BTWF Friday Night Octane - Chapter 39 - ForeverEvanescent (2024)

Chapter Text

BTWF Octane (March Week 3)

The show opens up with Shoto Todoroki appearing out of his red sports car, and walking to the arena while wheeling his blue suitcase around behind him. As he made it through the door of the arena, Todoroki was intercepted by Todd Grisham, who had a microphone in his hand.

"Todoroki, welcome to the arena. Tonight, you're in the main event of BTWF Octane tonight against the #1 contender for the United States Champion Laxus Dreyar. With how dominant Laxus has been since arriving in the BTWF, why would you issue a challenge to him?" Todd asked as Todoroki leaned his suitcase against the wall of the hallway before he responded to Todd's question.

"I've never backed down from a challenge before, Todd. I don't care how big or strong or dominant or arrogant they are. I'll take them on and take them down. Secondly, I don't have a clear path for StarShow yet, and when I win this match, I want in on that BTWF United States Championship match," Todoroki explained as Todd nodded before taking the microphone back.

"So you believe that you'll get a United States title match at StarShow if you beat the #1 contender tonight?" Todd asked as Todoroki nodded.

"Well, it's not that I THINK I will, I KNOW I will. After Octane, I talked with Arthur Morgan, and he told me that my match tonight will determine whether or not I'll join Laxus and Shinji in their BTWF United States Championship match," Todoroki explained as Todd nodded, looking impressed at Todoroki's planning before continuing the interview.

"Why do you want to battle for the United States Championship at StarShow?" Todd asked.

"There's no better time to win my first championship in the BTWF than at StarShow. Plus, Shinji Ikari, through his 10-month title reign, has made the BTWF United States Championship into the workhorse belt of not only the BTWF but the entirety of Fanfiction Wrestling. Winning that championship means that I'm the best overall wrestler in the entire BTWF, and that's why winning that championship is going to be one of the best moments of my life," Todoroki explained before leaving the interview, leaving with his suitcase in tow. However, Death the Kid was walking by, and looked really interested in what Todoroki had to say. The camera then panned to the stage, where pyro went off all around the stage and TitanTron while 'Are You Ready?' by Disturbed played.

"Welcome to BTWF Octane, ladies and gentlemen! We are only two weeks away from BTWF StarShow, the biggest PPV in Fanfiction Wrestling Multiverse history! From Paradise, Las Vegas, I'm Nigel McGuiness alongside my broadcast colleagues, Beth Vanderwood and Rintaro Okabe!" Nigel exclaimed with the camera panning to the side, showing Beth and Okabe, who responded by waving to the crowd at home.

"Thanks for the introduction, Nigel, and we have a stacked show for you tonight! We also have the contract signing for Natsu Dragneel and Denki Kaminari's BTWF Championship match tonight!" Okabe exclaimed as the camera panned above the ring, showing off the steel cage being lowered down. The crowd cheered and chanted 'Yes!' as the cage was finally settled around the ring, with the camera then panning to the stage, where pyro fell from the ceiling and onto the center of the stage, with Justin Gabriel's 'Fear Nothing' theme song played, the crowd cheering as Zia came running out of the back.

"And speaking of 'stacked', we're starting off with a Steel Cage match for the BTWF World Women's Championship!" Beth exclaimed as Zia slid down onto one knee, put both of her pointer fingers up, and pushed them together before raising them up. The stage then shot out smoke before Zia rolled back to her feet, and threw off the cape she was wearing. Zia's face had a couple of bandages and bruises on it from the attack Sherry had committed against her inside the Elimination Chamber at Last Gasp. Rather than smiling at the fans and giving them high-fives, Zia continued stomping to the ring, focusing her hard gaze on the ring.

"The following contest is a steel cage match, and it is for the BTWF World Women's Championship! Introducing the challenger, representing Zero Gravity, from Springfield Illinois, she is 'The Woman That Gravity Forgot' Zia Simpson!" Mary Hughes announced as Zia walked up to the ringside area, and looked up to see how high the steel cage was. Zia nodded before walking to the door of the cage, opening up the cage, and jumping over the top rope before rolling back to the center of the ring.

"Zia has been looking forward to this moment since Sherry almost broke multiple bones in her face with her miniature spiked staff!" Nigel exclaimed as Zia ran to the ropes, jumped up to the cage, and then nodded at the cheering crowd, telling them that she was heading straight to StarShow with the BTWF World Women's Championship. As Zia jumped back down to the canvas, the crowd began booing as the lights in the arena went down, turning blood red before 'Amen' by Bring Me The Horizon (Feat. Lil Uzi Vert, Daryl Palumbo, & Glassjaw) played. The crowd booed louder as Sherry came out of the back with Medusa holding the BTWF World Women's Championship up in the air behind the wall of fire.

"And introducing the champion, accompanied to the ring by Medusa Gorgon and representing the Sisterhood of Darkness, now residing on Galuna Island, she is the BTWF World Women's Champion, Sherry Blendy!" Mary Hughes announced. The crowd continued booing as Sherry crawled through the flames with Medusa following her. Sherry continued crawling down the aisle with Medusa keeping the BTWF World Women's Championship high in the air while smirking at Zia.

"Sherry Blendy, Medusa Gorgon, and the rest of the Sisterhood of Darkness have held the BTWF Octane Women's Division in a chokehold in their mission to capture all the gold and all the power in the BTWF!" Okabe exclaimed as Sherry pulled herself back up to her feet, running her hands through her pink hair while walking over to the steel steps. Sherry crawled up the steps and pushed her way through the cage door, the crowd continuing to boo as Sherry slid to the center of the ring, and screamed up to the sky while on her knees.

"I'm surprised Zia hasn't kicked Sherry's ass already! I'd do the same thing if Sherry did what she did to Zia to me!" Beth exclaimed as when Sherry got up, she got right into Zia's face, the two exchanging harsh words with each other while the lights in the arena returned to normal. The referee then told the timekeeper to ring the bell to start the match, and when the match started, Sherry and Zia began exchanging punches with each other in the center of the ring before Sherry blocked one of the punches, and began biting Zia's ear. The crowd cheered as Zia hit Sherry in the side of the head with several hard Forearms to get Sherry off of her.

"Zia not holding anything back, almost breaking Sherry's jaw with some of those Forearms!" Nigel exclaimed as Zia shook the pain off of her ear before attempting to throw her into the cage wall, but Sherry blocked the attempted throw. The crowd booed as Sherry hit Zia with a Back Kick to the gut before hitting her with several punches to the side of the head before attempting to throw her into the cage as well. Zia was able to block the throw with her leg and hit Sherry with a couple of Back Elbows to the side of the head. Zia then springboarded off the middle rope and hit Sherry in the side of the head with a Springboard Middle Rope Forearm, sending her falling on her back.

"Zia taking Sherry down with one of her trademark Springboard moves!" Beth exclaimed as Zia mounted Sherry, hitting her with multiple forearms to the side of the head before getting off of her, and hitting her with a Corkscrew Standing Shooting Star Press to the chest. The crowd continued cheering as Zia picked Sherry up, and attempted to hit her with a Snap Vertical Suplex, but Sherry responded with multiple punches to the gut before pushing her into the corner. Sherry started hitting Zia in the side of the face with multiple forearms, but the crowd cheered as Zia blocked one of those forearms, and hit a couple of her own forearms to the side of Sherry's face.

"Zia and Sherry are continuing to show how even they are in this championship match, and the question is who is going to be the one that can take the championship just two weeks before StarShow!?" Okabe exclaimed as Zia kicked Sherry in the side of her head hard, jumping up to the middle turnbuckle, and hit a Diving Middle Rope Hurricanrana that sent Sherry flying halfway across the ring. Zia then ran the ropes and hit Sherry with a Penalty Kick to the chest while she was on all fours. Zia then ran the ropes and attempted to hit Sherry with a Running Shooting Star Press, but Sherry was able to roll out of the way. Zia landed on all fours to prevent herself from crashing down, but Sherry responded by grabbing Zia's right hand and began pulling on her fingers.

"Ow! You have to believe that Sherry is using this match as a way to show her opponents at StarShow exactly what kind of monster they're up against!" Nigel exclaimed while wincing as Zia growled in pain before attempting to pull herself free, but Sherry responded by pulling a couple of her fingers back before placing them on the canvas. The crowd booed as Sherry attempted to stomp on Zia's fingers, but Zia was able to dodge, punch Sherry a couple of times in the gut, and hit her with a Jumping Flash Knee to the face.

"And speaking of showing off, Zia showing just how easily she can stun an opponent with any body part she wants!" Beth exclaimed as Zia grabbed Sherry by her hair, and threw her into the cage, the crowd cheering louder as Sherry's face bounced off of the steel. Zia wasn't done, as she maintained her grip on Sherry's hair, and slammed her face multiple more times into the cage. Sherry staggered away from the ropes while holding her head and face in pain before Zia springboarded off the middle rope, and hit Sherry with a Springboard Bulldog before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

"Sherry is dazed, as Zia is the first to use the cage to her advantage! If Zia is able to continue using the cage properly, Sherry's days as BTWF World Women's Champion may be numbered!" Okabe exclaimed as Zia grabbed both of Sherry's arms and stomped on her chest multiple times before picking her up and hitting her with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Zia then walked into the corner, and began climbing up to the top rope, but Sherry was able to stagger back to her feet while Zia was trying to balance herself on the top rope. Sherry attempted to grab Zia with a Headstand Headscissors, but the crowd cheered as Zia was able to push Sherry off of her. Sherry was able to land on her feet and hit her with a Running Corner Uppercut under the chin from the top rope.

"Neither woman has been able to gain the advantage for long, as Sherry prevents another high-flying move just like that!" Nigel exclaimed as Sherry climbed up to the top turnbuckle with Zia, hitting her with several punches to the side of the head before attempting to pick Sherry up for a Superplex. Zia was able to grab onto two sides of the cage, and hit Sherry with a couple of headbutts to the chest, sending a staggered Sherry fall onto the ropes. The crowd continued cheering as Sherry attempted to ropewalk over to Zia, but Zia was able to clock her underneath the chin with a Superkick, sending Sherry staggering back to the middle of the ring while still walking over the top rope.

"Sherry showing some incredible balance on the top rope, being able to maintain a proper grip on the ropes with her feet!" Okabe exclaimed as Zia began walking onto the top rope as well, attempting to hit Sherry with a Rope Walk Hurricanrana. However, the crowd booed as Sherry was able to stop Zia mid-Hurricanrana, pick her up in a Powerbomb position, and despite Zia trying to stop what was coming with multiple punches to the side of the head, Sherry hit Zia with a Top Rope Sit-Out Powerbomb before pinning her.

Ref: 1…2.

"What a Powerbomb from the top rope by Sherry! That may have finally earned her the momentum in this match!" Nigel exclaimed as Sherry grabbed her head, cricked her neck, and screamed before stomping on Zia's neck and face, much to the delight of Medusa on the outside. Sherry grabbed Zia's bottoms and slid her into the steel cage from underneath the bottom rope, the crowd continuing to boo as Sherry ran at Zia, hitting her with a Basem*nt Dropkick to the face with enough force to send the back of her head bouncing off of the steel cage. The crowd continued booing as Sherry pushed her boot into Zia's throat, pushing the back of her head into the steel cage further as she stuck her tongue out at the jeering crowd.

"And Sherry just pressing Zia's head into the sharp steel surrounding the cage!" Okabe exclaimed as Sherry knelt down, and began punching Zia's face before tearing off the bandages on Zia's face and putting those bandages on her own face. The crowd continued booing as Sherry pulled Zia back to her feet, showing off her dazed opponent to the jeering crowd before clubbing her in the face with multiple crossface shots. The crowd continued booing as Sherry began biting on one of the formerly-bandaged wounds on Zia's face, prompting that wound to start bleeding again, the crowd booing louder as Sherry licked a trail of blood off of Zia's face.

"Sherry is a…disgusting individual! Zia's bleeding and Sherry's trying to get a taste of the blood!" Beth exclaimed in disgust as Sherry ran the ropes and hit a Running Dropkick to Zia's back, sending Zia falling onto the canvas after being freed from the ropes. Sherry ran the ropes and hit a Leg Drop across Zia's throat before picking her up and throwing her chest first into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Sherry jumped up to the middle turnbuckle, and took Zia down with a Diving Middle Rope Back Elbow before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2.

"Sherry and Zia have a history with each other, with Zia even beating Sherry in a Street Fight at Trouble in Tokyo last year," Beth explained as Sherry mounted Zia, and started punching Zia's bleeding wound multiple times before grabbing both of her legs. The crowd continued booing as Sherry catapulted Zia into the cage, sending Zia's face and chest bouncing off the wall of the steel cage. Sherry then ran the ropes, and hit a Stinger Splash onto Zia's back, sending her face and chest bouncing off the cage again. Sherry then pushes Zia's face into the cage, the crowd booing as she licked the side of her face to get some of the blood in her mouth.

"I don't think Sherry's forgotten that either, given how she's trying to cut up Zia's face!" Nigel exclaimed as Sherry hit Zia in the back of the head with a couple of forearms before climbing up to the second rope, picking Zia up, and hitting her with a Deadlift Back Suplex from the middle rope, folding Zia in half. Sherry then climbed back onto the middle rope, waiting for Zia to get back to her feet. Zia staggered back to her feet, and Sherry responded by hitting Zia in the side of the face with a Middle Rope Missile Dropkick before going for another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

"Sherry almost took Zia's face off with that Missile Dropkick! And Zia's losing a lot of blood in this match!" Nigel exclaimed as Sherry picked Zia up, and attempted to put her in a Fireman's Carry, but the crowd cheered as Zia hit several Back Elbows to the side of Sherry's head, momentarily stunning her. Zia hit several punches to the sides of Sherry's face, hit her with a Spinning Kick to the gut, and attempted to hit Sherry with an Enziguri, but the crowd booed as Sherry ducked. When Zia landed on the floor, Sherry grabbed Zia and deadlifted her for a German Suplex.

"Sherry's shown some impressive strength throughout this match, as this is the second time she's been able to deadlift Zia for a Suplex!" Okabe exclaimed before Sherry grabbed Zia in an Inverted Facelock, and ran to the ropes, hitting Zia with an Inverted Tornado DDT before running the ropes, and hitting a seated Zia with a Running Knee Strike to the face. Sherry glared at the booing crowd before stomping on the back of Zia's head before pulling her up by her hair, and showing off how bloody her face before hitting her with a Uranage. The crowd continued booing as Sherry locked Zia in a Grounded Abdominal Stretch, cranking on her neck while yelling at Zia that Octane was her show.

"Sherry has Zia trapped in the middle of the ring! And with the damage being done to her neck and the amount of blood that she's losing, Zia may have to give up here!" Okabe exclaimed as Zia yelled 'No!' when the referee asked her if she wanted to give up. Zia attempted to push Sherry off of her, but Sherry responded by kicking Zia in the back and the spine a couple of times before putting her back in the Seated Abdominal Stretch/Neck Crank combination. The crowd cheered, clapped, and chanted for Zia, giving her enough motivation to pull herself back up to her feet, but the crowd booed as Sherry kneed Zia multiple times in the chest before changing her Abdominal Stretch into an Octopus Stretch.

"That was unusually technical of Sherry, and Zia's fallen back down to one knee already!" Nigel exclaimed as Zia looked as though she was fading while some blood continued dripping from her face. However, the crowd cheered as Zia started pulling herself back up to her feet while Sherry continued stretching Zia in the Octopus Stretch. However, the crowd cheered as Zia ran backwards, sending Sherry's back and side crashing into the steel cage. Sherry maintained her grip on the Octopus Stretch, but Zia continued ramming Sherry into the cage multiple times until Sherry fell off of Zia.

"Zia was finally able to free herself, but notice how she fell to her knees immediately after Sherry was taken off of her! Sherry may have taken more out of Zia than we thought!" Okabe exclaimed as Zia staggered back to her feet, and attempted to run at Sherry, but the crowd booed as Sherry was able to hit Zia in the side of the head with a Pendulum Kick. The crowd booed as Zia fell to her knees before Sherry climbed up to the top rope and waited for Zia to get back to her feet. Zia, however, was able to get back to her feet and hit Sherry with a Superkick to the chest. The crowd continued cheering as an angry Zia climbed up to the top turnbuckle and smashed the back of Sherry's head into the steel cage.

"Zia's been unleashed here, sending Sherry's head into the cage!" Beth exclaimed as Zia threw Sherry off of the top rope with a Top Rope Hurricanrana. Zia then climbed back up to the top rope and hit Sherry with a 450 Splash to the chest before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

Zia looked furious as she mounted Sherry, and began hitting her with punches and forearms to the side of the face before picking her up, crossing both her arms in front of her chest, and hitting her with a Straight Jacket Neckbreaker. However, the crowd continued cheering as Zia lifted Sherry back up and hit her with a Straight Jacket DDT. But Zia wasn't done, as the crowd exploded into cheers as Zia lifted Sherry back up, and hit her with the Straight Jacket Powerbomb. Zia then ran to the middle rope and hit Sherry in the chest with a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault. The crowd continued cheering as Zia slid into the corner, waiting for Sherry to get on her knees. When Sherry made it to her knees, Zia attempted to hit her with a Superkick, but Sherry was able to catch her leg, and out her in position for a Powerbomb into the cage wall.

"Sherry may have snuffed out Zia's impressive comeback here!" Okabe exclaimed. However, as Sherry ran for the Powerbomb into the cage wall, the crowd exploded into cheers as Sherry countered with a Frankensteiner with enough force to send Sherry crashing into the cage wall face first. Zia then hit Sherry in the face with a Superkick hard enough to send the side of her face bouncing off of the cage. Zia then leaned Sherry's back against the cage wall, hit her with multiple Forearms to the side of the head, and ran the ropes before hitting a Running Double Knee Strike to Sherry's face. The camera stopped at Sherry's face, revealing that she had begun bleeding as Zia jumped up to the middle rope, walked the ropes, and was able to throw Sherry back into the ring with a Rope Walk Frankensteiner.

"It's amazing how Zia is still able to perform all these athletic maneuvers despite losing all that blood!" Nigel exclaimed with the camera panning to the bloodstains on the canvas before Zia picked Sherry up, and hit her with a Brainbuster before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

Zia looked shocked that Sherry had kicked out, and responded by running the ropes and hitting a seated Sherry with a Running Knee Strike to the nose before climbing up to the top turnbuckle.

"Zia's going to finish this match off! We could get a new BTWF World Women's Champion!" Beth exclaimed as Zia attempted to balance herself on the top turnbuckle, but Sherry was able to kick Zia in the leg, sending her crashing onto the turnbuckle crotch first. The crowd continued booing as Sherry grabbed Zia's head, and pushed her face in between the two sides of the cell wall. Sherry then stands on a draped Zia's shoulders and begins choking Zia by pushing her into the steel, with Sherry sticking her head through the same two sides of the cell wall, and sticking her tongue out at the booing fans. Sherry then got back onto the turnbuckle and clubbed Sherry in the back multiple times before attempting to hit her with another Back Suplex from the top rope. However, the crowd cheered as Zia was able to backflip onto the canvas, and while Sherry was in a Tree of Woe position, Zia hit her with a Running Basem*nt Dropkick to the face.

"Zia showing Sherry that she wants that BTWF World Women's Championship, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get that championship!" Nigel exclaimed as Zia put Sherry back on the top turnbuckle, and hit her with a Top Rope Reverse Frankensteiner. The crowd continued cheering as Zia grabbed both of Sherry's arms and hit her with a Tiger Suplex before bridging into a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

Zia looked annoyed that Sherry kicked out, but was undeterred as she grabbed both of Sherry's arms and locked her in the Rings of Saturn.

"Zia has the Rings of Saturn locked in! Can Sherry escape this before her body gives out!?" Okabe asked as Sherry tried to pull herself out of the hold, but Zia refused to let her go, roaring as she pulled back in the Rings of Saturn as much as she could. Sherry, for her part, started biting down on Zia's hand, the crowd booing as Zia growled in pain, attempting to maintain her grip on the Rings of Saturn. However, as Sherry pressed her teeth further into Zia's hand, Zia finally let go of the Rings of Saturn, holding her now bleeding hand in pain, the crowd booing as Sherry staggered back to her feet, and hit her with the Inverted Headlock Backbreaker before taking her down with a Falling Inverted DDT.

"Sherry regaining control with her usual barbarism, almost taking a finger off of Zia's hand!" Nigel exclaimed as Sherry climbed back up to the top rope, pulling her pink hair out in frustration as she let out a blood-curdling scream before attempting to hit Sherry with a Frog Splash, but Zia was able to raise her feet up, sending Sherry's jaw crashing right into her feet. Zia then staggered back to her feet and attempted to hit her with a Superkick, but Sherry dodged, and hit a High Head Kick to the side of Zia's head, sending her staggering. Sherry then attempted a Spinning Roundhouse Kick, but Zia was able to dodge that and hit Sherry with a Discus Forearm to the side of the head.

"We have a strike exchange going on in the middle of the ring, and Zia just knocked whatever sense Sherry has left in her head with that Discus Forearm!" Beth exclaimed as the crowd continued cheering as Zia ran the ropes, and springboarded off the middle rope, attempting to hit Sherry with a Springboard Moonsault into a Reverse DDT. However, Sherry was able to grab Zia in mid-air and throw her into the cage with a Lawn Dart. The crowd continued booing as Sherry hit the Spinning Roundhouse Kick she tried earlier, climbed back up to the top rope, and hit Zia with a Frog Splash before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Zia barely rolled her shoulder off of the mat, but that could spell disaster for Zia!" Okabe exclaimed as Sherry picked Zia up by the hair, and threw her into the corner. Sherry then hit Zia with a Running Corner European Uppercut before putting her on the top turnbuckle. The crowd continued booing as Sherry followed her up to the top turnbuckle, hit her with multiple punches to the side of the head, and attempted to hit her with the Superplex. However, the crowd cheered as Zia hit several headbutts to the side of Sherry's head, sending her staggering off of the top rope. However, Sherry attempted to fight back with a punch, but Zia was able to grab her hand, and hit her with a Tornado DDT.

"Zia planting Sherry into the canvas with that Tornado DDT! Now all Zia has to do is hit the Blue Arrow, and she'll become the new BTWF World Women's Champion!" Nigel exclaimed as Zia stomped on Sherry's head multiple times before climbing up to the top rope. However, Zia glowered down at Sherry and then looked up at the top of the cage, the crowd exploding into cheers as Zia smirked down at her fallen opponent, and began climbing up to the top of the cage. The crowd cheered and chanted for Zia as she was able to place herself at the top of the cage, trying to balance herself with Sherry still down in the middle of the ring.

"Oh…oh God! I think she has more in mind than just winning the championship, Nigel!" Beth exclaimed worriedly as Zia gave the fans a little air guitar solo before attempting to hit Sherry with a Blue Arrow (PAC's Black Arrow) from the top of the cage, the crowd exploding into cheers. However, the air was taken out of the crowd as Sherry was able to roll out of the way, sending Zia crashing into the center of the ring chest first. Sherry sat in the corner, smirking at Zia's prone body as she pulled out her miniature spiked staff from her dress pocket, and when Zia attempted to pull herself onto her knees, Sherry hit Zia in the side of the head with her spiked staff.

"Zia almost made a crater in the ring with that missed Blue Arrow! And now Sherry has free reign to torture Zia before the inevitable!" Okabe exclaimed as Sherry grabbed Zia by the hair, and hit her in the side of the head with her spiked staff several times. Sherry then put the staff down, picked Zia up by her arms, and hit her with the Darkness Falls (Twisting Killswitch) before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here is your winner, and still the BTWF World Women's Champion, representing the Sisterhood of Darkness, Sherry Blendy!" Mary Hughes announced as Medusa walked into the cage with the BTWF World Women's Championship in her hands. Medusa handed a seated Sherry the BTWF World Women's Championship, with Sherry responding by hugging the title close to her chest. While Sherry celebrated on the canvas, the rest of the Sisterhood of Darkness (BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions Ultear Milkovich & Tomoko Kuroki, Himiko Toga, Flare Corona, Frederica 'the Cleaner' Sawyer, Tina Belcher, and Xochi Melendez) came down to the ringside area.

"Sherry Blendy has retained her championship while leaving Zia laying in a pool of her own blood! And I don't think Zia's done with punishment from the Sisterhood yet!" Nigel exclaimed as Xochi stayed outside the cage while the rest of the Sisterhood walked into the cage, surrounding Zia. However, the crowd began cheering as 'The Spotlight' Akira Hayami came running down to the ring with a steel pipe in her hand. Akira pushed past Xochi, and slid into the ring, attacking Frederica, Tina, and Toga with the pipe, hitting them in the chest to send them falling onto their knees.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank God for the Spotlight, as she's taking it to the Sisterhood!" Beth exclaimed as Ultear and Tomoko began brawling with Akira, kicking the pipe out of her hand while trading punches and kicks with her. Akira tried to push them away, but the crowd booed as Flare hit Akira with the Flash Fire (Jumping Cutter), taking Akira down. Ultear responded by putting Akira in a Wheelbarrow position, spinning her around multiple times, allowing Tomoko to hit Akira with a Flying Single Leg Knee Strike to the side of her head. Meanwhile, Toga, Tina, and Frederica began pouncing on Zia, attacking her with stomps and punches.

"And just like that, the numbers game has caught up with Akira, and this is despite Xochi just staying outside of the cage!" Okabe exclaimed as the crowd cheered louder as Ochako Uraraka and Zoey Hanson ran out of the back, running past Xochi as they climbed up to the top of the cage. The crowd cheered as both Ochako and Zoey were able to make it up to two sides of the top of the cage, and when the Sisterhood noticed this, the crowd exploded into cheers as Ochako and Zoey dived off their sides of the cage, knocking all members of the Sisterhood down with Stereo Diving Crossbodies from the top of the cage.

"Ochako and Ultear have a match later tonight, and the fact Ochako is diving off the cage to help her Zero Gravity stablemate says a lot about Ochako's character!" Okabe exclaimed as Akira staggered back to her feet, grabbing Sherry by the hair, and mounting her with punches. This prompted Xochi to finally do something, walking towards the door, pulling Sherry out of the cage by her arm, and leaving her on the floor before walking away. The camera panned to the backstage area as multiple security guards, medical attendants, and referees came into the cage to try and stop the chaos. The camera focused on the backstage area, with multiple new tag teams, Alejandro Burromuerto & Justin Reeves, The Huntsmen (Lie Ren & Jaune Arc), and Kam Chin & Eddie Lawrence standing with Todd Grisham.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with three new tag teams that have signed with BTWF Octane. They have the opportunity to make a name for themselves by winning an opportunity to face three of Octane's biggest tag teams at StarShow-" Todd attempted to explain before Alejandro put a hand over the microphone, cutting him off.

"'They' have an opportunity? My friend, you're being way too nice. There is no way that two nobodies who've been in the developmental system for almost 5 years, and a team that was signed to a company that couldn't even last. Trust us, Mr. Grisham, there is no doubt that myself and Justin are going to win tonight, and then win again at StarShow-" Alejandro explained before Justin decided to butt in.

"—and THEN we're going to win the BTWF World Tag Team Championships and show the world what a REAL tag team looks like!" Justin exclaimed, patting a nodding Alejandro in the back. Jaune looked at the scene before him, pulled the microphone away from Todd and Alejandro, and decided to give his response.

"I find it funny how you two are trying to strike down our accomplishments while you guys haven't done anything. And tonight, Ren and I are going to get our first major accomplishment in the BTWF by winning this gauntlet. If we have to go through you to do that, then rest assured, I have no problem shutting that mouth of yours," Jaune responded. Alejandro and Justin attempted to walk up to Jaune, but Ren walked to his partner's side, causing Alejandro and Justin to stop in their tracks, though continuing to glare at their potential opponents. However, Kam and Eddie, who at this point had just been bystanders, walked up to them and got the microphone from Todd.

