Fortunes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The sun cast a warm glow over the bustling streets of the Town of Kagoshima as Kanao, Mitsuri, and Shinobu made their way to the Imperial Tea Place. After the day of their final selection process, the girls had not endured any serious injuries. So Shinobu had decided to treat the two girls to a celebratory Afternoon Tea session. They were all dressed up for the occasion, Mitsuri's vibrant kimono fluttered in the gentle breeze, her hair adorned with the signature butterfly clip from the Butterfly Mansion, a welcome gift they gave her as a part of staying with them.

Mitsuri looked around with a mix of excitement and nervousness as they walked into the familiar town, while Shinobu and Kanao, her serene companions, walked beside her, offering a comforting presence.

As they approached the elegant tea house, Mitsuri couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. This was the place she and Shinobu had first met, but their last encounter didn’t allow them to enjoy tea together. Today, however, nothing would stand in their way.

Entering the premises with Shinobu’s lead, Mitsuri confirmed that only certain people were allowed here. She had never been in a place like this, and she felt really out of place. She didn’t even dare to breathe loudly or shift her legs, even when she felt numb sitting in the same position.

"Isn't it beautiful, Mitsuri?” Shinobu exclaimed.

Mitsuri nodded while Shinobu smiled warmly at her, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's even more beautiful than the last time I visited, Mitsuri. I'm so glad we finally made it here together, even though this is Kanao’s first time!”

Entering the tea house, they were greeted by the soothing aroma of freshly brewed tea and the delicate sound of porcelain cups clinking. Mitsuri's eyes lit up as she took in the exquisite surroundings, from the intricately painted screens to the elegant wooden furniture. She had heard her sisters tell stories of having Western Afternoon Tea, but she had never thought she would be able to experience it herself someday.

Taking their seats at a low table by the window, Mitsuri and Shinobu exchanged knowing glances. Today was about more than just celebrating their passing of the final selection; it was about consoling Mitsuri after her argument with Obanai.

"Shall we start with some green tea, nee-san?” Kanao suggested, her voice gentle and soothing.

Mitsuri nodded, liking her suggestion. "Yes, please. And perhaps some sweets to accompany it?"

The waitress emerged from the background after being called from the back, her face a little anxious as she whispered into Shinobu’s ear. Shinobu’s eyes shot wide at first, but then a mischievous smile painted over her face.

“Aha! So that’s the plan. Sure, please serve what he had planned for us!” Shinobu laughed out and then laughed into her hand once she realized Mitsuri and Kanao's puzzled expressions.

“Oh, your beloved fiancée somehow got wind that we would be coming here, so he had something special in store for us,” Shinobu explained, her voice tinged with amusem*nt.

Mitsuri and Kanao exchanged glances, unsure of what to expect.

As the servers brought out the tea set, it was abundantly clear that they had prepared far more than enough for the three girls. The table was adorned with delicate porcelain teacups, each filled with fragrant tea. And the assortment of Western snacks, though small and delicate, was stacked in such a way that it could easily feed twice their party size.

Mitsuri's eyes widened in astonishment as she took in the extravagant display. The snacks were arranged with meticulous care, each one a work of art in itself. There were miniature sandwiches, their crusts trimmed neatly away, filled with a variety of savory fillings. Beside them were dainty pastries that looked very different from Japanese sweets, their flaky crusts adorned with intricate designs of frosting. Surprisingly, there were some in the shape of a snake and cat, adding a personalized touch to the spread. And in the center of it all sat a tower of colorful macarons, all made in pink and green, the same colors as Mitsuri’s hair.

Mitsuri and Kanao exchanged impressed glances, their jaws dropping simultaneously at the sheer abundance of treats before them. Despite their initial reservations, they couldn't help but be drawn in by the beauty set infront of them.

“Well, it seems Obanai really went all out,” Shinobu remarked with an exaggerated chuckle, her eyes dancing with amusem*nt.

“Are we able to finish this?” Kanao took out her coin and made a toss; it landed on heads. Letting out a nod, she was determined that they would have this spread as dinner.

Mitsuri couldn’t help but smile at the thought of her fiancé's thoughtful gesture. Despite their current argument, she knew that he cared for her deeply.

“Let’s dig in!” Mitsuri exclaimed as she thanked him in her heart, her earlier worries momentarily forgotten as she reached for a delicate sandwich.

Shinobu read into her expression, right before Mitsuri could grab the sandwich, Shinobu jabbed her moving hand, causing both their arms to stop midway in the air.

“Ah… Am I doing something wrong?” Mitsuri startled.

“You’re not going to forgive him so easily, are you?” Shinobu raised her eyebrows as she carefully examined Mitsuri’s face.

“M-maybe? This looks very expensive,”

Both girls looked at Mitsuri and let out a sigh. You’re not supposed to let him buy you an apology! They thought in unison.

“Mitsuri, it is. This is a very nice gesture, but the point was he didn’t respect your boundaries. So until he addresses that, we would just treat this as a congratulation gift then!”

Mitsuri’s heart skipped a beat at Shinobu’s reaction. She felt a pang of guilt at first, but as she thought deeper into Shinobu’s words, she realized she had a point. Before Mitsuri could revisit the anger she had felt the last week, she quickly nodded to shake off the feeling. Looking at the two girls and not wanting to ruin the moment, she ushered them to start enjoying the food.

“Alright, let’s eat now! I’m glad we can have some girls' time,” Mitsuri cheered as she grabbed a mouthful of sandwich and enjoyed how it just melted into her mouth, regretting the last time she rejected Shinobu for such a wonderful delicacy.

After Afternoon Tea, the girls were full up to their throats. The hunger and tiredness from the selection process were all alleviated by this meal. Shinobu couldn’t help but marvel at the simplicity of her girlfriend.

Once they left the premises, Shinobu sent a crow to Obanai with the bill:

Thank you, Iguro-san. I covered half the bill, but you have to do better than this! P/s I’m taking good care of her, don’t worry.

She requested Mitsuri to leave a kiss or lipstick mark on the end of the paper, but Mitsuri hesitated. Looking for an escape, she quickly pulled off the butterfly pin from Shinobu’s hair, making Shinobu's hair fly as she chased her all the way back to the Butterfly Mansion.

As the afternoon sun began to fade into twilight, Obanai sat with his friend Sanemi, who was attempting to pour another drink to ease his worries. Obanai took his third sake of the day, feeling the weight of his unsuccessful attempt to mend things with Mitsuri. Despite his efforts, he knew deep down, from the intensity of her anger, that their relationship was still strained.

*Caw, Caw, a message from Kochou to Iguro*

Suddenly, a soft cawing sound broke the silence. Both Sanemi and Obanai looked up to see a crow perched on the windowsill, a small piece of parchment tied to its leg. Obanai quickly untied the note and unfolded it, his heart sinking as he read the words written in Shinobu's elegant script.

With a heavy sigh, Obanai crumpled the note in his hand.

“It didn’t work?!” Sanemi broke the silence by asking the obvious.

Obanai shook his head, the veins on his temple showing his frustration.

“This seems difficult, Iguro. I’m sorry my suggestion didn’t work,” Sanemi said, patting Obanai’s back in an attempt to console his friend. He couldn’t help but feel responsible; after all, it was his idea to arrange the special tea session at the Imperial Palace, knowing that the Kochou sisters often frequented the place after the final selection.

The two men decided to seek assistance from their fellow Hashiras.

“Young man, do not give up. It’s just your first official attempt. Leaving flowers and packing her bag does not count,” Gyomei arrived first, the gentle giant walking up to Obanai and patting his back. “Maybe you should spend some time meditating on the problem and solving it,” he continued, offering a prayer for the couple.

Obanai’s shoulders tensed at the reminder of the night when he first felt his heart torn into pieces. He had not been sleeping well, and the constant revisiting of the events and conversations had left him mentally exhausted and frustrated.

He knew Mitsuri was not the type to get angry easily, but this time he definitely should have restrained himself from visiting her during the final selection. In his defense, he was worried, but he didn’t slay any demons on her behalf, only leaving some food. Did that count as help? During missions, you could find food everywhere, so it seemed justified, right? Or should he blame himself for letting her see him at all, simply because he was greedy, wanting to catch a glimpse of her a little longer? That's why he stepped on a twig and alerted her of his presence.

Obanai sighed, letting his head hang low as he shook it. “I.. don’t know what the real problem is. I don’t even know much about women and how they think,” he admitted quietly.

“I’m surprised. Kanroji’s favorite thing ever is food, and if this apology does not work, it seems like you need to follow Himejima’s advice,” Rengoku, who had recently arrived at the scene, added.

“Well, I asked Yurie, our attendant, and she only told me to give her space and give her what she wants. But I don’t know exactly what she wants if she does not talk to me,” Obanai confessed, feeling lost.

“Hmm.” Just as the boys were brainstorming their next move, the Water Hashira arrived.

“Took you awhile, Tomioka,” Sanemi pointed out.

Giyuu placed his sword down and joined them on the floor. He let out a sigh, recalling how his pleasant afternoon at the Butterfly Mansion had been abruptly interrupted by Obanai’s note, followed by an unexpected eviction by Shinobu within seconds. “I’ve been sent here to inform you that all of us are banned from the Butterfly Mansion until this is solved,” he said, leaving out the part that he had been there just earlier.

There was a collective gasp from the room until Obanai broke the silence again. “So, no male Hashiras including Tokito, are allowed in the Butterfly Mansion?”

“Yes,” Giyuu, who usually did not drink, took a quick shot of the sake in front of him.

“Seems like they were ahead of us. We were about to send Tomioka to speak with Kochou,” Sanemi clenched his fist while his other hand took a sip of sake.

“This is war!!” Tengen jumped in through the open window, joining his brothers at the table.

“Calm down, we are not fighting,” Rengoku grabbed Tengen’s shoulder, who was seated next to him. “We just need to help Iguro figure out what she likes and how he can talk to her.”

“This is easy! The note says 'do better', that means nicer gifts! Let’s send a portrait of Iguro,” Tengen suggested. “With no clothes! It works for me,” he added with a cheeky grin, earning groans and eye rolls from everyone in the room.

A loud slap landed on Tengen’s arm, the sound echoing through the room. “What do you think of Kanroji-san! It’s not the same!” Sanemi yelled, while Obanai rolled his eyes. It was a good thing Muichiro hadn't arrived yet, or Tengen would've received an earful from Gyomei as well.

“Well, you are right. Iguro is not as flashy,” Tengen muttered almost quietly, hoping to not be slapped once more.

“Did you apologize to her?” Giyuu interjected, feeling the need to help, while also secretly hoping to return to the Butterfly Mansion soon.

“I wrote her poems, but she didn’t respond,” Obanai admitted, his frustration evident.

“Maybe a nice silk kimono or jade bangle would work? My dad used to gift my mother those,” Rengoku added sheepishly, trying to be helpful.

“Even with Kochou paying half, I just spent almost all my savings on this Afternoon Tea, that would be even more-”

“Oi, Tokito! What are you doing hiding back there? Come here!” Tengen grabbed the boy and had him seated between him and Rengoku. The little boy sat still, clutching onto his green tea. He wasn’t sure why he was there, but he stayed put. It was warmer to be seated there between the Sound and Fire Hashira than in his futon anyways.

“Well, if it’s about money,” Gyomei spoke, rubbing his palms together, “Recently, Oyakata-sama rolled out an incentive for the corps. Anyone who could kill a Lower Moon would get 10 gold bars, and 40 gold bars if it's an Upper Moon.”

“40 GOLD BARS?!” The boys yelled in unison, stunned by the staggering amount.

“That’s almost enough to buy a house!”

“Yes, that's for Upper Moon 6, and if you kill Upper Moon 5, it’s 60, and just keep adding 20.” Gyomei explained, his voice calm amidst the excitement.

Silence took over as their minds filled with images of their wish lists, appearing in imaginary bubbles above their heads. Images of an unlimited supply of Ohagi, salmon, sweet potato, sake, eels, a nice house, a carriage, a bigger futon, a flashy party, a wedding, a ring... The list went on as they kept dreaming.

“How about you dress up as a cat, Iguro-san?” The usual dreamer, Muichiro, broke the boys from their reverie, and everyone now stared down at the little boy.


“Tokito!!! The last time you lost the scroll for voting on Kanroji’s breathing style. Now you better suggest something useful,” Sanemi pinched his cheeks, trying his best not to yell at Muichiro.

“Ah,” the little boy yelp as he felt his cheeks being pulled in different directions, struggling against the Wind Hashira's grip, “I only said that because Kanroji likes cats, and there are western soft costumes you can wear like a human-sized cat...” his voice trailed off as he imagined Obanai in a fluffy cat costume.