"Hey, guys, maybe we should wait until the match? I mean, you guys wouldn't want to get injured before we face off later tonight?" Eddie asked innocently, causing all four men to glare at him. Rather than say anything to Eddie, the four leave the interview area, causing Eddie to look back at Todd and Kam in complete confusion.

"What did I say?" Eddie asked. Kam sighed before patting Eddie on the shoulder and leading him away from the interview area. Todd looked around him and shrugged his shoulders before looking back at the camera.

"Well, there you have it folks. 6 completely different and conflicting personalities joining the tag division can only mean more chaos for an already stacked division. We'll see how they work against some of the best tag teams in the Fanfiction Wrestling Multiverse!" Todd exclaimed before the camera panned back to the stage. The crowd cheered as 'Going Under' by Evanescence played and as Kagura and Millianna came out of the back. Millianna was jumping up and down in celebration while pumping up her fists while Kagura simply looked around at the cheering crowd and began walking down the aisle.

"The following contest is a triple threat tag team match, where the winner will qualify for the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championship #1 contenders Fatal-4-Way match at StarShow! Introducing first, they are the team of Millianna and Kagura Mikazuchi, Mermaid Heel!" Mary Hughes announced as Millianna continued dancing and running around, high-fiving any and all of the fans in the front rows that she could. Kagura looked back at Millianna and nodded at her before continuing her walk to the ringside area, giving Millianna time to interact with the fans.

"Kagura and Millianna have recently been trying to quell the issues that have been forming with their tag team, and it appears to be working," Nigel explained as Millianna joined Kagura at the ringside area, and gave her a fist-bump before the two ran to the ring, and slid into the ring from underneath the bottom rope. Kagura and Millianna then kipped back up to their feet at the same time and shot both their fists in the air after walking to the middle of the ring. The crowd continued cheering as Millianna danced her way to the corner, with Kagura following her before they began discussing strategy.

"Hopefully, this could lead to success for them as they had in their early days in the BTWF," Okabe explained as while Kagura and Millianna continued talking, The Beautiful People's TNA theme song played. The crowd cheered as behind a red curtain, Panty and Stocking were posing behind the curtain, giving the audience a sneak peek with their shadows. The curtain then lowered, revealing Panty and Stocking standing back-to-back, showing off their assets to the cheering crowd before they strutted their way down the aisle.

"And introducing their opponents, first, from Daten City, they are Panty and Stocking Anarchy, the Anarchy Sisters!" Mary Hughes announced as Panty blew a couple of sultry kisses to the cheering crowd while Stocking smacked her ass a couple of times before blowing a couple of kisses of her own. Panty and Stocking continued making their way down to the ring while continuing to show off their assets to the crowd before stopping at the ringside area, taking off their ring jackets, and walking over to the ring. The crowd cheered as Panty and Stocking jumped up onto the apron, sitting on the apron while taking in the cheers of the crowd.

"Panty and Stocking have been waiting for an opportunity like this; an opportunity to get a major match on a major PPV!" Okabe exclaimed as Panty and Stocking pulled themselves up, sitting on the middle rope in a way that showed off their asses. Panty and Stocking then flipped over the top rope at the same time and landed on their feet. Panty and Stocking then walked to another side of the ring, knelt down back-to-back, and slowly pulled themselves up before blowing more kisses to the cheering crowd.

"They're in for a tough fight tonight, but I think that they can do it, even if my girls in Mermaid Heel are one of their opponents!" Beth exclaimed as while Panty and Stocking were making their way to the ring, the lights in the arena went down, the crowd beginning to boo as a couple of wild spotlights began swaying and zigzagging around the stage and ringside area before focusing on the stage as Sanity's 'Controlled Chaos' theme song played. The crowd continued booing as Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai showed up with their Fire Nation Warrior masks on. Azula then led both Ty Lee and Mai to walk down the aisle, with Ty Lee immediately turning her head at some of the booing fans fast enough that some people thought she had gotten whiplash.

"And their opponents, from the Fire Nation, accompanied to the ring by Azula, they are the team of Ty Lee and Mai, the Cannonade!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd continuing to boo as Ty Lee looked as though she was going to jump over the barricade to go after some of the booing crowd, but Azula was able to pull her by the back of her top, telling her to save her aggression for her opponents in the ring. Mai, meanwhile, simply kept her gaze on the ring as the three continued marching to the ring.

"Azula, with the now renamed Cannonade, marching to the ring with one goal in mind; to win by any means necessary!" Nigel exclaimed as Azula stopped Ty Lee and Mai in the ringside area, the crowd continuing to boo as Azula went over some last-minute battle plans before the three walked around the ring. Azula jumped up to the center of the apron on one side of the ring, with Ty Lee and Mai doing the same thing on different sides of the ring apron. Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula then removed their masks before going into the ring, Ty Lee running around in the ring, bouncing off the ropes while Azula and Mai glared at the booing crowd before Azula stopped Ty Lee, and calmed her down by running her hands through her brown hair.

"Azula being able to calm an eccentric and wild Ty Lee just shows how much control she lords over her warriors," Okabe explained as Azula patted Ty Lee and Mai on the shoulder before sliding out of the ring, being careful not to hit her casted arm with the bottom rope. Ty Lee, Panty Anarchy, and Kagura Mikazuchi were chosen as the legal women for this match as the referee made sure that all women were ready before telling the timekeeper to ring the bell. Ty Lee, Panty, and Kagura walked to the center of the ring and engaged in a three-way lock-up, the crowd cheering as all three women took turns pushing each other to one side. However, the crowd booed as Ty Lee kicked both Panty and Kagura in the gut before wringing both their arms.

"Ty Lee trying to start this match off hot, stunning both Kagura and Panty with kicks to the gut!" Nigel exclaimed as Ty Lee walked onto the middle rope, attempting to hit a Springboard Arm Drag onto both Kagura and Panty, but the crowd cheered as both women caught Ty Lee in mid-air, and hit her with a Double Back Suplex. The crowd continued cheering as Kagura kicked a seated Ty Lee in the center of the spine before Panty ran the ropes and hit Ty Lee with a Sliding Grounded Forearm to the face. Kagura and Panty the locked up, with Kagura pushing Panty into the corner, attempting to hit her with a Knife-Edge Chop into the corner, but Panty was able to roll out of the corner and push Kagura into that same corner.

"Kagura and Panty are now in the middle of a strike exchange after taking down Ty Lee!" Okabe exclaimed as Panty hit Kagura with several corner punches, but Kagura was able to block one of her punches with a Kick before grabbing Panty's head with her legs and hitting her with a Hurricanrana from out of the corner. Kagura then ran the ropes and hit a seated Panty with a Running Basem*nt Dropkick to the face before Ty Lee attempted to hit Kagura with a kick to the side of the head, but Kagura ducked and attempted to hit Ty Lee with a kick to the gut, but Ty Lee grabbed her leg, kicked her other leg out, and attempted to hit her with a Standing Moonsault, but Kagura was able to dodge. Ty Lee landed on one hand and attempted to hit a couple of kicks to Kagura while balancing on her arm, which Kagura responded to by dodging and kicking her hand, sending Ty Lee falling down.

"Kagura and Ty Lee are even in the early goings, but it's not going to be one-on-one for long," Beth explained as Panty got back up, and knocked Kagura down with a Jumping Clothesline. The crowd continued cheering as Panty hit Kagura in the side of the head with multiple punches before tagging Stocking into the match. Panty and Stocking hit a Double Irish whip onto Kagura, and when she rebounded, the two hit her with a Double Flapjack. The crowd continued cheering as Panty and Stocking kipped back to their feet, made a jerking-off motion with their hands, and hit Kagura with a Double Elbow Drop before Panty rolled out of the ring and back onto the apron. Stocking picked Kagura up and hit her with a couple of kicks to the chest before running the ropes and hitting her with a Running Facebuster.

"Panty and Stocking showing how much they want this opportunity, making the first tag in this match!" Okabe exclaimed as Kagura staggered into a corner, and Stocking responded by going into the corner to prepare for the Stocking Sugar Rush (Multiple Running Corner Dropkicks in the corner). However, as she ran out of her corner, Ty Lee knocked Stocking down with a Spinning Roundhouse Kick to the chest. The crowd began booing as Ty Lee went into the corner, and hit a Spinning Leg Lariat to the throat of Kagura before tagging Mai into the match. Mai and Ty Lee dragged Kagura to the center of the ring and hit her with multiple kicks to the chest and the sides of the legs. Mai then ran the ropes and knocked Kagura down with a Clothesline, which allowed Ty Lee to run the ropes, and hit a Running Leg Drop across Kagura's throat before Mai went for the first pinfall of the match.

Ref: 1…2

"It's Mai and Ty Lee's turn to show off their tag team continuity, taking Kagura down with an impressive strike combination!" Nigel exclaimed as Mai picked Kagura up, and hit her with a Snap Vertical Suplex before attempting to put her arm in a Hammerlock while putting her body in front of Kagura. However, the crowd cheered as Kagura slipped her hand out of Mai's grasp as she attempted to get back to her feet. Mai responded with several knee strikes to the gut before putting her in the Fireman's Carry, but Kagura tagged Millianna into the match while she was still on the Fireman's Carry, allowing Millianna to come into the ring, and hit a Dropkick to Mai's knee, allowing Kagura to free herself before hitting a Basem*nt Dropkick to the side of Mai's head.

"And now we have Millianna in the match, and she looks ready for a fight!" Beth exclaimed in excitement as Millianna picked Mai up, and hit her with a couple of punches before running the ropes and springboarding off the middle rope. Mai attempted to catch her in a Half-and-Half Suplex, but Millianna was able to counter with a Victory Roll.

Ref: 1…

Stocking responded by breaking up the pin, picking Millianna up, and knocking her down with a Dropkick before picking Mai up, and attempting to hit her with the Stocking Roll (Rick Rude's Rude Awakening Hangman's Neckbreaker). However, Mai responded by turning around and hitting Stocking with a Tiger Suplex. However, before she could bridge into a pin, Millianna picked Mai up and hit her with an Exploder Suplex. Mai rolled out of the ring, and when Ty Lee tried to respond by running after Millianna, she threw Ty Lee over the top rope, sending her flying right into Mai and taking them both down.

"The Cannonade flying right into each other! But I don't think Millianna's done here!" Beth exclaimed as Millianna waited for both Mai and Ty Lee to stagger back to their feet, and the crowd cheered as Millianna ran the ropes, and while diving through the ropes for a Suicide Dive to take Mai down, tagged Kagura into the match. Kagura immediately jumped up onto the top rope, hitting a standing Ty Lee with a Diving Moonsault before getting back to her feet and hugging Millianna. While Kagura and Millianna picked Ty Lee and Mai up and began brawling with them, Stocking and Panty ran to the other side of the ring, climbed up different corners, and stopped at the top turnbuckles.

"Millianna and Kagura are fighting the Cannonade on the outside, but it looks like Panty and Stocking want to join in on the fun!" Nigel exclaimed as Panty and Stocking dived to the outside with Stereo Diving Crossbodies, with Panty hitting the Cannonade while Stocking hit both members of Mermaid Heel. Stocking then picked Millianna up, and threw her back into the ring with Panty following in tow. The crowd continued cheering as Panty and Stocking hit Millianna with another Double Flapjack before Stocking hit Millianna with a Swinging Neckbreaker and went for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

"Stocking almost getting the three count there, but Millianna is still in the match! With Kagura, Ty Lee, and Mai still recovering on the outside, this is the best opportunity for Panty and Stocking to get the victory!" Okabe exclaimed as Panty got back into the apron before Stocking grabbed Millianna by the hair, and threw her into the turnbuckle face first before tagging Panty back into the match. Stocking and Panty then grabbed Millianna and hit her with a Double Wheelbarrow Suplex. The crowd continued cheering as Panty picked Millianna up, and hit her with a couple of chops to the chest before hitting her with a knee strike to the gut. Panty then put Millianna down with a Snapmare and attempted to hit her with a Running Leg Drop, but Millianna was able to dodge, sending Panty landing on the canvas ass first. Millianna got back to her feet, grabbed her by one of the arms, and hit her with a Half-Nelson Suplex.

"Millianna coming back with another one of her trademark suplexes!" Beth exclaimed as Millianna knocked Stocking off of the apron with a Back Elbow, and then knocked a dazed Panty down with a Big Boot to the side of the head. Millianna then hit Panty with a Standing Moonsault before noticing that Stocking was going to come into the ring and responded by hitting Stocking with a Running Calf Kick with enough force to send her falling back out of the apron. Millianna then picked Panty back up, threw her into the corner, and hit her with multiple Knife-Edge Chops to the chest before putting her on the top turnbuckle. Millianna then pulled herself onto the top rope, attempting to hit Panty with a Superplex, but the crowd booed as Mai slid back into the ring, and hit a Running Knee Strike to Millianna's back with enough force that sent Panty falling off of the top turnbuckle and onto the floor.

"What a strong knee strike by Mai! Not only did she daze Millianna, but she may have taken Panty out of the equation!" Nigel exclaimed as Mai climbed up to the top rope and started hitting Millianna in the side of the head with multiple punches. Ty Lee then slid back into the ring before vaulting over the top rope to hit both Panty and Stocking with a Fosbury Flop. In the ring, Mai hit Millianna with a Top Rope Back Drop Driver, the crowd booing as Mai yelled at Ty Lee to come back to the apron while Ty Lee was stomping on both Stocking and Panty. Ty Lee quickly jumped back onto the apron, and tagged back into the match, with the two hitting a Double Dropkick to Millianna's face before Ty Lee went for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

"I hope Millianna's neck is OK after that Top Rope Back Body Drop!" Beth exclaimed while wincing as Ty Lee ran the ropes and hit several Sliding Leg Drops across the back of Millianna's neck. The crowd continued booing as Ty Lee grabbed Millianna by the hair, and hit her with several Kawada Kicks to the nose before running the ropes and hitting a Jumping Double Foot Stomp to the back. Ty Lee then kicked Millianna in the back before picking her back up, hitting several Back Elbow Strikes to the back of Millianna's neck before throwing her back into the corner. Ty Lee then tagged Mai into the match and ran the ropes before hitting Millianna in the side of the face with a Running Corner Dropkick to the face. Ty Lee then slid outside to grab Millianna's legs to prevent her from escaping the corner, which allowed Mai to hit a Running Corner Yakuza kick to the side of Millianna's face.

"Mai almost kicked the features clear off of Millianna's face, and she's a long way away from help!" Okabe exclaimed as Mai threw Millianna out of the corner with a Snap Saito Suplex before running the ropes, and hitting her with a Running Penalty Kick to the chin before tagging Ty Lee back into the match. Ty Lee springboarded back into the ring, hitting Millianna with a Springboard Frog Splash to Millianna's chest before noticing Kagura was coming back onto the apron. Ty Lee ran into the corner, springboarded off of the middle rope, and knocked Kagura back off the apron with a Springboard Triangle Enziguri.

"Ty Lee and Mai using Millianna as a heavy bag, hitting her with all manner of kicks and diving moves!" Beth exclaimed as Ty Lee saw that Millianna got back to her feet, and jumped back onto the middle rope before hitting Millianna with a Middle Rope Missile Dropkick. On the outside, Panty attempted to grab Mai's leg from behind, but Mai responded by pulling her foot loose and stomping on Panty's hand several times before kicking her in the side of the head. However, the crowd cheered as Stocking was able to pull Mai off of the apron, and hit her with multiple punches to the side of the head before throwing her into the commentary table face first.

"Stocking trying to get a leg up on the Cannonade, sending Mai crashing into the table and almost putting her in our laps!" Nigel exclaimed as Stocking helped Panty back up to her feet, but the crowd booed as Ty Lee ran the ropes, and hit both Panty and Stocking with a Suicide Somersault Senton. The crowd booed as Ty Lee yelled and roared in both Panty and Stocking's faces before sliding back into the ring, attempting to hit Millianna with her patented Running Single Leg Dropkick, but Millianna was able to duck and hit Ty Lee with a Pop-Up Death Valley Driver before she began crawling to the corner.

"Millianna able to plant Ty Lee with a Pop-Up Death Valley Driver! Can she make it into the corner and tag Kagura back into the match!?" Beth asked in anticipation as Ty Lee tried to grab Millianna's leg and pull her away from her corner, but Millianna turned herself on her back and kicked Ty Lee in the side of the head before pushing her away and tagging Kagura back into the match. The crowd continued cheering as Kagura jumped up to the top rope and hit Ty Lee with a Diving Spinning Heel Kick to the side of her face. Kagura continued cheering as she hit Panty in the side of the head with a Superkick when she tried to come back onto the apron. Kagura then ran at Ty Lee and hit her with a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT before picking her back up, hitting her with a kick to the knee, and then knocking Ty Lee down with a Superkick to the side of the head before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

The crowd booed as Mai ran into the corner, and broke up the pin with a Jumping Stomp onto Kagura's back.

"And thanks to Mai, this match continues and Ty Lee is still in the match!" Beth exclaimed as Mai attempted to hit Kagura with a kick to the side of the head, but Kagura dodged, and hit Mai with a Superkick of her own, sending her leaning into the ropes. However, the crowd continued cheering as Stocking ran into the ring and hit Kagura with a Shotgun Dropkick to the chest. Stocking then ran into the corner and hit the Stocking Sugar Rush (Multiple Running Corner Dropkicks) underneath Kagura's chin. Stocking then threw Kagura out of the corner with a Fisherman's Suplex, bridging into a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd booed again as Ty Lee hit a Jumping Double Foot Stomp onto Stocking's chest, picking her up, and hitting her with a Spinning Side Kick to the jaw, sending her staggering into the corner.

"Ty Lee knocking the taste out of Stocking's mouth with that kick! She's not going to want to taste any sweets after that strike!" Nigel exclaimed as Ty Lee got Mai back to the center of the ring and began hitting Kagura with kicks to the leg and the chest before attempting to hit her with a Double Head Kick. The crowd cheered as Kagura ducked those kicks, causing Ty Lee and Mai to inadvertently kick their own shins. Kagura responded by springboarding off the middle rope and hitting both Mai and Ty Lee with a Springboard Double Clothesline. Kagura then ran the ropes again, but the crowd booed as Azula used her good arm to trip Kagura up, but the crowd cheered as Panty ran up at her, and knocked Azula down with a Jumping Clothesline.

"Panty taking out Azula, making sure that she doesn't stick her nose in this match again!" Beth exclaimed as Stocking hit Kagura in the back of the head with a strike, and Panty responded by running into the ring. Panty then picked Kagura up, and held her in position for Stocking to run the ropes, allowing the two of them to hit a Spinebuster/Running Dropkick combination. The crowd continued cheering as Stocking tagged Panty into the match, with Kagura hitting the Stocking Roll (Rick Rude's Rude Awakening Hangman's Neckbreaker), allowing Panty to climb up to the top rope, hitting a Diving Splash onto Kagura before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd booed again as Mai and Ty Lee stomped on both Kagura and Panty before Mai hit a Running Yakuza Kick onto Stocking, knocking her off of the apron.

"Mai and Ty Lee once again preventing this match from ending! This is anyone's match right now!" Okabe exclaimed as Ty Lee attempted to knock Millianna off with a Running Forearm, but Millianna hit her with a kick to the side of the head, sending her staggering away. Kagura then hit Mai with multiple forearms before ducking out of the way of Ty Lee's attempt at a kick before tagging Millianna into the match. Millianna dodged Mai and Ty Lee's attempts at kicks, and knocked them both down with Dropkicks and Calf Kicks. Millianna then knocked Ty Lee down with a Superkick and attempted to hit Ty Lee with the Kitty-Sault (Chris Jericho's Lionsault). However, Mai jumped onto the middle rope next to grab both of Millianna's arms, but Millianna was able to flip out of it, the crowd exploding into cheers as she hit Mai with a Brainbuster.

"Millianna coming into this match with high energy! And with Mai out of the picture, Millianna has a much better chance at pinning Ty Lee!" Okabe exclaimed as Millianna noticed that Panty was getting back up, and attempted to hit her with a Superkick, but Panty grabbed Millianna's foot and hit her with a Knee Lift to the face, stunning Millianna. This allowed Stocking to hit her with a Powerbomb before going up to the top rope, attempting to hit her with the Diving Splash again. However, Millianna was able to counter this by lifting both of her knees up, sending Panty crashing into her knees. Millianna then picked Panty up in an attempt to hit her with another Death Valley Driver, but the crowd booed as Ty Lee hit Millianna in the face with a Chi-Block (Running Single Leg Dropkick).

"Millianna hit with a Chi-Block! But there was so much force behind that move, that Millianna is rolling out of the ring!" Nigel exclaimed as while Millianna fell to the floor, Ty Lee grabbed Panty, hit her with the Eat Defeat, and then ran the ropes to hit another Chi-Block (Single Leg Running Dropkick) to the side of her head before going for the pin. When Kagura attempted to come back into the ring, Mai came running in and knocked her down with a Kitchen Sink Knee Strike to the gut.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here are your winners, they are the team of Ty Lee and Mai, the Cannonade!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd booing as Ty Lee and Mai rolled out of the ring, hugging each other as Azula came to walk up to them. Azula, with a satisfied smile on her face, patted Ty Lee on the head while telling her and Mai that they did a great job. Azula continued talking to the Cannonade, telling them that their next stop was StarShow, where they were going to win their chance at the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships.

"Ty Lee and Mai have won the match, and are heading to StarShow! Their first match was a multi-team match for the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships, and you have to think that they want to rebound with a victory at StarShow!" Nigel exclaimed as Stocking rolled into the ring and helped Panty back up to their feet, and told her that it was OK. Meanwhile, Kagura looked disappointed at the loss, despite neither she nor Millianna taking the pinfall in the match. Millianna looked at Kagura apprehensively before offering to help her back up to her feet, and Kagura looked annoyed and uncertain, but accepted Millianna's hand, allowing her to help her back up.

"While Millianna and Kagura didn't win, Kagura apparently accepted that fact and is willing to focus on her relationship with Millianna," Beth explained with a smile on her face. Stocking, meanwhile, walked up with Panty to the aisle, saying that they'd always have another chance in the future. The camera then panned back into the ring, where Kagura and Millianna shared a brief embrace, which the crowd cheered before the two also headed out of the ring. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai mocked their four opponents on the night while continuing to celebrate their ticket to StarShow.

"It's nice to see a lot of comradery in the BTWF Women's Tag Team Division, but we still have plenty on the night that is anything but comradery," Okabe explained before the camera panned to the backstage area while Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai were celebrating on the stage. The camera focused on the locker room, where Sam Simpson was taping her fists up for her match later tonight. Sam heard her door open, and stood up to see who it was, but relaxed when she realized that it was one of her fellow contenders for the BTWF World Women's Championship at StarShow, 'the Shining Ace' Rei Ayanami.

"Hello, Mrs. Simpson, I've been wanting to talk to you," Rei greeted. Sam nodded before Rei stretched out her hand for a handshake, which Sam accepted, not taking her eyes off of her future StarShow opponent while giving Rei a hearty handshake.

"I've been battling the Sisterhood of Darkness for the past few months, as I'm sure you're aware. And I've heard that you have a rematch with Frederica Sawyer, who is very dangerous. She's beaten you before, and with how Sherry and the rest of the Sisterhood have been acting, you'd be stepping into the Lion's Den if you went out all by yourself," Rei explained as Sam finished taping her hands before putting her roll of tape down and nodding.

"So, you want to come out and accompany me for the match with Frederica to try and help in case we're victims of another Sisterhood of Darkness attack?" Sam asked as Rei nodded her head, causing Sam to curl her lips into a small smile before nodding her head, standing up, and patting Rei on the back.

"I'd really appreciate that, thanks, Rei," Sam responded, causing Rei to give one of her StarShow opponents a small smile of her own.

"Of course. I've wanted a match with you, and the last thing I'd want is the Sisterhood to send you back to the hospital because they're afraid of us," Rei responded before she left the locker room, with Sam nodding before going into the corner, pulling off some squats before the camera panned to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

*Commercial Over*

The camera panned back to the backstage interview area, where Yuko Yoshida was standing next to The Zenin Sisters (Maki & Mai Z.) along with their manager/agent, Jim Cornette.

"Ladies and gentlemen, earlier in the night, we saw Ty Lee & Mai become the 3rd team to qualify for the Fatal-4-Way Women's Tag Team #1 Contenders match at StarShow. How are you girls feeling about the field so far for your StarShow debut?" Yuko asked. Maki and Mai Z. looked at each other and then looked at Cornette before chuckling at each other. Maki tapped Cornette on the back, indicating that Cornette could talk to Yuko.

"Listen, Yuko, of course, Maki and Mai Z. are not afraid or worried about their opponents. Maki and Mai Z. are the best tag team in this division and have the strongest chemistry out of any team here. These are two sisters that respect and love each other more than anything else on this planet, but two things that they love almost as much as each other are tag team gold and respect," Cornette explained as Mai Z. and Maki nodded before Mai Z. walked forward and leaned the microphone closer to her mouth.

"At StarShow, we'll get the respect like the legitimate professional wrestlers we deserve. And after StarShow, we're going to win the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships, which will allow us to show these losers in this tag division how tag team wrestling is supposed to be," Mai Z. explained as Cornette nodded while laughing. Yuko then moved the microphone in front of Maki's mouth, but Maki simply smirked at Yuko before patting Cornette and Mai Z. before walking off. Cornette and Mai Z. followed Maki out of the backstage interview area before the camera panned to the stage, where 'One Finger and a Fist' by Drowning Pool played, the crowd booing as Owen and Manabo came stomping out of the back.

"The following contest is a Tag Team Gauntlet match where the winner will fill the final spot in the BTWF World Tag Team Championship #1 contenders match at StarShow! Introducing first, representing the Chaos Conspiracy, they are the team of Owen Campbell and Manabo!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd booing as Manabo yelled out at the booing crowd, telling them to shut the hell up and that they were going to kick every other's teams' asses. Owen also talked to the camera, telling the fans that nobody was going to take the BTWF World Tag Team Championships away from the Chaos Conspiracy.

"And here come the first team of the Gauntlet match! You have to believe that if Owen and Manabo are able to go the distance in this Gauntlet, they're going to try and destroy the three biggest teams on Octane so that Charlie and Joe can have an easier reign!" Nigel exclaimed as Manabo and Owen made it to the ringside area, and chest bumped each other before walking over to the ring. Manabo walked over to the steel steps, pounding on the top of the steps before running up those steps. Meanwhile, Owen pulled himself up onto the steel ring apron and walked over to the top rope. Owen and Manabo then walked to the center of the ring, shooting both their fists up in the air.

"It may seem impossible, but with the size and power of both Owen and Manabo, it can easily become a reality," Okabe responded as when Owen and Manabo walked into the corner, Ted DiBiase's old 'Priceless' theme song played. The crowd cheered as Kam came running out of the back, hitting several kicks in the center of the stage while Eddie came strutting out, wearing a white and golden scarf. Eddie smiled at the cheering fans, patting Kam on the shoulder before pointing to the ring, and telling him to focus.

"And their opponents, from Atlanta Georgia, they are the team of Kam Chin and Eddie Lawrence, the Oddities!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd continued cheering as Eddie walked down the aisle, and handed his scarf to one of the fans in the front row, also giving that same fan a high-five before continuing to make his way to the ring. Kam, meanwhile, gave multiple fans some high-fives, making a lot of silly faces to the fans taking pictures of him before running over to Eddie, jumping on his back, while looking over at the goliaths in the ring in front of them.

"Kam and Eddie are a…strange duo, but if you've seen them on our developmental system, then you know that they have all the potential in the world to become future World Tag Team Champions," Okabe continued explaining as Kam jumped off of Eddie's back, and slid into the ring, trying to get into Manabo and Owen's faces. Owen and Manabo chuckled, but Eddie quickly slid into the ring, pulling Kam away from them, telling him to calm down, and that they had to think about this before they went after Owen and Manabo.

"Strange isn't the word I'd use, especially when it comes to Pam, but…to each their own, I guess," Beth said as the referee made sure both teams were ready before ringing the bell, starting the gauntlet match. Before Eddie could try and come up with a plan, Kam ran out of the corner and hit Manabo with a Running Dropkick to the chin. The crowd cheered as Kam hit Manabo with multiple punches and Open-Palm Strikes to the side of the head, which Manabo attempted to stop by pushing Kam away. However, Kam responded by rebounding off the ropes, dodging Manabo's attempt at a counter Clothesline, and hit a Running Dropkick to the back of the leg, sending Manabo falling to one knee.

"Kam starting this match off fast and in control! And despite Eddie's worries, Kam is keeping the Chaos Conspiracy on their toes!" Nigel exclaimed as Kam jumped onto Manabo's back, and hit him with several punches to the side of the head. The crowd booed as Manabo pulled himself back up to his feet, and backed him up into the corner, sending Kam's back crashing into the turnbuckles. Manabo attempted to hit a Back Elbow to the side of Kam's head, but Kam was able to dodge the hold and hit multiple punches to the side of Manabo's head. However, Manabo responded by hitting Kam in the head with a Headbutt, sending him staggering away. Manabo hit Kam with several kicks to the gut, which Eddie responded by tagging himself into the ring, the crowd cheering as Eddie and Kam knocked Manabo down with a Double Dropkick.

"Eddie and Kam knocking Manabo down! I'm shocked that they were able to do that so quickly!" Beth exclaimed in shock as Eddie mounted Manabo, and hit him with multiple punches to the side of the face before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…

Eddie immediately got back up to his feet, hitting Manabo with several Fist Drops to the top of the head before running the ropes, and hitting Manabo with a Running Big Boot to the seated giant.

"Eddie smartly keeping Manabo away from former contender for the BTWF Championship, Owen!" Okabe exclaimed as Eddie picked Manabo up by his hair, and attempted to hit him with a couple of punches to the side of the head, but Manabo responded with a couple of headbutts to the side of the head. The crowd booed as Manabo threw Eddie into the corner, hit him with a Running Corner Clothesline, and tagged Owen into the match. Owen ran the ropes and hit Eddie with a Running Corner Forearm before attempting to hit Eddie with a Stalling Vertical Suplex. However, Eddie responded by hitting Owen in the side of the head with multiple knees to the side of Owen's head before escaping his grip.

"We thought Owen would change the complexion of this match, but Eddie isn't one to give up despite the fact his family has so much money, that they can make literal houses out of the stuff!" Beth exclaimed as Eddie hit several punches to the side of Owen's head before putting him in a Front Facelock, hitting Owen with multiple punches to the top of the head before tagging Kam back into the match while continuing to keep him in the Side Headlock. Eddie hit a Knee Lift to Owen's head before Kam ran the ropes and hit a Running Dropkick to the side of his head. While Owen was stunned, Eddie jumped up to the middle rope, and hit Owen with a Middle Rope Diving Double Axe Handle, sending Owen staggering before Kam springboarded off the middle rope to hit Owen in the chest with a Springboard Dropkick.

"Owen is still standing despite the series of attacks by the new team of the Oddities!" Nigel exclaimed as Kam kicked Owen in the chest and the legs before running the ropes and attempting to hit another Springboard Dropkick, but Owen was able to catch Kam in mid-air and hit him with a Snap Powerslam. The crowd continued booing as Owen held his chest in pain while growling down at Kam, and stomping on Kam's chest a couple of times. Owen then pressed his foot on Kam's chest, telling Eddie to watch what he does to his partner before walking over to Manabo, and tagging him into the match. Manabo ran into the ring, and hit Kam with a Leg Drop across the throat before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2

"It was only a matter of time before Manabo and Owen overpowered their opponents thanks to their larger stature!" Okabe exclaimed as Manabo grabbed Kam by the throat and threw him into the corner. Manabo then hit Kam in the side of the head with multiple punches to the side of the head before hitting Kam with a Frying Pan Chop to the chest. Manabo then choked Kam with his foot before tagging Owen back into the match, and Owen responded by running the ropes, and hitting Kam with a Running Corner Body Avalanche once Manabo moved out of the way. Owen then threw Kam out of the corner with a Spinning Uranage before he ran the ropes, and hit him with a Running Elbow Drop across the chest before going for another pin.

Ref: 1…2.

"Give credit to Kam, he kicked out after being literally squashed in the corner and the floor!" Beth exclaimed as Owen picked Kam up, and hit him with multiple forearms to the side of the head, and despite Kam trying to fight back with punches, Owen sent Kam staggering back into their corner with a Dropkick to the chin. Owen then tagged Manabo back into the match as Kam fell into a seated position in front of the bottom turnbuckle. Manabo ran the ropes and hit Kam with a Cannonball Senton into the corner before throwing Kam out of the corner and allowing Owen to turn him inside out with a Lariat.

"Oh, good Lord! Kam almost got decapitated thanks to that vicious Lariat!" Nigel exclaimed as Owen pressed his foot over the back of Kam's neck, the crowd booing as Owen gave them a gunshow. Owen then stomped on Kam's back several times before picking Kam up, cursing out Eddie, and throwing Kam overhead with a Fallaway Slam. Owen then tagged Manabo back into the match, with the two grabbing each other's hands, and hitting Kam with a Double Elbow Drop to the chest. Kam attempted to roll out of the ring, but Manabo grabbed his foot, wagged his finger in front of Kam, and threw him back into the corner. Manabo smirked at the booing crowd before attempting to run into the corner with a Running Hip Attack while Kam was seated in the corner. However, the crowd cheered as Kam barely rolled out of the way, sending Manabo crashing into the corner hard enough to stun him.

"Kam finally has some breathing room! Can he make it into the corner before Manabo takes control right back from under him!?" Okabe asked as Manabo staggered out of the corner, and when Kam pulled himself back up, he gave the crowd a weird smile before grabbing Manabo by the waist. Eddie looked worried on the corner while Owen looked like he was about to bust out laughing. However, the crowd exploded into cheers as Kam was able to deadlift Manabo off of his feet and hit him with a German Suplex.

"What a feat of strength by Kam! I did not think he could actually lift Manabo off of his feet!" Beth exclaimed in surprise as Kam staggered his way into the corner, the crowd cheering as Eddie got tagged into the match. Eddie climbed up to the top rope and hit Manabo with a Diving Fist Drop to the face before getting back to his feet, and knocking Owen off of the apron with a hard Running Forearm to the side of the face. Eddie then noticed that Manabo was staggering back to his feet, and Eddie responded by hitting Manabo with several Clotheslines to the chest, but Manabo stayed on his feet. The crowd cheered loudly as Eddie jumped up to the top rope, and hit Manabo with a Flying Clothesline before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2.

"I did not expect to see Eddie flying around like his partner, Kam, but Eddie knows that he's going to need to pull out all the stops to defeat two giants!" Nigel exclaimed as Eddie grabbed Manabo's arm, and attempted to lock him in a Cobra Clutch, but Manabo was able to get back to his feet and throw Eddie off of him. Manabo attempted to hit Eddie with a Side Kick to the head, but Eddie grabbed Manabo's leg and kicked the back of his leg a couple of times before hitting Manabo with a Back Elbow. The crowd continued cheering as Eddie ran the ropes, attempting to hit him with a Jumping Clothesline, but Manabo was able to catch him in midair, attempting to hit him with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex. However, Eddie was able to land behind Manabo, kicked him in the back of the leg several times, and attempted to roll him up with a School Boy.

"Eddie trying to go for the School Boy, but I don't think he has the arm strength to pull it off!" Okabe exclaimed as Manabo was able to keep himself on his feet, hitting him with a Jumping Headbutt to the chest before throwing him into the corner. Kam attempted to come into the ring to help out, but Owen slid back into the ring and hit Kam with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Manabo and Owen high-fived each other before hitting Eddie with a Double Savate Kick before Owen told Manabo to hold him down. Manabo nodded before grabbing Eddie's arms and attempting to move him to the right position in front of the apron while Owen began climbing up to the top rope.

"Kam and Eddie may need to be picked up off of the ring with a spatula after this match!" Beth exclaimed as while Owen was balancing himself on the top rope, the crowd cheered while Eddie was able to kick the top of Manabo's head several times before pulling him forward. Owen, not aware of Manabo being moved below him, dived off of the top rope to hit a surprisingly large Moonsault. However, instead of hitting Eddie, Owen inadvertently hit Manabo with the Moonsault, and before Owen could process his mistake, Kam knocked him out of the ring with a Running Single Knee Strike to the side of the head.

"Oh my God! That costly mistake could be exactly what Kam and Eddie needed!" Nigel exclaimed as Eddie staggered back to his feet, climbed up to the top rope, and much to the crowd's delight, hit Manabo in the chest with a Trust Fall Elbow Drop before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Ladies and gentlemen, Manabo and Owen of the Chaos Conspiracy have been eliminated!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd beginning to boo as 'Zero Visibility' by Rise Against played, signaling the arrival of Double D and Ed. However, while Double D and Ed were making their way to the ring, the crowd booed louder as Owen grabbed Kam, and threw him back first into the steel ring post. With Manabo still recovering from the Moonsault/Trust Fall Elbow Drop combination, Owen hit Kam with a Running Body Avalanche, sending Kam's back bouncing off of the steel ring post.

"Manabo and Owen have been eliminated, but that doesn't mean that Kam and Eddie are going to escape this match unscathed!" Okabe exclaimed as Owen continued hitting an unconscious Kam with multiple forearms to the side of the head before Eddie ran out of the ring, attempting to take him out with a dive. However, Owen was able to catch him in mid-air, and hit him with a Front Slam into the steel ring apron, the crowd continued booing as Owen hit a downed Eddie with multiple Frying Pan Chops to the chest before the referee got several security guards out to the ringside area, trying to get Owen to leave while Ed and Double D smirked at the scene.

"Ed and Double D have just been handed a victory on a silver platter!" Beth exclaimed in disgust as Owen finally backed away from a downed Eddie, leaving with a still-dazed Manabo. Double D rushed into the ring, the crowd booing as he mounted Eddie, and hit him with several punches to the side of the head. The crowd continued booing as Double D picked Eddie up, and hit him with several Knife-Edge Chops to the chest before throwing him into the corner. Double D ran into the corner and hit Eddie with a Jumping Spin Kick, threw him out of the corner, and hit him with a Diving Knee Strike to the back.

"Double D just playing with his food right now! He could end this match anytime that he wants, but Double D wants to show the fans that he and Ed are Tag Team title-worthy!" Nigel exclaimed as on the outside, Ed ran around the ring, turning a dazed Kam inside out with a Gore (Spear). Meanwhile, in the ring, Double D attempted to put Eddie in position for the Butterfly DDT, but the crowd cheered as Eddie was able to hit Double D with several punches to the gut before rolling him up with a Small Package.

Ref: 1…

Double D was able to kick out, but Eddie was able to roll him up again with a Backslide pin.

Ref: 1…2

Double D, annoyed by the surprise pins, kicked Eddie in the side of the head before planting him with the Butterfly DDT and going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kam Chin and Eddie Lawrence of the Oddities have been eliminated!" Mary Hughes announced as 'The Curse' by Disturbed played, the crowd cheering as Kensuke Aida and Touji Suzuhara came running down to the ring. Ed attempted to go after Kensuke and Touji, but they both bowled him over with a Double Shoulder Tackle. The crowd continued cheering as Kensuke came into the ring, knocking Double D down with a Running Clothesline. Kensuke then picked Double D up, threw him into the corner, and hit him with multiple Knife-Edge Chops and punches to the side of the head. Kensuke then climbed up to the middle rope and gave Double D the ten-punch salute before taking him down with a Tornado DDT.

"Kensuke and Touji are here, and they're taking it to the brainiac of the BTWF!" Beth exclaimed as Kensuke picked Double D up, and hit several right-handed jabs to the side of the head before pushing him into the corner, tagging Touji into the match. Kensuke continued keeping Double D into the corner, allowing Touji to run the ropes and hit a Corner Big Boot to the side of Double D's head. Touji then threw Double D out of the corner with a Spinning Uranage before running the ropes and hitting him with a Running Leg Drop across Double D's throat. Ed, meanwhile, climbed up to the ring apron and looked ready for the tag, but Touji didn't let Double D pull himself to the corner, throwing him back into the corner.

"Touji doing the smart thing, and making sure that Double D doesn't bring the powerhouse in this match," Okabe noted as Touji hit several Standing Corner Clotheslines onto Double D's chest before tagging Kensuke back in. The crowd continued cheering as Touji kept Double D into the corner, allowing Kensuke to run into the corner, hitting Double D with a Running Jumping Corner Forearm. Kensuke then pulled Double D out of the corner, attempting to hit him with a Swinging Neckbreaker, but Double D was able to roll out of the hold and hit Kensuke with an Enziguri to the side of the head.

"Double D coming back into this match, hitting Kensuke with a hard Enziguri to the side of the head!" Nigel exclaimed as Kensuke rebounded off of the ropes, attempting to hit Double D with a Rebound Lariat, but Double D was once again able to counter with a kick to the side of the head, sending Kensuke falling onto his knees. Double D then ran into the corner, tagging Ed back into the match, the crowd booing as Ed ran into the ring, hitting a Running Jumping Elbow Drop across the small of Kensuke's back. Ed then picked Kensuke up, hitting him with a couple of Back Elbows before attempting to hit him with a Scoop Slam, but Kensuke was able to slip out of it, hitting Ed with a Dropkick to the back of the head.

"Kensuke not letting the powerhouse get his momentum, trying to make sure that he and Touji maintain the control!" Okabe exclaimed as Kensuke hit Ed with a couple of Knife-Edge Chops before attempting to hit him with a Neckbreaker, but Ed was able to overpower him and hit him and attempted to hit him with a Back Suplex. However, Kensuke was able to backflip on his feet, but when Kensuke attempted to hit him with another Dropkick to the back, Ed was able to dodge, sending Kensuke crashing onto the floor. The crowd continued booing as Ed hit a downed Kensuke with a Big Boot to the side of the head hard enough to send him falling out of the ring.

"What a powerful boot by Ed! He literally kicked Kensuke out of the ring!" Beth exclaimed in shock as while Ed and the referee were arguing, Double D jumped down from the apron and hit a Running Drive-By Kick to the side of Kensuke's head while he was leaning against the ring apron. Double D, while still on the ring apron, dived off to hit a Running Apron Senton onto Kensuke. Touji noticed this, grabbed Double D by the throat, and attempted to throw him into the steel ring post, but Double D was able to stop himself, distracting Touji enough for Ed to rush out of the ring, and hit him with a Clothesline to the back of the head. The crowd continued booing as Ed picked Touji up, and hit him with a Fallaway Slam, sending Touji's back and sides crashing against the fan barricade.

"The strength of Ed is truly something to behold! He just threw Touji into the fan barricade like it was nothing!" Okabe exclaimed as Ed grabbed a dazed Kensuke, and slammed his face into the steel ring apron multiple times before Ed rolled back into the ring. While Double D climbed back onto the apron, Ed hit several Elbow Drops to the side of Kensuke's back before dragging him to the corner, tagging Double D back into the match. The crowd continued booing as Ed picked Kensuke up, hit him with a Backbreaker, slammed him down with a Front Slam, and moved to allow Double D to hit a Springboard Tope Con Hilo to the chest before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

"Double D and Ed are now in complete control of this match, and with Touji still recovering on the outside, Kensuke is going to have a rough time trying to get back into this match!" Nigel exclaimed as Double D picked Kensuke up, threw him into the corner, and hit him with a Flying Back Elbow Smash to the side of Kensuke's head. Double D then threw Kensuke out of the corner with a Snapmare, hitting him in the back of the head with a Single Leg Dropkick to the back of the head. The crowd continued booing as Double D hit a couple of jumping stomps to the top of Kensuke's head before running the ropes and hitting a Twisting Leg Drop across the throat.

"Double D may be an annoying and arrogant little man, but he's as quick as the best Cruiserweights in the world," Beth admitted reluctantly as Double D hit Kensuke in the side of the head with several Forearm slivers to the face before pushing him out of the corner. Double D choked Kensuke with his foot before tagging Ed back into the match, the crowd booing as Ed rolled into the ring, running the ropes and hitting Kensuke with a Running Spear into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Ed and Double D hit Kensuke with a Flapjack/Sit-Out Facebuster combination before Ed went for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

"Double D and Ed have made it clear that they want to be on the top of the BTWF tag team division, and they're showing the fans here that they have the brains and teamwork to make that goal into a reality!" Okabe exclaimed as Ed ran the ropes, hitting a downed Kensuke with a Running Senton across the chest. The crowd continued booing as Ed pulled Kensuke up in a Front Facelock, hitting him with multiple clubs to the back and the back of the neck. Ed, while still holding Kensuke in a Front Facelock, spun him around in the air before lifting him up in a Stalling Vertical Suplex position. The crowd continued booing as Ed marched around the ring with Kensuke high up in the air, then stopped back in the middle of the ring to do squats.

"Ed showing off some more of that strength of his, keeping Kensuke in the air with no trouble at all!" Nigel exclaimed as Ed hit Kensuke with a Jackhammer. The crowd continued booing as Ed rolled Kensuke back up in a Vertical Suplex position, hitting him with an X-Plex before tagging Double D back into the match. Double D climbed up to the top rope, allowing Ed to help throw him off of the top rope with a Rocket Launcher, sending Double D crashing onto Kensuke's chest with a Diving Splash. The crowd continued booing as Double D went for the pin, hooking both his legs back while Ed got back onto the apron.

Ref: 1…2..

"Kensuke barely kicking out, but he's a good distance away from his tag partner, who's finally beginning to stagger back to his feet!" Nigel exclaimed as Touji began staggering back to the apron while holding his back in pain. Meanwhile, Ed hit Kensuke with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex before tagging Double D back into the match. Double D went into the ring, and hit several kicks to the leg and chest of Kensuke, allowing Ed to knock Kensuke back down to the mat with a High Knee Strike. The crowd booed as Double D locked Kensuke with a Butterfly Lock, Kensuke looking around for his tag partner while groaning in the pain of the lock.

"Kensuke trapped in the Butterfly Lock! Can he survive long enough for Touji to pull himself back onto the apron!?" Beth asked as Kensuke attempted to come back to his feet, but Double D kneed Kensuke in the back several times before locking him in a Kneeling Full Nelson. Kensuke, out of the corner of his eye, noticed that Touji was back on the apron, resulting in Kensuke trying to pull himself back up to his feet again. The crowd cheered as Double D attempted to turn Kensuke away from his corner, but Kensuke turned back towards his own and hit Double D with a Jawbreaker. Double D staggered back into his corner, allowing Ed to tag himself back into the match as Kensuke attempted to stagger over to Touji.

"Kensuke is finally able to separate himself from Double D, but he may get knocked right back down thanks to Ed!" Okabe exclaimed as Ed grabbed Kensuke, and attempted to hit him with a Back Suplex, but Kensuke was able to counter by hitting several punches to the top of the head. This allowed Kensuke to push Ed down to the mat with a Bulldog before rolling into his corner, tagging Touji back into the match, the crowd cheering as Touji ran into the ring, and knocked Double D off of the apron with a Big Boot. Touji then ran back at Ed and hit him with several Clotheslines, a Big Boot, and a Flapjack before kipping back up to his feet and hitting Ed with a Sliding Forearm to the side of the head.

"Touji coming back into his match like a house of fire!" Beth exclaimed as Touji grabbed Ed by the ears, and threw him into the corner, the crowd continuing to cheer as Touji ran after him, hitting Ed in the throat with a Running Corner Clothesline. Touji, however, didn't leave the corner as he hit Ed with multiple Standing Corner Clotheslines before throwing him out of the corner with an Exploder Suplex. Touji then ran the ropes and hit a Jumping Splash onto Ed's chest before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd booed as Double D climbed back up to the top rope, hitting Touji in the back with a Diving Knee Drop to break up the pinfall.

"Thanks to Double D, this match will continue!" Nigel exclaimed as Kensuke ran into the ring, knocking Double D down with a Running Clothesline. The crowd continued cheering as Kensuke attempted to throw Double D out of the ring, but Double D was able to counter by throwing Kensuke out onto the apron. Double D attempted to knock Kensuke down onto the floor with a Running Forearm, but Kensuke was able to counter with a punch to the side of Double D's head. However, the crowd booed as Ed hit Kensuke with a Running Shoulder Tackle, sending Kensuke bouncing off of the fan barricade chest first and landing on the floor.

"And there goes Kensuke, almost being sent through the fan barricade!" Nigel exclaimed as Touji hit Ed with a Jumping Superman Punch to the side of the head. The crowd continued cheering as Touji picked Double D up in a Military Press, and threw him over the top rope, sending Double D bouncing back to the center of the ring while holding his throat. The crowd continued cheering as Touji went into the corner, and attempted to hit Double D with the Touji Tackle (Bobby Lashley-esque Spear). However, Ed was able to run in front of Double D and hit Touji with the Flipping the Tables (One-Handed Spinebuster).

"Ed not letting Double D get broken in half with a Spear! If anyone knows how dangerous the Spear is, it's Ed!" Beth exclaimed as Ed picked Touji up, and hit him with a Sidewalk Slam Backbreaker, allowing Double D to climb back up to the top rope. The crowd continued booing as Double D dived off of the top rope, hitting Touji across the neck with a Diving Elbow Drop while Ed held him over his knee. Double D then ran the ropes, hitting a staggering Kensuke with a hard Suicide Dive that sent Kensuke crashing back first into the fan barricade before Ed went for the pinfall on Touji in the ring.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kensuke Aida & Touji Suzuhara have been eliminated!" Mary Hughes announced as 'Stain' by STIM played, the crowd cheering as Jaune Arc and Lie Ren, the Huntsmen, came down the entrance way. Ed got back onto his feet and yelled at the debuting BTWF tag team to bring it on. Jaune responded by sliding into the ring and knocking Ed down with a couple of Running Forearm Smashes, the crowd cheering as when Ed staggered back to his feet, Jaune hit several Knife-Edge Chops to the chest before running the ropes and throwing him into the corner with a Running Hurricanrana. Jaune then ran into the corner, hit Ed with a Running Knife-Edge Chop to the chest, threw him out of the corner with a Snapmare, and then hit a Single Leg Basem*nt Dropkick to the back of the head.

"Plucked from the ashes of VCW, The Huntsmen have made their arrival in the BTWF!" Nigel exclaimed as Jaune rolled Ed over to his corner with a School Boy before hitting him in the side of the head with a Listo Kick. Jaune then ran into the corner, hitting a Running Enziguri Kick to Ed's face before tagging Ren into the match. Ren and Jaune Irish whipped Ed into the ropes and knocked him back down with a Double Shoot Kick when he rebounded. Ren then ran the ropes and hit a seated Ed in the chest with a Penalty Kick before going for a pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

Double D, much to the crowd's chagrin, once again broke up the pinfall with a Running Stomp to Ren's back.

"If Double D hadn't been there, Ed may have lost this match thanks to those hard kicks by Ren!" Beth exclaimed as Ren hit Double D with multiple punches and forearms to the side of the head, hitting Double D in the gut with a Spin Kick, and then knocked him out of the ring with a Knee Lift to the face, sending him staggering on the apron. The crowd continued cheering as Ed attempted to hit Ren with a Running Clothesline to the back of the head, but Ren dodged, turned around, and hit Ed with a Discus Forearm to the side of the head, sending him staggering into the corner.

"Ren has been well renowned as one of the best strikers in the Fanfiction Wrestling Multiverse, and he's showing the fans by using Ed as an example!" Okabe exclaimed as Ren ran the ropes, tagged Jaune, and the two ran into the corner, hitting a Running Corner Big Boot/Running Corner Enziguri to the back of the head, sending Ed staggering out of the corner. Jaune then dived off of the top rope with a Missile Dropkick to Ed's chest before going for another pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2..

"Ed trying to make it three-for-three in this contest, but with how well a fresh Jaune and Ren are working together, that may be nothing but a pipe dream," Nigel explained as Jaune picked Ed up, and hit him with several forearms to the side of the head before running the ropes and attempting to hit him with another Hurricanrana, but the crowd booed as Ed was able to catch Jaune. Ed attempted to hit him with a Powerbomb, but Jaune was able to punch Ed with multiple punches to the side of the head, escaping Ed's grip to run the ropes, and hit him with a Discus Clothesline to the back of the head, sending him falling into the ropes. While attempting to pull Ed away from the ropes, Double D tagged himself into the match, poking Jaune in the eye.

"They may not be fresh, but Double D and Ed still have that tag team chemistry that have made them multi-time champions across various different promotions!" Okabe exclaimed as Ed knocked Jaune down with a Back Elbow to the side of the head. Double D then springboarded off of the apron, attempting to hit Jaune with a Springboard Swanton Bomb, but he was able to roll out of the way. Double D got back to his feet, and Jaune responded by running at him and hitting him with a Running Neckbreaker. The crowd continued cheering as Jaune put Double D in a seated position, and hit him with a couple of Knife-Edge Chops to the back before running the ropes and attempting to hit him with a Grounded Seated Clothesline, but the crowd booed as Ed, from the apron, hit Jaune in the back with a Knee Strike.

"If by 'tag team chemistry' you mean 'cheating', then yeah, I agree," Beth countered in annoyance as Double D was able to hit a stunned Jaune with a Single Underhook Facebuster. The crowd continued booing as Double D began stomping on Jaune's chest and face before running the ropes and hitting a Jumping Knee Drop across the top of his forehead. The crowd continued booing as Double D hit Jaune with several European Uppercuts before pushing him back into the ring. Double D then ran into the corner, hitting Jaune in the face with a Running Corner Forearm before tagging Ed back into the match. Double D threw Jaune out of the corner, allowing Ed to hit him with a Kitchen Sink before putting him in an Abdominal Stretch. This allowed Double D to kick Jaune's exposed chest before Ed picked him up and hit him with a Pumphandle Gutbuster.

"Ed and Double D seem to be targeting the chest of the aerodynamic Jaune!" Nigel exclaimed as Ed picked Jaune back up, and hit him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex before running the ropes and hitting a Jumping Elbow Drop across Jaune's chest. The crowd booed as Ed got back up to his feet and roared before glaring right at Ren, who merely looked at him before Ed turned back around and hit a Jumping Leg Drop across Jaune's throat. The crowd continued booing as Ed picked Jaune up, and hit him with a Back Suplex where Ed raised his foot up, sending the middle of Jaune's back crashing into Ed's foot. Ed then ran the ropes and hit a Sliding Grounded Clothesline to Jaune's chest before going for a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2.

"Ed is absolutely dominating the contest now, not even giving Jaune a chance to breathe!" Nigel exclaimed as Ed grabbed Jaune by the hair, hit him with several punches to the side of the head, and threw him into the corner. Ed then ran the ropes, hitting a Running Shoulder Thrust into Jaune's chest before tagging Double D back into the match. Double D rolled to the other side of the ring and hit a Running Corner Dropkick to the side of the head before pulling Jaune out of the corner and hitting him with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Double D smirked before heading back into is corner, the crowd booing as Double D grabbed a stack of papers, showing them off to the jeering crowds.