The remaining sighed in unison. They continued to run through different scenarios, either scolding each other for ridiculous suggestions or trying to cheer up Obanai. Cup after cup of sake was consumed, except for Muichiro. The night came sooner.

*Caw caw, urgent! Rengoku Kyojuro is called to head South immediately to search for a moving Mugen Train, suspected lower moon*

Everyone froze in their spot, listening intently as the crow repeated its urgent message.

“Iguro! The gods of fortune have heard your needs!”

Ikuzo!!! Let’s go with him, you need money and a good distraction buddy!” Tengen slapped Obanai’s back and picked up his chained blade.

“Tengen is right, let’s go Obanai,” Rengoku quickly grabbed his sword and stood up. “You both should be resting on your day off! But if you are sure, it would be my pleasure to fight alongside with you,” Rengoku continued with excitement.

Just before they departed, Obanai expressed his gratitude to everyone, except Sanemi, who was already asleep. The Stone Hashira assisted him back to his residence, ensuring he got some rest, while Obanai asked Giyuu to try speaking with Shinobu again. Promising to keep each other updated, the Hashira boys parted ways.

Without much thought, Obanai gripped his sword and dashed towards the South. He knew that facing a Lower Moon didn't require the presence of three Hashiras, but he lacked reasons to stay home. Following Tengen's lead, he joined him and Rengoku, sprinting south once they found the train tracks leading to the nearest station.

Grateful that he hadn’t consumed much alcohol, Obanai matched the pace of the Flame and Sound Hashiras, adjusting his running style to a more straightforward approach instead of his usual unpredictable slithering pattern.

About an hour of running later, the deafening silence of the night was shattered by the clang of metal on metal, the roar of the engine, and the screech of wheels on the track.

“Let’s take this demon out and help out our boy here,” Tengen declared with a wide smile.

“Ume! We will split those gold bars for sure!” Rengoku, as usual agreed eagerly.

With a swift move, the three of them leaped onto the moving train as if it were the simplest move, yet impossible for anyone else.

Once they arrived at the first cabin from behind, there was little light and the train was unusually quiet. They walked carefully, trying not to wake the passengers, but something seemed off once they reached the third cabin.

“Look at this,” Tengen slid open the door, revealing a dozen people with their hands tied together with ropes, most of whom they recognized as Demon Slayers by their uniform beneath their plain Haori.

Obanai erupted from his spot and charged forward. He was the first to spot a dagger amidst one of the hands tied together, and with one swift move, he sliced the rope from the three Slayers.

“What is going on here?” Tengen grabbed onto the collar of one of the Slayers until he woke up and saw the golden button on the Slayer's uniform. “Hashiras?”

“Yes, what are you doing taking your sweet time when there is a Kazuki member here?” Obanai demanded.

“We... we didn’t know how we fell asleep, b-but…” the second Slayer stammered.

“We won’t be able to defeat a Kazuki either, we are just Mizunoes!” the third Slayer cried. Just as they were about to continue, the children who were tied to the Slayers woke up and now pointed their daggers at the Demon Slayers.

Suddenly, a sound of broken glass erupted from another cabin. The Hashiras perked up, looking at each other, alert and ready for whatever was to come.

“Iguro, go straight to the conductor’s room. I’ll take care of the rest of the cabins. We will leave you with this, Kyojuro,” Tengen ordered, his voice firm and decisive. Without hesitation, they split into their assigned positions.

Obanai leaped onto the top of the moving train, his movements fluid and determined. With each step, he approached the head of the train, the smoke from the conductor's room wafting towards him. Just as he neared, a hand with a mouth appeared on the steam engine.

Before Obanai could decipher the Kanji written on the hand, his eyes were suddenly blasted with bright light, momentarily blinding him. The intense blue light pierced through the darkness, further disorienting him.

When he blinked, he found himself back in the warmth of his home. And there she was, Mitsuri, standing before him in the kitchen, just like any day when he returned home. Her presence was as warm as the sunlight streaming through the windows. She turned around, her face lighting up as she ran towards him, dispelling any remnants of anger that she had.

“Obi! Welcome home!” her voice, like chiming bells, lit up the room.

“Suri! You're home!”

As she ran towards him, a soft light glowed on her, and she was smiling, no longer angry. She was dressed in her sakura kimono, looking as beautiful and happy as ever.

Obanai reached out his hands, intending to hug her. But as he looked down at his hands, he saw them punctured with blood, oozing and blurring his vision.

“Ah!” Obanai squinted his eyes tightly as he felt a sharp pain in his hand, which was now warm and bleeding. He realized Kaburamaru had bitten him and was nudging his left arm, as if urging him to wake up.

Reluctantly, Obanai took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

But before he could fully grasp reality, another wave of intense white light engulfed him, blinding him once more. As the imagine infront of him moved and shifted, he found himself back in his residence with Mitsuri standing before him.

Still living in the side of reality, Kaburamaru saw the demon morphing itself into the train, growing larger and sprouting tentacles. Kaburamaru, desperate, bit Obanai's arm again, puncturing his skin once more. The snake wriggled and twisted, trying to rouse Obanai from being hypnotized.

Fortunately, Obanai regained consciousness more quickly this time. Kaburamaru swiftly coiled itself around Obanai's eyes, preventing the Lower Moon demon from blinding him again.

Obanai tightened his grip on his sword, feeling the warmth of his blood trickling down his hand. Despite being blinded twice by the "dream demon," he understood Kaburamaru's actions and appreciated it’s efforts.

"I see, thank you, Kaburamaru," Obanai said, his voice steady as he regained his total concentration. He took a deep breath and focused on the sensation of the moving train underneath him, shaking and charging at high speed.

Suddenly, laughter erupted around him, echoing from all directions. "What a wonderful fiancé you have there," the voice taunted, its loudness causing Obanai's blood to rush with a mix of anger and determination to kill it.

"Get off, demon!" Obanai spat back, his resolve unwavering. The thought of the demon tainting his dreams disgusted him to the core.

But the demon only responded with another round of mocking laughter, its presence looming ominously around him.

Even though he was blinded, Obanai could sense the demon's disgusting presence surrounding him, emanating from all directions. Unlike the usual demons, there was no head to slice off. But there had to be a way to defeat its Demon Blood Art.

Focusing himself like a snake, Obanai squatted on the ground to steady himself, feeling the vibrations of the train beneath him to locate the core of his opponent. He first sensed a small explosion and the clanking of Tengen and Rengoku’s swords in the distance.

Going deeper into his concentration, he felt a beating heart.

There it was, his opening!

“Kaburamaru, lead the way,” Obanai commanded. With a leap, he exerted his Serpent Breathing Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent. As unpredictable as his opponent had been, he countered with his most unpredictable move. With Kaburamaru closing his eyes, Obanai charged forth in a twisting and winding motion, his sword curving in multiple directions. Multiple slices tore off a big part of the demon, evident by the increased airflow around him.

Just as he was about to unleash his third form for another powerful strike, Kaburamaru squeezed itself and directed Obanai to charge downwards. Following its lead, Obanai jumped midair and switched to his Fourth Form, Twin-Headed Reptile, plunging downward towards the demon's heart. With one clean and hard strike, his sword clashed against a metallic surface, and he felt the resistance of the demon's body against his katana.

The demon's blood sprayed all over Obanai as he continued to execute a few more moves around him to ensure the demon was truly dead. As if sensing his completion, Kaburamaru finally released its grip, allowing Obanai to see again.

Though Obanai was not injured in any significant way, apart from the punctures from Kaburamaru, it seemed this demon relied on manipulation rather than brute force to ascend its rank as a Kizuki. There were no cuts or bruises on Obanai's body. However, the confirmation of the demon's demise did little to ease the unease settling in his gut as he watch at the scene before him.

A dark cloud of smoke billowed towards him, slowly revealing a worrying sight: an explosion rocked the train, sending Obanai leaping backward. The train began to veer off its tracks, moving in directions it shouldn't have.

Obanai gripped onto the closest thing he could find and leaped backward, away from the impending crash. The screams of terrified passengers and the sound of shattering glass filled the air around him. He had faced Lower Moons before, but none had ever held so many people captive at once.

Obanai held on tighter as he braced for the impact. The train dragged against the soil beneath it. As the train hurtled forward, Obanai hoped and prayed that everyone aboard would somehow emerge from the crash unharmed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the train began to slow down, its momentum gradually diminishing as it plowed through the trees lining the tracks. With a final groan of protest, the train came to a jarring halt, the impact causing branches to snap and debris to fly.

Obanai released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, his heart still racing from the adrenaline of the moment. Now, as the dust settled and the chaos subsided, he could only hope that everyone aboard had survived the crash.

"There you are my friend, good job right there!"

Obanai huffed as Tengen's familiar voice cut through the night's air. It's almost dawn now, a welcoming reassurance in the aftermath of chaos. Rengoku's announcement that all passengers were safe further eased Obanai's mind.

As Obanai prepared to call for the kakushis, a quick instinct made him leap back just in time. A meteor-like object crashed down right where he had been standing moments ago, sending dust and debris flying into the air. Now just a few meters away from the other Hashiras, Obanai steadied himself and held onto his sword’s hilt.

As the dust settled, a figure emerged from the crater, unveiling itself as a demon of immense power. Its presence was strong, even for the Hashiras. Its body fully ripped with menacing stripes and vibrant pink hair.

Tengen wasted no time in approaching the demon, undeterred by its imposing aura. But even as the Hashira drew nearer, the demon remained unfazed, standing its ground with a confident smile.

Then, as its smile widened, the Kanji inscribed on its eyes became visible:

"Upper Moon 3 // 参上弦 "


Hi, I'm back! :) I was hoping to create a funny chapter like the training with the Hashira chapter, but just as how inspiration calls for, I do hope you like my spontaneous version of Enmu vs. Obanai & Kaburamaru!

*Kaburamaru is the best snake ever!!!

*The Afternoon Tea 'got wind' part from Sanemi was definitely pun intended :)

Honestly, when I first drafted this story, I didn't plan for Enmu and Akaza's part. It's supposed to be about their Happy Marriage! Does fighting Kizukis count as part of that? I don't know. You tell me!!

Chapter 13: Battle Spirit


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Obi, Obi," Mitsuri murmured, her voice barely a whisper as her eyes shut tight, her hands gripping the blanket almost into fists. The moonlight filtered through the shoji screen, casting a soft glow over the room.

Shinobu, hunched over her desk and engrossed in her late-night work, paused. She turned around, her curiosity piqued by her friend's sleep-talking. At first, she only heard incoherent mumbling, but as she listened more intently, it became clear that Mitsuri was calling out her fiancé's name tonight.

The Insect Hashira sighed softly. In the past week, she would let Mitsuri be, respecting the sanctity of her dreams. But tonight, there was a tremor of anxiety in Mitsuri's voice that Shinobu couldn't ignore. She set aside her writing brush and walked over to the bed, the floorboards creaking gently under her feet. Sitting on the edge, she brushed a few strands of hair from Mitsuri's forehead, her touch as light as a butterfly's wing.

Unexpectedly, Mitsuri stirred, her eyes fluttering open. "Ah, Shinobu, I'm so sorry. Did I disturb you?" Her groggy voice laced with guilt, even in her half-awake state.

Shinobu felt a smile tug at her lips, amused by her friend's cluelessness but too fond of her to laugh. "Mitsuri, I know I insisted that he should reflect on the problem until you speak with him again, but if you miss him very much, maybe you can just go home tomorrow and talk to him about how you feel?"

Mitsuri's eyes softened, and she reached out to grasp Shinobu's hand, squeezing it with a surprising strength. "Thank you, Shinobu," she whispered as she felt the weight of sleep pulling her back. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she let them close.

As her consciousness faded, the last thing she saw was Obanai's gentle smile, his comforting presence before she drift into deep slumber.

“My friends, how much is 40+20+20+20?” Tengen grinned, his hands crossed behind his back, gripping the handles of his chained blades. If it weren’t for the strong presence of the demon in front of them, Obanai would’ve rolled his eyes and slapped his arm as usual. However, the Serpent Hashira mirrored Tengen's stance, waiting for the demon to strike first, to gauge his strength.

“That’s 100, my friend,” Rengoku answered, his voice a bit softer than his usual booming tone. The presence of this demon was unlike anything he had encountered before, and with the quick mental calculation, he deduced they were facing Upper Moon 3.

“Ah! 100 out of 100, what a perfect score! That’s what we’re going to give for the fight of the century!” Tengen, unlike Rengoku, was pumped for the battle. Especially knowing he could retire once he defeated an Upper Moon. He whipped his chained blades forward, pointing them towards the pink-haired demon.

“That’s right, and we need to protect those with us!” Rengoku reminded, steadying himself and glancing around, glad the sun was rising, providing a clearer sight.

Despite the approaching dawn, the demon’s smile didn’t wane. Instead, he let out a sad*stic laugh. “Three Hashiras at once?” Akaza's voice dripped with excitement. If demons could feel an adrenaline rush, that's what Akaza was experiencing now. He had killed 68 Hashiras in his 200 years as a demon, even more in the recent century as he refined his fighting skills.

One of them was bathed in fire, his breath visible in the cold dawn air, which instantly reminded Akaza of the few flame breathers from before. His eyes flicked to the two men beside him, unable to recognize their breathing forms. They seemed to be using one of those extended breathing techniques, he thought to himself, which didn't mean much to him.

The demon's smile grew wider as his confidence grew, his pale lips stretching from ear to ear. "Think I can’t take down the three of you? I could do so even without a sword like you." Akaza clenched his fist, lowering his body into a fighting stance, not caring if who strikes first.

“Because you humans are weak!” The Upper Moon 3, planted his foot firmly on the ground with a snowflake formed beneath him, causing the earth beneath them to tremble. His maniacal smile remained intact as his gaze locked onto the Serpent Hashira, deciding that the smallest among them must be the easiest to take out first.

"What’s going on in your head, demon?" Before Akaza could strike front, Obanai was already behind him in a fraction of a second, whispering into his ear like a breeze. To his poor judgment, the Serpent Hashira struck first with his third form - Coil Choke. Akaza’s defensive instincts sensed Obanai’s battle spirit, and he quickly unleashed a back kick to protect his neck, only to be attacked from the front by Tengen and Rengoku. The demon’s body felt lighter as they sliced off one of his arms on each side.

sh*t, he thought. His assumption that the Serpent Hashira was weak was wrong. He should have realized that his strength could be unpredictable. And the Sound Hashira, tall and burly, was unexpectedly quick. Their synchronization with the Flame Hashira and his rapid attacks left Akaza with no choice but to admit that he couldn't actually take them down before the sun came up.

Giving the best of his Soryu fighting style, Akaza was quick to regenerate any cuts and slices from the Hashiras. He didn't mind sacrificing limbs for quick punches and kicks, knowing he could regenerate them. With superhuman strength, Akaza fueled his own fighting spirit and delivered a powerful kick, sending Rengoku, who was trying to cover Tengen, flying out of the invisible fighting ring. Rengoku's flight was halted when his back crashed into a thick tree, and he coughed up a large amount of blood. As he looked down, he saw a large tree trunk piercing through his stomach.

In agony, the Flame Hashira watched as his peers fought a distance away from him. The sound of katanas slicing through the air, the grunts, and the flinches on the sand filled his ears. Breathing heavily, he lifted his right arm and sliced off the thick trunk growing out of his stomach. Warm blood oozed and flowed down his uniform from the waist down as he pushed the heavy weight of his body to free himself from the impalement.

The image before him began to blur as he kneeled on the ground, and he struggled to keep his eyes open as his eyelids grew heavier by the second.

Rengoku sighed, losing his focus on his breathing technique. The pain was overwhelming, and he knew this might be the end for him. As his eyelids drooped and his head fell, images of his family flashed before him.

He saw his younger brother, Senjuro, his face filled with worry and admiration. Rengoku wished he had spent more time affirming and guiding his younger brother, ensuring he knew how proud he was of him. Next, he saw his father, a once-prestigious Hashira who had fallen into despair. Rengoku wished he could honor his father by at least slaughtering this Upper Rank demon, proving their family legacy of strength.

As a tear of disappointment was about to fall off his eyes, an image of his late mother appeared. Her gentle smile and kind eyes seemed to reach out to him. "You've done your best," she seemed to say, her voice a soothing balm to his soul. Her presence felt so real that he felt someone holding onto him and gently tending to him.

In the midst of his unconsciousness, the Mizuno Slayers from the train appeared from the bushes behind him and quickly laid Rengoku down, desperate to heal him. One of them bundled his uniform and applied pressure to the wound, the fabric quickly soaking with blood.

The pain from the contact brought Rengoku back to reality, and he attempted to leave his dying wish to the slayers next to him.

“If you see my family… please tell them—”

“Hashira-san, please stop speaking. You need to live! You need to focus on your breathing.”

“Rengoku! Don’t give up! We are still not giving up!” A thunderous voice from the battlefield echoed through the air. Tengen and Obanai, fueled with anger, moved with lightning speed. Without exchanging a word, they synchronized their efforts to trap the demon until sunrise.

Seeing that his generative speed is slowing down, Akaza realized their plan. If the night were on his side, he would’ve tried to take out the injured Hashira first to ruin their morale, knowing humans usually acted out of spite once he did that. However, as the warmth of the sun began to spread across the vast land, he felt his skin prickling, on the verge of burning.

Every fibre of his demon being screamed that he needed to run, so desperately even if Muzan-sama would punish him severely. Before a worn-out Obanai could land another hit and injured Tengen could slice the demon’s neck, Akaza delivered a desperate rough kick that blasted Obanai feet away, sending him flying into the ground. The force was enough to make him bounce multiple times. He felt a rib or two break, forcing blood out of his mouth.

"I'm not a f*cking rock for you to skip,” Obanai growled through the thick blood in his throat, Kaburamaru hissing in agreement. Forcing himself onto his knees, Obanai reached out for his sword lying on the ground. Just as he was about to grab it, he lifted his head to see Akaza charging towards him.

But unlike before, the smile was replaced with a frantic look. He wasn’t aiming at Obanai; he was dashing towards the forest behind him.

“Don’t let him go, Iguro!” Tengen shouted.

With one hand cupping his broken rib, Obanai lifted his wavy sword with his working arm and poured every ounce of his energy into darting it towards the demon. Aiming for Akaza's neck, it landed on his back instead. If Akaza were human, their mission would have been successful, but the demon's vital points were different. Akaza managed to run with the sword embedded in his heart.

A heavily injured Tengen chased him down, but as the distance widened, he could only clutch the wound on his right chest and yell his frustration into the forest. Not minding to further tear his wound if we could get his point across. “You coward! We will get you someday!” His voice echoed through the trees, sending birds flying into the sky.

Silence overtook them. It’s over. The three Hashiras remained where they were, bloodied and laying with a look of dread.

If Upper Moon 3 was this strong, how powerful could Muzan be?

If only there had been one more Hashira...

If only they could reduce the demon's regeneration speed...

If only the sun had come up earlier...

What would have happened if only Rengoku was here?

At least everyone is safe tonight…

With that final comforting notion, the three Hashiras succumbed to unconsciousness, their minds drifting to the faces of their most beloved ones.


*TBH in terms of 3vs1, no doubt the Hashiras would win. But they don’t have a mark here + they have been running/fighting before this, so please take that into account. Definitely, definitely! not because I am a sucker for sad endings. Hehe 🙃

*The stats for Akaza's kills are made up. I tried looking for more information but couldn't find any! My only guess would be that if Gyutaro/Daki had been demons for 100 years and killed 22 Hashiras in total, Akaza must have at least doubled that number.

*Also, I just knew there such a thing called Anime rap. My favorite lyrics is from Akaza’s part and then Kokushibo’s. Leaving this here if you’re interested*ggxe783

*It's been a while since I've updated, and although this is a short chapter, I hope you enjoy it. (Rengoku is donut-ed but still alive...!!!) And yes, I've always been here, been reading a lot and finding ways to improve my writing style! I admire a lot of writers who can really paint a vivid picture with strong feelings about the characters. Hopefully, I'll get there someday! :)

Chapter 14: First Half Moon at the Butterfly Estate


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Usually on the night of the first half moon, the Hashiras gather for their monthly meeting. Aside from the important updates, their gatherings are filled with the latest gossip, updates to their kill charts, bickering, and the making of plans, aside from the Water Hashira, who typically remains aloof. The lively interaction is a highlight for many of them, as it’s quite a brief respite from their constant battles.

But tonight was different. The meeting had been postponed over the solemn news of their fellow Hashiras. Shinobu, the Insect Hashira, was still busy tending to the aftermath of the brutal battle. The Kakushi had brought in three of her injured colleagues while numerous citizens had been sent to the nearby hospital.

Shinobu worked so intensely since dawn that she hadn't taken a moment to have a sip of water. Her hands moved with practiced precision, her mind tied solely to the task on hand. It wasn't until the sharp clank of her metal tools hitting the tray that her awareness expanded beyond the immediate injuries. The first sound that broke through her concentration was the anguished cries of Tengen’s wives, with Suma’s wailing being the loudest.

Sighing, Shinobu dropped the bloodied swabs into a bag and secured it, her shoulders heavy with the weight of the night’s events. “You may come in now,” she announced softly toward the shoji door.

With a bang and a thud, Suma, came in first tumbling through the front door of the treatment room, while Hinatsuru and Makio following behind. Mitsuri, came in almost-running to a halt next to Obanai’s bed. Her usual cheerfulness was noticeably absent, replaced by a silent, intense worry that made her seem like a different person. She clasped Obanai’s hand gently, her eyes filled with unspoken words.

Shinobu, recognizing the need for privacy and the weight of Mitsuri’s silence, quietly pulled the curtains around their side of the room.

Meanwhile, Tengen’s wives, their emotions on full display, rushed to his bedside with loud cries. Their voices echoed through the room and the Butterfly Mansion, a stark contrast to Mitsuri's silence. Shinobu, attempting to calm down a popping vein on her forehead, turned to them.

“Do you know, as a Sound Hashira, Tengen cannot be disturbed by LOUD external noises while recovering?” she questioned the Uzuis with a raised brow.

The three of them gasped.

“Hmm… Let me think,” Shinobu murmured to herself, a finger placed on her lip. “something to do with his listening and curing abilities. Too much noise could cause impairment…”

Without finishing her sentence, Shinobu watched them shush each other frantically and started whispering.

She snickered internally as she drew the drapes around Tengen’s bed, smiling once she created a cocoon of quietness around her. Satisfied, she turned her attention back to her work, grateful for the temporary peace.

As she was ready to leave the room, Shinobu noticed a small figure peeking through the shoji door. It was a boy who looked like a smaller version of Rengoku, clutching a bouquet of flowers and a parcel. His eyes were wide with worry, mirroring the expression Mitsuri had worn just moments before.

Shinobu’s heart ached at the sight. “Senjuro-kun,” she said softly, recognizing Rengoku’s younger brother. She let out a melancholic smile as she walked towards him. “You received my letter.” her voice gentle and soothing.

Senjuro nodded, holding up the flowers and parcel. “I brought these for him. Will he be okay, Shinobu-san?”

Shinobu placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Your brother is very strong. He’s fighting hard, just like you always knew he would.” Shinobu tried to keep her voice calm, despite being angered that her letter addressed to the head of the family had resulted in only young Kyojuro showing up.

“Can I see him?” The boy asked.

“For a little while, yes.” Shinobu’s gentle tone made him lift his face, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He followed her as they approached the room at the end of the hallway.

Before entering, Shinobu made him put on a pleated paper face mask, one of many Mitsuri had made while staying with them for a week, and a white top over his clothing. She nodded and let him enter the room by himself.

Senjuro approached his brother quietly. Even from a distance, he could tell how much pain his brother was in. The usually smiling Rengoku now looked aged and weary, scars marring his once bright features.

Senjuro placed the flowers on the table next to the bed and spoke softly to his brother. “I brought you flowers and your favorite painting, aniki.”

He opened the parcel, revealing a painting from Rengoku’s bedroom, depicting their family in their home garden. Senjuro hung it on the wall facing his brother’s bed, hoping it would be the first thing Rengoku saw when he woke up. He also hoped their mother, depicted in the painting, would watch over him.

Senjuro looked up at his mother in the painting and silently prayed for his brother’s recovery. He released his clasped hands, while his eyes then darted to their father and back to Rengoku.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t convince him to come today, but I’m sure he is concerned about you too. I’ll try to ask him again tomorrow.”

He looked at his brother one last time, reminding himself to bring a vase for the flowers tomorrow and some food for the Butterfly Mansion staff.

Obanai’s eyes slowly opened, his gaze unfocused at first, then gradually sharpening as he recognized the familiar figure beside him. He attempted a weak smile, his lips cracking slightly from the effort.

“Mitsuri…” His voice was hoarse, barely audible, but it was enough to make her heart leap.