"Oh…I was hoping he forgot about his stupid diagrams," Beth sighed in annoyance as Double D grabbed Jaune by the hair, and pushed those diagrams in his face. The crowd continued booing as Double D yelled that Jaune and Ren couldn't beat him and Ed because of how well Double D had planned this match. The crowd cheered as Jaune hit several punches to Double D's chest, stunning him enough to allow Jaune the time to stand back up and hit him with a couple of Knife-Edge Chops. Jaune ran the ropes and attempted to hit Double D with a Tornado DDT, but the crowd booed as Double D threw him onto his knees, allowing him to hit Jaune with a Shining Wizard before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

"Double D almost took Jaune's head off with that Shining Wizard, but Jaune is still in this match!" Nigel exclaimed as Double D stomped on the back of Jaune's head a couple of times before picking him up by the hair and pushing him into the corner. Double D began choking Jaune with his foot before tagging Ed back into the match, the crowd continuing to boo as Double D and Ed stomped and punched Jaune repeatedly in the chest and the head before Double D and Ed threw him out of the corner with a Double Snap Vertical Suplex. The crowd continued to boo as Ed hit a Jumping Splash onto Jaune's chest before Double D ran the ropes and hit a Single Leg Foot Stomp onto a seated Jaune's chest.

"Double D and Ed continuing to keep Jaune away from his corner, but the question is how long will it be before Jaune escapes their grasp," Okabe explained as Ed picked Jaune up, and locked him in an Abdominal Stretch, the crowd booing as Ed yelled at Jaune to tap out. Double D leaned over the top rope, yelling at Jaune to give up as well, but the crowd began cheering as Jaune tried to get out of Ed's grasp by hitting him with several punches to the face. However, Ed started kneeing Jaune in the back several times before keeping him locked in the Abdominal Stretch.

"Jaune is a far ways away from Ren, and Ed doesn't look like he's loosening that grip on the Abdominal Stretch!" Nigel exclaimed as Jaune immediately began dragging himself towards the ropes. Ed attempted to pull Jaune back to the center of the ring, but Jaune was able to grab the bottom rope with his foot, the crowd cheering as the referee forced Ed to back away from Jaune. Ed attempted to run at Jaune, but Jaune countered with a Superkick to the face before springboarding off of the middle rope, and hit a Springboard Tornado DDT onto Ed, sending both men down. Ren started stomping on the apron to get the fans clapping in the same rhythm as Jaune began crawling to his corner.

"Jaune is finally able to make his way to his corner! Can he tag Ren back into this match!?" Beth asked as Ed grabbed Jaune's foot, attempting to pull him back away from his corner, but Jaune responded by hitting multiple stomps to Ed's face and chest while he was still on the ground. The crowd cheered as Jaune rolled into his corner of the ring, and tagged Ren back into the match, the crowd cheering louder as Ren climbed up to the top rope, and hit a Diving Double Foot Stomp to the chest before knocking Double D off of the apron with a Running Big Boot to the side of the head. Ed staggered back to his feet, and Ren responded by hitting him with the Ax and Smash before hitting Ed with a Rope Rebound Clothesline.

"Ren coming back into this match with those hard strikes once again, knocking Ed down with a vicious Clothesline!" Nigel exclaimed as Ren ran the ropes, and hit a Sliding Knee Drop across the back of Ed's head before climbing back up to the top rope. The crowd booed as Double D came running from the apron, attempting to knock Ren off the top turnbuckle, but Ren responded with a hard kick to the throat, sending him falling off of the apron. Ren attempted to hit Ed with a Diving Knee Drop, but the crowd booed as Ed was able to jump up and catch Ren in midair, and attempted to hit him with a Flipping the Tables (One Handed Spinebuster), but the crowd cheered as Ren was able to trap Ed into a Hammerlock Guillotine Choke.

"Ren has Ed trapped in a Guillotine Choke and a Hammerlock at the same time! And as you can see by Ed's legs, he's close to falling unconscious!" Okabe exclaimed as Double D once again came back into the ring, hitting Ren in the back with several kicks to the chest, allowing Ed to hit Ren with a Flipping the Tables (One-Handed Spinebuster) onto Double D's knees before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd cheered as Jaune climbed back up to the top rope, and hit Ed with a Frog Splash to his back, the crowd cheering as he also blocked Double D's attempt to hit him with the Double Arm DDT. Jaune then sent Double D out of the ring with a Superkick to the side of the head and then ran the ropes to hit Double D with a Suicide Dive DDT.

"Jaune taking Double D out with that amazing dive! Ed's now all alone in the ring!" Beth exclaimed as Ed rolled into the corner, and attempted to hit him with the Gore (Bobby Lashley-style Spear). However, the crowd cheered as Ren was able to counter, hitting Ed with the StormFlower Kick (Miyu Yamash*ta's Skull Kick) before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ed and Double D have been eliminated!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd booing as Los Lotharios' WWE theme song played, the crowd booing as Alejandro Burromuerto and Justin Reeves came running from the back. Alejandro blew kisses to the booing crowd while running into the ring. Ren tried to end the match early with another StormFlower Kick (Miyu Yamash*ta's Skull Kick) to the side of Alejandro's head, but he ducked, springboarded off of the middle rope, and hit Ren with a Springboard Headbutt to the chest. The crowd continued booing as Alejandro picked Ren up, and hit him with several punches to the side of the head before throwing him into the corner. Alejandro ran into the ropes, hitting a Backflip Kick to Ren's chest before attempting to go back into the corner for a Monkey Flip. However, the crowd cheered as Ren threw Alejandro off of him and as he was falling down, Ren hit him with a Penalty Kick to the chest.

"Alejandro trying to start this match off hot to keep the advantage, but Ren is able to turn the momentum back in his favor!" Nigel exclaimed as Ren ran the ropes, and hit Alejandro in the side of the head with a Running Discus Forearm to the side of the head, sending Alejandro staggering into the ropes, draping his head over the middle rope. The crowd continued cheering as Ren ran into the ropes, hitting Alejandro with a Running Knee Strike to the back before jumping over the top rope, and sending Alejandro away from the ropes with a hard kick to the face. Justin attempted to interfere with a punch to the side of the head, but Ren was able to dodge and knock him off the apron with a Superkick to the side of the head.

"Ren fighting off both Alejandro and Justin while Jaune is recovering here in front of our announcers' table!" Beth exclaimed as Ren climbed up to the top turnbuckle, but the crowd booed as Alejandro ran into the corner, and hit Ren with a Jumping Dropkick to the chest. The crowd continued booing as Alejandro climbed up to the top rope and started punching Ren in the side of the head before attempting to hit him with a Frankensteiner, but Ren was able to push him off, hit Alejandro with a Diving Clothesline, and attempted to lock him in the Jujigatame, but Alejandro immediately dragged himself to the ropes, the crowd booing as Ren was forced to break the hold.

"That was probably the best thing Alejandro could've done in that scenario. I've seen clips of Ren using that Jujigatame, and he's broken several arms with that hold," Okabe explained as Ren attempted to grab Alejandro's right arm again for the Jujigatame, but Alejandro responded by throwing Ren outside of the ring through the middle rope. This allowed Justin to grab Ren by the hair, and throw him head-first into the steel ring post. The crowd continued booing as Justin went over to Jaune, who had staggered back to his feet, and hit him with a Samoan Drop that sent his back bouncing off of the padded concrete floor. Alejandro gave the camera a knowing smirk before picking himself back up to his feet and jumping up to the top turnbuckle. When a now-bloody Ren staggered back to his feet, Alejandro hit him with a Diving Moonsault.

"Alejandro taking control just like that thanks in no small part to Justin," Okabe explained as Justin threw Jaune into the fan barricade before jumping on top of the commentary table, and tearing off his tear-away pants before throwing them into the crowd. Justin then smirked at the negative reaction he was receiving, and then jumped off of the commentary table, and walked over to where Alejandro was pummeling Ren with punches to the side of the head. Justin grabbed Ren by the hair and dropped him across the fan barricade before jumping back up onto the ring apron.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Justin may be conventionally handsome, but he's unconventionally aggressive," Okabe noted as Alejandro hit several Knife-Edge Chops to Ren's chest before throwing him back into the ring. The crowd continued booing as Alejandro followed him back into the ring, tagged Justin into the match, and springboarded off the middle rope to hit Ren with a Springboard Moonsault before Justin climbed up to the top rope, and hit a Trust Fall Diving Elbow Drop to Ren's chest before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

Justin mounted Ren and hit him with multiple forearms to the side of the head before picking him back up, and continuing the onslaught with multiple punches and clubs to the back before hitting him with a Dropkick to the chin, sending him staggering into the ropes. Justin then Irish whipped Ren, and when he rebounded, Justin popped him up and hit him with a Pop-Up Kick to the chest, the crowd continuing to boo as Justin ran the ropes, hitting a Running Basem*nt Dropkick to the side of the head.

"Justin continuing to dominate Ren in the center of the ring while Jaune is continuing to try and recover on the outside!" Nigel exclaimed as Justin picked Ren up, and hit him with a Butterfly Backbreaker before picking him back up, and hitting him with several Knife Edge Chops to the chest hard enough to send him staggering into the corner. Justin then ran the ropes, tagged Alejandro back into the match, and hit him with a Running Corner Superkick to the face. Alejandro jumped over the top rope and ran the ropes to hit a Running Corkscrew Back Elbow to a cornered Ren hard enough to send him flying onto the apron. Alejandro pushed Ren out of the corner, allowing Justin to hit him with a Samoan Drop. Alejandro, from the apron, springboarded back into the ring with a Springboard 450 Splash before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2..

"Alejandro has had years of experience as a luchador across Mexico and various Latin American countries. And he's showing off that experience with that Springboard 450 Splash," Okabe explained as Alejandro hit Ren with a Running Shooting Star Press before hitting him with an Open-Palm Strike to the side of the head when he was in a seated position. Alejandro grabbed Ren by the hair and presented the dazed and bloodied Ren to the booing crowd before kicking him in the sides and the back before running the ropes, and hitting Ren in the back of the head with a Springboard European Uppercut.

"Alejandro nearly sent Ren's head falling out of his body with that move!" Beth exclaimed as Alejandro grabbed Ren, threw him into the corner, and hit him with a Running Corner Clothesline before hitting him with a Jumping Corner Enziguri to the side of the head. Ren then fell in a seated position in front of the bottom turnbuckle, the crowd booed as Alejandro ran the ropes, tagged Justin back into the match, and hit Ren in the side of the face with a Hesitation Dropkick. Justin then ran into the corner after Alejandro and hit a Running Knee Strike to the side of Ren's head before picking him back up to his feet and hitting him with a Sidewalk Slam Backbreaker before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Justin with a very nice Backbreaker onto Ren, and it looks like this could be the beginning of the end of the Huntsmen!" Nigel exclaimed as Justin grabbed both of Ren's legs and turned him over for the Boston Crab. The crowd began booing as Justin pulled back as much as he could while Ren grit his teeth, and shook his head in pain while trying to pull his stomach off of the mat. The crowd then began cheering as Ren was finally able to pull his chest off of the mat, and began crawling to the ropes. Justin attempted to pull Ren back to the center of the ring, but the crowd continued cheering as Ren shook his head and began crawling to the ropes even faster than before.

"Justin trying to make Ren tap out, but Ren is trying his hardest to make it to the ropes!" Beth exclaimed as the crowd began cheering even louder as Ren jumped into the ropes, the crowd cheered as Justin was forced to break the hold once Ren grabbed the middle rope with both of his hands. Justin looked frustrated as he hit a couple of Jumping Knees onto Ren's back before throwing him into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Justin put Ren on the top turnbuckle and hit him with several Knife-Edge Chops to the chest before climbing back up to the top turnbuckle with him. Justin attempted to put Ren in position for the Superplex, but the crowd cheered as Ren fought out of the Superplex, grabbed Justin's arm, and put him in a Hammerlock.

"Ren's got the arm! And with Justin on the top turnbuckle, he doesn't have an escape!" Beth exclaimed as Justin attempted to break the hold by punching Ren in the gut multiple times, but Ren responded by pulling apart a couple of Justin's fingers. Ren then let go of the Hammerlock and threw Justin off of the top rope with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. The crowd cheered as Ren started crawling to the rope while holding his back in pain, and before Justin could make it to his corner, Ren was able to tag in Jaune, the crowd cheering as he jumped into the ring, and hit Justin with two Running Forearm Smashes, a Running Hurricanrana, a Dropkick, and a Step-up Enziguri Kick.

"Jaune is finally back into the match, throwing Justin around with some nice kicks!" Nigel exclaimed as Jaune attempted to Irish whip Justin into the corner, but Justin was able to counter this by throwing Jaune into the corner. However, Jaune was able to counter an oncoming Justin with another Enziguri to the side of the head before jumping up to the top rope and hitting a staggering Justin with a Diving Tornado Flatliner. Alejandro attempted to run into the ring and take Jaune out, but he was able to throw Alejandro out of the ring and onto the floor. The crowd continued cheering as Jaune ran the ropes and knocked Alejandro into the commentary table with a hard Suicide Dive.

"Jaune flying all over the ring, taking out both Alejandro and Justin!" Nigel exclaimed as Jaune smashed Alejandro's face into the commentary table a couple of times before jumping back onto the apron. Justin attempted to push Jaune off of the apron, but Jaune countered with a Step-Up Enziguri to the side of Justin's head, sending him staggering away and allowing Jaune to hit a Slingshot Spear. The crowd continued cheering as Jaune attempted to lock in the Grimm Slayer (Johnny Gargano's Garga-No Escape), but they went back to booing as Justin rolled to the ropes. Jaune responded by letting go and stomping on Justin before attempting to pull him back up, though Justin was able to counter with a Jawbreaker.

"Justin was finally able to create some distance between himself and Jaune. Let's see how long this will last," Okabe explained as Justin ran the ropes, and rebounded off of them to hit a stunned Jaune with a Rebound Sitout Powerbomb before going for the pin.

Ref: 1…2..

Jaune barely kicked out, and Justin responded by picking him back up by the hair and attempting to put him in position for the Package Facebuster, but Jaune was able to land on his feet. Jaune attempted to land a Superkick, but Justin blocked the kick and hit Jaune with a harsh knee strike to the face. Justin then threw Jaune into the ropes, attempting to hit him with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, but Jaune was able to counter this by throwing Justin out of the ring with a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors. Jaune got the fans clapping along with him before running the ropes, and hitting Justin with a Vaulting Somersault Senton, much to the crowd's delight. However, Jaune walked right into a kick to the side of the head by Alejandro, the crowd booing as Alejandro picked Jaune up, and hit him with a Scoop Slam onto the steel ring apron.

"Alejandro finally breaking Justin and Jaune's even battle, sending Jaune's back crashing into the steel of the ring post!" Nigel exclaimed as Alejandro pushed Jaune back into the ring, and springboarded back into the ring with a Springboard Middle Rope Corkscrew Moonsault before Justin came back into the ring, vaulting over the top rope with a Vaulting Splash before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

Justin picked Jaune back up and hit him with several punches to the side of the head before running the ropes, and once again attempted the Rebound Sit-Out Powerbomb again, but the crowd cheered as Jaune tried to fight back with multiple punches to the side of the head. However, Justin was able to stop Jaune with a Stun Gun into the top rope before tagging Alejandro back into the match, the crowd booing as Justin grabbed Jaune and picked him up in an Electric Chair position. Alejandro climbed up to the top rope, and the two handsome men hit Jaune with a Diving Cannonball/Electric Chair Drop combination before Alejandro went for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd exploded into cheers as Ren dived off of the top rope with a Diving Knee Drop to the back.

"And thanks to Ren, the Huntsmen's dream of heading to StarShow is still alive!" Beth exclaimed as Justin attempted to knock Ren down with a Clothesline, but Ren was able to counter this Clothesline into a Float Over DDT before throwing him out of the ring. The crowd continued cheering as Ren got onto the apron, and ran off the apron to hit Justin in the chest with a Diving Knee Strike. The crowd continued cheering as Ren grabbed Justin's arm, and locked him in the Jujigatame on the outside, Justin screaming in pain as he tried to pull himself free of Ren's signature armbar.

"Ren's got Justin's arm trapped on the outside! Excellent strategy as that leaves Alejandro alone with Jaune!" Okabe exclaimed as Jaune and Alejandro began exchanging punches while on their knees, the crowd booing and cheering accordingly. Alejandro hit Jaune with multiple kicks to both legs before attempting to hit him with a Jumping Spin Kick, but Jaune was able to duck and hit Alejandro with a Reverse Hurricanrana. The crowd continued cheering as on the outside, Ren hit Justin with a Falcon Arrow onto the top of the steel steps before jumping back up to the apron. Jaune then picked Alejandro up in a Vertical Suplex position, backed intro his corner, and allowed Ren to tag himself in. The crowd cheered loudly as Jaune and Ren hit Alejandro with the Warriors Way (Roundhouse Kick by Ren into a Brainbuster by Jaune) before Jaune went for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Ladies and gentlemen, Alejandro Burromuerto and Justin Reeves have been eliminated! Therefore, here are your winners, and the final participants in the Fatal-4-Way #1 contenders match at StarShow, Jaune Arc and Lie Ren, the Huntsmen!" Mary Hughes announced as the referee raised Ren and Jaune's arms in the air, the crowd continued cheering as Nora Valkyrie, who was wearing a neck-brace from Sherry Blendy's attack on her last week, came running out with a smile on her face while applauding her boyfriend and one of her best friends respectively.

"Talk about a successful debut! Ren and Jaune are heading to StarShow with a BTWF World Tag Team Championship opportunity on the line!" Nigel exclaimed as Ren held the ropes open for Nora to come in. Nora responded by jumping into Ren's arms, allowing Ren to spin her around in a hug while Jaune jumped up to the top rope, and pointed at all the cheering fans before pointing at the StarShow sign hanging above the commentary table. Nora and Ren shared a kiss in the middle of the ring before Ren put Nora down, allowing the two to raise each other's arms up.

"Nora may still be recovering from the brutal attack Sherry, but that doesn't mean she's not gonna celebrate this big victory with her boys!" Beth exclaimed excitedly as on the outside, Justin dragged Alejandro out of the ring and checked on his face. Justin gave Alejandro a thumbs-up, telling him that he was still handsome. Alejandro blew a sigh of relief before telling Justin that he was still handsome too, and that this wasn't going to be the end of their climb to the top. Justin agreed before patting Alejandro on the back and giving the still-celebrating Huntsmen and Nora a glare.

"Alejandro and Justin don't have anything to be ashamed of here, as they could've had this match won several times, and their time will come," Okabe explained as the camera panned away from the ring while The Huntsmen and Nora left the ring while continuing to celebrate. The camera then focused on the backstage interview area, with Todd Grisham standing next to Valentino Calavera, who had a focused look on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with Valentino Calavera, who at StarShow is going to have a match against Manny Rivera. Tonight, however, you're going to have a match with the Hollywood Hooligan. What are your thoughts heading not only into this match but your first ever StarShow match?" Todd asked as Valentino cracked his knuckles before moving the microphone closer to his mouth.

"The Hollywood Hooligan reminds me a lot of Manny; a small, loud-mouthed, and admittedly talented guy that is so detestable that you want to punch them in the face. Another thing he has in common with Manny; Hooligan has some shrill-voiced woman who thinks she's more than she actually is and will annoy everyone else to death until you simply agree. Tonight, I'm going to practice what I do to Manny at StarShow by beating Hooligan tonight. And if Rachel or Manny decide to stick their nose in my business, then I'll…!" Valentino responded before he stopped, noticing that 'the One and Only' Manny Rivera, El Oso, and Rachel Light walked up to him, with Rachel having a wide smirk on her face.

"You're going to do what, Valentino? If these past couple of months have proven anything, it's that you're nothing but some flash in the pan. StarShow is going to confirm that when Manny beats you right in the middle of the ring and that little girlfriend of yours is going to realize that you're just as big a loser as she is!" Rachel exclaimed, poking Valentino's chest multiple times before he grabbed her hand and pushed it away.

"Oh, that's not going to happen! If you think I've forgotten about what you and Manny did to Frida, then you're wrong. I'm going to pay you back for what you did to Frida ten times over and make you regret the moment you chose to have that scumbag as your manager, SuperNova be damned!" Valentino exclaimed, with Manny responding by walking up to him to get in between him and Rachel. Valentino responded by pie-facing Manny, sending him tripping up, and Manny responded by slapping Valentino in the face and pushing him into the wall.

"¡No vuelvas a faltarme el respeto, pequeña perra!"Manny yelled in Spanish as he and Valentino began pushing and smacking each other around. Several referees and even Nico rushed to the two to break up the brawl. Rachel yelled out and pulled Manny away from the brawl, ranting and screaming at Valentino as Nico pulled him away from Rachel and Manny, allowing the two to leave without much damage done to each other. The camera then panned to the ring, where BTWF Champion Natsu Dragneel and #1 contender Denki Kaminari, who was accompanied by Tim Scam, were sitting on opposite sides of a long table, with a match contract in the middle of the ring. Arthur Morgan was standing next to the table between Natsu and Kaminari, who did nothing but glare at each other before Arthur began speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in only a couple of weeks is BTWF StarShow, one of the biggest PPVs in the Fanfiction Wrestling Multiverse. In the main event of Night 1, two-time BTWF Champion 'Indestructible' Natsu Dragneel will defend the BTWF Championship against Denki Kaminari, who powered through to become the runner-up in the Battle Riot, and was able to outlast five of the top prospects in the BTWF inside the Elimination Chamber," Arthur explained before Kaminari picked up the microphone in front of him and looked right up at Arthur before he began speaking.

"I don't really need the unnecessary dickriding, Arthur, but thanks anyway. We all know why we're here, and that's to make my championship match official. It's taken a long time, but I'm finally getting what I deserve on the biggest stage possible," Kaminari gloated, the crowd booing as Arthur glared at him for the disrespect.

"Now Natsu, don't get me wrong, you are an incredible talent. There's a reason you're considered one of the best to lace up a pair of boots. But the problem is that you're not as hungry as I am for the BTWF Championship. You've already been a two-time champion, and you've had some of the biggest and most promoted matches in the last year of BTWF. Me? I had to carry that rock-for-brains KIRISHIMA in our tag team before I finally cut the dead weight loose. I've been working my ass off to get to the top of the card, and at StarShow, all that hard work is going to pay off when I stand over you while holding the BTWF Championship over my head!" Kaminari exclaimed, the crowd booing as Natsu responded by rolling his eyes before picking up his microphone.

"First of all, I think KIRISHIMA, you know the guy who was actually winning a majority of the matches while you two were a team was doing the real heavy-lifting," Natsu quipped, the crowd cheering as Kaminari's grip on the microphone hardened, not appreciating the disrespect.

"Secondly, I'm not going to deny that you have been working hard for this match. I've seen your matches with Shoto Todoroki, Death the Kid, KIRISHIMA, and others, and you earned this chance at StarShow. But here's one thing that I can't stand about you; you've been acting like nothing but a whiny brat about this whole thing," Natsu explained, the crowd's cheers growing louder as Kaminari almost slammed his microphone to the ground before yelling at Natsu, who didn't register the anger before continuing to talk.

"I mean, you beat up your tag partner because YOU lost in 30 seconds. You threw Mordecai off of the top of a steel cage and onto the floor because you were mad you weren't in the title match, and he's still recovering from his back injury. Even your friends have been saying that you changed into a monster in your pursuit of becoming the BTWF Champion. I get that too, because I've seen this championship bring out the worst in people, myself included. But that doesn't mean you don't deserve a good ass-kicking you what you did," Natsu explained, the crowd cheering and chanting 'f*ck him up, Natsu!' as Arthur nodded in agreement. Kaminari looked as though he was going to speak, but Scam patted him on the shoulder, took the microphone from him, and walked over to Natsu, leaning in front of him.

"Let me ask you something, Natsu; do you know what it's like when people doubt you? Not just doubt you, flat out don't believe in you to the point where you even lose confidence in yourself? It's happened to me and it's happened to Kaminari. I'm a former BTWF International and Tag Team Champion, but what I wanted more than anything was the BTWF Championship. I've had it so close to my grasp that I could taste it," Scam explained, shaking slightly at the memories of his first BTWF Championship match against All Might.

"But nobody believed I could do it. They kept telling me that All Might was better than me and that I wasn't even worthy of sharing the ring with All Might. I've seen people say the same thing about Kaminari. I remember the day I decided to manage Kaminari; I remember people yelling in his ear during a live event that he couldn't do it. He couldn't become the BTWF Champion. He couldn't become the star that I know and that you know that Kaminari was destined to be. After I heard that, I KNEW that I had to help him become the BTWF Champion. I never was the BTWF Champion and my time in the ring is over, but that doesn't mean I won't do whatever I can to make sure Kaminari gets what he deserves!" Scam exclaimed, causing Natsu to stand up with the BTWF Championship in his hand.

"You can keep this sob-story crap up all you want, but Kaminari's nothing but a piece of trash! He may be the future in your eyes, but the future can change in the blink of an eye! And at StarShow, the future is going to be this; me retaining my BTWF Championship again and you being knocked off your little mountain and heading to the back of the line!" Natsu exclaimed before grabbing the contract and the pen, signing the contract, throwing it back onto the table, and lifting the BTWF Championship in the air, the crowd cheering as Kaminari also stood up, grabbing the microphone back from Scam.

"You've got it all wrong, Natsu. That's the future everyone wants to happen. The future that everyone believes is going to happen. These people, just like you, don't want to believe that the Absolute Zero is going to walk out of StarShow the BTWF Champion. But I am going to prove you and the rest of these people wrong when I leave Las Vegas with the BTWF Championship slung over my shoulder, and you a bloody heap in the middle of the ring!" Kaminari exclaimed before grabbing the contract and a pen of his own, and signing the contract, sliding it back to the center of the table.

"In fact, let me give you a little preview of what it's going to be like at StarShow!" Kaminari exclaimed before dropping the microphone and hitting Natsu with multiple punches to the side of the face, but when he attempted to jump over the table to tackle Natsu, he countered with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex before mounting Kaminari and hitting him with multiple punches to the side of the head. Scam attempted to pull Natsu off of Kaminari, but the crowd cheered louder as Natsu hit Kaminari with a kick to the side of the head hard enough to send him staggering out of the ring and onto the apron.

"We should've known this was going to happen, but we have the main event of StarShow Night 1 signed and official!" Nigel exclaimed as Natsu and Kaminari continued brawling before Natsu knocked Kaminari onto the table with a Spinning Roundhouse to the side of the head. The crowd continued cheering as Natsu punched Kaminari in the side of the head a couple of times before climbing up to the top rope. The crowd continued cheering loudly as Natsu balanced himself on the top rope to prepare for the Five Star Dragon Splash (Five Star Frog Splash). However, Scam grabbed one of Natsu's legs, sending Natsu crashing onto the top turnbuckle crotch first, the crowd booing as Kaminari staggered off of the table and glared at a dazed Natsu.

"And thanks to Scam, Kaminari was saved from going through the table!" Beth exclaimed as Kaminari ran into the corner, and hit Natsu in the side of the head with a Running Knee Strike. Kaminari hit several more Running Knee Strikes to Natsu's head before putting him back onto the top turnbuckle and climbing up to the middle rope with him. The crowd continued booing as Kaminari smirked at the booing crowd before putting Natsu in position for the Air Raid Crash, and sent him crashing through the table with a Top Rope Air Raid Crash.