Leaning forward, Mitsuri rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes. A tear slid down Mitsuri’s cheek but she smiled through it. In response, Obanai reached up to trace the line on her cheek, making sure it was really her. Her sweet vanilla scent with a mix of sugary candy confirmed it. He leaned into her touch like a contented cat, humming softly at the gentle caresses.

“Obanai,” Mitsuri whispered as she felt the warmth of his touch. “You’re awake.”

Unable to lift his left arm, Obanai mirrored Mitsuri by closing his eyes and gently running the fingers on his right hand through her long, cascading hair. Come to think of it, his left ribs weren’t hurting as much anymore. Maybe being with her was all he needed to feel better, though Shinobu would argue it was because the painkillers hadn’t fully worn off.

“Ah…” Obanai winced in pain as Mitsuri attempted to move and hug him more tightly. He slightly regretted thinking he felt better so soon.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Mitsuri jumped off the medical bed, a pang of guilt washing over her. She realized she had used too much strength and hadn’t even offered her fiance water the moment he woke up.

Obanai watched as she frantically grabbed the canister next to his table and poured him a glass of water. “H-have some water.” She handed it to him gingerly, her face full of worry. Obanai couldn’t help but smile gently at her as he turn around to remove his paper mask, making sure she was not looking while he took a sip of the water. Once he was hydrated, he felt relief and even found the situation a little amusing. He had run through endless scenarios in his head about how he would reconcile with Mitsuri.

After defeating Lower Moon 1, he had planned to use the gold bars to buy her a beautiful jade, one that matched her eye color, and present it with a heartfelt apology. While they were running towards the train, Tengen had even suggested “kidnapping” Mitsuri while she was out on errands to present the gifts.

Obanai let out a sigh. It seemed fate had taken a different turn. Here he was, not entirely satisfied that they couldn’t rid of Akaza, but grateful that he only suffered a minor injury and, most importantly, that she was right here beside him. And for the second time, he smiled again.

“Obi...” Mitsuri used a warm towel to dab his forehead, hoping it would ease his pain a little. “I was about to ask if you’re alright, but... but! You’re smiling,” Mitsuri frowned, questioning him in a confused state.

“Mitsuri,” Obanai grabbed her hand, his thumb caressing the inner part of her wrist. “I’m just glad you’re here—”

“Obi! How dare you smile?” Hot tears stung her eyes, and Mitsuri snapped, not knowing how to express the depth of her feelings. “Do you know how worried I’ve been for the last few hours? Did you know how many dangos I ate to keep myself awake the whole time?” Frustrated, she placed the cloth down. With nothing to fiddle with, she resorted to frowning and pouting instead.

“I-It happened before,” Obanai’s eyes softened, and he moved his fingers to caress her face, wiping off the tears from her face. “I’ve had it worse."

“Not when I’m with you!” The pout on her face remained while tears of concern continued to wail.

Using every ounce of his energy, Obanai sat up and pulled her close with his working arm. The movement tugged at his cuts and wounds, but he didn’t mind as long as he could have her close.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve respected you and not shown up at the final selection,” he said, holding her tightly. “I’m sorry for everything, Suri…”

Mitsuri clung to the warmth of his body, her tears soaking into his shoulder. “I was so scared, Obi. I thought I might lose you.” She cried as she let his familiar scent envelop her and wanting nothing more than for him to wrap his arms around her and hold her close, which he did.

In return, Obanai wrapped his arm tightly around her. “You won’t,” Obanai whispered, pressing a kiss into her hair. “I promise, you won’t.”

He held her close, feeling the weight of his words and the warmth of her embrace. In that moment, despite the pain and exhaustion, he felt a sense of peace. Being with Mitsuri made the world of demons feel far away. For now, just being together was enough.

“You do need to learn how to trust in me,” Mitsuri said softly, her voice carrying a plea. “But in all fairness, I understand now why you were so protective. If you were gone today, I would have regretted not being there for you too.”

“We have to be more careful with our missions and trust each other,” Obanai said, his voice steady but gentle.

“But…can you… not hide from me again, Mitsuri?”

“I-I needed to cool down too,” Mitsuri slowly admitted with a little hint of guilt in her voice, she squeezes him around the shoulder and pulls herself away, wiping the last of the tears from her face. For a moment, they just look at each other fondly.

“I snapped at you, and I didn’t like myself for it. Plus, I got to spend time with the Butterfly girls, which was surprisingly healing for me. I did things with them that I didn’t get to do with my sisters.”

“I’m glad you liked it, but I don’t know how I can go through another week without you,” Obanai confessed. “Please promise you won’t do this again, or at least let me—”

He was promptly silenced by Mitsuri swiftly pulling his mask down, her lips pressing against his, a soft kiss shared between them. Obanai was frozen for a moment before his lips melted against hers. Words were unnecessary here; they spoke through their kisses, touch and caress. Finally, she pulled away to catch her breath. It still takes her breath away, how completely he loves her.

“I promise, but honestly, the cat outfit would’ve worked,” Mitsuri said, wanting to lighten the mood as she teased him. A small smile broke through her worry once she saw her plan succeed.

“How did you know?” Obanai chuckled softly, looking at their entwined hands with a wave of relief washing over him. “I’ll remember that for next time,” he said, his duo-colored eyes twinkling with affection.

Mitsuri leaned in, pressing a featherlight kiss to his forehead. “No more next times like this,” she murmured. “Let’s just trust each other and keep each other safe.”

Obanai nodded. “Together,” he echoed, holding her close. “Always together.”


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I considered making the reunion of Mitsuri and Obanai a bit more emotional, but I decided to add a pinch of teasing to end it.

I also want to admit that Rengoku's story was not in the original draft, but I found it fitting to cover a part of him because WE ALL LOVE OUR POSITIVE KING and I'm glad we can have an AU where he survived Akaza :)

(Also unplanned in this fic) I found it very natural to implement the friendship between the Hashiras. I wanted to show how they rely on each other like family, and how they are willing to support each other aside from the goal of slaying demons! I hope you were able to experience that too..

*The actual reason why Obanai was sent to the hospital:

*I'm not sure if Senjuro would've used "Aniki" or "nii-san," but when Tanjiro visited his home to deliver the sad news, he used something similar to "aniki," so we shall just go with that.

Thank you for the comments from the previous update, they were the best birthday gift and meant alot to me!!! (Was losing hope in my writing).

See you in the next update!! It's going to be a fun one.

Chapter 15: Take the Lead


Ratings switched from Mature to Explicit because of this chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been days since they arrived. Kaburamaru slithered around the glass, missing the warmth of his owner. If someone could speak the language of snakes, Kaburamaru would probably tell them two things: 1. he was bored in this glass box and couldn't understand how the goldfish across from him looked so happy and content in a similar glass bowl, and 2. he missed being with Obanai.

Surprisingly Kanao, who does not speak his language, seemed to understand him. She fished him out and held him. Kaburamaru perked up, feeling the warm air and the humidity with his tongue.

“Good morning, Kanao-chan!” Shinobu’s sing-song voice filled the room as she excitedly opened the shoji door.

“Good morning, Master,” Kanao replied, slightly startled by Shinobu’s unusual cheerfulness.

“Seems like you like Kaburamaru,”

“I do,” Kanao’s cheeks tinted with pink as it was rare for her to express her feelings.

“Today is the day Iguro-san gets discharged. Let’s hand this letter from Oyakata-sama to him along with Kaburamaru,” Shinobu said, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the snake. She placed an origami hat on Kaburamaru’s head.

“Oh! Cute. Did you make this?” Kanao turned Kaburamaru to face her so she could take a closer look of it. The snake seemed confused by the familiar scent from Oyakata-sama’s paper and the extra weight on its head, causing it to bob up and down.

“Mitsuri did! A party hat for the occasion!”Shinobu announced happily as she peered at its crimson marble sized eyes. Upon hearing Mitsuri’s name, like magic, the snake stopped moving and contentedly accepted its new accessory.

The butterfly sisters didn’t seemed to notice as they were too busy chattering while walking towards the ward.

“Kochou, what in the world is this?” Obanai questioned Shinobu as he watched them walk into his ward with a decorated Kaburamaru. Mitsuri quickly dropped her packing and ran up next to them, her palms near Kaburamaru, signaling a “taa-daa” sign paired with a wide smile.

“This is the surprise! Isn’t it cute?” she exclaimed.


Obanai wasn’t sure how to answer. Truthfully, he thought it was silly, but after the whole bro-talk with his fellow Hashiras, the words “It’s stupid” died on his tongue. With so many anticipatory eyes, especially a pair of green ones, looking at him, it seemed like now was the time to say something more useful:

“Maybe you can ask Kaburamaru if he likes it…?” His face burned under his mask with embarrassment as he ventured, the end of his sentence trailing off into a doubtful whisper as he tread into unknown territory.

His snake saved him by responding, flicking its tongue in the air. Luckily for Obanai, that was enough to delight everyone in the room. He let out a sigh of relief and looked at his snake, allowing it to slither up to his neck. It had been days without Kaburamaru’s companionship, and though he said nothing, he finally felt whole again, as if a missing part of him had returned.

Carefully, Obanai opened the origami-ed paper and immediately recognized the neat calligraphy from the master. He let out a hum as his eyebrows first knitted together, then shot up as he read to the end of the letter. Mitsuri tied up the final pouch of their belongings and turned towards Obanai, who was still quietly reading the contents of the letter.

“Mitsuri, have you read this?” Obanai handed the creased letter to her once he was done, urging her to read it.

“No, I honestly just made the hat from muscle memory….” She took the letter, blushing at the notion that he had entrusted her with the details of such an important document. You are his fiancée, after all, Mitsuri reminded herself, trying to calm down.

She carefully read the words in the letter, marveling at the beautiful penmanship of the master himself. As she glanced through every word, her expression mirrored Obanai's, only with more exaggeration.

“M-mission! Already?” Mitsuri exclaimed, her green eyes widened as much as the macaron she ate at the Imperial Palace a week ago.

“It’s common. After all, among the Hashiras, Obanai is now second on the kill chart, with Himeijima-san in first place, of course!” Shinobu chirped cheerfully.

“B-but, he’s pairing up with me…” Mitsuri's voice trailed off, unsure how to articulate her thoughts, “And he’s not allowed to kill any demons.”

“Eh? You too?” Shinobu tilted her head and pouted. “I have a pair assignment with Tomioka-san as well.” She placed a finger on her pouted lip, the gears in her mind turning as she tried to piece things together. “Though we both could kill demons….”

“Ah, is it?” Obanai’s captured the master’s intention immediately. He must have seen the benefit of teamwork after the Akaza incident. He was about to point out his observation, yet switched gears as he, finally, found a moment to tease Shinobu, and he couldn’t resist the opportunity.

“Maybe he wishes for the team members to be closer, or to save funds by sharing inns together. As a Hashira, you should know that, Kochou—” Obanai attempted to deliver his teasing in a serious voice.

“T-That’s wrong, Iguro-san!” Shinobu’s voice came out a little too quick, her cheeks flushing a deep red. Realizing everyone was staring at her, she straightened up and cleared her throat. “I-I mean, there must be a better reason!” She tried to hide under her curtained bangs, her face burning hot.

Obanai suppressed a chuckle with a smirk under his mask, enjoying the doctor’s flustered reaction. He rarely saw her so off-balance. Mitsuri, always perceptive, picked up on the teasing and added.

“Well, Tomioka-san is not that bad too—”

“Ah,” Shinobu jabbed at Mitsuri playfully, and they started a little war, jabbing each other, laughter bubbling up despite the other two watching.

“When is your mission, Iguro-san?” Kanao politely questioned, her voice soft but steady as she tried to redirect the conversation. “We could prepare some medicine for you.”

“It’s in three days,” Obanai replied, his voice softening. “Any help would be appreciated.”

“Good thinking, Kanao-chan! I’m so proud of you!” Shinobu quickly jumped back into the conversation, her purple eyes shining with pride. She smiled warmly and placed an arm over her Tsugoku’s shoulder, squeezing gently as if in an attempt to ground herself.

“Oh! I just remembered something! Though the letter is not directed to me, but it is my first official mission, right?” Mitsuri exclaimed.

“Yes.” Everyone answered in unison.

“Ah… if that’s the case, I have something to admit,” Mitsuri’s voice turned soft as she turned to Kanao.

“Kanao-san, do you remember when we had to sign a waiver before we started the Final Selection Process?”

Kanao nodded, while the Hashiras stared, wondering where this was going.

“I placed a request at the bottom to have Obanai with me on my first mission if I passed the Selection Process.” Obanai raised his brow at Mitsuri’s admission, while Mitsuri returned his expression with a sheepish look. Her fingers twirled at the end of her hair as she remembered writing that request a little out of spite.

“Ah… because at that time I wanted to show you that I could defeat the demons on my own. It seems like my wish is granted, but...” Mitsuri paused. “I feel bad now because that caused you to not be able to top the killing charts.” She glanced at Obanai, who gave her a small, reassuring nod.

“That’s fine, I’m sure you will do well, Mitsuri,” Obanai said, holding her moving hand to soothe her nervous thoughts. Mitsuri couldn’t help but blush at his public display of affection in front of their friends.

“And you will be sure not to interfere?” Shinobu questioned him with a scrutinizing look. Kanao didn’t speak but mirrored her actions.

“Yes,” Obanai replied. “I’m sure,” he added.

“Ok, that’s good. Good for you both! But still!” Shinobu balled her little hands into fists. “I didn’t place a request to be with Tomioka-san!” An irate Shinobu suddenly burst through the conversation, crossing her arms while puffing air at her curtain bangs.

Everyone else in the room, except the Insect Hashira, chuckled, knowing exactly why she was paired with the Water Hashira but not daring to say a word. It was comical, just how many emotions are fighting their way across Shinobu’s normally smiley face. Obanai wanted to say something at this point, a teasing remark on the tip of his tongue, but decided he could save his revenge for another day.

The Iguro residence, usually serene and empty, now brimmed with wreaths adorning its halls. A blend of congratulatory messages for facing an Upper Moon and well wishes for Obanai's swift recovery filled the space. Standing at his entrance, Obanai crossed his arms and furrowed his brows, taken aback by the decorations that enveloped his home.

He couldn't recall ever being this popular before his engagement.

Although the wreaths and bouquets didn't align with his usual aesthetic preferences, there was one floral arrangement he personally cherished – an ikebana, minimally and meticulously crafted with ceramic accents, gifted by none other than the master himself. Feeling a muscle tug around his neck, he let Kaburamaru go and it allowed itself to twirl around the cool stone.

Despite the unusualness, a soft smile graced his lips as he strolled past each name and heartfelt wish. Meanwhile, Mitsuri marveled at the handwritten notes, her fingers delicately brushing against the vibrant blooms that caught her eye.

Obanai slid up next to her, arms casually crossed as he plucked a delicate light pink Camellia, tucking it behind her ear. Mitsuri's gaze followed his gesture, freezing at her spot as she realized the sweet gesture, a blush threatening to bloom across her cheeks.

"Thank you, Obi," she managed to whisper, her gaze drifting downwards. Finally, we are home. I can’t believe it’s only been a week. Yet so many things happened…. Mitsuri thought, lost in her reflections. Obanai gently lifted her chin, locking eyes with her blushing features for a lingering moment.

"Could you... do the greeting, Suri," he murmured, a hint of vulnerability lacing his words. Sensing Mitsuri's confusion, Obanai cupped her face, his touch trailing along her hair. "Suri, I simply miss having you by my side at home," he confessed softly.

"W-welcome home*, Obanai," Mitsuri responded once she understood his silent plea.

"Welcome home to you too, Suri," Obanai echoed, his voice barely above a whisper, causing Mitsuri's heart to flutter. She closed her eyes as she felt his warm breath whisper over her face. With his presence drawing closer, their foreheads gently touching, Obanai's hand threaded through her hair, his nose grazing her cheek in soothing and gentle circles as he slowly cupped her face with his warm hands.

He pulled down his mask and looked at her, so closely now, her cheeks tinged in the familiar shade of pink. The soft flutter of her closed eyelashes a silent invitation. His grip on Mitsuri was firm yet tender, his lips met hers in a gentle kiss, her mouth sweet like the candy she likes to eat, only infinitely sweeter.

A gasp spilled from Mitsuri’s lips, melting in Obanai’s embrace. Her hands came to his chest, the tips of her fingers grazing through the soft cotton of his yukata, slightly brushing the opening and his bare skin peeking from it.

In no time, soft sighs and moans slipped between them. She gasped as he tenderly yet forcefully clasped her by the waist, reeling her in closer, his broken ribs momentarily forgotten.

“Mitsuri,” he murmured, his right thumb tracing light circles over the curve of her collarbones as his voice dripped with need. Knowing not to open her eyes, Mitsuri let out a hum and smiled against his lips.

“Bedroom?" she whispered softly against his kiss, breathless and wanting.

"Bedroom," he agreed tenderly. Despite the urge to carry her in his arms, his body resisted the idea. Gently, he intertwined his fingers with hers, pressing a loving kiss to each of her knuckles before leading her towards their room.

“I missed you,” he breathed as they entered their room, showering her with kisses along the way. Holding her close, as though afraid she might vanish from his embrace, he inhaled deeply, taking in the intoxicating floral scent that surrounded her. In the darkness, she gazed at him, her voice calling out his name, drawing him into a deeper state of intoxication.

“I missed you too,” Mitsuri's hands traced a path back to his chest, gliding over his firm pecs with featherlight touches. Moving over the area of his mended ribs, down to his waist, and then returning to grasp his strong biceps, desperately failing at resisting the urge to squeeze them tightly.

"Without you, home is but a house, empty and yearning for your presence," Obanai sighed, feeling her fingers skimming over him. At this point, the clothing they wore seemed unnecessary. Slowly, his fingertips brushed the top of her breasts, lingering on the swell before finding the knotted strings of her obi.

"I'm here now," Mitsuri blushed at his sentiment while she leaned into his touch, whispering in his ear as she mirrored his movements with her own fingers. As their clothes fell away, Mitsuri couldn't contain her internal excitement at the touch of his bare skin. Her hands trailed from the wings under his arms, up the firm contours of his chest, and over his broad shoulders. She hummed happily at her inner thoughts, hmmmm~ the perks of being engaged to a warrior!

Not noticing that she was lost in her thoughts, Mitsuri jolted out of her reverie only once her back was firmly pressed against the wall, making a noncommittal noise as she realized that her mind was late to catch on to some words her fiance was whispering.

“Obi, did you say something?”

"Yes," he paused. "I told you to kiss me." Not wanting to delay any longer, he tilted his head, guiding her in the dark and cupping her face as their lips met once more. Mitsuri melted into the silky sweet and buttery soft kiss that he is giving her. It was the kind of kiss that sent tingles down her body, her heart beating a little faster in anticipation of what was to come.

As the words "Are you sure?" escaped Mitsuri's lips, a hint of uncertainty lingered in the air. Obanai, without a word, captured her with a kiss - a hard one, tongue sliding over hers while she try to whisper two words incoherently between the heated kiss that he caged her in. "You" A kiss. "-re" A kiss. "In-" A kiss. "-jured. and another kiss..

Despite the pain that surely coursed through his body, Obanai seemed driven by a force beyond the pain burning beneath his chest. It was as though an invisible thread tugged at his being, compelling him to draw nearer to her, to be as close as he possibly could. Moving the futon closer, he seated himself and leaned carefully against the wall. Mitsuri followed his lead, finding herself kneeling between his legs.

"Yes, I'm sure, but this time you'll have to take the lead," he mentioned in a low, hushed tone. With a single arm, he drew her closer effortlessly, his lips and tongue tracing a path along the curve of her neck, each touch a silent plea for closeness. Mitsuri, her breath hitching with anticipation, felt the hardness of his need pressing against her, her mind clouded with desire as he attacked her from multiple fronts.

“Oh, embarking on a mission already?” Mitsuri teased, though her voice cracked more than her liking. At that, she surrendered to her movements; she let her hand train down between his legs, her fingers wrapped around his thick co*ck. The initial contact of her cool palm against his hot, throbbing length drew a sharp intake of breath from him. Mitsuri chuckled as she positioned herself lower, coating him with her saliva as she began to glide her mouth along his shaft, releasing him momentarily to give an experimental suck at the tip. A groan and a curse escaped him, and all he could do was run his fingers through her soft hair in an attempt to regain his composure.

Mitsuri continued to sink her mouth onto him, over and over again.

Even though it was her first time, Mitsuri was keenly aware of the opportunity to demonstrate her talents as both a dancer and food lover, revealing her skill as she worked her lips fervently to match the rhythm of his groans and breath. As Obanai began to groan languidly, Mitsuri brought her lips back up to his for a kiss, her hands naturally taking over to keep his pleasure climbing.

“That was good,” he grunted, placing his fingers at her moist entrance, gently caressing around her cl*t. Delicately tapping against her most sensitive spot, enjoying the sound it made. "Mhmm, Obanai, please," Mitsuri moaned, her back arching in pleasure as she made a concerted effort to contain herself, resisting the urge to tighten her grip on his shoulder.

"You're wet, love. Think you can make me come with your beautiful curves?” His right hand made its way down to give her ass a squeeze, and Mitsuri abandoned all restraint. She exhaled, anticipation coursing through her muscles as she turned herself around.

"Here," Obanai folded his legs for Mitsuri to hold onto his knees. She squatted down, sighing with pleasure as he began to enter her. "Suri, that's good," he cursed quietly, putting all his energy into thrusting his hips up. "That's it-"

"Stop!” Obanai froze at the command in her tone, waiting as she lowered herself with all her weight.

"You'll hurt yourself if you keep that up," Mitsuri gently reprimanded him, squeezing his knees.

“I don’t usually listen to anyone, but anything for you Suri,” Obanai murmured. Slowly, he trailed his working hand down her back, feeling her body purr as he skimmed through her waist and finally, stole lower around her to rub her cl*t.

“Am I allowed to do this, then?”

"Mmm, that's... yeah," she answered breathlessly, closing her eyes as she leaned back slightly, bracing herself on her hands. Bouncing up and down on Obanai's co*ck, she relished in the sensation of him filling her to the fullest. She knew she wasn't the only one enjoying this, evident from his pleasure-filled groans echoing from behind. Mitsuri couldn't resist quickening her movements. Gradually, sensed her lower belly coiling, yet, she felt her leg muscles straining to maintain a steady rhythm. Not one to give up easily, Mitsuri focused intently, moving faster with the aid of concentrated breathing.

"That's it, don't stop, Suri-" Obanai felt himself nearing his release, cursing as he felt Mitsuri tightening around him. His fingers rubbed against her cl*t frantically as she announced her impending climax. With the final thrust as Mitsuri came, Obanai pressed his fingers firmly against her cl*t, feeling her clenching around him as he came, his co*ck pulsing white-hot liquid deep inside Mitsuri's sweaty form.

"Suri, that was amazing," he panted, "you are amazing." With a deep sigh, Mitsuri opened her eyes, feeling Obanai's hand softly stroking the soft skin on her back as he steadied her, allowing her to roll down to the futon on her slightly shaky legs.

Obanai swiftly reached for a piece of clothing nearby to wipe them both clean before tenderly laying himself down. Mitsuri's heart warmed at his thoughtful gesture, a small smile playing on her lips. Gaining back some of her strength, she turned around to snuggle against Obanai's right side.

Her slender fingers traced the faint bumps of his scar with gentle care, then glided across his lips before delicately tilting his head to meet her gaze, leaning in to kiss him softly and slowly.

As Obanai longed to pull her close, a quiet curse escaped his thoughts as he felt the twinge of his broken rib. Yet, as he surrendered to the embrace of her lips, a wave of warmth and tenderness washed over him. In that moment, as they shared a soft, lingering kiss, he realized that entrusting Mitsuri with the lead might not be such a bad idea after all.


*The greeting "Okaerinasai" was what Obanai was hoping to hear from Mitsuri.

*Have you watched the latest episode of KMY where Obanai reads Mitsuri's letter? Jealous Obanai is so cute!! My ObaMitsu heart is singing!! (Poor Tanjiro though)

*I hope you enjoy this chapter. Ehem! Obanai and his rizz breathing.

*With this, we are entering a new arc where we will mention more of Mitsuri's missions and Obanai's past.

Chapter 16: Growing Together - Since We've Met


This is quite a filler chapter. You may skip to the next one if you like! :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mitsuri felt a wave of shyness and shock wash over her, her cheeks flushing deeply as she recalled her daringness from the previous night. If it wasn’t for the wet sheets in her hand, she would have palmed her face. She couldn’t believe it! She had taken the lead, something she rarely did. Usually, Obanai was the one to initiate their lovemaking, guiding their intimate moments with gentle confidence. But last night had been different, and the memory of it made her cheeks burn. Mitsuri looked down at her feet, watching the water from the freshly washed sheets drip onto the ground, creating dark, round circles at where it lands.


Unsure of how much time had passed, Mitsuri's senses snapped back to reality at the loud sound of Yurie flapping the bedsheet next to her, the sudden noise breaking through her reverie.

"Kanroji-san, would you like me to dry these for you?" Yurie asked, her voice cutting through Mitsuri's thoughts with a gentle practicality.