"And Kaminari once again sends a message to Natsu that says he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure he becomes BTWF Champion at StarShow! Could we see the improbable at StarShow, and Kaminari walking out with the BTWF Championship!?" Okabe asked as the crowd continued booing when Kaminari picked Natsu up and hit him with the AfterShock DDT (Future Shock DDT) that sent his head bouncing off the broken pieces of the table. Before Kaminari could continue the attack, Arthur grabbed Kaminari in a Waistlock, and threw him back, the crowd cheering as Kaminari shot back up to his feet, and looked as though he was going to fight Arthur, but the crowd booed as Kaminari slid out of the ring with Scam following close behind him.

"Kaminari might want to be careful, or Natsu may make sure that he doesn't even make it to StarShow!" Nigel exclaimed. Multiple medical personnel came into the ring to check on Natsu, who was bleeding from the top of the head and was unconscious. Kaminari yelled at Natsu that he was going to be the next BTWF Champion and that he was going to knock him off his perch. The camera then panned to a commercial break as the medical personnel picked Natsu up and helped him out of the ring to get him to the trainer's room.

*Commercial Break*

*Commercial Over*

The camera panned to the backstage area, where Hana Uzaki was standing next to Courtney Flores, who had a confident smile on her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with the BTWF's resident lawyer, Courtney Flores. Courtney, you requested time to speak about what we saw during the BTWF Championship match contract signing," Hana explained, putting the microphone in front of Courtney's mouth. Courtney patted her steel briefcase before looking right into the camera with a toothy grin on her face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Uzaki. What happened to Natsu Dragneel was an absolute disgrace. No wrestler should have to be worried about getting attacked for simply coming to work. Seeing the blood trickle down Mr. Dragneel's face reminded me of the days I spent on Total Drama Island when I had to worry for my safety daily. So Mr. Dragneel, don't worry. I'll come and see you soon so we can discuss a potential lawsuit against Kaminari and Scam," Courtney explained, not dropping her smile for a second. However, before she could continue, Courtney looked to her side and noticed Nora Valkyrie coming up to her.

"Really!? You saw Kaminari and Scam double-teaming on Natsu, and you're main concern is some lawsuit!? Do you not have a heart at all!?" Nora asked, with Courtney looking at the athletic tape all over the back of Nora's neck, and smirking at her before putting the microphone back underneath her mouth.

"I understand you're a little…slow, Nora, so let me explain this in a way you can understand; this is all about safety. Imagine if every wrestler had to worry about some freak like Sherry injuring their necks like she did yours. That's why I'm here; to bring law and order to this lawless and orderless brand, and that starts with making sure wrestlers don't go around doing whatever they want willy-nilly," Courtney explained with an air of arrogance surrounding her. Nora rolled her eyes while cricking her ailing neck while Courtney patted the front of her briefcase.

"If you think anyone's buying this little caring act, Courtney, then you must be dumber than you look. Yeah, I may be hurt right now, but that's the price you pay for being a pro wrestler. And once I am fully healed, I'm going to remind you of that," Nora responded. Courtney glared at Nora for a second before beginning to chuckle. After a moment of chuckling, Courtney's smirk turned into a glare accompanied by a frown before she slapped Nora hard in the face, the pain in her neck, causing her to fall to her knees while gripping her neck in pain.

"I have a degree from Harvard University to practice law, and I'm not going to take any disrespect from the lights of you! So when you're ready, you better be prepared for a wrestling education!" Courtney exclaimed, straightening her skirt while stomping away with a huff. Nora staggered back to her feet, glaring at Courtney's disappearing frame before walking away from the interview area, ignoring Hana Uzaki as the camera panned back to the stage, where the lights in the arena went down, the crowd booing as a row of fire appeared on the stage. 'Knives' by Bullet for My Valentine played, the crowd continuing to boo as Ultear and Tomoko came out through the flames with Medusa following them.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, representing the Sisterhood of Darkness, accompanied to the ring by one-half of the BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions Tomoko Kuroki and Medusa Gorgon, now residing in the Rift in Space and Time, she is the other half of the BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions, Ultear Milkovich!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd continued booing as Ultear, halfway down the aisle, fell onto all fours and began crawling to the ringside area. Tomoko and Medusa followed after her, with Medusa holding both Ultear and Tomoko's Women's Tag Team Championship belts.

"At StarShow, the Sisterhood of Darkness will be in two title matches! Along with Sherry Blendy defending her BTWF World Women's Championship in a Fatal-4-Way match, Ultear and Tomoko will defend the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships against Ochako Uraraka and Zoey Hanson of Zero Gravity!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear stopped at the ringside area with Tomoko patting her on the back before spitting out blood into the air, the crowd continuing to boo as Ultear stuck her tongue out to get some of those blood drops on her tongue.

"Sherry Blendy already won her title match in the opening match of this episode of Octane, so it's going to be up to the Women's Tag Team Champions to try and maintain the Sisterhood's momentum," Okabe responded as Medusa raised the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships over her head, and over Tomoko and Ultear's heads, the crowd booing as Medusa demanded that Ultear get in the ring for her match. Ultear sprung back up to her feet, and slid into the ring from underneath the bottom rope, crawling to the center of the ring before crawling over to the ropes. Ultear bit the middle rope while staring at the camera with wide and crazy eyes while Tomoko and Medusa stayed at ringside, with Medusa showing off the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships to the fans once again, much to their chagrin.

"Ultear and Tomoko, like the rest of the Sisterhood, have made enemies of the entire locker room. I'd be shocked if they left this arena with another win," Beth admitted as Io Shirai's 'Genius of the Sky' theme song played, the crowd cheering as Ochako backflipped out of the back and onto the center of the stage. The crowd continued cheering as Zoey came out of the back, lifting one finger in the air while telling the fans that Zero Gravity were here. Ochako and Zoey then high-fived each other before running off the stage, and jumping in the middle of the aisle way, causing several bouts of pyro to go off.

"And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by Zoey Hanson and representing Zero Gravity, from Musutafu Japan, she is 'the Genius of the Sky' Ochako Uraraka!" Mary Hughes announced as Ochako and Zoey high-fived fans on their way to the ring while Medusa glared at the two members of Zero Gravity. However, Ochako and Zoey ignored her and continued high-fiving fans in the front row before stopping right at the ringside area. Ochako then ran into the ring by vaulting from the floor and over the top rope, running to the other side of the ring, jumping to the middle rope, and backflipping to the center of the ring.

"Ochako dived off the top of a steel cage earlier tonight, but you wouldn't know it given the flips she's doing in the ring!" Nigel exclaimed as Ochako ran into the corner, and pointed to the sky while then pointing to the camera, telling the fans at home that Zero Gravity was only going to go up. Ultear continued staring a hole through Ochako before she once again backflipped back to the center of the ring before taking off her helmet, sliding it into the corner, and telling Ultear to come to the center of the ring for a face-off.

"Ochako's certainly a confident woman, but confidence can only get a woman so far, especially when she could still have lingering effects of that cage dive earlier," Okabe responded before Ultear responded by crawling over to Ochako, and pulling herself back up to her feet. The referee checked both women to see if they were ready and told the timekeeper to ring the bell when she was satisfied that both women were ready. Ochako attempted to lock up with Ultear, but the crowd booed as Ultear immediately responded with a couple of knee strikes to the gut before clubbing Ochako in the back and the back of the neck.

"Ultear getting the first strikes in this match, clubbing the exposed back of the Genius of the Sky!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear locked Ochako in a Front Facelock, and attempted to spin her around, but the crowd cheered as Ochako was able to counter this by hitting a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors that sent Ultear flying across the ring. The crowd continued cheering as Ochako hit several kicks to both of Ultear's legs, but Ultear was able to level Ochako with a Knife-Edge Uppercut to the throat. The crowd continued booing as Ultear grabbed Ochako by the hair, and attempted to throw her into the corner, but Ochako was able to jump onto the middle turnbuckle and send a running Ultear staggering away with a Back Kick to the chin.

"Ochako hitting a hard kick to Ultear's chin! She could've knocked the jaw clean off of Ultear's face with that one!" Beth exclaimed as Ochako jumped off the middle rope, hitting Ultear with a Diving Discus Back Elbow before running the ropes, and hitting a Jumping Double Foot Stomp to the back of Ultear's neck. Ochako held her ribs before climbing up to the top rope, attempting to quickly finish the match with her Meteor Storm (Moonstomp), but Ultear was able to move out of the way. Ochako landed on her feet, but the crowd booed as Ultear knocked Ochako back down with a Jumping Dropkick to the side of the head. The crowd continued booing as Ultear lifted Ochako up in position for a Vertical Suplex, and smirked at the booing crowd before dropping her into a Knife-Edge Uppercut.

"Oh! An Uppercut right to the throat, suddenly stopping her long fall!" Beth exclaimed with a wince as Ultear picked Ochako up, and locked her in a Front Facelock. However, the crowd cheered as Ochako was able to quickly push Ultear into the corner, attempting to hit her with multiple Corner Shoulder Thrusts. Ultear countered by hitting Ochako with a Knee Lift to the side of the head, but when Ultear jumped onto the middle rope, Ochako knocked her off of the middle rope with an Enziguri kick to the side of the head. Ochako then sent Ultear back down onto the floor with a Wheelbarrow before transitioning into another Jumping Double Foot Stomp to the chest and going for the first pinfall of the match.

Ref: 1…

"Ultear kicking out at one, but that stomp must've knocked the wind out of her, as she's moving away from her opponent," Okabe noted as Ochako picked Ultear up, hitting her with a couple of punches to the side of the head before attempting to pick her up for a Snap German Suplex, but the crowd booed as Ultear was able to counter with several Back Elbows. Ultear put Ochako in a Waistlock of her own, attempting to hit a German Suplex of her own, but Ochako was able to land on her feet behind Ultear. The crowd cheered as when Ultear turned around, Ochako hit her with several Knife-Edge Uppercuts to the chin before sending her staggering into the ropes with a Kick to the side of the head.

"You don't normally associate Ochako with hard and proficient strikes, but the Gunhead Dojo is no joke!" Nigel exclaimed as Ochako ran the ropes, and hit a Handspring Back Elbow onto Ultear, sending her falling through the ropes and onto the apron. Ochako then ran the ropes, attempting to vault over the top rope to hit Ultear with an Apron Hurricanrana. However, the crowd booed as Ultear caught Ochako in mid-air, and attempted to hit her with a Powerbomb from the apron. Ochako punched Ultear in the side of the head several times before landing the apron feet first, hitting Ultear with a couple of Knife-Edge Chops to the chest.

"Ochako saving herself from possibly being killed at the hands of the Sisterhood!" Beth exclaimed as Ultear grabbed Ochako by the hair, and attempted to throw her into the steel ring post. However, Ochako was able to use the steel ring post as a pole, landing on the other side of the apron. While Ultear was trying to catch her breath, Ochako ran onto the apron, and once again used the post as a pole to hit Ultear in the face with a Tiger Feint Kick before grabbing a hold of Ultear's head with her legs, and hitting her with a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors from the apron, sending them both crashing onto the floor. The crowd continued cheering as Ochako got back onto her feet and kicked Ultear in the gut a couple of times before climbing back up the apron.

"Ochako sending Ultear crashing onto the floor! But it looks like she's got a lot more coming up!" Beth exclaimed as Ochako climbed back up to the top rope, waiting for Ultear to get back to her feet. When she did, Ochako dived off of the top rope, hitting Ultear with a Diving Moonsault Plancha, the crowd continuing to cheer as Zoey applauded her partner from the other side of the ring. Ochako then grabbed Ultear and smashed her head several times into the steel ring apron before putting her in a Front Facelock, attempting to hit her with a Tornado DDT on the outside. However, Ultear was able to throw Ochako off of her, and when she tried to run back at Ultear, she hit Ochako with a Spinning Side Slam that sent her back crashing onto the steel ring apron.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Oh Good Lord! Ultear able to send Ochako crashing into the steel with that Swinging Side Slam!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear threw her off of the ring apron, and began clubbing her back multiple times. The crowd continued booing as Ultear picked Ochako up and threw her into the fan barricade with a Fallaway Slam while Zoey was trying to cheer her partner back on. While Ochako was writhing in agony on the floor, Medusa and Tomoko walked over to Zoey, who looked ready for a fight, but the referee became distracted, telling all three women to stay away from each other. While the referee was distracted, Ultear grabbed one of the cords from one of the cameras, began strangling Ochako with it, and didn't let go until the referee began turning back around.

Ref: …4…5…6

"Despite their unusual tendencies, the Sisterhood are exhibiting some great strategy, using their numbers advantage to not only keep Zoey away from Ultear, but also allow Ultear to use a nearby foreign object to her advantage," Okabe explained as Ultear grabbed Ochako by the hair, and threw her back into the ring before jumping up onto the apron and hitting Ochako's chest with a Slingshot Senton. Ochako pulled herself back up to her feet while holding her chest in pain, with Ultear responding by running the ropes and hitting Ochako in the side of the head with a Big Boot.

"Ultear almost knocked Ochako's head off with that Big Boot!" Beth exclaimed as Ultear picked Ochako back up, and hit her with several European Uppercuts to the chin before throwing her into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Ultear stuck her tongue out at a dazed Ochako, and ran after her in the corner, hitting her with a Running Corner Back Elbow to the side of the head. Ultear continued the attack in the corner by hitting Ochako with multiple punches to the side of the head before choking her with her foot, the crowd booing louder as the referee had to pull Ultear out of the corner.

"Ochako coughing and trying to get air back in her system! She's probably still feeling the effects of getting choked by the cord on the outside!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear hit Ochako with a hard Knife-Edge Uppercut to the side of the head, sending her staggering out of the corner. Ultear then ran the ropes and hit a Standing Dropkick to the side of the head. The crowd continued booing as Ultear hit a Jumping Leg Drop across Ochako's throat, but while Ochako continued coughing on the ground, Ultear ran the ropes, and hit several Sliding Leg Drops across Ochako's throat before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2

"Ultear has made it clear what her strategy is; target the throat and make sure Ochako doesn't have enough oxygen in her system to continue this match," Okabe explained as Ultear picked Ochako up, and hit her with a couple of Back Elbows to the side of the head before hitting her with a Reverse Atomic Drop. Ultear playfully patted Ochako on the side of the head before hitting her in the face with a Superkick hard enough to send her staggering into the ropes. When Ochako rebounded, Ultear knocked her down with a Flapjack before running the ropes and hitting a Basem*nt Discus Forearm to the side of the head.

"Ultear not only targeting the neck, but the head as well, and this could also harm Ochako's equilibrium. And for a high-flyer like Ochako Uraraka, this could spell disaster for her," Nigel responded in agreement before Ultear picked Ochako by up by the hair, though the crowd cheered as Ochako hit multiple punches to the side of Ultear's midsection before attempting to hit her with a punch to the side of the head, but Ultear was able to duck, hit Ochako with a Standard Atomic Drop, and hit her with a Back Suplex. Ultear then rolled back to her feet, picked Ochako back up, and hit her with a Falcon Arrow before pulling both her legs back for a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2.

"A kick out at 2, but the look in Ochako's eyes look like the lights are on, but nobody's home!" Beth exclaimed as Ultear put Ochako in a seated position, and hit her with a couple of hard punches to the side of the head before running the ropes, and hitting her with another Big Boot to the face. The crowd continued booing as Ultear hit a Jumping Knee Drop across Ochako's head, sending her rolling towards the ropes. Ultear responded by picking Ochako up, leaning her in the ropes, and hitting her with several Knife-Edge Chops to the chest before throwing her into the ropes again. However, the crowd cheered as Ochako ducked Ultear's third attempt at a Big Boot, ran the ropes again, and attempted to hit Ultear with a Hurricanrana. However, the crowd booed as Ultear was able to catch Ochako mid-Hurricanrana, bounce him off the top rope, and hit Ochako with a Spinning Powerbomb before going for another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

"Very nice Powerbomb by Ultear, almost sending Ochako bouncing off the ring!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear looked annoyed at the kickout, with Medusa yelling at Ultear to continue damaging Ochako. Ultear responded by turning Ochako on her stomach, mounting her back, and hitting her with multiple Crossface shots to the face and chin before locking her in a Camel Clutch. The crowd continued booing as Ultear began fish-hooking both sides of Ochako's mouth, pulling at her mouth and teeth while keeping her stuck in the Camel Clutch. The referee told Ultear to take her fingers out of Ochako's mouth, and she responded by doing so, though she hit Ochako with a couple of Headbutts to the side of the head.

"Ochako is trapped in the Camel Clutch! Can she fight out of it or will she tap out before her Women's Tag Title match at StarShow!?" Beth asked as Ochako grabbed one of Ultear's hands, and bit down on it as hard as she could. The crowd cheered as Ultear's grip on the Camel Clutch loosened, allowing Ochako to slide out of the hold, and kick Ultear in the chest and sides. Ultear attempted to counter with a Superkick, but Ochako hit a Low Dropkick to the back of Ultear's leg, sending her staggering away. The crowd continued cheering as Ultear attempted to swat at Ochako when she followed her into the corner, but Ochako was able to hit Ultear with a couple of kicks to the chest before hitting her with a Jumping Spin Kick to the face.

"Ultear beginning to come back into this match thanks to some hard kicks!" Nigel exclaimed as Ochako ran the ropes, and hit another Handspring Back Elbow to the side of Ultear's head. When Ultear staggered out of the corner, Ochako continued the offense by running the ropes and hitting Ultear with several Clotheslines, a Calf Kick, and a Jumping Palm Strike to the jaw before running the ropes and hitting Ultear with a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT. Ochako then jumped up to the top turnbuckle and hit Ultear in the chest with a Missile Dropkick with enough force to send her back into the corner. Ochako then attempted to hit a Running Corner Clothesline, but Ultear was able to duck, hit her with a couple of Back Elbows to the side of the head, and attempted to hit a Running Corner Clothesline of her own, but Ochako was able to counter with a Pendulum Kick to the side of the head.

"Ochako using her speed advantage in this match, but with how much she's breathing in between moves, she may want to pace herself," Okabe warned as Ochako jumped up to the top turnbuckle, and hit Ultear with a Diving Hurricanrana that sent her crashing to the outside. Medusa and Tomoko went over to check on Ultear. However, the crowd continued cheering as Ochako ran the ropes, and hit all three members of the Sisterhood with a Suicide Dive. Ultear then mounted Ultear and hit her with multiple punches to the side of the head before throwing her back into the ring. Ochako then jumped onto the apron, and springboarded back into the ring, hitting Ultear with a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault from the apron and back into the ring before going for a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"I don't know how many rotations that was, but that looked fantastic! I'm shocked that Ultear even kicked out!" Beth exclaimed as Ochako grabbed Ultear, and attempted to put her on her shoulders with a Fireman's Carry. However, Ultear responded by fish-hooking Ochako's mouth and nose, allowing herself to slip out of her grasp, and hit Ochako with a Wheelbarrow Facebuster. The crowd continued booing as Ultear held her sides in pain before picking Ochako up by the hair and throwing her into the corner before putting her on the top turnbuckle. Ultear then followed Ochako up to the top turnbuckle and hit her with a couple of punches to the side of the head, which Ochako countered with a couple of Palm Strikes to the face, sending Ultear staggering back to the canvas. However, as Ochako attempted to balance herself on the top turnbuckle, Ultear regained her bearings, jumped back up to the top turnbuckle, and threw Ochako off of the top turnbuckle with a Top Rope Frankensteiner.

"Woah! Ultear showing us that she can match Ochako when it comes to unfathomable feats of athleticism!" Okabe exclaimed as Ultear jumped back up to the top rope, hitting Ochako with a Diving Moonsault before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

Ultear looked shocked that Ochako was barely able to roll her shoulder off of the mat, and she responded by picking Ochako up and throwing her halfway across the ring with a Half-Nelson Suplex before going into the corner. Ultear mimicked shooting a dazed and downed Ochako with an arrow, preparing to hit her with the Time Warp (Discus Clothesline). However, when Ultear attempted to hit Ochako with the move, Ochako was able to counter by hitting Ultear with a Standing Spanish Fly. The crowd continued cheering as Ochako picked Ultear back up and hit her with a Spinning Brainbuster before putting her in a seated position, running the ropes, and hitting Ultear with a Sliding Basem*nt Dropkick to the side of the face.

"Ochako taking Ultear down with a series of moves of her own, ending with a hard kick to the side of the head!" Nigel exclaimed as Ochako picked Ultear up, and attempted to hit her with a Butterfly Backbreaker, but Ultear was able to slide out of Ochako's grasp, hit her in the side of the head with a Superkick, and attempted to hit her with a Michinoku Driver. However, the crowd cheered as Ochako was able to counter mid-Michinoku Driver and send Ultear's throat draping over the middle rope with a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors. Ochako then ran the ropes and attempted to hit Ultear with a Tiger Feint Kick, but Ultear was able to grab Ochako's legs, throw her back onto the apron, and attempt to hit her with the Time Warp (Discus Clothesline) onto the apron, but Ochako countered with a Pump Kick to the shoulder before kicking her in the side of the head, sending her staggering away from the ropes.

"Ochako just planted another hard kick to the side of Ultear's head!" Beth exclaimed as Ochako springboarded back into the ring, hitting a Slingshot Rolling Thunder Facebuster. The crowd continued cheering as Ochako climbed back up to the top rope, attempting to hit the Meteor Storm (Moonstomp) once again. However, Ultear was barely able to roll out of the way, and when Ochako rolled back to her feet and attempted to hit Ultear with a Springboard Crossbody, Ultear countered it by grabbing Ochako in mid-air and hitting her with a Michinoku Driver before pulling both her legs back and going for a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Ultear looks furious that Ochako barely rolled her shoulder off the mat, and I'm shocked too! I thought that Michinoku Driver was it!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear picked Ochako up and hit him with several punches to the side of the head before attempting to hit her with another Superkick. However, Ochako was able to grab Ultear's foot and hit her with a Dragon Whip to the side of the head before hitting her with a Deadlift German Suplex, bridging into a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd booed as Tomoko, out of the referee's view, raked Ochako's eyes, causing her to fall off of the pinfall to try and recover. Zoey responded by running over to Tomoko, and began brawling with her, the two trading punches in front of the commentary table. In the ring, Ochako stood back up to her feet and continued putting a hand over her eyes in pain, and this allowed Ultear to hit Ochako with a Throat Thrust. However, the crowd cheered as Ochako nailed Ultear with a Superkick while continuing to put a hand over her eye. Ochako ran the ropes, attempting to hit Ultear with the Gravity Plus (Tilt-a-Whirl Crossface).

"I don't understand how Ochako is doing this with her eyesight affected by Tomoko, who is still brawling with Zoey in front of us, but she could defeat Ultear with only one eye!" Okabe exclaimed as Ultear was able to hold onto Ochako mid-Tilt-a-Whirl, and responded by throwing her in the air, the crowd booing as while Ochako was falling, Ultear hit her with the Time Warp (Discus Clothesline) mid-fall before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here is your winner, representing the Sisterhood of Darkness, she is one-half of the BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions, Ultear Milkovich!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd continuing to boo as Ultear immediately noticed that Zoey had kicked Tomoko in the side of the head, sending her falling on top of the commentary table. Ultear responded by running through the ropes, hitting Zoey with a Suicide Dive that also sent her crashing onto the announcers' table. The crowd continued booing as Ultear grabbed Zoey by one of her ponytails, and hit her with multiple punches to the side and the back of the head as Tomoko began staggering back to her feet.

"The Sisterhood of Darkness aren't satisfied with just the victory! They want to make sure Ochako and Zoey realize what they are in for going against the Sisterhood!" Okabe exclaimed as Ultear started cranking on Zoey's neck, allowing Medusa to get some free kicks and slaps in on Zoey before Ultear put her in a Wheelbarrow position. Tomoko then ran to the steel steps, and back at Zoey, hitting her with a Knee Trembler before Ultear threw Zoey into the side of the commentary table by the side of her head. While Zoey was down, Ultear and Tomoko slid back into the ring where Ochako was struggling to get back to her feet.

"The Sisterhood almost sent Zoey's head crashing through our commentary table!" Nigel exclaimed as Ultear and Tomoko began stomping and punching on Ochako while Medusa grabbed the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships, raised them over her head to get the crowd booing even louder, and slid the championships back into the ring. Ultear then positioned Ochako on all fours, allowing Tomoko to hit Ochako in the side of the head with another Knee Trembler. Ultear and Tomoko then picked both BTWF Women's Tag Team Championship belts and raised the championships in the air as the lights began flickering red.

"The Sisterhood are monsters, but this could very well be what happens at StarShow! And boys, that is a scary thought," Beth explained as the camera panned to the Sisterhood's lair, where BTWF World Women's Champion Sherry Blendy and Xochi Melendez were standing and watching what had just transpired in the ring. Xochi nodded in approval with a smirk on her face, while Sherry stared at the screen while hugging the BTWF World Women's Championship close to her chest.

"Ultear and Tomoko are doing excellently. You should learn a thing or two from your fellow Sisters, Xochi," Sherry said, continuing to look at the screen. The comment caused Xochi to lean back against the chain link fence with both her hands in her jacket pockets.

"What's that supposed to mean, Sherry?" Xochi said, not looking at Sherry while she turned back around to look at Xochi.

"Recently, Xochi, you haven't been as…aggressive as I remember. Today, for instance, rather than go after Zero Gravity, you merely decided to pull me out of the cage. The Sisterhood's main goal is to give the BTWF Women's division a taste of the pain that we all went through," Sherry explained as Xochi sighed and nodded her head in understanding before rolling her eyes while Sherry was looking at the last moments of the previous tag team match, where Ultear and Tomoko left the ring with Medusa while raising the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championships in the air again.

"I don't see why that's a big deal. The rest of the Sisterhood can take care of themselves. I didn't join your group to become a babysitter, and I'm not going to be doing anyone's dirty work," Xochi explained, glaring down at Sherry, who responded with a glare of her own. Sherry then noticed that Xochi's glance was directed towards the BTWF World Women's Championship, and hugged the title even closer to her chest.

"You seem to have forgotten your place in the Sisterhood once again, Xochi. You do not make the decisions for the Sisterhood, Medusa and I do! And you WILL follow our orders!" Sherry exclaimed, poking Xochi's chest while keeping the BTWF World Women's Championship away from Xochi's line of sight. Xochi started breathing heavily while glowering down at Sherry, but after a moment, Xochi took a deep breath and calmed down, leaning back against the wall while Sherry nodded before picking her BTWF World Women's Championship back up.

"Thank you for understanding. Now next week, you WILL go one-on-one with Zoey Hanson, and you WILL destroy her. I do not want to see Zoey walk out of the arena next week, are we clear?" Sherry asked. Xochi looked like she was biting her lip, but rather than say anything, she simply nodded her head in understanding. Sherry smiled before patting Xochi on the shoulder as the camera panned back to the stage, the crowd booing as MNM's 'Paparazzi' theme song played as the red carpet rolled out onto the aisle. Several members of the paparazzi came ready to take pictures as Hooligan and Mandy came walking out of the back.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Mandy DeRoyale, now residing in Hollywood California, he is the Hollywood Hooligan!" Mary Hughes announced as the crowd continued booing while Hooligan and Mandy posed at the center of the stage while the paparazzi took several pictures. Hooligan and Mandy then grabbed each other, with Hooligan dipping Mandy down low, the crowd continuing to boo as Hooligan picked Mandy back up, and smirked at the booing crowd before letting go of Mandy.

"Hooligan is a participant in the BTWF Cruiserweight #1 contender gauntlet match at StarShow, and you have to expect that he's looking to get some much-needed momentum before heading into the Gauntlet match," Okabe explained as Hooligan walked to the ring with Mandy following him, telling multiple booing fans to talk to the hand while pointing at Hooligan and saying that he was going to make Valentino his bitch tonight. Hooligan laughed at the prospect as he stopped at the ringside area, and allowed Mandy to walk past him, climb up to the ring apron, get back on her feet, and create an opening in the ropes by pulling down the middle ropes while performing the splits.