"No, I-I can do these," Mitsuri stammered, her cheeks flushing even more as she remembered their passionate moments from the night before. The weight of the sheets in her hands deepened the significance of her boldness, a secret shared only between the damp fabric and her racing heart….

Or so she thought.

Yurie chuckled softly, a sound that was both warm and knowing. "You both should get married already."

"Eh?" Mitsuri's head shot up, her eyes wide with surprise. The suggestion was unexpected, and it sent a new kind of flutter through her chest.

"Kanroji-san, I had two sons, almost you and Iguro-san’s age. I know why you won’t let me dry these sheets," Yurie said with a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with maternal wisdom.

Mitsuri’s mouth opened and closed again as her words failed her, her neck and face burning hot like the steam buns she liked. She wanted to blame the warm weather, but the morning sun wasn't even fully up yet.

“Don’t worry, Kanroji-san,” Yurie continued gently. “Though I address you formally as part of my job, I do want you to know, ever since you stepped into the Iguro residence, I've felt like you are the daughter I never had.”

“Really?” Mitsuri's voice was a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

“Yes, I know a lot about you even if you are quite shy to express yourself, you know.” Yurie smiled knowingly. “The last piece of dumpling, usually no one would eat it, but I see how your eyes sparkle. Or the last time when you argued with him, or even your bedroom business last night—”

“YURIE-SAN!!!” Mitsuri exclaimed, fanning herself at the thought. Why is she so easy to read?

Yurie chuckled, coming up to Mitsuri and giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. If there is anything bothering you, you can always share it with me.”

“I do trust you, Yurie-san. I’m just very… shy to share these things. Even when I was with my girl friends at the Butterfly Mansion, they pestered me to spill the details, but I couldn’t…”

“It’s good that you are reserved about it. After all, it’s meant to be something very intimate and personal,” Yurie said thoughtfully while choosing her words carefully. “However, since you mentioned you don’t quite have a motherly figure, I hope I can provide some guidance if you don’t feel comfortable sharing this with your peers.”

That is true! Why she hasn’t thought of it? Yurie-san had always been kind, and aside from meeting Obanai and entering the Demon Slaying world, Mitsuri felt truly safe and well taken care of by her. Yurie-san once told Mitsuri that her presence had brought so much warmth and light into their home, but Mitsuri felt it was the other way around.

“In that case, Yurie-san, is it uncommon for us ladies to… be proactive?” Mitsuri asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she sought for the guidance Yurie-san had promised.

“I understand your sentiment. In our culture, we ladies are meant to be a little reserved, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s what I was thinking,” Mitsuri nodded.

“But, does he like it?” Yurie asked gently.

Mitsuri straightened her bangs for the fifth time since they started this conversation, her heart racing. “He… does.”

Yurie let out a smile, one that made her eyes curve reassuringly. “And the most important question is, do you?”

“I do…”

“Then that’s all that matters, isn’t it?” Yurie said. “However, as much as open-minded your Yurie-san wants to be, I still wish you both would get married soon.”

“Yurie-san~ now you are just taking the opportunity to nag me!” Mitsuri said with a playful pout.

“You got me there, smart girl,” Yurie pinched her cheeks affectionately. “Come in for lunch soon. I have your favorite Furof*cki Daikon ready.”

Mitsuri's eyes lit up. “Thank you, Yurie-san. I’ll be there soon.”

She glanced back at the drying sheets, a smile tugging at her lips as she thought about the warmth and support she had found at the Iguro Residence.

Due to his injury, Obanai opted not to be carried by a kakushi to the swordsman village, choosing instead to hire a cart. Kaburamaru appeared delighted by the change, no longer confined to a bag but now comfortably coiled around Obanai's neck, avoiding the sun's warmth.

"You seem to be enjoying this, don't you?" Obanai remarked, noting Kaburamaru's relaxed demeanor as they traveled.

The snake flicked its tongue in what seemed like a gesture of contentment.

"I haven't had the chance to say this, but thank you," Obanai murmured, gently running his fingers over Kaburamaru's scales. "You saved me in our recent battles, especially against the dream demon."

Kaburamaru's response was more animated than usual, indicating its satisfaction with the situation.

"We'll be embarking on a mission soon. Though I may not be able to fight myself, I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable," Obanai said with a faint smile, looking forward to the upcoming task with his fiancée.

"But you'll need to remind me not to fight and upset Mitsuri again," he added, recalling his promise. "Or anything that might be seen as special treatment," he continued, feeling a twinge of guilt as he mentioned those last words.

Kaburamaru bobbed its head in acknowledgment, then moved forward to gently nip Obanai’s forearm, a playful warning if he ever failed to keep his promise to Mitsuri. Obanai chuckled softly.

“You’re really taking her side, aren’t you?”

The snake looked away, feigning denial, which amused Obanai. Ah, what a loyal companion, he spat sacarstically.

As they bantered silently, the cart finally rumbled to a stop along the path, and familiar sounds from the swordsman village greeted their ears.

“Welcome, Iguro-san!” The kakushi opened the cart door, revealing the quaint Taisho-era village backdrop and the village chief himself, Tecchin Tecchikawahara, along with his son Gantetsu. Obanai winced slightly, cupping his left rib as he stepped off the cart. As much as the cart is helpful, it still stings his rib when it goes through the rough roads. The thought of taking the same route back made him grunt a little.

“Iguro-san, this way,” the old man said, guiding Obanai down the path towards the workshop. “We were sorry to hear about your missing sword, but we are relieved to see you alive, especially after fighting with an Upper Moon!”

Once they reached the small living room, tea was served. Obanai took a sniff of the tea—simple yet well-brewed, earning his silent approval. It reminded him he needed to make some purchases before heading back to town; the Swordsman Village, hidden away, was known for its high-quality food and books.

“How are you and your companions?” Chief Tecchin broke the silence after setting down his tea cup. Obanai watched as the elderly man let out a characteristic groan, wondering how such a small-framed elder managed to craft the best swords for the slayers.

“Thank you, Tecchin-sama. Uzui-san is recovering well, and we're awaiting Shinjuro-san's recovery news,” Obanai replied politely.

“As are we,” Tecchin said, trying to steer the conversation towards lighter topics. “I heard you're going on a mission soon?”

“Yes,” Obanai confirmed.

“You're injured,” Gantetsu observed.

“I'll only be accompanying my fiancée; I won't be fighting.”

“That sounds lovely. I'm sure she must be a fine lady to capture the Serpent Hashira's heart!” Tecchin chuckled, unaware of the tension behind Obanai's mask.

“She is,” Obanai replied through gritted teeth, eager to finish his sword order and head to the shopping street before dark.

With that in mind, he pulled out his leather sheath. “I brought the sheath. I apologize for losing the sword, but as I mentioned in my letter, I had to part with it during my battle with the Upper Moon.”

“No problem at all, it happens. Honestly, given the number of missions you've undertaken, your need for replacements has been surprisingly minimal,” Tecchin said cautiously.

“Except for…” Gantetsu started before trailing off under his father's stern gaze.

“Except what?” Obanai prompted, his voice sharp.

“Oh, my apologies, Iguro-san,” Gantetsu stammered. “I didn’t mean to be rude…”

“It’s alright. You may speak freely,” Obanai reassured him.

“Th-The Wind Hashira often comes for new swords, though his designs are the simplest,” Gantetsu blurted out before catching himself.

The chief chuckled, patting his son's shoulder reassuringly. “He tends to be a bit rough during his battles, but don't worry. We've managed to repair his swords without consuming too much Nichirin.”

Obanai nodded, taking note of Sanemi's frequent visits. He filed away this new information, knowing it could come in handy for a roasting session during his next spar with the Wind Hashira.

With a final sip of tea, Gantetsu led Obanai to his workshop, ready to discuss and finalize the replacement for his missing sword.

“Iguro-san, do you have any feedback from your previous sword?” Gantetsu inquired as they stood in the workshop.

Obanai paused, reflecting on his fighting style and the craftsmanship of his previous sword. The curve and weight had been meticulously tailored to his needs, making it nearly perfect.

“Everything is good,” Obanai replied evenly.

“Very well. Since I already have the mold prepared, you can expect your new sword in 10 days,” Gantetsu informed him.

Normally, Obanai would have been impatient, and Gantetsu had anticipated as much—which was why he had intentionally delayed the completion date, expecting the Serpent Hashira to express his displeasure.

But instead of harsh words, Obanai surprised him. Gantetsu cracked open one eye, watching as Obanai took a deep breath, seeming to gather his thoughts.

“I said it’s good. Thank you,” Obanai reiterated calmly.

Gantetsu nodded, silently appreciating Obanai's restraint. It was not often he encountered the Serpent Hashira that is in a good mood.

Then, a sudden thought struck him.

“Iguro-san,” he began, using the back of his hand to wipe the beading sweat from his forehead. “I hope I’m not overstepping, but I know Kochou-san would have provided you with a fabric brace for your ribs. However, I’ve tried creating a prototype with a similar design, but made from metal. Would you like to take a look?”

Obanai scanned the tidy workshop, his eye catching on a circular plate seated on the desk, piquing his interest. “Sure,” he replied.

“It’s crafted from carbon and aluminum, light enough to wear comfortably,” Gantetsu explained. “Although it doesn’t rust, it may corrode over time. If you’re willing, could you give it a try and provide your feedback?”

“Put it on me, and I’ll see,” Obanai instructed, beginning to undress his upper body.

Gantetsu gingerly approached the Hashira with his creation. Despite the Mist and Serpent Hashira not being as tall as their peers, they exude a fearsome aura. Taking a deep breath, Gantetsu watched as Obanai removed his fabric brace. Another kakushi stepped forward to assist, but Obanai used his right hand to secure the metal brace himself, which is surprisingly lightweight for metal. As he placed the clip on, it fit snugly around his waist and provided excellent support for his ribs.

Obanai walked around to test it, happy to feel immediate relief.

“This is well-made. You should inform Kochou-san and consider making one for Uzui-san as well,” Obanai suggested, his tone remaining cool. The swordsmith took it as the highest compliment from the Hashira.

“I will!” Gantetsu replied enthusiastically. Without another word, Obanai dressed himself with the new brace and bowed before exiting.

“See you in two weeks, Iguro-san,” Gantetsu cheered as he watched the Hashira leave.

Gantetsu let out a deep breath he had been holding in, feeling the tightness in his chest finally release. Now that he could breathe easily again, he relished in the compliments he had received.

Two in one day?! He wondered when the Serpent Hashira had become so unexpectedly kind.


I was about to dive into the mission immediately, but I felt like relishing a little how far these two had come since they met each other! I also wanted to highlight the bonds between Mitsuri & Yurie and Obanai & Kaburamaru.

It's a lot of dialogue, but I hope you like it.

Obanai’s sword reference from the manga:

Also, very random, but if you like some animated Demon Slayer/Fanmade videos, I find Anigogi so cute. Haha! You can check it out here:

Chapter 17: Jasmine


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the day of Mitsuri’s first official mission. It should have been a happy and cheery day, but Mitsuri couldn’t stop thinking about her sensei, Rengoku. From her letter to Shinobu, she knew he was recovering well. His breathing was steady, his wounds uninfected, and he had passed the critical state. However, he had not woken up from his coma, and Mitsuri was unsure what that meant. The uncertainty stirred something deep within her.

As she stood on the engawa, lost in thought, her body weight shifted onto one leg while the other traced circles on the ground. Obanai approached her slowly, his presence a quiet comfort. He watched her for a moment, understanding what occupied her mind. Though he, too, was concerned about Rengoku, he chose not to show it. He feared that voicing his worries might break her spirit even more.

Not being the best with words, Obanai decided to act instead. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug, slowly nudging her back to reality.

“Oh, Obi, sorry, I was just thinking,” Mitsuri said, jerking a little at his touch. She still had to get used to Obanai’s steely chest. As if his muscular pectorals weren’t firm enough, she chided herself for a second. Obanai's silent support was all she needed to refocus. With a deep breath, Mitsuri pushed her worries aside, ready to face the day ahead.

“It’s fine, I would tell you to take your time, but we do need to move before daylight,” Obanai reminded her gently.

“Noted,” Mitsuri nodded enthusiastically and quickly adjusted her crinkled expression. It wasn't the time to dwell in sadness. She knew that if she didn't give her full effort, her sensei would have given her an earful. Oh, how she missed his booming voice and boundless energy.

Besides, she was going on a mission with Obanai. She still had to prove to him what she was capable of! That’s why she woke up earlier this morning to review her study notes and ensure she had everything ready for their mission, including Obanai’s pouch.

“I have these pouches ready,” she said, handing him one.

“That’s from the syllabus?” Obanai questioned as he unwrapped the pouch and inspected its contents. He remembered his own training days, under Rengoku’s father, when his teacher expressed that they had no such formats during their era, and they mostly just ‘winged’ things. Yet, impressively, had become the Fire Hashira.

“We have the same list from years ago. You got it right, and it’s really neat too,” he complimented as he tightened the pouch. “I still use the same format to this day, though sometimes I’ll place the money separately in different pockets.”

Mitsuri nodded, noting his advice. This marked the official start of her mission with Obanai. She briefly considered setting some ground rules but quickly dismissed the idea. She had heard from her classmates how serious and strict Obanai could be, a stark contrast to the Obanai she knew. But she understood that his intentions were never ill; he just wanted everyone to improve and survive.

She do hoped he would remember his promise: no special treatment and no killing any demons on her behalf.

Without wasting any more precious daylight, they bid farewell to their home and started their journey. Mitsuri’s crow, Urara, had announced that their mission was to head to a nearby village. Mitsuri's heart thumped in anticipation, and surprisingly, even Obanai felt a twinge of excitement.

“I wonder if we are the first demon slayer couple!” Mitsuri skipped along the rocky road, her signature braids swinging as she took in the scent of early morning pine.

“Hmm, that’s quite possible, Suri.” Obanai pondered her question while he couldn’t help but be amused by her energy, even this early in the morning. He made a mental note to check the library for more information on the matter when he had the chance.

“That would be cool, wouldn’t it, Obi? With Kaburamaru, we can call ourselves the Triangle Trio!”

Obanai half snorted and half laughed at her randomness. Kaburamaru perked up, happy to be included.

“Interesting, isn’t it? What do you think about Takoyaki Trio?” Mitsuri suggested excitedly.

“Hmm…” Obanai hummed, placing a finger under his chin thoughtfully.

“Or! Or!” An animated Mitsuri began waving her hands in the air. She continued throwing out silly names while Obanai couldn’t help but chuckle at her cuteness. The sun hadn’t fully risen, but she had already made his day brighter. Usually, he’d be rushing to the places he had to slay demons, but due to his injury, they opted to walk. Mitsuri continued sharing her ideas, and their one-hour walk turned into a lively discussion about their team name.

“Obi, we’re almost there! I can see the town.” She pointed to the foot of the hill. “Let’s decide our team name. Don’t you think Takoyaki Trio is the best?”

“I do like it, though I would prefer Tororo Kombo*,” Obanai teased with a slight smirk.

“Then Tororo Kombo it is!” Mitsuri agreed cheerfully.

Satisfied with his response, no more words were exchanged. Mitsuri held onto Obanai’s hand and led the way downhill. From her syllabus, she remembered that they needed to be alert to the atmosphere of the village and try to listen to any talk of the town. One of the best methods the instructor shared was to first check into an inn and ask questions or dine at a restaurant.

Both were good options, but Mitsuri, being Mitsuri, opted for the latter.

As they seated themselves by the window, Mitsuri whispered, “Obi, I’m not familiar with this town, but so far, walking into it, I can see it’s not as quiet. My plan is to ask the patrons of the restaurant some questions. Is that okay?”

“I usually avoid this part and would scout on rooftops or alleys instead of waiting for citizens to talk for 15 minutes to give me a barely needed tip,” Obanai said, then cleared his throat, realizing his harsh tone. “I mean, I’m just not good with talking like Kochou, Uzui, or Rengoku, but based on how I see them do it, you’re doing well, Suri.”

Mitsuri beamed and hopped to the next table to start chatting with the locals.

Once they were done with lunch, they checked into an inn. It seemed like this demon targeted just anyone, with no specific profile. The attacks hadn’t been very regular either; the last person went missing about a week ago and was found in the woods nearby. This task wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. She opened her notes to see what else she could do.

Seeing Mitsuri looking deflated, Obanai thought of a suggestion that might cheer her up.

“Suri, why don’t we go to the nearby temple? Just to gather ourselves again. We can pray and get Rengoku a charm too,” he paused, “It’s your call, just my suggestion.”

Mitsuri looked at Obanai with grateful eyes. She was certain that Gyomei had already done that, but the idea of doing something for Rengoku seemed like a good one too. She picked up her sword, and they headed out together.

Greeted by the smell of incense, the small town temple reminded Mitsuri of her mother whenever she visited to pray for her. Silently, they headed up the flight of stairs and mentioned their prayers. As they were about to place an incense stick, an attendant recognized their uniform and approached the trio.

“Yes, we are from the Special Defense Corps,” Mitsuri swallowed internally, hoping she got the formal introduction correct. “We heard that there have been about three to five people missing in the past month?”

“There was, and one of them was my neighbour, Mei,” the attendant replied.

“I’m sorry for your loss. It sounded like you were very fond of her. Could you tell me anything about her disappearance and how they found her?” Mitsuri asked gently.

The attendant shifted uncomfortably and scratched the back of his head.

“Is everything alright, sir?”

“I’m not fond of snakes, sorry.”

Kaburamaru coiled around to where his head was facing away from the attendant. Obanai continued to stand there, staring down at the young attendant, who grew even more afraid. Mitsuri quickly stepped up to reassure him.

“Don’t worry, Kaburamaru is a kind and smart snake. He’s helped kil- I mean solve a lot of cases,” Mitsuri swallowed nervously. “I’m sure it can help your town too!”

“I see. I’m sorry for being rude. All beings on earth should be treasured, but I was bitten by a snake before, so I apologize. However, Mei was supposed to return home from the fields as usual. She was a very punctual person. When she didn’t come back, we all knew something was wrong.” He explained.

“I understand. Did you notice anything odd about her disappearance?” Mitsuri asked.

The attendant thought for a moment before answering. “This might be an inappropriate thing to say, but when they found her body, there were scars, but her face seemed to be at peace, and… when we were ready to cremate her, she... it... smelled good?”

“Since we are the only temple here, out of the five victims, the three, including Mei, who chose to cremate the bodies seemed to have similar traits,” the attendant bowed his head, feeling guilty.

“It seemed like even in the most brutal times, they had been blessed with a peaceful departure to the other world.”

“I’m sorry, it seems like I’m pressing too much, but my last question would be: what type of scent do you think it’s closest to?”

“Jasmine flower,” the attendant replied.

“I see, it’s quite a distinct smell then,” Mitsuri turned around to look at Obanai, who had been observing Mitsuri the whole time without saying a word. His eyes met hers, and he nodded. Mitsuri understood it was time to move to the next step.

They thanked the attendant and provided some Wisteria Incense for them to burn at the temple. Mitsuri silently thanked the syllabus for having them pack the Wisteria Incense. Though it added some weight, it felt nice to be able to leave the citizens with some safety measures in return

“You did well, Suri, the incense was a nice touch,” Obanai said, turning around and placing both hands on her shoulders, facing her.

Mitsuri smiled up at him, “Thank you, but thanks to you too.” She blushed a little. “We were able to hear more because you suggested coming to the temple.” Calculating her next move, Mitsuri stared up at the sky. It was almost dark; they should take advantage of the remaining daylight.

“Let’s scout the area. It’s not a big town, but with the surroundings, I would look for places with jasmine,” she suggested.

Obanai nodded. With his concentrated breathing technique and the metal brace, he should be able to run. He tested a little, and it seemed fine. Mitsuri looked at him with worried eyes at first, but Kaburamaru seemed to approve of him running. Deciding it should be okay, she focused on her task on saving lives.

Surprisingly, the citizens were out and about. Usually, when there were demon activities, towns were quiet, but the number of lighted lanterns seemed to prove otherwise. As they headed toward the fields, it’s much quieter. They divided the area into four routes in four directions. When they headed east, Mitsuri attempted to use Tengen’s technique and ran too quickly.

Jolting herself too fast, she caught on a root and squeaked as she stumbled. Fortunately, she landed on the soft ground without any scratches. Obanai quickly caught up and made sure she was fine.

“You alright?” he asked gently, so close that she could kiss him now, but she chose not to. Remain professional, she reminded herself.

“I’m okay,” Mitsuri replied, brushing off the dirt and standing up. “Let’s keep going. We need to find that jasmine demon.”

Mitsuri tried to steady her breathing again as she took a deep breath, and unmistakably—there it was, the scent of jasmine! She had never tended to the plant but had brewed jasmine tea before, and she was certain this was it.

“Obi, I smell—” Before she could finish whispering her sentence, she heard the crack of a plant and saw a shadow figure emerging from the darkness. Instinctively, Mitsuri hid behind a tree, gluing her body tight against the trunk and sealing her breath, not wanting to make a noise.

It was a demon, probably having heard them and come to investigate. Under the faint moonllight, they could make up of the demon’s look; it was dressed in a spotless white kimono with a thick jasmine garland around its neck.

The demon looked left and right, slowly approaching their direction. Obanai was at the tree across from Mitsuri. If the demon stepped a little closer, it would be between them, and if Obanai struck, the mission would be over. However, this was her mission, and she was determined to be the one to end it and save the town.

As the demon wandered, Mitsuri slowly moved her right hand to her hilt. Unexpectedly, the demon hopped towards her direction. Too close for her weapon to strike, Mitsuri kicked up some dust to temporarily blind the demon and jumped back to a distance where she could aim and attack.

The demon groaned in frustration, trying to free its eyes from the dust, running in aimless circles.

Mitsuri tried to aim for the demon’s neck, but there were too many bushes and trees, restricting her movement. She panicked a little as this scenario hadn't been covered in her training, she always had a big space to practice her skills with.

At that moment, Obanai took a step back, and Kaburamaru hissed quietly. The Hashira’s hand instinctively reached for his left hip, only to be disappointed by the absence of his sword. He felt so helpless, knowing that this was a low-ranked demon, one he could easily take down with a single strike. But as challenging as it was for him to restrain himself, it must be even more challenging for Mitsuri. Taking a deep breath, he grounded himself and observed Mitsuri’s moves.

“How dare you stain me? Filthy human!” the demon screeched, claws up and charging at Mitsuri. She leaped to her right, attempting to slay the demon, but the darkness and the tight trees made it difficult for her to swing her weapon.

Quickly, Mitsuri dashed back in the direction they had come from. Unlike the usual demons she had encountered during the selection process, this demon seemed very human-like, even in the way it ran. Its bare feet planted light steps against the ground. If not for its pale face, long claws, and fangs, one might mistake it for a human from behind.

Obanai followed Mitsuri from a distance, growing increasingly frustrated with each passing second. She hadn’t struck the demon yet, making him want to protect her and end this already. He hated feeling powerless; he had worked his way up for years from that very state. Now, with his hands empty, no sword, he was almost tempted to jump on the demon’s back and rip its head off.

Kaburamaru tightened its grip around Obanai, reminding him to trust Mitsuri. He continued following them from a distance. As they reached the fields, Obanai had no choice but to hide behind the nearest bush and observe painfully.

The demon stopped, staring Mitsuri up and down. “How dirty, how ugly, Ugh! I won’t allow you to touch me!”

With more space available now, Mitsuri began wielding her sword, ready to strike the demon with her first breathing technique. However, the demon anticipated her moves and started darting around in unexpected directions, faster than before.

Mitsuri’s eyes narrowed in determination. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves and focusing her mind. She needed to predict the demon's movements. With a sudden burst of speed, she feinted to her left and then spun to her right, catching the demon off guard. Her blade glinted in the moonlight as she executed her technique, “Mitsuri’s Breathing, First Form: Shivers of First Love!”

But the demon was agile. It leaped away with grace, landing on its feet.

“How naive,” it hissed with a smooth, agitated voice, swiping dirt from its body. As it looked down, its smug expression dropped as it realized Mitsuri’s attack, though had missed it’s neck, had dislodged the jasmine garland, scattering the flowers on the ground.

“My garland! It was supposed to bring me love!” The demon growled, its voice turning ugly. It scratched the air in frustration. “Beauty!” Another attack. “Purity!” It lunged forward, feral now, trying to close the distance and claw Mitsuri. Like a cat, Mitsuri leaped and dodged away, swinging her whip-like katana.

“And you are none of those!” Mitsuri panted as she ran. She had to end this quickly before she ran out of stamina. They couldn’t keep trading blows like this. The demon had superior strength. Think, Mitsuri, what do you have that the demon doesn’t?

An idea struck her suddenly. It was risky, but she waited for the demon to close half the distance between them. With her agility and flexibility, she executed a backwards somersault, kicking up more dirt. Summoning all her strength and concentration, Mitsuri swung her sword again, this time with enough force to sever the demon's head completely.