"Finally! I feel like it's been a while since we've seen one of the best entrances in all of Fanfiction Wrestling!" Beth exclaimed as Hooligan rushed up to the steel steps, took off his fur jacket and sunglasses, and threw it down into the corner before going into the ring through the opening that Mandy created. Mandy then jumped down to the floor while Hooligan went into the corner, and sat on the top rope, talking trash to the booing fans while telling Valentino to come out so that he could put him in the same hospital as Frida. Just as he said that Dragon Lee's 'Catch Me In the Pit' theme song played, the crowd cheering as the lights in the arena turned orange and green while smoke billowed from the floor. Valentino appeared from the floor, walking through the smoke and even breathing smoke out from his mouth and nose.

"And his opponent, from Monte Macabre Mexico, Valentino Calavera!" Mary Hughes announced as Valentino looked up from the floor, and glared right at Hooligan. Valentino continued his walk to the ring, giving some of the fans in the front row some fist-bumps while continuing to focus on Hooligan. Valentino ran both his hands through his wet hair before stopping at the ringside area, glaring at Mandy as she yelled at him that he wasn't going to do anything against Hooligan and that Hooligan was just going to beat him again. Valentino didn't say anything in response before turning to the steel ring steps, climbing up those steps while taking off his ring jacket.

"I've never seen Valentino this focused in all the time I've seen him! Being humiliated by Rachel Light and having Frida sent to the hospital at the hands of Rachel's wrestlers of the SuperNova has completely changed his attitude!" Nigel exclaimed as Valentino jumped up to the top rope, put his head down, and then spit out the water in his mouth, the crowd cheering as the droplets fell from the sky while Valentino jumped down from the top rope. Hooligan looked on unimpressed, telling Valentino that he wasn't scared and that he was just going to win again.

"With his upcoming match against Manny Rivera at StarShow, he's going to need momentum and focus heading into that contest!" Okabe exclaimed as the referee made sure both competitors were ready before telling the timekeeper to ring the bell. Valentino and Hooligan locked up in the middle of the ring, with Hooligan trying to push Valentino into the ropes, but the crowd cheered as Valentino was able to push Hooligan onto the floor. Hooligan looked shocked that Valentino had easily overpowered him, but Hooligan responded by rolling back to his feet, and going back into the lockup with Valentino. However, the crowd cheered again as Valentino was able to biel Hooligan into the corner, but when he attempted to hit him in the corner, Hooligan was able to roll out of the corner, the crowd booing as Hooligan slapped Valentino in the side of the face.

"That…may have been a mistake on Hooligan's part," Beth warned as Valentino slapped Hooligan in the side of the face hard before throwing him back into the corner. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino hit Hooligan with multiple back elbows to the side of the head before running the ropes, and hitting Hooligan in the side of the head with a Discus Corner Forearm. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino hit multiple punches and forearms to the side of Hooligan's head before the referee pulled him out of the corner.

"Valentino needs to be careful that he doesn't get disqualified here! I know Hooligan isn't exactly the most likable guy, but that's not worth hampering your own momentum!" Nigel exclaimed as Hooligan kicked Valentino in the side of the knee a couple of times before attempting to throw him into the corner. However, the crowd cheered as Valentino pushed Hooligan off of him and attempted to hit him with a Clothesline, but Hooligan countered by ducking, hitting a Side Kick to Valentino's gut, kicking Valentino in the chest, and then kicked him in both legs before attempting to hit him with a Jumping Knee Strike. However, Valentino was able to duck and hit him with a Back Drop Driver, the crowd continuing to cheer as Hooligan quickly slid out of the ring, telling Valentino to back the hell off.

"Hooligan landing right on his neck thanks to that Back Drop Driver! Thankfully, he's not hurt, but he's taking a breather on the outside!" Nigel exclaimed as Valentino responded by running the ropes and diving through the ropes, hitting Hooligan in the face with a Suicide Forearm. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino grabbed Hooligan by the hair, and smashed his face onto the top of the commentary table several times before turning him around, leaning him against the commentary table, and hitting him with a Frying Pan Chop to the chest. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino hit Hooligan with multiple Knife-Edge Chops to the chest, and when Hooligan attempted to block one of those chops, Valentino used his other hand to hit him with a Palm Strike to the side of the head before hitting his chest with Machine Gun Knife-Edge Chops.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Valentino lighting up Hooligan's chest with so many chops that I'm having trouble keeping up!" Beth exclaimed as Valentino grabbed Hooligan by the hair, and threw him into the steel steps back first. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino began stomping on Hooligan's chest multiple times before backing away from the stairs. However, before he could do anything, the crowd booed as Mandy stomped over to Valentino and began arguing with him, distracting him from Hooligan staggering back to his feet. Hooligan then rolled back into the ring and hit a Baseball Slide Dropkick to the side of Valentino's face, sending him crashing into the commentary table arm first.

"Mandy showing why Hooligan constantly has her at ringside; nobody provides a distraction quite like her!" Okabe exclaimed as Hooligan started throwing wild punches to the side of Valentino's head and face before grabbing him by the chin, and yelling in his face that Valentino would never be better than him. However, when Hooligan attempted to throw Valentino into the steel ring post, Valentino countered the throw, sending Hooligan crashing into the post face and chest first. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino hit a couple of punches and forearms to the side of Hooligan's head, sending him staggering to the fan barricade before attempting to pick him up in a Military Press, which Mandy responded by pulling Hooligan off of Valentino's shoulder.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Mandy once again getting involved, saving Hooligan from being thrown into the fan barricade!" Nigel exclaimed as Valentino picked Mandy up, the crowd cheering as he put Mandy on the other side of the fan barricade next to the camera and sound people. Valentino then ran at Hooligan and hit him with a Running Crossbody, the crowd cheering as Valentino picked Hooligan back up in a Military Press, benched him up and down several times while looking directly at an irate Mandy, and dropped Hooligan down onto the top of the fan barricade throat first.

Ref: …4…5…6

"Valentino throwing Hooligan around like he was nothing but a paper doll!" Beth exclaimed as Valentino threw Hooligan back into the ring, and began climbing back into the ring, but the crowd booed as Mandy jumped over the fan barricade, and grabbed Valentino's leg while Hooligan was distracting the referee. Valentino was able to slip out of Mandy's grasp, but Hooligan was able to hit a Running Dropkick to the side of Valentino's knee, sending him falling down and his leg tied up into the ropes. The crowd booed as Hooligan stomped on Valentino's right knee until the referee pulled him off, and while the referee was distracted, Mandy took off one of her high heel shoes and hit Valentino in the knee a couple of times.

"Mandy helping make sure that Valentino has trouble getting up and even walking around!" Nigel exclaimed as Hooligan picked Valentino up, and hit him with a quick DDT before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2

Hooligan grabbed Valentino's right leg and smashed the side of it into the canvas several times before hitting a Basem*nt Dropkick to the back of Valentino's right knee. Valentino attempted to stand back up onto his feet, but the crowd booed as Hooligan stomped on his left foot, kicked him in the chest a couple of times, and ran the ropes for another Basem*nt Dropkick to the knee, sending Valentino down to one knee. Hooligan then ran the ropes and hit a Sliding Discus Basem*nt Forearm to the side of the head. The crowd continued booing as Valentino attempted to push Hooligan away from him, but he responded by kicking Valentino in the side of the head a couple of times.

"Hooligan showing all the other participants in the Cruiserweight Gauntlet match that he's not scared to lay in some hard strikes to get his point across!" Okabe exclaimed as Hooligan blew a sarcastic kiss to the booing crowd before hitting Valentino with a Standing Corkscrew Senton to the chest. Hooligan immediately went back to the leg, picking Valentino's leg up and kicking the back of the knee multiple times before Valentino tried to grab the bottom rope. The crowd continued booing as Hooligan smashed into the side of Valentino's right leg with a Jumping Stomp to the knee.

"Oh! I hope Valentino didn't get his knee broken from that stomp!" Beth exclaimed while wincing as Hooligan grabbed Valentino by the hair, and threw him face-first into the corner, sending Valentino's face crashing into the top turnbuckle. Hooligan then turned Valentino around and hit him with a couple of Knife-Edge Chops to the throat before running the ropes and hitting a Running Double Corner Knee Strike to the face and chest. The crowd continued booing as Hooligan hit Valentino with a Tornado DDT before hitting him with a Short-Arm Knee Strike while Valentino was in a kneeling position trying to get up, and going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2.

"Hooligan almost knocked Valentino unconscious with that knee strike, but Valentino is still in this match!" Okabe exclaimed as Hooligan stomped on Valentino's gut a couple of times before running the ropes and hitting a Jumping Double Foot Stomp to Valentino's chest. Hooligan then grabbed Valentino's face, turned him to one of the cameras, and told the fans at home that Valentino was a loser just like them before slapping him back down. Hooligan then grabbed Valentino's right leg and started dropping multiple elbows onto the side of the knee before putting the leg down and hitting a Jumping Elbow Drop to the side of the leg.

"Hooligan doing the smart thing of keeping Valentino down so that he can't overpower Hooligan like he did on the outside!" Nigel exclaimed as Hooligan hit a Jumping Double Foot Stomp to the side of Valentino's knee. Valentino attempted to hit Hooligan with a punch from the ground, but he was able to counter by hitting a couple of punches to the side of Valentino's head. Hooligan then ran the ropes and planted Valentino's face into the canvas with a Curb Stomp, but didn't let up as he continued running the ropes and hit a Running Shooting Star Press onto Valentino's chest before going for the pinfall, hooking Valentino's right leg.

Ref: 1…2..

"Manny Rivera has to be enjoying this. He sees Valentino barely being able to walk and stand. He now knows that there's a chance that Valentino won't be 100% for their StarShow match," Beth explained as Hooligan didn't let go of Valentino's leg, and kicked the back of it multiple times. Hooligan then got back to his feet and started smashing Valentino's right knee into the canvas multiple times, but the crowd cheered as Valentino turned around, got back to his feet, and hit Hooligan in the side of the head with an Enziguri. Valentino tried to pull himself back to his feet while Hooligan was stunned, but by the time he got back up to his feet, Hooligan was able to grab the front of Valentino's straps, threw him onto the ring apron, and put him in a Front Facelock, the crowd booing as he partially pulled Valentino back into the ring.

"I don't know what Hooligan has planned here, but you just know it can't be good!" Beth exclaimed as Hooligan smirked at the booing fans before dropping Valentino back into the ring with the Rope Hung DDT and going for another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

Valentino barely kicked out, but the crowd immediately began booing as Hooligan hit a Jumping Senton across Valentino's chest. The crowd continued booing as Hooligan dropped a couple of knees onto the back of Valentino's knee before putting her in a Figure-4-Leglock. Hooligan yelled at Valentino to give up as he continued pulling back on the legs, which Valentino responded to by pulling Hooligan closer to the ropes, much to the crowd's delight. However, as Valentino got closer to the ropes, Hooligan pulled the referee closer to him to distract him, allowing Mandy to reach into the corner, and raking his eyes. The crowd booed louder as Hooligan pulled Valentino closer to the center of the ring, and locked him back into the Figure-4-Leglock.

"Once again, Mandy is paying dividends for the Hooligan! You have to believe that she wouldn't have been able to get away with all of this if Frida were still around," Nigel explained as Valentino looked like he was close to tapping after a minute, but the crowd cheered as Valentino turned around, putting Hooligan in an Inverted Figure-4-Leglock. Hooligan quickly made it to the ropes, forcing Valentino to break the hold and get back to his feet, to which Hooligan immediately responded by attempting to hit him with a Jumping Knee Strike. However, the crowd continued cheering as Valentino was able to catch him in mid-air and send him crashing to the ground with a Scoop Powerslam.

"Valentino is finally able to create some separation for himself with that ode to Bron Breakker!" Okabe exclaimed as Valentino crawled over to the ropes, pulled himself up to his feet, and tried to shake the feeling back into his leg. The crowd continued cheering as Hooligan attempted to run into the corner with a Running Corner Knee Strike, but Valentino was able to dodge, kick Hooligan in the back after he landed on the middle turnbuckle, and threw him off with a Release German Suplex. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino started slapping the side of his leg to get feeling back into it, and when Hooligan got back to his feet, Valentino ran at Hooligan, hitting him with two Clotheslines, a Snap Powerslam, a Flapjack, and then ran the ropes to hit a Running Twisting Facebuster.

"Valentino coming back into this match! The adrenaline is helping him ignore the pain in his leg!" Nigel exclaimed as Valentino picked Hooligan up by the hair, and hit him with several Elbow Strikes to the top of the head before picking him back up in a Fireman's Carry. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino hit Hooligan with a Death Valley Driver before going for another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"He may not be feeling the pain in his leg, but he has to be careful unless he wants to start feeling it!" Okabe responded as Valentino started climbing up to the top rope, attempting to hit the Val Val Sault (Bam Bam Sault). However, Hooligan responded by getting back to his feet, and kicking the back of Valentino's leg, the crowd booing as he climbed up to the second rope after him, and attempted to put him in position for a Top Rope Back Suplex, but the crowd exploded into cheers as Valentino was able to counter this by dropping Hooligan with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, but he wasn't done as Valentino deadlifted Hooligan back up, and dropped him with a Sit-Out Powerbomb before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"I don't know how Hooligan kicked out of that one, but he's showing his fellow Gauntlet match competitors that it's going to take a lot to beat him!" Beth exclaimed as Valentino picked Hooligan up in a Suplex position, attempting to drop him with the Drill Claw, but the crowd booed as Hooligan raked Valentino in the eye, allowing him to escape his grasp. Hooligan then hit Valentino in the back of the head with a Superkick, put Valentino in a Straight Jacket, and hit him with a Straight Jacket DDT. Hooligan moved the hair off the front of his face before telling the crowd that Valentino wasn't getting his Hollywood ending before climbing up to the top rope, hitting Valentino with a Frog Splash, and going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Valentino barely kicking out! And Hooligan cannot believe it!" Beth exclaimed as Hooligan ran his hands through his hair in frustration before mounting Valentino, and hitting him with multiple punches to the side of the head before the referee pulled him off. Hooligan picked Valentino up, wrung his arm, and attempted to hit him with an Overhead Kick, but Valentino ducked and nailed Hooligan in the face with a couple of punches before throwing him into the corner. Valentino then ran after him, attempting to hit him with a Running Body Avalanche, but Hooligan countered with a kick to the side of the head before jumping up to the top rope and attempting to hit him with a Missile Dropkick. However, Valentino ducked, and when Hooligan landed on his feet, Valentino ran into the ropes, springboarded off the middle rope, and hit a standing Hooligan with a Springboard Moonsault.

"What an incredible Moonsault by Valentino! Again, it's incredible how Valentino can do stuff like that after everything Hooligan has done to Valentino's leg!" Nigel exclaimed as Valentino slapped his leg again before picking Hooligan up and attempting to hit him with a Uranage, but Hooligan was able to flip back on his feet and attempted to hit another Superkick. However, Valentino ducked and hit him with a Headbutt to the chest. Valentino then pushed a dazed Hooligan into the ropes, and when she rebounded, Valentino attempted to hit him with a Flapjack, but Hooligan countered with a Sunset Flip pin.

Ref: 1…2…

"Hooligan almost stole the pinfall there! Valentino's struggling a little bit getting up, but he's still in the match!" Nigel exclaimed as Hooligan stomped on Valentino's legs a couple of times before picking him up, attempting to hit him with a Back Suplex, but the crowd cheered as Valentino countered into a Wheelbarrow Bulldog. Hooligan attempted to roll out of the ring, but Valentino grabbed Hooligan by the hair and threw him to the center of the ring with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino picked Hooligan up, and hit him with the Lion's Claw (Vertical Suplex Piledriver) before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

The crowd booed as Mandy grabbed Hooligan's right leg, and put it underneath the bottom rope, forcing the referee to stop the pinfall.

"Someone needs to do something about Mandy! She shouldn't be allowed to interfere this much, no matter how hot she is!" Beth exclaimed as Valentino, seeming to have read her mind and also having enough of Mandy's interference, ran the ropes, and leveled Mandy with a Suicide Dive that sent her crashing into the fan barricade. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino attempted to pick Hooligan back up, but he responded by hitting Valentino with several Back Elbows to the side of the head before running the ropes and attempting to hit him with a Headscissors, but Valentino counters by hitting a Double Knee Gutbuster onto Hooligan. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino picked Hooligan up, put him in a Gory Special, and hit him with the Weapon V (Gory Special into a Reverse STO) before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here is your winner, Valentino Calavera!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd cheering as Valentino looked outside of the ring at a downed Mandy before raising her arms in victory. The crowd continued cheering as Valentino went over to the corner, looked right into the turnbuckle camera, and started talking to Manny and Rachel. Valentino said that Manny and Rachel were going to pay for everything that they'd done to him, Baam, and Frida. However, the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Baam slid into the ring, Valentino looking back at him with a raised eyebrow, asking him what he was going out there. Baam looked guilty as Manny Rivera, El Oso, and 'the Definition of Perfection' Jean Kirstein came sliding into the ring, and began attacking Valentino.

"Valentino won the match, but Rachel used one of her SuperNova members, Baam, to get the jump on her rival!" Nigel exclaimed as Baam looked conflicted while Rachel ran down to the ringside area with a smirk on her face as Valentino was taken down with a Spinning Leg Lariat by Jean. Oso then held both of Valentino's hands behind his back, allowing Manny to hit him with some punches before he took his belt off, and began whipping Valentino's bare back while Oso and Jean began mocking Valentino. Manny then used the same belt to choke Valentino, telling him that he was nothing but trash like Frida was.

"The look on Baam's face says it all; this is going a little too far, but you know that Rachel isn't going to care or stop this!" Okabe exclaimed as the crowd began cheering when they saw Nico running into the ring, jumped up to the top rope, and hit a Missile Dropkick onto El Oso, sending him staggering into the corner. The crowd continued cheering as Nico grabbed Manny by the hair, and started punching him in the side of the face while Rachel yelled at Baam to do something. Baam sighed before running at Nico, but Nico was able to dodge the Clothesline attempt and hit Baam with a Superkick to the side of the face. However, the crowd booed as Mandy threw Hooligan back into the ring, allowing him to hit the Star Maker (Running Flash Knee) onto the side of Nico's face.

"Nico came out trying to help, but once again, Mandy and the Hooligan stick their noses into business that doesn't belong to them!" Beth exclaimed as Hooligan put Nico in a Camel Clutch, allowing Mandy to slap him in the face multiple times. Meanwhile, Jean hit Valentino with a Sit-Out Chokeslam, allowing Oso to press his foot on Valentino's throat, and Manny to climb up to the top rope. Manny hit a Tiger Call (Diving Corkscrew Senton) onto Valentino's chest. Meanwhile, Baam joined Hooligan and Mandy in beating up Nico, causing a smirk to form on Rachel's face as she yelled at the crowd that the SuperNova was going to take Octane over, and that starts at StarShow.

"Rachel seems awfully pleased with herself! We'll see if she still has that smug look on her face come the end of StarShow!" Nigel exclaimed as security came in to stop the assaults going on in the ring. Baam hit an Inverted Destino onto Nico before those security guards came into the ring to pull the SuperNova members away from Valentino and Nico. The camera then panned away as Eddie Lawrence and Kam Chin came running down the entranceway and began attacking Oso and Jean, helping the security guards drag the SuperNova away. The camera then focused on the trainer's room, where Natsu was getting his ribs taped up, and a bandage being placed on the side of his head. While Natsu was glaring at the wall and holding the BTWF Championship, Todd Grisham came walking into the trainer's room with a microphone in hand, heading straight towards Natsu.

"Natsu, you just got assaulted by Kaminari, and I want to know how you're feeling and if your opinion of Kaminari has changed," Todd explained. Natsu looked at Todd with a furious look on his face before grabbing his BTWF Championship and kicking one of the tables away.

"I'm feeling pissed off as hell! And no, my opinion of Kaminari hasn't changed at all! He's still nothing but some lowlife scumbag! I don't care how Scam or Kaminari want to play it, they're the lowest of the low, and they don't deserve to hold the BTWF Championship!" Natsu exclaimed while patting the BTWF Championship hard, breathing heavily in Todd's face, prompting Todd to back away slightly.

"Do you have anything to say to Kaminari and Scam, who've left the arena?" Todd asked as Natsu ran his hands through his pink hair, being mindful not to mess with the bandage over his forehead.

"Yeah, the next time I see Kaminari and Scam, I'm going to kick both their asses and make them wish that Kaminari stuck with being KIRISHIMA's bitch!" Natsu exclaimed before stomping away, leaving the trainer's room with the BTWF Championship slung over his shoulder. Todd looked nervous as he apologized for his intrusion, and left the trainer's room before the camera panned to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

*Commercial Over*

The camera panned back to the backstage interview area, where Mirai Kuriyama was standing next to an irate-looking Erza Scarlet, who still had several healing bruises all over her face from the beatdown given to her by Asuka at Last Gasp.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with Erza Scarlet, who at StarShow will face Asuka Langley Soryu in a Street Fight. I want to know how you're feeling heading into this contest with your former friend and partner," Mirai explained as Erza ran her hands through her long, red hair before responding.

"I used to trust Asuka when I first came to the BTWF. She told me that she would help me become a superstar. But what Asuka really did was take advantage of me and the fact that I trusted her. She used me to help her win matches, help her run her mouth in the locker room without punishment, and to make herself feel like she was hot sh*t," Erza explained while absent-mindedly running her hands over some of the bruises on her face.

"What finally made you realize that the Beautiful People were using you?" Mirai asked as Erza closed her eyes and took a deep breath before responding.

"When we were in LWF: Reborn and I had to face Sonata all by myself and while we were going against FSU, Asuka's ego and her lack of care for me and my loyalty were made crystal clear. So, in some ways, I have to thank the company for introducing me to LWF: Reborn, or else I'd still be Asuka's little puppy," Erza explained, sighing as she remembered all the stuff she went through at the hands of FSU in LWF: Reborn, and how she was left alone with Sonata.

"What do you make of Alexis Rhodes reuniting with Asuka?" Mirai asked as Erza looked up at the ceiling and took another deep breath.

"I can't say I'm surprised. Alexis and Asuka have been united at the hip since they came into the BTWF all those years ago. Those two were the original Beautiful People, so I figured that Alexis would choose Asuka's side over mine. But that doesn't matter. At StarShow, whether Alexis is there or not, whether I'm 100% or not, I'm going to end the Beautiful People in our Street Fight and make sure that Asuka realizes that she's not ugly on the outside; she's ugly on the inside and that's why the Beautiful People imploded," Erza explained before walking away from the interview area, with Mirai nodding in response before the camera panned to the stage, where the lights in the arena went down, the crowd booing as the lights turned blood red with flames shooting out of the stage. A moment later, Frederica, Tina, and Medusa revealed themselves by walking out of the back and standing behind the flames.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Medusa Gorgon and Tina Belcher, representing the Sisterhood of Darkness, from Dudley England, Frederica 'The Cleaner' Sawyer!" Mary Hughes announced, the crowd continuing to boo as Medusa outstretched her arms, prompting an opening to make itself available through the flames. Frederica and Tina followed Medusa through the opening and continued walking to the ring, with Medusa telling the audience that none of Sherry's opponents for StarShow were going to escape the dark cloud that the Sisterhood of Darkness were going to envelop them in.

"Sam Simpson's first defeat since coming back to the BTWF was against Frederica Sawyer, who was sent to the ring by Sherry after, in Sherry's mind, Sam disrespected her by going against her," Nigel explained as Medusa continued leading Frederica and Tina to the ring, with Frederica cricking her neck while licking her lips in anticipation. Tina, meanwhile, cracked her knuckles while smirking at the camera before Medusa stopped them at the ringside area. Medusa told Tina to come with her on one side of the ring while Frederica walked to the ring, crawling underneath the bottom rope and into the ring.

"There's nothing more eerie in the BTWF than the Sisterhood of Darkness coming to the ring though flames and blood-red lighting," Okabe noted as Frederica crawled over to the corner, showing her neck scar off to the fans at home, licking her lips in anticipation as Tina and Medusa looked over at Frederica with smirks on their faces. While Frederica was sitting in the corner, the lights in the arena went down, the crowd cheering as 'Say Cheese' by Poppy played and the lights began flickering black and white, with Sam stomping his way out with a hood over her head. The crowd continued cheering as Sam stopped herself in the middle of the stage, and with Rei Ayanami approaching her from the side, Rei took off Sam's hood for her, revealing Sam's new shorter hairstyle and some dark eyeliner.

"And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by 'The Shining Ace' Rei Ayanami, from Beverly Hills, California, Sam Simpson!" Mary Hughes announced as Sam punched herself in the side of the face several times before screaming and stomping down to the ring with Rei following in tow. Medusa and Tina stared at two of Sherry's opponents for the BTWF World Women's Championships at StarShow as they continued walking to the ring before Medusa began whispering in Tina's ear.

"Sam Simpson and Rei Ayanami, along with Akira Hayami, are going to challenge Sherry Blendy for the BTWF World Women's Championship at StarShow, and the Sisterhood have promised to do whatever it takes to keep control of the championships that they hold!" Okabe exclaimed as the crowd continued cheering as Sam ran over to the steel steps, and glared at Tina and Medusa on the outside before jumping up to the top rope, and leaning back. Sam then ran her hands through her shortened red hair before jumping down to the ring, stomping over to Frederica Sawyer while cricking her neck.

"Frederica almost sent Sam back to the hospital with her Chainsaw Massacre finisher, and Sam clearly has not forgotten," Okabe explained as Frederica pulled herself back up to her feet, the crowd booing as Frederica spat in Sam's face before licking her lips. Sam wiped the side of her face with a growl before slapping Frederica in the face hard, the crowd cheering as the referee got in between the two women, separating them before telling the timekeeper to ring the bell. Once the bell rang, Sam and Frederica met in the middle of the ring, exchanging punches and forearms with each other, the crowd exploding into cheers as Sam hit multiple Open-Palm Strikes to the sides of Frederica's face.

"Sam and Frederica are starting this match off hot, with some hard punches, forearms, and slaps to the face!" Nigel exclaimed as Frederica grabbed one of Sam's arms and attempted to put her in position for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but the crowd cheered as Sam hit Frederica in the face with multiple headbutts. The crowd continued cheering as Sam hit Frederica with multiple Palm Strikes to the waist, but Frederica stopped those cheers by catching Sam, attempting to hit her with an Exploder Suplex. However, Sam responded by hitting Frederica with multiple elbow strikes to the side of the head before throwing Frederica into the ropes, attempting to hit her with a Snap Powerslam, but Frederica stopped herself from rebounding and hit Sam with a Sliding Elbow Drop to the back.

"Frederica with some impressive ring-awareness there, sending Sam in a prone position and dropping a hard Elbow Drop to the back!" Okabe exclaimed as Frederica then mounted Sam, and smashed her face into the canvas several times, screaming in Sam's ear that she was nothing compared to the Sisterhood of Darkness. Frederica then picked Sam back up and attempted to throw her into the corner, but Sam was able to jump onto the middle turnbuckle, and hit Frederidca with a Missile Dropkick to the side of the face before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…

"Sam almost knocked the features clean off of Frederica's face with that Missile Dropkick!" Nigel exclaimed as Sam picked Frederica back up, and hit her with several Knife-Edge Chops to the chest and Forearms to the side of the face. Sam then threw Frederica into the corner, attempting to hit her with a Running Corner European Uppercut, but Frederica responded by grabbing Sam in a Waistlock. Sam attempted to break out of the hold by hitting Frederica in the side of the face multiple times with Back Elbows, but Frederica turned around and attempted to hit Sam with a German Suplex. However, the crowd cheered as Sam was able to land on her feet, and hit a Running Clothesline to the back of Frederica's neck, sending her falling onto all fours.