“You! Dirty, filthy human!” The demon’s body collapsed to the ground, lifeless, and the mix of its corpse with the lingering jasmine scent began to dissipate. Mitsuri stood there, chest heaving as she caught her breath.

She doesn’t think she would ever get used to this.

Remembering her companions, Mitsuri turned to Obanai, who emerged from his hiding place with a mix of pride and relief etched on his face.

“You did it, Suri,” Obanai said softly as he ran up to her, pulling her into a hug. “You were amazing.”

Mitsuri grinned up at him, feeling the warmth of his arms around her. “And you did well too, mister! By trusting me.”

“I almost wanted to intervene when you let the demon get so close to you,” Obanai continued, his voice tinged with relief. “It was a risky move, but it paid off.”

“I’m glad you chose to trust me,” Mitsuri beamed, pulling his haori closer to close the distance between them.

As they stood there, catching their breath in each other’s embrace, the scent of jasmine gradually faded away, replaced by the crisp, fresh night air. Side by side, they began their journey back.

“We did it, Team Tororo Kombo!” Mitsuri exclaimed into the sky, smiling up at the moon. Obanai didn’t say a word, only tightened his grip on her hand, his smile saying everything-

She had done it.


*Tororo Kombu is Obanai's favorite food, though he rarely chooses to eat. It's a type of Japanese kelp product often used in soups and rice dishes. I thought that Tororo Kombo would sound like Tororo Combo for their team name... :)

*Mitsuri's fight was slightly inspired by JJK's Maki vs Miwa fight, where Miwa mentioned that Maki could navigate her long weapon skillfully within the tight forest. I'm trying to show that Mitsuri, at first, was not able to do so skillfully yet, but as she progressed, she would certainly be able to fight like she did against the Upper 4 in the forest :)

*I'm not sure if the ending was good this way or if I'm just out of brain juice, but I may or may not edit it again once I find more inspiration.

*As always, thank you for the 100 Kudos. I'm so happy that all of my fics have hit 100+. As someone very new, I'm very grateful for the support. I really hope it brings a little joy to your day with my imagination.

Chapter 18: Days Off


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Caw!! Caw!! Mission completed! Iguro and Kanroji to start your rest days.”

Finally, a rest day! Mitsuri took a deep breath and exclaimed loudly. The brightly shining moon seemed to beam and reflect her mood. However, her body protested every movement she made. Her sweaty hands trembled from gripping her sword so tightly; she hadn’t experienced anything this intense before. She knew demon slaying was challenging, and she didn’t have the luxury of requesting time off when lives were at stake. But today, after hunting and chasing down her fourth demon in ten days, she was grateful for the break.

Training with Rengoku-san seemed like child’s play compared to this. Mitsuri couldn’t help but blame Obanai for making demon slaying look effortless. During her time at the Iguro Residence, she noticed that he would leave during the day and return by dawn, always looking pristine. Unlike her current state—a dirty, panting mess with her white haori and green socks in desperate need of a scrub. Come to think about it, how did Obanai always manage to come home neatly, his gear almost untouched?

It reminded Mitsuri of the cats she used to care for back home. They would go outside, chasing whatever caught their interest, and somehow manage to keep themselves so clean.

Mitsuri almost giggled at the thought of Obanai acting like a giant cat, but her thoughts quickly returned to the present moment as she felt a pair of arms scoop her up, lifting her by her thighs and back simultaneously. She yelp the moment she found herself being carried in the air, bridal style. Before Mitsuri fully sinks her weight onto him, she quickly leaped out of Obanai’s arms, pouting at him.

“Mitsuri, let me carry you,” he protested, his arms still raised. Mitsuri folded her arms in defence, the pout still plastered on her face. She would have thought of him being cute if he wasn't making a request that was hurting himself.

“No, your rib is in the last stage of recovery. Let's make sure it heals properly instead of further straining it,” she forced a stern voice, mustering as much firmness as she could.

Which seemed to work; seeing her fiancé's defeated look, his arms now back at his sides. Mitsuri felt bad instantly and offered her hand instead. “Here, let’s walk back together.” Without another word Obanai interlaced his fingers with hers, and they began walking westward through the dark forest. As they walked, he praised her improvements and gave her some pointers for her next mission.

“I feel like I still have a long way to go.” She sighed. “I bet a Hashira like you could have killed ten demons in the last ten days without breaking a sweat.”

“It’s true we can all improve, Suri, but it’s not right to diminish your efforts. Putting your life on the line to kill demons is always admirable, as Oyakata-sama says,” Obanai responded. Mitsuri nodded, at the same time made a mental note to remind him to use these words when encouraging other students, so he wouldn’t remain the most intimidating Hashira.

“Still! How come you manage to look so calm and get home almost every day?” Mitsuri elbows Obanai’s side with the same arm holding his hand. Obanai chuckled a little at her exaggerated expressions before explaining about total concentration breathing.

“In regards to being home every day,” There’s a slight pause before he adds ”I like to be home, so I always skip returning to the inns and sprint home.”

“Why? It’s not like we don’t have funding.”

A momentary silence fell as Obanai considered his response. Mitsuri glanced at his face, noting his narrowing eyes. That sight prompted a thought. “Or is it because I’m home?” Her voice grew more excited, the tiredness from demon slaying earlier vanishing.

Obanai hummed.

“The truth is, Suri,”

“Yes?” She perked up, her expression like a curious meerkat.

“The truth is, I’ve always sleep at home whenever I can because of my past. I can never fully rest in inns. Whenever I lie down, if I’m placed below another resident, I can hear the person above me, so much that I can almost see them. If I’m on the highest floor, the sounds of mice or anything crawling would do the same thing to me,” he explained.

“So going home seemed to be the only way I could fully rest. I skip the inns or only stay in Wisteria homes,” he added.

“I was with you the last ten days, and you didn’t tell me about this. I’m so sorry,” Mitsuri slouched back a little now, feeling bad.

“That’s fine Suri, that was before I met you. But after you arrived, I always got home to check on you. At first, it felt like a responsibility, what a fiancé should do. But one day, Yurie-san pointed out that I’ve only done this for you, not for my previous suitors,” Obanai’s expression softened while looking at Mitsuri’s face flushed with heat.

“She, of course, took the chance to tease me and dig further. In the end, she made me realize it’s because of your presence. You make home, home,” Obanai said, stopping in his tracks and fixing his gaze on her. They now stood at the edge of the forest, the town visible in the distance.

“If it’s not too weird to say, it even smells different, warmer,” Obanai admitted.

“Of course that’s not weird! I know what you mean, Obi. I’m just surprised Yurie-san never tells me anything, but I’m glad you did!” Mitsuri beamed. “You treat me so special, but you should tell me more. I love to hear it.”

“You are special, Suri.” Obanai ran his fingers through her bangs, then kissed her forehead. “You know that.”

Mitsuri blushed even more. How could she ever get used to Obanai being so genuine and sweet to her? Her heart raced, taking in his honeyed words. “Y-you make me feel that way.”

His eyes curved in a smile, and Mitsuri smiled back. She loved when he smiled with his eyes; they looked so cute. So special when those smiles were only for her to see.

As the pair of yellow and blue eyes gazed at her, emotions swelled over Mitsuri like biting into a juicy blueberry. Her heart exploded while she instinctively leaned forward to give Obanai a kiss, savoring the sight of his reddened face where it wasn't covered by his mask.

Mitsuri chuckled. “Now that we mentioned home, I do miss it very much. The wooden scent and especially the faint charcoal scent in our kitchen,” she said, half-dancing while walking.

“We can skip finding an inn and head home now if you’d like. Yuan is very good at calculating distances for me,” Obanai suggested, and Mitsuri nodded.

They watched as Obanai’s crow flew into the distance while they quickly tightened their pouches. Obanai gently laid Kaburamaru on the ground, and Mitsuri chuckled at the way the snake stretched itself.

“Whenever I sprint, he has to cling to me tightly, so he’s just relaxing a bit,” Obanai explained.

“I’m good at stretches, you know, Maru-chan,” Mitsuri squat down to the ground to speak.

Kaburamaru coiled around her forearms to show he understood, then went back to “stretching.” Mitsuri wanted to tease him further, but she refrained. thinking he must be exhausted from holding on tightly to Obanai for hours.

By this time, Yuan returned and reported the time needed to get home. Surprisingly, with rest and an even pace of running, they could reach home before dawn.

Mitsuri checked her sandals one more time and pulled her socks up to ensure they were securely around her thighs.

“I’m ready. Let’s go!”

With a final nod from Obanai, they took a deep breath and started running.

They had been running for two hours. Mitsuri and Obanai paced about five steps behind Yuan, letting the crow lead them home by the fastest route. They hadn't exchanged a word since they started running. As they ran side by side, Obanai occasionally glanced at Mitsuri to see how she was doing. Mitsuri too, did the same, concerned about his healing ribs.

Every time he checked on her, she seemed hyper-focused—her eyes glued forward, only looking up whenever Yuan announced a change in direction.

He knew she was tired from the missions, but as Demon Slayers, running was not as taxing as fighting. Despite his concern about pushing her further tonight, Obanai decided to go with it, knowing it was good training for Mitsuri. Navigating shortcuts and following a crow would prove valuable skills when chasing down enemies.

He also monitored her pacing, noting her strength and observing her controlled run, which surpassed any Mizunoto. Not wanting to sound biased, he believed her current progress should at least rank her as a Tsuchinoto, considering her training and natural talents.

As the moon shifted in the sky, Obanai decided it was time for a break. However, just as he was about to slow down, Mitsuri began to out-run him and even his crow. Obanai was about to call out her name when Kaburamaru, sensing something he didn't, gave his neck a tug. Trusting Kaburamaru's instincts, Obanai shifted his attention to Mitsuri and paced closely behind, his eyes fixed on her back.

Mitsuri herself wasn’t sure when she had stopped pacing behind Obanai’s crow, but her feet seemed to naturally carry her forward. One step after another, trees and branches whispered past her. Somehow, she knew that right after this bend, there would be a river, a rocky road, and then a hut with a broken chair inside...

Wait, how did she know this?

As her mind registered why, Mitsuri's heart hiccupped in her chest. The next sight before her was the road leading to her hometown and the main gate. It was the very road she traveled back and forth whenever she went out of town to get supplies. The very road she last walked when she left home.

Mitsuri finally stopped when she reached the gate, her foot heavy as she took one more step forward. Obanai caught up and stood beside her. They both stared at the writing carved into the gate: “Natsu.”

Obanai was the first to peel his gaze away, his chest twisting at the sight of her anguish. “Sorry, Suri. We could’ve taken a different route.” He placed an arm around her shoulder, but she didn’t move, still looking at the stone.

“It’s okay, Obi. To be honest, I’m curious how they are now,” Mitsuri admitted quietly. She finally broke her gaze off the stone and looked around. It had been months since she left this place, and she felt so many changes within herself. This place, however, remained unchanged.

The familiar sights and smells tugged at her memories, both sweet and mainly bitter. The gate, the path—all unchanged. Mitsuri closed her eyes, imagining the distant view of the Kanroji Residence. Though she hadn’t visited for months, she was fairly certain it looked the same as before.

After all, she had been quite a shadow back home. Her departure wouldn’t have made much of a difference, and knowing her stepsisters, they would’ve just ordered another maid around to please them the same. Mitsuri sighed at the thought of her family; thinking about them discouraged her from visiting, even in secrecy.

At the same time, she thought of the cats, her fellow maids, and her favorite tree. These would be enough reason for Mitsuri to return home, even just to take a peek. Right? Mitsuri took a deep breath, the night air cool against her skin. “Maybe... maybe it's time to see for myself,” she said softly. The words were so quiet, Obanai almost didn’t catch them.

Still, Obanai nodded in understanding, squeezing her shoulder gently. “Suri, just remember you’re not the same person anymore. And I’m here with you. We’ll face it together.”

Mitsuri glanced back at Obanai, feeling a surge of strength from his words. Before she realized it, she smiled. Her heart knew that this time, it was a different mission. They could go and tackle this demon together.

With that, Mitsuri announced for the second time that night, “I’m ready, let's go.”


Hi, we are back with another chapter to show Mitsuri's progress!

In my head, Mitsuri likes to daydream and imagine things. Like how Obanai would look in a cat costume. She comes up with a lot of silly ideas. She would honestly be a really fun person to be friends with.

The next chapter is meant to be a fun one, but idk why it turned out so sad at the end, I'm so sorry!

Again, Demon Slayer is getting some attention right now and I've been getting alot of Kudos and bookmarks. Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy the version of Obamitsu here. Leave a comment if you'd like, it makes me so happy to read them <3

See u in the next update.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.