"Sam with a hard Clothesline to the back of the head! Medusa looks shocked that one of the more powerful members of the Sisterhood was taken down like that!" Okabe exclaimed as Sam mounted Frederica's back, and hit her with multiple Crossface shots to the face before attempting to lock her in a Crossface. However, the crowd booed as Frederica was able to roll out of the hold, but when she attempted to hit Sam with a Grounded Forearm, Sam dodged the move, kicked Frederica in the arm several times, and attempted to lock her in the Karma's a Bitch (Double Underhook with Bodyscissors). However, Frederica was able to put her foot on the bottom rope, forcing the referee to pull Sam away from her.

"Sam almost had that devastating new submission hold trapped on Frederica, but thanks to her ring-awareness, Frederica was able to make sure that she wasn't forced to submit!" Nigel exclaimed as Sam picked Frederica back up and hit her with a Sitout Side Slam before climbing up to the middle rope, and hitting her with a Diving Leg Drop to the throat. The crowd continued cheering as Sam grabbed Frederica and threw her into the corner before running the ropes and hitting Frederica with a Corner Running European Uppercut. Sam then kicked Frederica's leg down, causing her to fall into a seated position in front of a bottom turnbuckle. Sam attempted to hit Frederica with a Corner Inverted Cannonball, but the crowd booed as Frederica exploded out of the corner with a Lariat to the throat.

"Oh God! Frederica almost taking Sam's head off with that Lariat!" Beth exclaimed as Frederica ran her hands through her hair before picking Sam up, and hitting a couple of hard chops to the chest. Frederica then picked Sam up in a Fireman's Carry and attempted to hit her with a Single Knee Gutbuster, but the crowd cheered as Sam was able to counter with a Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag. The crowd continued cheering as Frederica attempted to run back at Sam, but Sam countered with multiple Japanese Arm Drags and knocked her out of the ring with a Jumping Dropkick to the side of the head. The crowd continued cheering as Sam ran the ropes and knocked Frederica onto the commentary table with a Running Baseball Slide Dropkick to the face.

"Sam sending Frederica crashing into our table with that Baseball Slide! Sam doesn't look like she's going to give Frederica a break either!" Nigel exclaimed as Sam began climbing up to the top rope, but the crowd booed as Tina ran over to Frederica and tried to block Sam from diving. However, the crowd cheered as Rei grabbed Tina by the hair, and threw her down on the floor while laying in some punches to the side of the head. Sam nodded in approval before diving off the top rope and hitting Frederica with a Diving Crossbody before laying in multiple forearms to the side of the head. Sam then grabbed Frederica by the hair, laid her against the commentary table, and laid in several hard chops to the throat and the chest.

"I can see some welts forming on Frederica's chest from some of those Knife-Edge Chops!" Beth exclaimed as Sam began hitting multiple punches to the side of Frederica's head before putting her in position for the Reverse DDT. However, Frederica grabs Sam's face in a Cravate and throws her face first into the steel ring post, the crowd booing as Frederica began pushing the side of Sam's head into the steel ring post before Frederica nailed her in the side of the head with a Forearm. The crowd continued booing as Frederica threw a now bleeding Sam into the side of the fan barricade and began stomping on her face and chest multiple times.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Frederica is now in control of the match, busting Sam open thanks to the steel ring post!" Nigel exclaimed as Frederica then grabbed Sam by the hair, and slammed her face into the top of the fan barricade multiple times before picking her up and hitting her with a Back Suplex Facebuster that sent Sam's face bouncing off the steel ring apron. The crowd continued booing as Frederica grabbed Sam by the waist, and threw her into the fan barricade with a German Suplex, sending Sam's recently injured neck bouncing off of the fan barricade. Frederica smirked at her bleeding and downed opponent before picking Sam up by the hair and throwing her back into the ring.

Ref: …4…5

"That German Suplex into the fan barricade may have been the beginning of the end here! You saw Sam's neck bouncing violently from the force of being Suplexed into the barricade, and that could've easily reinjured Sam's neck!" Okabe exclaimed as Frederica slid back into the ring, and stomped on the back of Sam's neck, with Medusa smirking while telling Frederica to keep going after the neck. Frederica then grabbed Sam by the arm, pulled her back to her feet, and hit her with a Double Short Arm Clothesline before picking her back up, and hitting her with a Ripcord Dropkick to the face.

"I've never seen a Ripcord Dropkick before, but Frederica hit that perfectly!" Nigel exclaimed as Frederica put Sam back in the Cravate, and hit her with multiple Cravate Knee Strikes to the face, opening Sam up more before hitting her with a Superkick to the chest. Frederica picked Sam back up and hit her with a Belly-to-Back Suplex that sent her crashing into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Frederica turned Sam around and hit her with multiple clubs to the middle of the back before picking her up in an Electric Chair position. Frederica looked on at the jeering crowd with a growl before dropping Sam face first onto the top turnbuckle with an Electric Chair Facebuster. Frederica then picked Sam back up and hit her with an Electric Chair Drop before rolling her up with a Jackknife Pin.

Ref: 1…2..

"Sam's losing a lot of blood here. She's still in the match, but you have to wonder how long that will last," Okabe noted as Frederica picked Sam up, and hit her with a Body Slam before running the ropes, and hitting a Jumping Leg Drop across Sam's throat. Frederica then grabbed both of Sam's arms, stuck her tongue out at the booing crowd, and started stomping on Sam's face multiple times before picking him back up and hitting him with a Back Suplex. The crowd continued to boo as Frederica told the crowd that Sam wasn't going to stop the Sisterhood before running the ropes, and hitting Sam in the side of the head with a Running Basem*nt Dropkick with enough force to send her staggering into the ropes.

"The speed of that Basem*nt Dropkick was absolutely crazy!" Beth exclaimed in shock as Frederica mounted Sam, and clubbed her in the back of the neck multiple times, even biting her neck until the referee pulled Frederica off of her. Frederica then went back to Sam and began pressing her neck against the middle rope, choking Sam in the process. Frederica then ran the ropes and hit a Running Knee Strike to Sam's back while she was still draped over the middle rope. The crowd continued booing as Frederica hit Sam with an STO Backbreaker and dropped her with a Reverse STO before rolling into another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Sam's losing more blood by the second, and moves like that aren't helping!" Beth exclaimed as Frederica locked Sam in a Bodyscissors, the crowd booing as Frederica began clubbing Sam in the chest while squeezing her midsection with the Bodyscissors. Sam attempted to fight out of the hold with several Back Elbow Strikes, but Frederica continued to apply pressure to the midsection while hitting Crossface shots to Sam's face. However, the crowd began cheering as Sam hit Headbutts to Frederica's face, allowing Sam to slip out of the hold, pick herself up, and pick Frederica up. The crowd cheered as Sam attempted to hit Frederica with a Brainbuster, but Frederica responded with multiple knee strikes to the top of the head, allowing her to escape Sam's grasp and hit her with a Snap DDT.

"Frederica once again planting Sam into the ground with that DDT! This could be the end of the match!" Nigel exclaimed as Frederica picked Sam back up to her feet, and attempted to hit her with the Chainsaw Massacre (Mass Driver), but the crowd cheered as Sam backflipped behind her. However, Frederica was able to respond with a hard Back Elbow, sending Sam staggering into the corner, allowing Frederica to run into the corner with an attempted Running Shoulder Thrust. However, Sam rolled out of the way, causing Frederica to throw herself into the steel ring post arm first, and after Sam wiped her face and saw her blood, Sam hit a Jumping Double Stomp to Frederica's back. The crowd continued cheering as Sam lifted Frederica out of the corner with a German Suplex before bridging into a pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Sam almost caught Frederica out there with that German Suplex!" Okabe exclaimed as Sam ran her bloody hands through her hair, and attempted to pick Frederica back up, but the crowd booed as she hit Sam with a Jawbreaker. The crowd cheered and booed accordingly as Sam and Frederica exchanged punches, and the crowd cheered louder as Frederica and Sam grabbed each other by the hair and hit each other with multiple forearms to the face. Sam was able to win this brawl, catch Frederica's arm, and hit her with a Half-Nelson Suplex, the crowd cheering as Sam let out a battle cry before going into the corner, and running out of it to hit Frederica with a Running Inverted Cannonball. The crowd continued cheering as Sam dragged Frederica out of the corner and ran the ropes to hit Frederica with a Double Foot Stomp to the chest. Sam ran the ropes and hit Frederica with a Sliding Forearm to the side of the face.

"Sam is coming back into this match! That rush of adrenaline is giving her power that not many others would after losing all that blood!" Nigel exclaimed as Sam picked Frederica back up, ran the ropes, and hit Frederica with two Clotheslines, a Reverse Atomic Drop, a Side Russian Legsweep, a Michinoku Driver, and a Running Uppercut to the back of the head. Sam then climbed up to the top rope, the crowd cheering as Sam hit a Diving Double Foot Stomp onto Frederica's chest before going for the pinfall again.

Ref: 1…2…

"Sam almost caved Frederica's chest in with that Diving Double Foot Stomp!" Nigel exclaimed as Sam picked Frederica up, and threw her with a Gargoyle Suplex before putting her back in a Waistlock. The crowd continued cheering as Sam hit Frederica with two Rolling German Suplexes before attempting to hit her with a third one, but Frederica hit her with several Back Elbows before putting her in a Fireman's Carry and hitting her with a Death Valley Driver into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Frederica put Sam in a Tree of Woe before choking her out with her foot, running the ropes, and attempting to hit her with a Running Corner Knee Strike. However, Sam was able to pull herself up back to the top turnbuckle, the crowd cheering as Frederica staggered away after hitting her knee on the middle turnbuckle.

"Ow! Frederica could've broken her knee with how hard she hit that turnbuckle!" Beth exclaimed as Sam balanced herself onto the top rope, and hit a dazed Frederica with a Diving Moonsault before going for the pinfall, hooking both of her legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

Sam looked annoyed that Frederica was distracted, and after cracking her neck, mounted Frederica and hit her with multiple punches to the side of her head before picking her back up, and hitting her with a Brainbuster. The crowd continued cheering as Sam stomped on Frederica's chest a couple of times before climbing back up to the top rope and hitting her with a Diving Elbow Drop to the chest. Sam then climbed back up to the top rope, and while trying to balance herself on the top turnbuckle, cricked her neck. However, the crowd booed as Tina jumped up onto the ring apron and started yelling at her, prompting Sam to hit a couple of forearms to the side of Tina's head.

"Tina once again trying to stick her nose in this match! Sam isn't having it, and is hitting her with some forearms!" Beth exclaimed as Rei grabbed Tina's leg, and threw her off the apron, hitting her with several European Uppercuts. Meanwhile, Frederica was able to take advantage of this distraction, run up to the top turnbuckle, and hit her with a Top Rope Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex. The crowd continued booing as Frederica hit Sam with a Top Rope Vader Bomb to Sam's chest before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

"Frederica taking advantage of the Sisterhood's distraction, but Sam isn't letting this match go without a fight!" Nigel exclaimed as Frederica pounded the mat in frustration. Frederica grabbed Sam by the hair and slapped her bloody face a couple of times before yelling in her face and hitting Sam with a couple of Big Boots to the side of the head. Sam responded with a couple of Forearms to the side of the head, and Frederica responded with a hard Headbutt to the chest, sending her staggering back into the corner. Frederica attempted to run at her in the corner with a Corner Body Avalanche, but Sam countered by hitting Frederica with an Enziguri to the side of her head.

"Sam with a powerful Enziguri from the corner, but I think the loss of blood is beginning to take its toll on Sam," Okabe explained as Sam took a couple of deep breaths, and pulled herself over to the top turnbuckle. The crowd cheered as Sam attempted to hit Frederica with a Diving Blockbuster, but the crowd booed as Frederica was able to catch Sam in a Vertical Suplex position. However, Sam was able to counter it into a Karma's a Bitch (Double Underhook with Bodyscissors), and while Sam was pulling back on the hold, Rei threw Tina into the steel steps before grabbing Medusa, preventing her from climbing back up to the apron. After a minute in the hold, Frederica tapped out while Sam squeezed as hard as she could on the Double Underhook.

*Bell Rings*

"Here is your winner as a result of a submission, Sam Simpson!" Mary Hughes announced, and the crowd continued cheering as Sam continued choking Frederica out with the Karma's a Bitch (Double Underhook with Bodyscissors). The referee tried to pull Sam away from Frederica, but Sam continued choking her out, yelling at her, even namedropping Clover during her angry rant. However, Rei rolled into the ring, and pulled Sam away from Frederica, pushing her away from the downed Sisterhood member and into the corner.

"Sam won the match, but her anger almost got the better of her, and Rei saved her from having the match decision reversed!" Okabe exclaimed as Sam and Rei argued in the corner, with Rei telling Sam that she really needed to calm down. Sam countered by telling Rei that she had no idea what she went through and that what Frederica tried to do to her reminded her of what Clover did to her at last year's Bash at the Beach. As the two continued talking, the BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions Ultear Milkovich and Tomoko Kuroki came running into the ring, beginning to attack Rei and Sam.

"Well whatever issues Rei and Sam are having, the BTWF Women's Tag Team Champions are saving their sisters from embarrassment!" Nigel exclaimed as Rei and Sam brawled with Ultear and Tomoko in the ring. The crowd began cheering again as Akira Hayami came out of the back with a lead pipe in her hand, with Tina attempting to intercept her at the ringside area. Akira responded by laying Tina out with the pipe, sending it crashing into her gut before hitting her several times in the back with it. Akira then slid into the ring and hit Ultear and Tomoko with the lead pipe as well, the crowd giving a mixed reaction as Akira sent Tomoko falling out of the ring with a pipe shot to the face.

"Akira being the hero for Sam and Rei is a weird sight to see, but I've never been happier to see Akira!" Beth exclaimed as Ultear hit Akira with a Superkick to the face, sending the lead pipe falling out of her hands. However, before Ultear could do anything else, the crowd cheered as Rei and Sam knocked Ultear out of the ring with a Double Superkick, with Sam vaulting over the top rope with a Vaulting Crossbody. The crowd continued cheering as Sam rained down punches on a downed Ultear while Medusa helped a dazed Tomoko back to her feet. Rei attempted to help Akira back to her feet, but the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Akira tried to surprise her with a Spotlighter (F-5).

"Oh! Akira's trying to take Rei out with the Spotlighter! Akira may hate the Sisterhood, but she knows that the BTWF World Women's Championship is on the line at StarShow, and she needs all the advantage that she can get!" Nigel exclaimed as Rei was able to slip out of Akira's grasp, resulting in the two brawling in the ring. Medusa leaned Tomoko against the stairs, ran over to Sam and Ultear, raked Sam's eyes, helped Ultear back to her feet, and helped them escape with the rest of the Sisterhood. Frederica was trying to regain her breath while Tina and Tomoko staggered away with Medusa and the rest of the Sisterhood, holding their guts in pain.

"The Sisterhood really has caused the BTWF Octane Women's Division to devolve into chaos! Will the Sisterhood finally meet their matches at StarShow!?" Okabe asked as the camera panned away from the ring just as security was trying to separate Rei and Akira and as Medusa had led the Sisterhood away from the ring, screaming that the Sisterhood still controlled Octane. The camera then focused backstage, where Manabo and Owen Campbell were throwing things in their locker room in anger while BTWF World Tag Team Champions Joe Wolf and Charlie Bonifer were leaning against the wall, looking at their furious giant partners in amusem*nt.

"I can't believe we got punked out by those two losers!" Manabo yelled, throwing several water bottles against the wall hard enough for the caps to fly off of a couple of those water bottles, causing water to fly and spill all over the floor.

"It's bullsh*t! They just got lucky! Next time we get Kam and Eddie in the ring, we're going to make them wish they never appeared in that Gauntlet!" Owen agreed, kicking a couple of the lockers with enough force to bend the locker doors. Joe chuckled at his partners' anger and patted Owen and Manabo on the shoulders while showing off his BTWF World Tag Team Championship belt.

"Boys, why're you so upset? Those two losers just got lucky, and you destroyed them in the ring. When you get in the ring with Kam and Eddie again, you'll just flatten them into pancakes. Plus, it's not like any of those loser teams can even beat us. So whoever wins that Fatal-4-Way is really just fighting to be our next victims," Joe explained while Bonifer smirked with a nod. However, Bonifer's mood turned sour when he turned around, seeing Death the Kid walking into their locker room with a confident smirk on his face.

"Oh! Don't mind me, guys, I'm just getting one last look at you with those belts before you lose them to me at StarShow. I mean, just looking at those beauties, I think they're going to look great around my symmetrical waist," Death the Kid mocked, making sure to specifically look at the BTWF World Tag Team titles that Joe and Bonifer had slung over their shoulders. Bonifer stomped over to Kid, looking for a fight, but Joe held him back, patting him on the chest, not looking the least bit intimidated by Kid's confidence.

"That's a lot of tough talk from someone who's already lost to us twice now. What makes you think StarShow's going to be any different?" Joe asked as Owen and Manabo turned their attention to Kid, who glared at him while Joe motioned for Bonifer to back away.

"Because I'll have everything to lose going into StarShow. If I lose, I may never challenge for the BTWF World Tag Team titles again. I mean, who's going to want to team with the guy who fails to win the BTWF World Tag Team Championships three times with three different partners? And rest assured, I do have a partner in mind, and he's someone who will definitely appreciate becoming a champion at StarShow," Kid explained as Joe's arrogant smirk turned into a confused frown as he let go of Bonifer, who was continuing to growl at Kid.

"You have a partner already!? You have to tell us who it is!" Joe exclaimed as Manabo nodded and patted Joe's shoulders in support, which Kid responded to with a chuckle.

"You'll find out when you find out. And trust me, you'll be wishing that you didn't know when you do find out," Kid said before turning on his heels and walking out of the locker room. Bonifer glared at Kid's disappearing frame in fury as Joe looked on with a similar look of fury on his face. Joe turned Bonifer around and led Owen and Manabo out of the locker room and to the gym, mumbling something about having to do more training. The camera then panned to the ring, where Dutch Van Der Linde was standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in his hands, the crowd booing as two unknown competitors were shown in the ring along with the Legacy (Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney) standing behind Dutch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dutch Van Der Linde, and if you know anything about me, it's that I ALWAYS have a plan! And tonight, the plan is to show those other teams of rejects what they're going up against at StarShow!" Dutch exclaimed before pointing at Legacy, the crowd booing as Sting and Rogue posed for the cameras. The camera then panned to Dutch walking to the other side of the ring where the unknown competitors were stretching. Dutch pulled one of them to the middle of the ring while the other one, who was bigger in size, followed them.

"This man right here is Chase Chan. And the man behind him is named Ripper Jackson. These two have been trained in the BTWF Performance Center for the past couple of years, and I brought them out here to have an exhibition with Sting and Rogue. This isn't going to be a normal wrestling match. Chase and Ripper here are just going to show you all and the teams in the back what Rogue and Sting are all about! Let's start this exhibition!" Dutch exclaimed, the crowd continuing to boo as the referee got into the ring to check and see whether there will be a pinfall or a submission. Sting co*ckily strutted up to Ripper, and started wringing his arm before putting him in a Hammerlock, the crowd booing as Sting smirked and chuckled at the negative fan reaction. However, the crowd cheered as Ripper reversed the Hammerlock and knocked Sting down with a Japanese Arm Drag, which Dutch responded by rolling into the ring and getting in between the two.

"What are you doing!? This is just an exhibition! You don't need to reverse anything!" Dutch yelled out at Ripper. Ripper told Dutch that he was sorry and that it was his bad, and he decided to let Chase get a turn. Sting rolled into the corner to tag Rogue in, and Rouge hit Chase with a Side Headlock. When Chase pushed him into the ropes, Rogue knocked Chase down with a Shoulder Tackle. Rogue then ran the ropes again, but Chase was able to roll back to his feet, and when Rogue rebounded, he knocked Rogue down with a Dropkick to the face, the crowd cheering again as Dutch once again rolled into the ring and poked Chase in the chest with an annoyed look on his face.

"What do y'all not understand about this being an exhibition!? You're not reversing anything or actually wrestling Sting and Rogue!" Dutch yelled at Chase. Chase nodded and told Dutch that he was sorry before tagging Ripper back into the match. Ripper then walked over to Sting, promising that he was going to do the right thing. Sting sighed in annoyance before tagging an irritated Rogue and stepping into the ring. Ripper volunteered to do a test of strength, which Sting responded to by slowly raising his arms up for the test of strength, but the crowd booed as Sting instead kicked Ripper in the gut a couple of times. The crowd continued booing as Sting pointed to his brain while performing that test of strength with Ripper, taking advantage of his stunned state to push him down onto his knees.

"I think Ripper's finally getting what an exhibition entails," Okabe stated as the crowd began booing as Sting pushed Ripper on his back, yelling in his face. However, the crowd cheered as Ripper was able to pull himself back onto his feet and push Sting into the ropes. When Sting attempted to hit a Running Shoulder Tackle, Ripper ducked down, and when Sting rebounded, Ripper knocked him down with a Clothesline. Dutch snapped, slid back into the ring, and started pulling Ripper away from Sting by the hair, and slapped him hard in the face, the crowd booing as Dutch chewed him out for being dumb and making the Legacy look bad.

"There goes that idea, Okabe, and Dutch doesn't look too happy about it!" Beth exclaimed as Ripper slapped Dutch back, and Sting responded by knocking Ripper down with a Running Double Ax Handle to the back of the head. Chase attempted to come into the ring and help his partner, but Rogue ran into the ring and knocked Chase down with a Clothesline. Dutch pulled himself back to his feet, and while Sting and Rogue were beating down Ripper and Chase, yelled at the referee and the timekeeper that this wasn't an exhibition match anymore that this was a regular match, and that they needed to ring the bell. Since Dutch had a lot of power in BTWF as a producer and a trainer, the timekeeper rang the bell.

"Well, forget the exhibition! We're having an official match!" Nigel exclaimed as Sting picked Ripper up by the hair, threw him into the corner, and started stomping on his chest and face multiple times until the referee pulled him out of the corner. Sting immediately responded by running the ropes and hitting Ripper in the side of the head with a Running Hesitation Dropkick. Sting then dragged Ripper out of the corner, picked him up, hit him with a couple of Knife-Edge Uppercuts to the throat, and picked him up to send Ripper crashing back down with an Alabama Slam.

"That was some impressive strength by Sting, showing the other three teams he'll be facing in the Fatal-4-Way Showcase match what they're going to be in for," Nigel explained as Sting flexed for the booing crowd while pressing his foot against Ripper's mouth. Meanwhile, Rogue ran at Chase and knocked him off of the apron with a Big Boot, the crowd continuing to boo as Rogue mounted Chase in front of the commentary table, and hit him with multiple punches to the side of the head. Rogue then picked Chase back up on his feet, and hit him with a Sit-Out Spinebuster onto the floor in front of the announcers, getting back up to his feet and telling the commentary team that the Legacy wasn't going to take any disrespect.

"And Rogue showing us he's willing to do, sending Chase crashing to the floor with a Spinebuster hard enough that I don't think the padding over the concrete helped," Okabe explained as in the ring, Sting kicked Ripper in the gut, laid down onto his back, and hit him with a Knige-Edge Uppercut to the throat before springboarding off of the middle rope, hitting him with a White Dragon's Claw (Beautiful Disaster Kick). Sting then mounted Ripper and hit him with multiple punches to the side of the head while Rogue threw Chase into the side of the steel steps before throwing Chase back into the ring.

"Rogue and Sting have dominated these two rookies, and I think they're looking to finish it off!" Beth exclaimed as Sting picked Ripper back up at the same time Rogue picked Chase back up. The crowd continued booing as Sting hit Ripper with the Holy Nova (Cross Rhodes) at the same time Rogue hit Chase with the Shadow Drive (Dream Street), the two pinning Ripper and Chase at the same time.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here are your winners, the team of Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney, the Legacy!" Mary Hughes announced. However, rather than celebrating, Rogue and Sting mounted both Ripper and Chase before beginning to punch them and hit them with forearms to the side of the head. Dutch rolled back into the ring and pushed the referee away when he attempted to stop Sting and Rogue's attack on Chase and Ripper. Sting then picked Chase up, and held his arms behind his back, allowing Dutch to hit several punches to the side of Chase's head before Sting hit him with another Holy Nova (Cross Rhodes).

"The Legacy made quite the statement with this exhibition, but they're not letting up on their assault!" Okabe exclaimed as Rogue picked Ripper up, squeezing him in a Cobra Clutch. However, the crowd cheered as Eddy and Gene Belcher came running to the ring, prompting Rogue to let go of Ripper and make an attempt to hit Gene with a Clothesline, but he was able to knock Rogue down with a Dusty Elbow. The crowd continued cheering as Gene picked Rogue up and hit him with multiple punches to the chest and the sides of the face before throwing him into the corner. Eddy did the same with Sting, sending him into another corner with multiple punches and a dropkick to the face.

"And thanks to 2Cool, Ripper and Chase have been saved from further injury!" Nigel exclaimed as Gene and Eddy ran into the other corners, and hit Running Corner Clotheslines onto both Rogue and Sting before Gene attempted to hit Sting with a Stunner. However, Rogue responded by raking Gene's eyes, prompting Rogue to help Sting out of the ring, meeting with Dutch at the ringside area. Eddy helped Ripper and Chase back to their feet before making sure that Gene's eyes were OK, telling Sting and Rouge that they would see them at StarShow, the crowd chanting for 2Cool all the while.

"Legacy and 2Cool have been at each other's throats these past couple of weeks, and you have to imagine things will come to a head at StarShow!" Okabe exclaimed as Legacy and Dutch continued yelling at 2Cool, saying that they were nothing but jokes and that they would never be able to beat them, let alone at StarShow. Meanwhile, Gene hit several crotch chops, saying that Legacy wouldn't be able to beat them like they did last year and that they were a different team than they were last year.

"I wonder what the other two teams, the Huntsmen and the team of Kaworu & Senku think about all of this drama between Legacy and 2Cool," Beth wondered out loud as the camera panned to the backstage area while Legacy and Dutch continued arguing with 2Cool. The camera focused on Kaworu Nagisa and Senku Ishigami watching the drama unfold from the safety of their locker room on a TV. Kaworu and Senku simply chuckled with each other before walking out of the locker room, but the second they closed the door, they were approached by Jack Korpela with a microphone in his hands.

"Gentlemen, not only have the new BTWF tag team of the Huntsmen joined the Fatal-4-Way Tag Match you'll be participating in at StarShow, but we just saw the exhibition that the Legacy just took part in. What do you two make of all that, especially since you're the least experienced team in this match?" Korpela asked. Kaworu and Senku sighed in annoyance, with Senku nodding, patting Kaworu on the back before he responded to Korpela's question.

"Mr. Korpela, if this 'exhibition' showed myself and Senku anything, it is that we have nothing to worry about when it comes to Legacy or 2Cool. They will be too busy with each other to focus on the real competition in the match, that being myself and Senku," Kaworu explained before Korpela took the microphone back and continued the interview.

"And…what about the Huntsmen?" Korpela asked before he put the microphone in front of Kaworu's face. However, instead of Kaworu responding again, he moved the microphone in front of Senku's mouth, letting him continue the interview.

"Look, we're not going to lie, Ren and Jaune were pretty impressive in that Gauntlet match, but it's going to take more than some fancy maneuvers to win at StarShow. And as for your comment about us being the least experienced team in the match, it's not going to matter because, inside the ring, it's not about how many amazing moves you can do. It's about your in-ring intelligence, and how you use your brainpower when it comes to the match," Senku explained as Kaworu nodded in approval while patting his shoulder. Kaworu then moved the microphone closer to his mouth so that he could wrap the interview up.

"So overall, Mr. Korpela, we are very confident in our match at StarShow, and we are just as confident that we are going to become the BTWF World Tag Team Champions sooner rather than later," Kaworu explained before motioning for Senku to follow him away from Korpela. Senku immediately turned around and walked away with Kaworu, leaving Korpela still in front of his door

*Commercial Break*

*Commercial Over*

The camera panned to the backstage interview area, where Pieck Finger was standing next to an irate Clover Lamoreaux and Jerry Lewis.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with 'The French Phenom' Clover Lamoreaux and her agent, Jerry Lewis. Clover, earlier tonight, we saw that Sam still has your attack at Bash at the Beach last year on her mind. What do you make of this, especially since she's going into StarShow with a Fatal-4-Way match for the BTWF World Women's Championship?" Pieck asked. Clover's eyes slit further as she continued glaring at Pieck, but before she could say anything, she took a couple of deep breaths and turned the microphone over to Jerry.

"We are focusing on the Feast or Famine match at the moment. Clover winning one of the Feast or Famine briefcases is what her career needs to take it to the next level. Yes, we were upset that Clover didn't secure her opportunity in the BTWF World Women's Championship match, but we realized that having a guaranteed title opportunity whenever she wants is the best type of consolation prize," Jerry explained, with Clover nodding in agreement, the irate glare on her face still very noticeable.

"So, is Clover still planning on going after Sam, or-?" Pieck attempted to ask before Clover grabbed the microphone out of Pieck's hands.

"First off, I'm over Sam! Sam's the one who's been sticking her nose in MY business, stealing opportunities that belong to ME! She shouldn't have even gotten a chance for the BTWF World Women's Championship at StarShow! And second of all, if Sam wants a piece of me, she's going to have to wait until after I become the BTWF World Women's Champion because that's the only time I'd dignify that waste of my time with a response!" Clover exclaimed angrily, pushing the microphone into Pieck's chest before stomping away, mumbling about how Sam wasn't going to get inside her head.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, Mrs. Finger. Clover is just…very determined. And that determination is what's going to secure her a victory at StarShow," Jerry said before walking away, following Clover away from the backstage interview area. The camera then panned to the stage, where a bolt of lightning shot from the ceiling to the stage, the crowd booing as 'Down From the Sky' by Trivium played. Mirajane then sauntered out of the back, swaying her hips and flipping her hair before pointing to the back, where Laxus walked out with an orange, leopard-print robe.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Approaching the ring, accompanied to the ring by Mirajane Strauss, from Magnolia Fiore, he is 'The God of Thunder' Laxus Dreyar!" Mary Hughes announced as Laxus stood at the center of the stage with his arms down and his head down as well. Mirajane sauntered around Laxus' body as a yellow spotlight shone on the two of them before taking the robe off of Laxus, the crowd continuing to boo as Laxus flexed on the center of the stage, with pyro going off from behind him.

"Laxus in his first BTWF Octane main event tonight, and with our guest on commentary his opponent for StarShow, the BTWF United States Champion Shinji Ikari, Laxus is probably looking to make a huge statement here tonight," Nigel explained, with the camera panning to Shinji Ikari sitting next to Okabe at the commentary table, the BTWF United States Championship sitting on the commentary table in front of Shinji.

"Thank you for having me, guys. I've wanted to get a closer look at one of Laxus' matches for a while now," Shinji explained as the camera panned back to Laxus and Mirajane. Laxus was walking down the aisle with Mirajane leaning against Laxus' arm, the crowd continuing to boo as Laxus told the crowd that they were looking at the next BTWF United States Champion. When the two made it to the ringside area, Mirajane and Laxus kissed in front of the ring before Laxus jumped onto the ring apron, the crowd continuing to boo as he flexed for the fans, looking at Shinji with a confident smirk on his face. Shinji simply responded by patting the BTWF United States Championship, not paying attention to Mirajane sashaying over to him.

"Laxus has the confidence of a veteran, despite the fact he's only been in BTWF for less than two months," Okabe noted as Mirajane walked over to Shinji, grabbed the BTWF United States Championship from the commentary table, and slid into the ring as Laxus walked over the top rope. Mirajane handed the BTWF United States Championship to Laxus, and he responded by wrapping the BTWF United States Championship around his waist, walking over to Shinji, and yelling that he was looking at the future. Shinji rolled his eyes while Laxus pointed at the BTWF United States Championship around his waist, with Mirajane telling Shinji to drink it in, because it was going to be what was going to happen to the championship after StarShow.

"Laxus and Mirajane clearly think they can see the future. I would focus on this match with Todoroki and not his opponent at StarShow," Beth noted as Laxus took the BTWF United States Championship off of his waist as 'Don't Stop' by Nothing More (feat. Jacoby Shaddix) played the crowd cheering as Todoroki appeared at the center of the stage, sitting down with his legs crossed while the lights in the arena flashed blue and red. On the outside, Mirajane walked over to Shinji and dropped the BTWF United States Championship in his lap disrespectfully as the camera panned back to Todoroki, who had shot his eyes open when the beat of the song dropped.

"And his opponent, from Musutafu Japan, Shoto Todoroki!" Mary Hughes announced as Todoroki spun to his feet and began to walk to the ring. Todoroki nodded approvingly at the cheering fans, giving a couple of them high-fives before focusing his attention on Laxus, who was leaning against the corner with an unimpressed smirk on his face. Laxus told Todoroki to hurry up and get in the ring, which Todoroki responded to by smirking and running to the ringside area. The crowd continued cheering as Todoroki dove through the middle rope and rolled to the center of the ring, sitting right in front of Laxus, the crowd cheering as Laxus glared at his opponent.

"Todoroki not taking any of Laxus' disrespect lightly, but Laxus may make him pay for that," Nigel explained as Todoroki kipped back to his feet before jumping over Laxus and jumping to the top turnbuckle, the crowd continuing to cheer as Todoroki raised his arm in victory before backflipping back to the center of the ring. Todoroki looked over at Shinji, and motioned around his waist, telling him that he was going to become the new BTWF United States Champion come StarShow. Shinji responded with a smirk and a nod before Todoroki turned towards Laxus, and motioned for him to bring it on, which Laxus responded to by saying that he didn't want Laxus to bring it on.

"Todoroki being added to my US title match would be a lot of fun. I've seen him wrestling for a while, and having a match against him would be amazing," Shinji admitted as the referee made sure Todoroki and Laxus were ready before telling the timekeeper to ring the bell. When the match started, Laxus attempted to run at Todoroki with a Clothesline, but he was able to duck and hit Laxus with several kicks to the sides of the legs before attempting to Irish whip him into the corner. However, the crowd booed as Laxus was able to keep himself still, and Irish whipped Todoroki into the corner, but the crowd cheered as Todoroki was able to jump onto the top rope, but when Laxus attempted to run at him, Todoroki backflipped out of the corner, sending Laxus crashing into the corner chest first. The crowd continued cheering as Todoroki hit several kicks to the sides of the legs again with a couple more kicks to the chest.

"Todoroki using his speed and striking advantage to try and get a head start on Laxus!" Okabe exclaimed as Todoroki attempted to hit a Jumping Spin Kick to Laxus' head, but Laxus was able to duck, and hit an Overhead Chop to Todoroki's chest, sending him staggering into the ropes. The crowd continued booing as Laxus attempted to hit him with a Big Boot, but the crowd went back to cheering as Todoroki dodged, sending Laxus throwing his leg over the top rope. The crowd continued cheering as Todoroki stomped on the side of Laxus' right knee several times before springboarding off of the middle rope, hitting Laxus in the side of the head with a Springboard Triangle Enziguri.

"Todoroki able to send Laxus falling out of the ring, but despite Laxus being dazed, he's still on his feet!" Nigel exclaimed as Todoroki looked annoyed that Laxus was still on his feet, and ran the ropes before vaulting over the top rope, hitting Laxus with a Fosbury Flop, sending Laxus down to one knee. Todoroki then went back to Laxus, hitting him with multiple kicks to the chest and the sides of his arms before attempting to hit him with a Head Kick, but Laxus was able to block the kick and push Todoroki away. However, the crowd continued cheering as Todoroki landed on his feet, and attempted to hit Laxus with a Shining Wizard to the outside, but Laxus was able to dodge, and when he attempted to pick Todoroki up for a Back Suplex, Todoroki flipped behind Laxus and hit him with a Dropkick to the back of Laxus' head, sending him crashing into the steel ring post face first.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Todoroki continuing to keep Laxus on his feet, and Mirajane next to us is looking absolutely furious!" Beth exclaimed as Mirajane yelled at Laxus to get into the game. Todoroki then kicked Laxus' chest multiple times while he was leaning against the steel ring post. However, when Todoroki went for another head kick, Laxus dodged and this caused Todoroki's legs to bounce off the steel ring post, the crowd booing as Laxus glared down at Todoroki in fury while he was holding his leg in pain. The crowd continued booing as Laxus grabbed Todoroki by the hair, and threw him face-first into the steel ring post, but Laxus continued the attack by headbutting Todoroki in the back of the head several times before pushing him down to the ground and wrapping his leg around the steel ring post.

Ref: …4…5…6

"Laxus finally taking control of this match, and judging by the look on his face, he's taking this way more seriously than he was before!" Nigel exclaimed as Laxus slammed the side of his leg into the steel ring post multiple times. Todoroki screamed in pain while attempting to crawl away from the steel ring post, the crowd continuing to boo as Laxus kicked Todoroki several times in the chest before deadlifting Todoroki back up to his feet, and throwing him into the fan barricade with a Shin Breaker, sending his knee bouncing off of the barricade. Todoroki attempted to walk to the ring, but Laxus responded by knocking Todoroki down with a Big Boot to the side of the head.

Ref: …7…8

The crowd continued booing as Laxus slid back into the ring, blowing a kiss to Mirajane before he slid back out of the ring.

"Laxus breaking up the pin, clearly wanting to dish out more damage to Todoroki on the outside!" Beth exclaimed as Laxus grabbed both of Todoroki's legs, and swung him into the fan barricade repeatedly, sending both of his shoulders crashing into the barricade before deadlifting Todoroki back up, and hitting him with a Powerbomb that sent his back bouncing off of the fan barricade. Despite Todoroki's back and leg burning in pain, the crowd cheered as Todoroki attempted to fight back with several forearms to the side of the head, but Laxus responded by grabbing one of Todoroki's forearms and throwing him into the corner of the fan barricade with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

Ref: 1…2…3

"Those forearms by Todoroki only made Laxus angrier, and that's not going to be good for Todoroki's long-term health," Okabe noted. Shinji looked on, completely focused on Laxus and his assault on Todoroki. Laxus then ran into the corner of the fan barricade and sent Todoroki flying over to the timekeepers' area with a Running Corner Big Boot to the side of the head. Laxus then jumped over into the timekeeper's area, mounted Todoroki, and hit him with multiple punches to the side of the head before dragging him out of the timekeeper's match by the hair while smirking at Shinji. Mirajane applauded Laxus' dominance before showing Todoroki's pained face off to Shinji, who responded with an eye roll.

Ref: …4…5…6

"You should really be focusing more on Todoroki than me. You'll get your chance against me at StarShow," Shinji said simply before Laxus slammed Todoroki's face into the commentary table multiple times. Todoroki staggered away, but Laxus grabbed him by the hair and slammed the back of his head into the commentary table several times. The crowd continued booing as Laxus looked back at Shinji, yelling at him and Todoroki that nobody was on his level before picking Todoroki up and hitting him with a Scoop Slam onto the steel ring apron. Laxus then posed in front of the jeering crowd, which Mirajane responded to by frolicking over to her man and giving him a big kiss on the cheek.

Ref: …7…8

"Laxus trying to show off against his StarShow opponent here, but he's not seeing the fact that Todoroki is already getting back to his feet!" Nigel exclaimed as Todoroki slapped his leg several times before taking a deep breath, and running the ropes to hit Laxus with a Running Baseball Slide Dropkick to the back of the head, sending him staggering. Todoroki then attempted climbing up to the top rope, the crowd cheering as he attempted to hit Laxus with a Diving Moonsault, but the crowd booed as Laxus caught him in a Powerslam position, and hit him with a Running Powerslam that sent him crashing through the commentary table, the crowd booing louder as Laxus roared in approval and excitement.

"I'll admit, that was impressive, but it's going to take more than that to become the BTWF United States Champion," Shinji said as Laxus grabbed Todoroki by the hair, threw him back into the ring, and this time, Laxus slid in after him and hit him with a Jumping Leg Drop across the throat. Laxus then grabbed Todoroki's right leg and slammed it into the canvas multiple times, but the crowd cheered again as Todoroki kicked Laxus in the side of the head several times from the ground. However, Laxus immediately shut him down again by hitting a Jumping Elbow Drop across the side of Todoroki's right leg several times before hitting him with another Jumping Elbow Drop across the chest before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2..

"Laxus keeps shutting Todoroki down before he can even get back to his feet! Laxus may end this match early!" Nigel exclaimed as Laxus picked Todoroki back up by the throat, and threw him into the corner. The crowd continued booing as Laxus ran into the corner, hitting a Jumping Corner Back Elbow, but he wasn't done as Laxus ran the ropes again, and hit a Spinning Leg Lariat to Todoroki's face. Laxus then kept Todoroki from falling and hit him with several Back Elbows to the side of the head before putting him in a Fireman's Carry and hitting him with a Fireman's Carry Powerslam. Mirajane told the crowd to quit booing her man before Laxus stepped on Todoroki's right leg, the crowd booing louder as Todoroki screamed out in pain while the referee threatened to disqualify Laxus.

"Laxus doing a very good job of targeting the leg of Todoroki, which will hinder the speed and striking ability that was overpowering Laxus earlier," Okabe complimented as Laxus jumped up, stomping on Todoroki's right leg. The referee checked to see if Todoroki wanted to quit, and the second Todoroki shook his head, Laxus immediately picked Todoroki back up and hit him with several kicks to the chest and the sides of the legs. The crowd continued booing as Laxus hit a Standing Side Kick to the side of Todoroki's head, sending him dropping to his knees. Laxus then ran the ropes and hit a Running Lariat to the back of Todoroki's head before going for another pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"Laxus showing some very nice strikes of his own. It's nice to know that Laxus is more than the body and power guy that I assumed he was," Shinji admitted as Laxus turned Todoroki on his stomach, and smashed his right knee into the canvas several times before deadlifting him up in a Waistlock, hitting him with a German Suplex. Laxus then picked Todoroki back up and threw him halfway across the ring with a Falcon Arrow, the crowd booing as Laxus walked over to the ropes, pointed at Todoroki, and asked Shinji if he was enjoying the glimpse into his future. Shinji rolled his eyes as Laxus picked Todoroki up, and hit him with a Spinning Back Suplex before giving the jeering crowd another flex.

"Laxus has to be one of the most egotistical men I've met, and he's only just gotten here!" Beth exclaimed as Laxus grabbed Todoroki, hit him with several kicks to the legs, kneed him in the gut, and then hit him with a Snap Swinging Neckbreaker. The crowd continued booing as Laxus picked Todoroki up in a Military Press, and started pressing him up and down, the crowd chanting 'f*ck You Laxus!' at the God of Thunder before Laxus almost sent Todoroki through the ring with a Military Press Spinebuster before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

"A Military Press Spinebuster is always a joy to see, even if it almost broke Todoroki's spine on contact!" Nigel exclaimed as Laxus grabbed Todoroki, and put him in a Torture Rack position, the crowd booing as Laxus and Mirajane yelled at Todoroki to give up. Todoroki shook his head, and after another minute of keeping him in the Torture Rack and Todoroki refusing to give up, the crowd booed louder as Laxus dropped Todoroki down with a Spinning Argentine Powerbomb. Laxus then kicked the back of Todoroki's knee a couple of times before locking him in a Stretch Muffler. Todoroki attempted to pull himself to the ropes while gritting his teeth in pain, but Laxus responded by dragging him back to the center of the ring and spinning him around while keeping him in the Stretch Muffler.

"Laxus stretching the right leg of Todoroki with that Stretch Muffler, and it's only a matter of time before he taps out!" Okabe exclaimed as Todoroki started using his free foot to kick Laxus in the side of the head, the crowd cheering as Laxus once again spun him around in the Stretch Muffler, but the crowd cheered as Todoroki was able to counter this into a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors. Laxus was able to roll himself back up to his feet and attempted to hit him with a Side Kick, but Todoroki was able to counter and began kicking Laxus in the chest with his good leg. Todoroki then attempted to hit Laxus with a kick to the side of the head with his bad leg, but Laxus was able to grab him by the bad leg, smirking at him before slapping him in the side of the face a couple of times.

"Laxus has Todoroki's leg caught! How is he going to escape!?" Beth asked as Todoroki was able to hit Laxus with an Enziguri, sending him staggering into the corner. The crowd cheered as Todoroki started shaking and slapping his right leg to get the blood flowing back into his leg. The crowd exploded into cheers as Todoroki ran into the corner, hitting Laxus with a Spinning Corner Heel Kick, pushing Laxus out of the corner with his foot before climbing back up to the top rope. The crowd continued cheering as Todoroki hit a Missile Dropkick to Laxus' chest, sending him staggering into another corner, and Todoroki responded by hitting a Running Corner Forearm to the side of the head. The crowd continued cheering and chanting for Todoroki as he continued pummeling Laxus in the corner with multiple Forearms to the side of the head before hitting him with a Pele Kick to the side of the head, sending Laxus falling to a seated position in front of the middle turnbuckle.

"I'm impressed with the force of Todoroki's strikes. Despite how much Laxus has targeted the leg, Todoroki is still able to put a lot of power behind those kicks," Shinji admitted as Todoroki ran the ropes, and hit a Running Face Wash to the side of Laxus' head before using all his power to pull him up onto the top turnbuckle. The crowd continued cheering as Todoroki hit Laxus in both sides of the face with several Open Palm Strikes to the side of the head before following him back up to the top rope. Todoroki attempted to hit Laxus with a Top Rope Frankensteiner, but Laxus was able to push him off the top rope, causing Todoroki to land on his leg, holding it in pain while Laxus began balancing himself on the top rope.

"No way! We're not going to see Laxus dive off the top rope, are we!?" Beth asked in shock as Laxus told Todoroki to kiss his ass before diving off the top rope and hitting Todoroki with a Diving Clothesline before going for the pinfall.

Ref: 1…2…

Laxus looked annoyed that Todoroki had kicked out, and decided to go into the corner, preparing for the Raging Bolt (Goldberg-esque Spear). However, when Laxus attempted to hit Todoroki with the Spear, he was able to roll Laxus up with a Small Package, causing the crowd to go back to cheering.

Ref: 1…2…

"Todoroki almost beat Laxus! And look at the look on Laxus' face, it looks like his eyes were about to pop out of his head!" Nigel exclaimed as Laxus attempted to hit Todoroki with a Clothesline, but he ducked the move and hit Laxus with a Spinning Roundhouse Kick to the side of the head. Laxus bounced off of the ropes while dazed, but when Todoroki attempted to hit the Hot & Cold (Mushroom Stomp), Laxus was able to counter by hitting Todoroki with a Sit-Out Powerbomb. However, rather than go for the pinfall, Laxus put Todoroki on his knees and hit him in the face with a hard knee strike before going for another pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…

"I'm shocked Todoroki kicked out from that knee strike, especially since Laxus put as much force behind that knee as he does with his trademark Spear," Okabe explained as Laxus glared at the referee before picking Todoroki up, and hit him with several Back Elbows to the side of the head, but Todoroki grabbed one of those elbows, and attempted to roll Laxus up with a Backslide Pin. However, Laxus was able to lift Todoroki up and put him in the Gory Special, the crowd booing as Mirajane yelled at Todoroki to tap out. Laxus grabbed Todoroki's leg while using his other arm to keep him in the Gory Special. Todoroki tried to pull himself out of the hold, but Laxus wasn't letting go, the crowd continuing to boo as Laxus rammed Todoroki's chest into the corner turnbuckles several times before going back to the center of the ring.

"I've never seen a Gory Special like that before. Not many people would target the leg while using the Gory Special," Shinji noted as Todoroki hit Laxus in the back of the head with several headbutts, the crowd cheering as Todoroki was able to free himself from Laxus' grasp, and hit him with a Jumping Enziguri to the back of the head, sending him staggering into the ropes. Todoroki attempted to hit a Running Big Boot to try and send him off the ring apron, but Laxus grabbed him and attempted to hit him with another Sit-Out Powerbomb and Todoroki responded with multiple punches to the side of Laxus' head, allowing him to backflip away from the Powerbomb attempt, and attempted to hit him with the Hit and Cold (Mushroom Stomp), but the crowd booed as Laxus threw him up in the air, and hit him with the Raging Bolt (Goldberg-esque Spear) while he was falling down.

"Oh, good Lord! Laxus spearing Todoroki out of the sky!" Nigel exclaimed as Laxus went into the corner, practically frothing at the mouth as Todoroki barely staggered back to his feet, the crowd booing again as Laxus turned Todoroki inside out with another Raging Bolt (Goldberg-esque Spear). Goldberg then yelled at the booing crowd that the match was over before grabbing him by the hair, putting him in a Vertical Suplex position, and hitting him with the Roaring Thunder (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) before going for the pinfall, hooking both of his legs back.

Ref: 1…2…3

*Bell Rings*

"Here is your winner, he is 'The God of Thunder' Laxus Dreyar!" Mary Hughes announced as Laxus immediately grabbed Todoroki and threw him outside of the ring, the crowd continuing to boo as while Laxus walked out of the ring, Mirajane kicked Todoroki in the chest and the back several times before Laxus picked Todoroki back up in a Military Press. Shinji looked at Laxus in confusion, but the crowd booed louder as Laxus threw Todoroki into Shinji, sending both men down before Mirajane grabbed a microphone and the BTWF United States Championship belt, the two heading back into the ring.

"Laxus not only decisively defeated Todoroki but took the BTWF United States Champion down!" Nigel exclaimed as Mirajane patted the microphone before Laxus took the BTWF United States Championship and put it around his waist once again. Mirajane looked as though she was going to talk to the BTWF fans, but they booed even louder as Mirajane jumped into Laxus' arms, and kissed him passionately. The sounds of their kissing reverberated into the microphone that Mirajane was holding and continued for another 20 seconds before Mirajane jumped down from Laxus' arms and began to speak.

"That right there is just a glimpse of what Shinji Ikari will go through at StarShow! He will be left as nothing but a broken heap on the floor while Laxus will be standing like the sexy God that he is, holding aloft the BTWF United States Championship!" Mirajane exclaimed, the crowd continuing to boo as she looked over at the flexing Laxus, licking her lips while Laxus showed off Shinji's BTWF United States Championship on his waist. However, what Mirajane and Laxus didn't know was that Shinji was beginning to stagger back to his feet while the referee was checking on Todoroki.

"Shinji Ikari is losing his touch! If his performance against Kaworu Nagisa at Last Gasp and his performance in the BTWF Battle Riot are anything to go by, he's a crumbling pillar! Just like Gourry, his time as one of the Pillars of the BTWF is coming to an end! And of course, my husband, Laxus Dreyar, will be more than happy to take his place at the top of the ladder in the BTWF! So Shinji, you may as well just give Laxus the US title to prevent any more humiliation coming your way!" Mirajane exclaimed. However, while Laxus continued posing and showing off the BTWF United States Championship, Shinji springboarded into the ring, hitting Laxus with a Springboard Knee Strike, sending Laxus staggering before Shinji began punching Laxus in the side of the head multiple times.

"Shinji doesn't like the lie being spread by Mirajane! Shinji's still as strong a Pillar as he's always been!" Beth exclaimed as Shinji kneed Laxus multiple times in the face before attempting to hit him with the Fly to the Moon (Superkick), but the crowd booed as Laxus knocked Shinji onto the floor with a hard Forearm to the face. Laxus then mounted Shinji, with the two exchanging punches and forearms onto the floor before multiple security guards came running down to the ring. Mirajane attempted to pull Shinji away from Laxus by his hair, but she wasn't strong enough to pull Shinji away as the two continued brawling.

"These men don't want to wait for StarShow! The things Laxus and Mirajane have said about Shinji, and how much Shinji values the BTWF United States Championship are really driving Shinji into putting his best foot forward against the dominant newcomer in Laxus!" Okabe exclaimed as security pulled both Laxus and Shinji away, but this didn't last long as Laxus escaped the referee's grasp, and tackled Shinji into the corner, ramming his shoulder into Shinji's chest multiple times while those security guards tried to pull Laxus out of the corner despite Shinji striking him in the back to fight back. The show faded to black with Shinji and Laxus continuing to brawl while the security guards continued trying to pull them apart and Mirajane continued to yell at Shinji and the security guards.

Match Results;

Sherry Blendy (W/Medusa Gorgon) © def. 'The Woman that Gravity Forgot' Zia Simpson retains the BTWF World Women's Championship in a Steel Cage Match

The Cannonade (Ty Lee & Mai) (W/Azula) def. The Anarchy Sisters (Panty & Stocking) and Mermaid Heel (Kagura Mikazuchi & Millianna) to qualify for the BTWF Women's Tag Team Championship #1 Contender Fatal-4-Way match at StarShow

The Huntsmen (Jaune Arc & Lie Ren) won a 6 Team Tag Gauntlet to become the last team to qualify for the BTWF World Tag Team Championship #1 contenders Fatal-4-Way match at StarShow

Ultear Milkovich (W/Tomoko Kuroki) def. 'The Genius of the Sky' Ochako Uraraka (W/Zoey Hanson)

Valentino Calavera def. The Hollywood Hooligan (W/Mandy DeRoyale)

Sam Simpson (W/'The Shining Ace' Rei Ayanami) def. Frederica 'The Cleaner' Sawyer (W/Tina Belcher & Medusa Gorgon) via submission

Legacy (Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney) (W/Dutch Van Der Linde) def. Chase Chan & Ripper Jackson

'The God of Thunder' Laxus Dreyar (W/Mirajane Strauss) def. Shoto Todoroki

Matches Confirmed for BTWF StarShow (Octane Day 1);

'Indestructible' Natsu Dragneel © vs. Denki Kaminari (W/Tim Scam) (Singles match for the BTWF Championship)

'Undisputed' Shinji Ikari © vs. 'the Thunder God' Laxus Dreyar (W/Mirajane Strauss) (Singles match for the BTWF United States Championship)

Chaos Conspiracy (Joe Wolf & Charlie Bonifer) © vs. Death the Kid &? (for the BTWF World Tag Team Championships)

The Sisterhood of Darkness (Ultear Milkovich & Tomoko Kuroki) © vs. Zero Gravity (Ochako Uraraka & Zoey Hanson)

Sherry Blendy © vs. 'The Shining Ace' Rei Ayanami vs. Sam Simpson vs. 'The Spotlight' Akira Hayami (Fatal-4-Way Match for the BTWF World Women's Championship)

Men's Feast of Famine Match

Women's Feast of Famine Match

'Titania' Erza Scarlet vs. Asuka Langley Soryu (Street Fight)

Valentino Calavera vs. 'The One and Only' Manny Rivera (W/Rachel Light & El Oso)

Legacy (Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney) (W/Dutch Van Der Linde) vs. 2Cool (Gene Belcher & Eddy) vs. Kaworu Nagisa & Senku Ishigami vs. The Huntsmen (Jaune Arc & Lie Ren) (Tag Team Showcase Match)

BTWF Friday Night Octane - Chapter 39 - ForeverEvanescent (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.